function get_user_info_by_id($uid)
    $sql_pre = "SELECT `username` ,`password` FROM `user` WHERE `id` = ?i AND username = ?s LIMIT 1 ";
    $array = array('1', "haixiao");
    $sql = prepare($sql_pre, $array);
    return get_line($sql);
function get_law_by_id($caseid)
    $sql_pre = "SELECT `id` , `title`  , `lawcat`  , `time` , `content` FROM `yxy_laws` WHERE `id` = ?i ";
    $array = array($caseid);
    $sql = prepare($sql_pre, $array);
    return get_line($sql);
function get_master_info($username)
    $sql_pre = "SELECT `username`  , `password` FROM `yxy_master` WHERE `username` = ?s";
    $array = array($username);
    $sql = prepare($sql_pre, $array);
    return get_line($sql);
Exemple #4
function get_admin_info_by_id($id)
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM `admin` WHERE `admin_id` = '" . intval($id) . "' LIMIT 1";
    if ($line = get_line($sql)) {
        return $line;
    return false;
Exemple #5
function modif_field()
    echo "What do you want to update?\n> ";
    $arr = array("age", "name", "email", "phone");
    $field = get_line();
    while (!in_array($field, $arr)) {
        echo "Erreur: age/name/email/phone.\n";
        echo "What do you want to update?\n> ";
        $field = get_line();
    return $field;
function confirm()
    echo "Are you sure ?\n> ";
    $conf = get_line();
    while (preg_match_all("/^oui|yes|no|non\$/i", $conf) != 1) {
        echo "Erreur: Oui / Yes / Non / No.\n";
        echo "Are you sure ?\n> ";
        $conf = get_line();
    if (preg_match_all("/^oui|yes\$/i", $conf) == 1) {
        return TRUE;
    } else {
        return FALSE;
Exemple #7
function get_number($new = 0)
    if ($new == 1) {
        $phrase = "New phone number ?\n> ";
    } else {
        $phrase = "Phone number ?\n> ";
    echo $phrase;
    $number = get_line();
    while (preg_match("/^[0-9]{10}\$/i", $number) !== 1) {
        echo "Erreur: Numéro invalide.\n";
        echo $phrase;
        $number = get_line();
    return $number;
Exemple #8
function plugin_simple_token()
    $do = z(t(v('do')));
    switch ($do) {
        case 'create':
        case 'refresh':
            $new_token = substr(md5(uid() . time("Y h j G") . rand(1, 9999)), 0, rand(9, 20));
            $new_token = uid() . substr(md5($new_token), 0, 10);
            $sql = "REPLACE INTO `stoken` ( `uid` , `token` , `on` ) VALUES ( '" . intval(uid()) . "' , '" . s($new_token) . "' , '1' )";
            if (db_errno() == 0) {
                return ajax_echo('done');
            } else {
                return ajax_echo('error');
        case 'close':
            $sql = "UPDATE `stoken` SET `on` = '0' WHERE `uid` = '" . intval(uid()) . "' LIMIT 1";
            if (db_errno() == 0) {
                return ajax_echo('done');
            } else {
                return ajax_echo('error');
        case 'reopen':
            $sql = "UPDATE `stoken` SET `on` = '1' WHERE `uid` = '" . intval(uid()) . "' LIMIT 1";
            if (db_errno() == 0) {
                return ajax_echo('done');
            } else {
                return ajax_echo('error');
            $data['tinfo'] = get_line("SELECT * FROM `stoken` WHERE `uid` = '" . intval(uid()) . "' LIMIT 1");
            render($data, 'ajax', 'plugin', 'simple_token');
function get_line($date, $epg_lines, $line_num)
    $epg_line = @trim($epg_lines[$line_num]);
    preg_match("/(\\d+):(\\d+)[\\s\t]*([\\S\\s]+)/", $epg_line, $tmp_line);
    if (@$tmp_line[1] && $tmp_line[2] && $tmp_line[3]) {
        $result = array();
        $time = $date . ' ' . $tmp_line[1] . ':' . $tmp_line[2] . ':00';
        $result['time'] = $time;
        //$result['name'] = addslashes($tmp_line[3]);
        $result['name'] = $tmp_line[3];
        $next_line = get_line($date, $epg_lines, $line_num + 1);
        if (!empty($next_line)) {
            $time_to = $next_line['time'];
            $result['time_to'] = $time_to;
            $result['duration'] = strtotime($time_to) - strtotime($time);
        } else {
            $result['time_to'] = 0;
            $result['duration'] = 0;
        return $result;
    return false;
Exemple #10
 public function login()
     $u = t(v('uname'));
     $p = t(v('psw'));
     if (true !== $this->loginCheck($u, $p)) {
         return ajax_json(array('title' => '登录失败:', 'status' => 1, 'msg' => '用户名或者密码错误!'));
     //		$p=md5(v('psw'));
     $sql = "select name from admin_user as u where" . s($u);
     $result = get_line($sql);
     if (!$result) {
         return ajax_json(array('title' => '登录失败:', 'status' => 1, 'msg' => '用户名或者密码错误1!'));
     } elseif ($result['status'] == 'delete') {
         return ajax_json(array('title' => '登录失败:', 'status' => 1, 'msg' => '用户已经被封禁!'));
     } elseif ($result['status'] == 'active') {
         ss_set('uid', $result['id']);
         ss_set('email', $result['email']);
         ss_set('nickname', $result['nickname']);
         ss_set('uname', $u);
         admin_log($result['id'], "登录后台管理系统.");
         return ajax_json(array('title' => '登录成功:', 'status' => 0, 'msg' => '您已成功登录!'));
} else {
    trigger_error("You can only run this script from the command line\n", E_USER_ERROR);
if (empty($SYSTEM_ROOT)) {
    echo $err_msg;
if (!is_dir($SYSTEM_ROOT) || !is_readable($SYSTEM_ROOT . '/core/include/')) {
    echo "ERROR: Path provided doesn't point to a Matrix installation's System Root. Please provide correct path and try again.\n";
require_once $SYSTEM_ROOT . '/core/include/';
echo "Note: data/public/test_message.php has been moved to core/lib/web/test_message.php as a result of RM #5722\n";
$confirm = null;
while ($confirm != 'y' && $confirm != 'n') {
    $confirm = strtolower(get_line('Delete data/public/test_message.php? (y/n)? : '));
    if ($confirm != 'y' && $confirm != 'n') {
        echo 'Please answer y or n' . "\n";
if ($confirm == 'y') {
    echo "Removing..";
    $file_path = $SYSTEM_ROOT . '/data/public/test_message.php';
    if (is_file($file_path)) {
    echo "done.\n";
* Prints the specified prompt message and returns the line from stdin
Exemple #12
 public function login_check()
     $email = z(t(v('email')));
     $password = z(t(v('password')));
     if (strlen($email) < 1 || strlen($password) < 1) {
         return ajax_echo("电子邮件和密码不能为空");
     $sql = "SELECT `id` , `email` FROM `__meta_user` WHERE `email` = '" . s($email) . "' AND `password` = '" . md5($password) . "'";
     if (!($user = get_line($sql))) {
         return ajax_echo("电子邮件和密码不匹配,请重试");
     $_SESSION['uid'] = $user['id'];
     $_SESSION['email'] = $user['email'];
     $_SESSION['ulevel'] = 9;
     // do login
     return ajax_echo("成功登录,转向中…<script>location = '?a=index';</script>");
    echo "ERROR: You need to supply the path to the System Root as the first argument\n";
if (!is_dir($SYSTEM_ROOT) || !is_readable($SYSTEM_ROOT . '/core/include/')) {
    echo "ERROR: Path provided doesn't point to a Matrix installation's System Root. Please provide correct path and try again.\n";
require_once $SYSTEM_ROOT . '/core/include/';
$root_user = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getSystemAsset('root_user');
echo "\n";
$db =& $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->db;
$action = NULL;
while ($action != 'add' && $action != 'remove') {
    $action = get_line('Please specify whether you want to \'add\' or \'remove\' a URL: ');
require_once $SYSTEM_ROOT . '/scripts/';
if ($action == 'add') {
    $inputs = URL_Manager::cliInterfaceAddUrl();
    $queries = URL_Manager::addUrl($inputs['http'], $inputs['https'], $inputs['new_url'], $inputs['existing_url'], $inputs['siteid'], $inputs['update_file_public_live_assets'], $inputs['existing_urlid'], $SYSTEM_ROOT);
} else {
    if ($action == 'remove') {
        $remove_url_info = URL_Manager::cliInterfaceRemoveUrl();
        $queries = URL_Manager::removeUrl($remove_url_info['remove_urlid'], $remove_url_info['remove_assetid'], $remove_url_info['remove_url'], FALSE, $SYSTEM_ROOT);
//end else if
Exemple #14
function plugin_check_mail()
    if (intval(kget('mqueue_on')) != 1) {
        return false;
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM `mail_queue` WHERE `timeline` > '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-1 hour")) . "' LIMIT 1";
    if ($line = get_line($sql)) {
        $info = unserialize($line['data']);
        if (phpmailer_send_mail($info['to'], $info['subject'], $info['body'], kget('mqueue_username'), kget('mqueue_server'), kget('mqueue_port'), kget('mqueue_username'), kget('mqueue_password'))) {
            $sql = "DELETE FROM `mail_queue` WHERE `id` = '" . intval($line['id']) . "' LIMIT 1";
        } else {
            $sql = "UPDATE `mail_queue` SET `timeline` = '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-2 hours")) . "' LIMIT 1 ";
    include_once AROOT . 'controller' . DS . 'api.class.php';
    if (db_errno() != 0) {
        apiController::send_error(LR_API_DB_ERROR, 'DATABASE ERROR ' . db_error());
    return apiController::send_result(array('to_send' => get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `mail_queue` WHERE `timeline` > '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-1 hour")) . "' ")));
Exemple #15
function get_var($sql, $db = NULL)
    $data = get_line($sql, $db);
    return $data[@reset(@array_keys($data))];
Exemple #16
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />

require 'bdd.php';
$champ1 = 1;
$champ2 = 2;
$rep_id_categorie_nom = '../' . $id_categorie_nom;
$last_line_categories = get_nb_last_line($rep_id_categorie_nom);
$tab_categories[$last_line_categories][2] = 0;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $last_line_categories; $i++) {
    $categorie_line = get_line($rep_id_categorie_nom, $i);
    $tab_categories[$i][$champ1] = get_champ_line($categorie_line, $champ1);
    $tab_categories[$i][$champ2] = get_champ_line($categorie_line, $champ2);
$j = 1;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $last_line_categories; $i++) {
    if ($j == 1) {
        echo '<div style="color:green;background-color:D8D8D8;float:left;width:72%;height:45px;">';
    } else {
        echo '<div style="color:green;float:left;width:72%;height:45px;">';
        $j = 1;
    echo '<strong>' . $tab_categories[$i][$champ2] . '</strong><br />';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div style="float:left;width:28%;height:45px;">';
    echo '<img onclick="edit_categorie();" width="45px" height="45px" src="../bdd/images/icones/edit.png">';
    echo '<img onclick="delete_categorie();" width="45px" height="45px" src="../bdd/images/icones/delete.png">';
    echo '</div>';
Exemple #17
$champ3 = 3;
// numero dernieres lignes fini
$last_line_categories = get_nb_last_line($id_categorie_nom);
$last_line_relations = get_nb_last_line($id_page_id_categorie_nom_page);
// tableaux fini
$tab_categories[$last_line_categories][2] = 0;
$tab_relations[$last_line_relations][3] = 0;
// tab categories fini
for ($i = 1; $i <= $last_line_categories; $i++) {
    $categorie_line = get_line($id_categorie_nom, $i);
    $tab_categories[$i][$champ1] = get_champ_line($categorie_line, $champ1);
    $tab_categories[$i][$champ2] = get_champ_line($categorie_line, $champ2);
// tab avec lignes relations fini
for ($j = 1; $j <= $last_line_relations; $j++) {
    $relation = get_line($id_page_id_categorie_nom_page, $j);
    $tab_relations[$j][$champ1] = get_champ_line($relation, $champ1);
    $tab_relations[$j][$champ2] = get_champ_line($relation, $champ2);
    $tab_relations[$j][$champ3] = get_champ_line($relation, $champ3);
// affichage des categories et ses pages
for ($i = 1; $i <= $last_line_categories; $i++) {
    echo '<div style="margin-bottom:4px;margin-top:4px;font-size:150%;background-color:grey;color:white;"><strong>' . $tab_categories[$i][$champ2] . '</strong></div>';
    //echo '<h2>'.$tab_categories[$i][$champ2].'</h2>';
    for ($j = 1; $j <= $last_line_relations; $j++) {
        if ($tab_categories[$i][$champ1] == $tab_relations[$j][$champ2]) {
            echo '<div style="background-color:D8D8D8;font-size:120%;margin-top:4px;"><a href="core/print_page.php?id_page=' . $tab_relations[$j][$champ1] . '">' . $tab_relations[$j][$champ3] . '</a></div>';
//echo '<ul>';
        if (substr($from_url . '/', 0, strlen($root_url) + 1) == $root_url . '/') {
            $matching_from_roots[] = $root_url;
    if (empty($matching_roots)) {
        echo 'The new URL entered, "' . $to_url . '", is not based upon an existing System Root URL.' . "\n";
        $to_url = get_line('Please re-enter the new URL: ');
    } else {
        $root_ok = TRUE;
//end while root not OK
$confirm = null;
while ($confirm != 'y' && $confirm != 'n') {
    $confirm = strtolower(get_line('Change ' . $from_url . ' to ' . $to_url . ' (y/n)? : '));
    if ($confirm != 'y' && $confirm != 'n') {
        echo 'Please answer y or n' . "\n";
    } else {
        if ($confirm == 'n') {
// update any urls that use this url in the lookup and lookup value tables
foreach (array('sq_ast_lookup_value', 'sq_ast_lookup') as $tablename) {
    $sql = 'UPDATE
				' . $tablename . '
				url = :to_url || SUBSTR(url, :from_url_length + 1)
Exemple #19
 * 以变量方式获取记录
 * @param $sql
 * @return mixed
function get_var($sql, $db = NULL)
    $data = get_line($sql, $db);
    return !is_array($data) ? NULL : @array_shift($data);
function get_user_info_by_id($username)
    $sql = prepare("SELECT * FROM `login` WHERE `UserName` = ?s", array($username));
    return get_line($sql);
Exemple #21
 public function get_token()
     $token_account_field = c('token_account_field');
     $token_password_field = c('token_password_field');
     $token_table_name = c('token_table_name');
     $account = z(t(v($token_account_field)));
     $password = z(t(v($token_password_field)));
     $token_table_name = z(t($token_table_name));
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . s($token_table_name) . "` WHERE `" . s($token_account_field) . "` = '" . s($account) . "' AND `" . s($token_password_field) . "` = '" . md5($password) . "' LIMIT 1";
     if ($user = get_line($sql)) {
         $token = session_id();
         $_SESSION['token'] = $token;
         $_SESSION['uid'] = $user['id'];
         $_SESSION['account'] = $user[c('token_account_field')];
         return $this->send_result(array('token' => $token, 'uid' => $user['id']));
     } else {
         return $this->send_error(LR_API_TOKEN_ERROR, 'BAD ACCOUNT OR PASSWORD');
Exemple #22
// 载入框架引导文件
require APP . 'system/_shell.php';
require APP . 'funcs/spider.fn.php';
require APP . 'models/ContentModel.php';
system('echo -e "\\033[32m开始获取队列... \\033[0m"');
$contentModel = new ContentModel();
$configs = array('need_push' => 'yes');
$url_list = $contentModel->getUrlList($configs, 'LIMIT 50 ');
$url_count = count($url_list);
system('echo -e "\\033[32m 获取到' . $url_count . '条要采集的内容... \\033[0m"');
if (!empty($url_list)) {
    foreach ($url_list as $v) {
        $tmp_url_data[$v['task_list_id']][] = $v;
    foreach ($tmp_url_data as $ko => $vo) {
        $url_info = get_line(prepare('select * from task_list where id=?i limit 1', array($ko)));
        $content_rules = $url_info['content_rules'];
        $content_rules = json_decode($content_rules, true);
        $chatset = $content_rules['charset'];
        if (!empty($content_rules['type'])) {
            foreach ($vo as $va) {
                system("echo -e '获取内容链接: \\033[32m" . $va['url'] . "\\033[0m'");
                $html = '';
                $html = http_client_request($va['url']);
                if ($chatset != 'utf-8') {
                    iconv($chatset, "UTF-8", $html);
                if (empty($html)) {
                    if ($va['error_time'] >= 3) {
                        update('task_url', array('need_push' => 'no'), array('hash' => $va['hash']));
                    } else {
 function echo_line($line)
     echo get_line($line);
Exemple #24
function get_var($sql, $conn = null)
    $data = get_line($sql, $conn);
    return $data[@reset(@array_keys($data))];
Exemple #25
function api_checklist_add()
    $content = z(t(v('text')));
    if (!not_empty($content)) {
        return apiController::send_error(LR_API_ARGS_ERROR, 'TEXT CAN\'T EMPTY');
    $tid = intval(v('tid'));
    if (intval($tid) < 1) {
        return apiController::send_error(LR_API_ARGS_ERROR, 'TID NOT EXISTS');
    // check user
    $tinfo = get_todo_info_by_id($tid);
    if (intval($tinfo['details']['is_public']) == 0 && uid() != $tinfo['owner_uid']) {
        return apiController::send_error(LR_API_FORBIDDEN, 'ONLY PUBLIC TODO CAN ADD CHECKLIST BY OTHERS');
    $sql = "INSERT INTO `checklist` ( `tid` , `title` , `content` , `timeline` , `uid` ) VALUES ( '" . intval($tid) . "' , '" . s($content) . "' , '" . s($content) . "'  , NOW() , '" . intval(uid()) . "' ) ";
    if (db_errno() != 0) {
        return apiController::send_error(LR_API_DB_ERROR, 'DATABASE ERROR ' . mysql_error());
    } else {
        return apiController::send_result(get_line("SELECT * FROM `checklist` WHERE `id` = '" . intval(last_id()) . "' LIMIT 1", db()));
function html_compress($data, $options = null)
    if (!isset($options)) {
        $options = array();
    $data .= "\n";
    $out = '';
    $inside_pre = false;
    $bytecount = 0;
    while ($line = get_line($data)) {
        $bytecount += strlen($line);
        if (!$inside_pre) {
            if (strpos($line, '<pre') === false) {
                // Since we're not inside a <pre> block, we can trim both ends of the line
                $line = trim($line);
                // And condense multiple spaces down to one
                $line = preg_replace('/\\s\\s+/', ' ', $line);
            } else {
                // Only trim the beginning since we just entered a <pre> block...
                $line = ltrim($line);
                $inside_pre = true;
                // If the <pre> ends on the same line, don't turn on $inside_pre...
                if (strpos($line, '</pre') !== false && strripos($line, '</pre') >= strripos($line, '<pre')) {
                    $line = rtrim($line);
                    $inside_pre = false;
        } else {
            if (strpos($line, '</pre') !== false && strripos($line, '</pre') >= strripos($line, '<pre')) {
                // Trim the end of the line now that we found the end of the <pre> block...
                $line = rtrim($line);
                $inside_pre = false;
        // Filter out any blank lines that aren't inside a <pre> block...
        if ($inside_pre || $line != '') {
            $out .= $line . "\n";
    // Remove HTML comments...
    if (array_key_exists('c', $options) || array_key_exists('no-comments', $options)) {
        $out = preg_replace('/(<!--.*?-->)/ms', '', $out);
        $out = str_replace('<!>', '', $out);
    // Perform any extra (unsafe) compression techniques...
    if (array_key_exists('x', $options) || array_key_exists('extra', $options)) {
        // Can break layouts that are dependent on whitespace between tags
        $out = str_replace(">\n<", '><', $out);
    // Remove the trailing \n
    $out = trim($out);
    // Output either our stats or the compressed data...
    if (array_key_exists('s', $options) || array_key_exists('stats', $options)) {
        $echo = '';
        $echo .= "Original Size: {$bytecount}\n";
        $echo .= "Compressed Size: " . strlen($out) . "\n";
        $echo .= "Savings: " . round((1 - strlen($out) / $bytecount) * 100, 2) . "%\n";
        echo $echo;
    } else {
        if (array_key_exists('o', $options) || array_key_exists('overwrite', $options)) {
            if ($GLOBALS['argc'] > 1 && is_writable($GLOBALS['argv'][$GLOBALS['argc'] - 1])) {
                file_put_contents($GLOBALS['argv'][$GLOBALS['argc'] - 1], $out);
                return true;
            } else {
                return "Error: could not write to " . $GLOBALS['argv'][$GLOBALS['argc'] - 1] . "\n";
        } else {
            return $out;
Exemple #27
  * 取得用户未读信息
  * @param string token , 必填
  * @return array ('notice'=>'未读计数' , 'nid' => '最后一条Notice ID' , 'text' => '最后一条未读Notice内容')
  * @author EasyChen
 public function user_unread()
     // 处理掉全部的未读计数
     // 私信和系统通知
     $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `notice` WHERE `to_uid` = '" . intval(uid()) . "' AND `is_read` = 0 ";
     $notice_count = intval(get_var($sql));
     $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `message` WHERE `to_uid` = '" . intval(uid()) . "' AND `is_read` = 0 ";
     $message_count = intval(get_var($sql));
     $sql = "SELECT COUNT( * ) AS  `from_cnt` ,  `from_uid` FROM  `message` WHERE  `to_uid` = '" . intval(uid()) . "'  AND  `is_read` = 0 GROUP BY  `from_uid` ";
     $muids = array();
     $muidstring = '';
     if ($mdata = get_data($sql)) {
         foreach ($mdata as $mitem) {
             $muids[] = $mitem['from_uid'];
         $muidstring = join('|', $muids);
     $last_notice = get_line("SELECT * FROM `notice`  WHERE `to_uid` = '" . intval(uid()) . "' AND `is_read` = 0 ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1");
     $last_message = get_line("SELECT * FROM `message`  WHERE `to_uid` = '" . intval(uid()) . "' AND `is_read` = 0 ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1");
     // update user online
     $sql = "REPLACE `online` ( `uid` , `session` , `last_active` , `device` ) VALUES ( '" . intval(uid()) . "' , '" . s(session_id()) . "' , NOW() , '" . get_device() . "' ) ";
     return self::send_result(array('all' => $message_count + $notice_count, 'message' => $message_count, 'uids' => $muidstring, 'notice' => $notice_count, 'nid' => $last_notice['id'], 'mid' => $last_message['id'], 'text' => $last_notice['content']));
Exemple #28
function get_user_info_by_id($username, $password)
    $sql = prepare("SELECT * FROM `login` WHERE `UserName` = ?s AND `Password` = ?s AND `actNum` = ?i", array($username, $password, 0));
    return get_line($sql);
Exemple #29
function get_feed_by_id($fid)
    if ($feed = get_line("SELECT * FROM `feed` WHERE `id` = '" . intval($fid) . "' LIMIT 1")) {
        $feed['user'] = get_line("SELECT " . USER_INFO . " FROM `user` WHERE `id` = '" . intval($feed['uid']) . "'");
        return $feed;
    return false;
Exemple #30
function is_online($uid)
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM `online` WHERE `uid` = '" . intval($uid) . "' AND `last_active` > '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-5 minutes")) . "' LIMIT 1";
    return get_line($sql);