Exemple #1
function do_renew()
    global $_SESSION;
    global $_amember_id;
    global $config, $db, $t, $vars, $plugins, $error;
    $member_id = intval($_amember_id);
    $error = array_merge((array) $error, (array) plugin_validate_member_form($vars));
    if (count($error)) {
        $t->assign('error', $error);
    $vars['product_id'] = is_array($vars['product_id']) ? array_filter(array_map('intval', $vars['product_id'])) : intval($vars['product_id']);
    if (!$vars['product_id']) {
        $t->assign('error', _MEMBER_SELECT_PRODUCT);
    if ($vars['coupon'] != '' && $config['use_coupons']) {
        $coupon = $db->coupon_get($vars['coupon'], $_SESSION[_amember_id]);
        if (is_string($coupon)) {
            $t->assign('error', $coupon);
    $pc =& new PriceCalculator();
    if ($config['use_coupons'] && $vars['coupon'] != '') {
        $coupon = $db->coupon_get($vars['coupon'], $_SESSION[_amember_id]);
        if ($coupon['coupon_id']) {
            $pc->setCouponDiscount($coupon['discount'], split(',', trim($coupon['product_id'])));
    $terms =& $pc->calculate();
    $price = $terms->total;
    if ($price == 0 && !product_get_trial($vars['product_id']) && ($terms->discount > 0 && !$coupon['is_recurring'] || !$terms->discount) && in_array('free', $plugins['payment'])) {
        $vars['paysys_id'] = 'free';
    if ($config['product_paysystem']) {
        $pr = get_product(is_array($vars['product_id']) ? $vars['product_id'][0] : $vars['product_id']);
        $vars['paysys_id'] = $pr->config['paysys_id'];
    if (!$vars['paysys_id']) {
        $t->assign('error', _MEMBER_SELECT_PAYMENT);
    //check for agreement
    $display_agreement = 0;
    foreach ((array) $vars['product_id'] as $pid) {
        $product = $db->get_product($pid);
        if ($product['need_agreement']) {
    $member = $db->get_user($member_id);
    if ($display_agreement && !$member['data']['i_agree'] && !$vars['i_agree']) {
        // defined in the  product.inc.php
    if ($vars['i_agree'] && !$member['data']['i_agree']) {
        $db->update_user($member_id, $member);
    do {
        // for easy exit using break;
        $paysys_id = $vars['paysys_id'];
        $product_id = $vars['product_id'];
        if (!is_array($product_id)) {
            $product_id = array($product_id);
        foreach ((array) $vars['product_id'] as $pid) {
            $error = check_product_scope($pid, $_amember_id);
            if ($error) {
        if ($error = check_product_requirements($product_id, get_product_requirements_for_member($_amember_id))) {
        //        if ($terms->discount > 0)
        $vars['COUPON_CODE'] = $vars['coupon'];
        global $payment_additional_fields;
        $additional_values = array();
        foreach ($payment_additional_fields as $f) {
            $fname = $f['name'];
            if (isset($vars[$fname])) {
                $additional_values[$fname] = $vars[$fname];
        $additional_values['COUPON_DISCOUNT'] = $terms->discount;
        $additional_values['TAX_AMOUNT'] = $terms->tax;
        $taxes = $prices = array();
        foreach ($terms->lines as $pid => $line) {
            $prices[$pid] = $line->total;
            if ($line->tax) {
                $taxes[$pid] = $line->tax;
        $additional_values['TAXES'] = $taxes;
        $product =& get_product($product_id[0]);
        $begin_date = $product->get_start($member_id);
        $expire_date = $product->get_expire($begin_date, null, $terms);
        // add payment
        $payment_id = $db->add_waiting_payments($member_id, $product_id, $paysys_id, $price, $prices, $begin_date, $expire_date, $vars, $additional_values);
        $error = plugin_do_payment($paysys_id, $payment_id, $member_id, is_array($product_id) ? $product_id[0] : $product_id, $price, $begin_date, $expire_date, $vars);
        if ($error) {
    } while (0);
    //if we here, error was occured
    $t->assign('error', $error);
function cc_core_rebill($plugin, $dat = '', $running_from_cron = true, $repeat_declined = false)
    global $config, $db, $t;
    if (!$config['use_cron'] && $running_from_cron) {
        $db->log_error("{$plugin} rebill can be run only with external cron");
    $amDb =& amDb();
    if ($dat == '') {
        $dat = date('Y-m-d');
    $tomorrow = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($dat) + 3600 * 24);
    $pl =& instantiate_plugin('payment', $plugin);
    if (!method_exists($pl, 'cc_bill')) {
        fatal_error("This plugin ({$plugin}) is not handled by cc_core!");
    // check if another rebilling process is active
    // last status_tm / added_tm in rebill_log is < 5 minutes ago
    // to avoiding starting new process while a PHP rebill script runned
    // less than 10 minutes ago is still running
    if ($running_from_cron) {
        if ($last_rebill_log_id = $amDb->selectCell("SELECT MAX(rebill_log_id) FROM ?_rebill_log")) {
            $last_tm_diff = $amDb->selectCell("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(IFNULL(status_tm, added_tm)) \n\t\t\t\tFROM ?_rebill_log WHERE rebill_log_id=?", $last_rebill_log_id);
            if ($last_tm_diff < 5 * 60) {
                $db->log_error("[Notice] cc_core_rebill({$plugin}, {$dat}) skipped because previous rebilling process still working ({$last_tm_diff} seconds ago)");
        print ".\n";
        // to avoid Apache's timeout
    $payments = $db->get_expired_payments($dat, $dat, $plugin);
    $renewed = array();
    $log = "{$plugin} Rebill\n";
    foreach ($payments as $p) {
        if ($p['data']['CANCELLED']) {
        $member_id = $p['member_id'];
        $member = $db->get_user($member_id);
        $product_id = $p['product_id'];
        if ($renewed[$member_id][$product_id]++) {
        $product =& get_product($product_id);
        if (!$product->config['is_recurring']) {
        if ($product->config['rebill_times'] && !cc_core_check_rebill_times($product->config['rebill_times'], $p)) {
        // check if we've already tried to rebill the customer today
        $check = $repeat_declined ? "SUM(status = 0)" : "MAX(status IS NOT NULL)";
        if ($amDb->selectCell("SELECT {$check} FROM ?_rebill_log\n\t\t\tWHERE payment_id = ? AND payment_date = ? ", $p['payment_id'], $dat)) {
            // retry on payment processor failure? todo, real tests needed
        $vars = array('RENEWAL_ORIG' => "RENEWAL_ORIG: {$p['payment_id']}");
        $pc =& new PriceCalculator();
        $coupon_code = $p['data'][0]['COUPON_CODE'];
        if ($config['use_coupons'] && $coupon_code != '') {
            $coupon = $db->coupon_get($coupon_code, null, 1);
            if ($coupon['coupon_id'] && $coupon['is_recurring']) {
                $pc->setCouponDiscount($coupon['discount'], split(',', trim($coupon['product_id'])));
                $vars['COUPON_CODE'] = $coupon_code;
        $terms =& $pc->calculate();
        $additional_values = array();
        $additional_values['COUPON_DISCOUNT'] = $terms->discount;
        $additional_values['TAX_AMOUNT'] = $terms->tax;
        $payment_id = $db->add_waiting_payment($member_id, $product_id, $plugin, $terms->total, $dat, $product->get_expire($dat), $vars, $additional_values);
        $rebill_log_id = $amDb->query("INSERT INTO ?_rebill_log \n\t\t(payment_id, added_tm, payment_date, amount, rebill_payment_id)\n\t\tVALUES\n\t\t(?d, ?, ?, ?f, ?d)", $p['payment_id'], date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $dat, $terms->total, $payment_id);
        $payment = $db->get_payment($payment_id);
        $cc_info = $member['data'];
        $cc_info['cc_number'] = amember_decrypt($cc_info['cc-hidden']);
        $x = list($res, $err_msg, $receipt_id, $log) = $pl->cc_bill($cc_info, $member, $payment['amount'], $product->config[$payment['paysys_id'] . '_currency'], $product->config['title'], CC_CHARGE_TYPE_RECURRING, $payment['payment_id'], $payment);
        foreach ($log as $v) {
            $payment['data'][] = $v;
        $db->update_payment($payment['payment_id'], $payment);
        $amDb->query("UPDATE ?_rebill_log \n        \tSET status = ?, status_tm = ?, status_msg = ? \n        \tWHERE rebill_payment_id = ?d", $res, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $err_msg, $payment_id);
        switch ($res) {
            case CC_RESULT_SUCCESS:
                $err = $db->finish_waiting_payment($payment['payment_id'], $payment['paysys_id'], $receipt_id, $payment['amount'], '', cc_core_get_payer_id($vars, $member));
                if ($err) {
                    $db->log_error($err . ": payment_id = {$payment['payment_id']} (rebilling)");
                if ($config['cc_rebill_success']) {
                    mail_rebill_success_member($member, $payment_id, $product);
            case CC_RESULT_INTERNAL_ERROR:
            case CC_RESULT_DECLINE_TEMP:
                if ($pl->config['reattempt'] != '') {
                    $new_expire = cc_core_prorate_subscription($p['payment_id'], $pl->config['reattempt'], $dat);
                if ($config['cc_rebill_failed']) {
                    mail_rebill_failed_member($member, $payment_id, $product, "{$err_msg}", $new_expire);
                if ($config['cc_rebill_failed_admin']) {
                    mail_rebill_failed_admin($member, $payment_id, $product, "{$err_msg}", $new_expire);
            case CC_RESULT_DECLINE_PERM:
                if ($pl->config['reattempt'] != '') {
                    $new_expire = cc_core_prorate_subscription($p['payment_id'], $pl->config['reattempt'], $dat);
                if ($config['cc_rebill_failed']) {
                    mail_rebill_failed_member($member, $payment_id, $product, "{$err_msg}", $new_expire);
                if ($config['cc_rebill_failed_admin']) {
                    mail_rebill_failed_admin($member, $payment_id, $product, "{$err_msg}", $new_expire);
                //            clean_cc_info($member);
            case CC_RESULT_IGNORE:
                $db->log_error("Unknown return from plugin_bill: {$res}");
 function build_subscription_params($products, $total_price, $u, $invoice)
     global $config, $db;
     $a = $p = $t = array(1 => '', 2 => '', 3 => '');
     $was_recurring = 0;
     $pc =& new PriceCalculator();
     $payment = $db->get_payment($invoice);
     $coupon_code = $payment['data'][0]['COUPON_CODE'];
     $coupon = array();
     if ($config['use_coupons'] && $coupon_code != '') {
         $coupon = $db->coupon_get($coupon_code);
         if ($coupon['coupon_id'] > 0) {
             $pc->setCouponDiscount($coupon['discount'], split(',', trim($coupon['product_id'])));
         } else {
             $coupon = array();
     $rebill_times = $products[0]['rebill_times'];
     foreach ($products as $pr) {
         $pp = $pt = array(1 => '', 2 => '', 3 => '');
         if ($pr['trial1_days'] != '') {
             list($pp[1], $pt[1]) = $this->get_days($pr['trial1_days']);
         if ($pr['expire_days'] != '') {
             list($pp[3], $pt[3]) = $this->get_days($pr['expire_days']);
         if (!$pr['is_recurring']) {
             //$a[1] += $pa[3];
             // there is at least one recurring product if we went here
         } else {
             // recurring
             if ($was_recurring) {
                 // check if it was compatible
                 if (array_diff($p, $pp) || array_diff($t, $pt)) {
                 if ($pr['rebill_times'] != $rebill_times) {
             $p[1] = $pp[1];
             $p[3] = $pp[3];
             $t[1] = $pt[1];
             $t[3] = $pt[3];
     // calculate first trial - add both recurring, and non-recurring products here
     $pc->setPriceFields(array('trial1_price', 'price'));
     $need_trial1 = false;
     foreach ($products as $pr) {
         if ($pr['trial1_price'] || !$pr['is_recurring'] || $coupon['coupon_id'] && !$coupon['is_recurring']) {
             $need_trial1 = true;
     if ($need_trial1) {
         $terms[1] = $pc->calculate();
         $a[1] = $terms[1]->total;
         if (!$p[1]) {
             // we added trial because of discount or non-recurring product
             if ($rebill_times) {
             // lets decrease rebill_times then!
     // calculate regular rate
     foreach ($products as $pr) {
         if ($pr['is_recurring']) {
         if (!$coupon['is_recurring']) {
     $terms[3] = $pc->calculate();
     $a[3] = $terms[3]->total;
     if ($a[1] && !$p[1]) {
         // trial1 price set, but trial 1 period did not
         $p[1] = $p[3];
         $t[1] = $t[3];
     $taxes = array();
     foreach (array(1, 2, 3) as $k) {
         if ($terms[$k]) {
             $taxes[$k] = $terms[$k]->tax;
     return array($a, $p, $t, $rebill_times, $taxes);
 function do_payment($payment_id, $member_id, $product_id, $price, $begin_date, $expire_date, &$vars)
     global $config;
     global $db;
     $product = $db->get_product($product_id);
     $vars = array('SITEID' => $this->config['siteid'], 'ORDERID' => $payment_id, 'DESCRIPTION' => $product['title'], 'RETURNURL' => $config['root_url'] . "/plugins/payment/gspay/thanks.php", 'TEST' => $this->config['testing'] ? '<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="TransactionMode" VALUE="test">' : '');
     $vars['RECURRING_FIELDS'] = '';
     $pc =& new PriceCalculator();
     $p = $db->get_payment($payment_id);
     $coupon_code = $p['data'][0]['COUPON_CODE'];
     if ($config['use_coupons'] && $coupon_code != '') {
         $coupon = $db->coupon_get($coupon_code);
         $pc->setCouponDiscount($coupon['discount'], split(',', trim($coupon['product_id'])));
     $terms = $pc->calculate();
     $trial_amount = $terms->total;
     $pc =& new PriceCalculator();
     if ($config['use_coupons'] && $coupon_code != '') {
         $coupon = $db->coupon_get($coupon_code);
         $pc->setCouponDiscount($coupon['discount'], split(',', trim($coupon['product_id'])));
     $terms = $pc->calculate();
     $amount = $terms->total;
     if ($product['trial1_days']) {
         $product['trial1_days'] = $this->get_days($product['trial1_days']);
     $product['expire_days'] = $this->get_days($product['expire_days']);
     if ($product->config['is_recurring']) {
         if ($product['trial1_days']) {
             if ($product['trial1_price']) {
                 if ($config['use_coupons'] && $coupon_code != '') {
                     $vars['RECURRING_FIELDS'] .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Amount\" value=\"{$trial_amount}\">";
                 } else {
                     $vars['RECURRING_FIELDS'] .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Amount\" value=\"{$product['trial1_price']}\">";
             } else {
                 if ($config['use_coupons'] && $coupon_code != '' && $coupon['is_recurring']) {
                     $vars['RECURRING_FIELDS'] .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Amount\" value=\"{$amount}\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"TrialDuration\" value=\"{$product['trial1_days']}\">";
                 } else {
                     $vars['RECURRING_FIELDS'] .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Amount\" value=\"{$product['price']}\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"TrialDuration\" value=\"{$product['trial1_days']}\">";
             if ($config['use_coupons'] && $coupon_code != '' && $coupon['is_recurring']) {
                 $vars['RECURRING_FIELDS'] .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"RebillAmount\" value=\"{$amount}\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Duration\" value=\"{$product['duration']}\">\n\t\t\t\t\t";
             } else {
                 $vars['RECURRING_FIELDS'] .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"RebillAmount\" value=\"{$product['price']}\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Duration\" value=\"{$product['duration']}\">\n\t\t\t\t\t";
         } else {
             if ($config['use_coupons'] && $coupon_code != '') {
                 if ($coupon['is_recurring']) {
                     $vars['RECURRING_FIELDS'] .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Amount\" value=\"{$amount}\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"RebillAmount\" value=\"{$amount}\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Duration\" value=\"{$product['duration']}\">\n\t\t\t\t\t";
                 } else {
                     $vars['RECURRING_FIELDS'] .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Amount\" value=\"{$amount}\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"RebillAmount\" value=\"{$product['price']}\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Duration\" value=\"{$product['duration']}\">\n\t\t\t\t\t";
             } else {
                 $vars['RECURRING_FIELDS'] .= "\n\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Amount\" value=\"{$product['price']}\">\n\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"RebillAmount\" value=\"{$product['price']}\">\n\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Duration\" value=\"{$product['duration']}\">\n\t\t\t\t";
     } else {
         if ($config['use_coupons'] && $coupon_code != '') {
             $vars['RECURRING_FIELDS'] .= "\n\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Amount\" value=\"{$amount}\">\n\t\t\t";
         } else {
             $vars['RECURRING_FIELDS'] .= "\n\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Amount\" value=\"{$product['price']}\">\n\t\t\t";
     $t =& new_smarty();
     $t->assign('vars', $vars);
     $t->display(dirname(__FILE__) . '/gspay.html');
function calculate_tax($product_id, $member_id, $amount, $incl_tax)
    global $db;
    $pr = $db->get_product($product_id);
    // Not a subject of tax;
    if (!$pr['use_tax']) {
        ajaxResponse(array('tax' => 0, "errorCode" => 0));
    $tax_value = get_member_tax($member_id);
    if (!$tax_value) {
        ajaxResponse(array('tax' => 0, 'errorCode' => 0));
    // Got tax, now apply it to price:
    if ($incl_tax == 1) {
        $tax = $amount - $amount / (1 + $tax_value / 100);
    } else {
        $tax = $amount * $tax_value / 100;
    ajaxResponse(array("tax" => sprintf("%01.2f", $tax), "errorCode" => 0));
 function getBillingTerms($payment_id, $products)
     global $config, $db;
     $terms = array();
     $cnt = 0;
     $payment = $db->get_payment($payment_id);
     $u = $db->get_user($payment[member_id]);
     $coupon_code = $payment['data'][0]['COUPON_CODE'];
     $coupon = array();
     if ($config['use_coupons'] && $coupon_code != '') {
         $coupon = $db->coupon_get($coupon_code);
     $pc =& new PriceCalculator();
     foreach ($products as $p) {
         $po = get_product($p['product_id']);
         $terms[$cnt]['product'] = $p;
         if ($coupon['coupon_id'] > 0) {
             $pc->setCouponDiscount($coupon['discount'], split(',', trim($coupon['product_id'])));
         if ($p[is_recurring]) {
             // Calculate Trial first;
             $pc->setPriceFields(array('trial1_price', 'price'));
             $t = $pc->calculate();
             $terms[$cnt]['initial'] = $t->total - $t->tax;
             $terms[$cnt]['initial_tax'] = $t->tax;
             // Calculate Recurring;
             if (!$coupon['is_recurring']) {
             $t = $pc->calculate();
             $terms[$cnt]['recurring'] = $t->total - $t->tax;
             $terms[$cnt]['recurring_tax'] = $t->tax;
         } else {
             $t = $pc->calculate();
             $terms[$cnt]['initial'] = $t->total - $t->tax;
             $terms[$cnt]['initial_tax'] = $t->tax;
             $terms[$cnt]['recurring'] = 0;
         $terms[$cnt]['terms_description'] = $po->getSubscriptionTerms();
         // We got first payment alrelady so need to create profile with delay.
         $terms[$cnt]['start_delay'] = $this->getStartDelay($p);
         $terms[$cnt]['freq'] = $this->getFreq($p);
         $terms[$cnt]['period'] = $this->getPeriod($p);
         switch ($this->getRecurringCount($p)) {
             case 0:
                 $terms[$cnt]['recurring_count'] = 0;
                 //                case    0   :   $terms[$cnt]['recurring']   =0; break;
             //                case    0   :   $terms[$cnt]['recurring']   =0; break;
                 $terms[$cnt]['recurring_count'] = $this->getRecurringCount($p);
     return $terms;
 function rebill($dat = '')
     global $config, $db, $t, $cc_core;
     if ($dat == '') {
         $dat = date('Y-m-d');
     $tomorrow = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($dat) + 3600 * 24);
     $plugin = 'manual_euro_bank';
     $payments = $db->get_expired_payments($dat, $dat, $plugin);
     foreach ($payments as $p) {
         if ($p['data']['CANCELLED']) {
         $product = get_product($p['product_id']);
         if (!$product->config['is_recurring']) {
         $pc =& new PriceCalculator();
         $terms =& $pc->calculate();
         $pp = array('member_id' => $p['member_id'], 'product_id' => $p['product_id'], 'paysys_id' => $p['paysys_id'], 'begin_date' => $dat, 'expire_date' => $product->get_expire($dat), 'amount' => calculate_price($p['product_id'], $p['member_id'], $vars, $prices));
         if ($err = $db->add_payment($pp)) {
             trigger_error("Cannot add payment : {$err}", E_USER_WARNING);
         $payment_id = $GLOBALS['_amember_added_payment_id'];
         $this->signup_moderator_mail($payment_id, $signup = false);
Exemple #8
         $db->update_user($member_id, $member);
 if ($error) {
 $pc =& new PriceCalculator();
 if ($config['use_coupons'] && $vars['coupon'] != '') {
     $coupon = $db->coupon_get($vars['coupon']);
     if ($coupon['coupon_id']) {
         $pc->setCouponDiscount($coupon['discount'], split(',', trim($coupon['product_id'])));
 $terms =& $pc->calculate();
 $price = $terms->total;
 //        if ($terms->discount > 0)
 $vars['COUPON_CODE'] = $vars['coupon'];
 $additional_values = array();
 foreach ($payment_additional_fields as $f) {
     $fname = $f['name'];
     if (isset($vars[$fname])) {
         $additional_values[$fname] = $vars[$fname];
 $additional_values['COUPON_DISCOUNT'] = $terms->discount;
 $additional_values['TAX_AMOUNT'] = $terms->tax;
 $taxes = $prices = array();
 foreach ($terms->lines as $pid => $line) {