Exemple #1
        case "edit_line":
            if (isset($_POST['status']) && $_POST['status'] == "edit") {
                edit_line($_POST['idx'], $php_self);
                edit_line_form($_POST['idx'], $php_self);
            } else {
                edit_line_form($_GET['idx'], $php_self);
        case "delete_attached_file":
            if (isset($_POST['file_id']) && $_POST['file_id'] != "") {
            edit_line_form($_GET['idx'], $php_self);
        case "get_incidents":
            $get_incidents_result = get_incidents();
            display_incidents($get_incidents_result, $php_self);
    //END Switch()
//End if($_SESSION['logged_in'] == 1)

	</div> <!-- END "content" -->
</div> <!-- END "wrapper" -->

		$search_by_type .= $name." (".count($incidents).")";
		$search_by_type .= "</a>";
		$search_by_type .= "</td>";
		if ($count % 2 != 0) {
			$search_by_type .= "</tr>";
$search_by_type .= "</table>";

$right_side .= print_container('incident_search_by_type', __('Search by type'), $search_by_type);

//Get open incident and count them by priority
$incidents = get_incidents("estado <> 7", false);

$rows = array();
foreach ($incidents as $inc) {

	if (isset($rows[$inc["prioridad"]])) {
	} else {
		$rows[$inc["prioridad"]] = 1;

$search_by_priority = "<table class='search_by_priority'>";

$search_by_priority .="<tr>";
Exemple #3
$table->style[2] = 'text-align:center; width: 70px;';
$table->style[3] = 'text-align:center; width: 50px;';
$table->data = array();
$filter = '1 = 1';
if ($status > 0) {
    $filter .= sprintf(' AND estado = %d', $status);
} elseif ($status == -10) {
    //Not closed is special status
    //Means not solved(6) and not closed(7)
    $filter .= sprintf(' AND estado != 6 AND estado != 7');
if ($search != '') {
    $filter .= sprintf(' AND (titulo LIKE "%%%s%%" OR descripcion LIKE "%%%s%%")', $search, $search);
$filter .= ' ORDER BY actualizacion DESC';
$incidents = get_incidents($filter);
if (empty($incidents)) {
    $table->colspan[0][0] = 9;
    $table->data[0][0] = __('Nothing was found');
    $incidents = array();
$row = 0;
foreach ($incidents as $incident) {
    $table->data[$row][0] = '#' . $incident['id_incidencia'];
    $table->data[$row][1] = '<a href="index.php?sec=incidents&sec2=operation/incidents_simple/incident&id=' . $incident['id_incidencia'] . '">' . $incident['titulo'] . '</a>';
    $resolution = isset($resolutions[$incident['resolution']]) ? $resolutions[$incident['resolution']] : __('None');
    $table->data[$row][2] = '<strong>' . $statuses[$incident['estado']] . '</strong><br /><em>' . $resolution . '</em>';
    $table->data[$row][3] = print_priority_flag_image($incident['prioridad'], true);
    $table->data[$row][4] = human_time_comparation($incident["actualizacion"]);
    $table->data[$row][4] .= '<br /><em>';
    $table->data[$row][4] .= human_time_comparation($incident["inicio"]);

ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path') . ':../includes/');
$template = "../includes/IQCStemplate.pdf";
if ($_SESSION['logged_in'] == 1) {
    require_once "../classes/mydb_class.php";
    require_once "../includes/merge_pdf.php";
} else {
    header('location: http://www.siskiyourappellers.com/admin/index.php');
$php_self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$crewmember_id = mydb::cxn()->real_escape_string($_GET['crewmember_id']);
$incident_array = get_incidents($crewmember_id);
//Lookup crewmember's name from the crewmember_id
$result = mydb::cxn()->query("SELECT firstname, lastname FROM crewmembers WHERE id LIKE '" . $crewmember_id . "'") or die("Error retrieving crewmember name: " . mydb::cxn()->error);
$row = $result->fetch_assoc();
$firstname = $row['firstname'];
$lastname = $row['lastname'];
$fields = array();
$fields['Year'] = $_SESSION['incident_year'];
$fields['First Name1'] = $firstname;
$fields['First Name2'] = $fields['First Name1'];
$fields['Last Name1'] = $lastname;
$fields['Last Name2'] = $fields['Last Name1'];
$fields['District1'] = "Siskiyou Rappellers";
$fields['District2'] = $fields['District1'];
$fields['Fitness Rating1'] = "Arduous";
$fields['Fitness Rating2'] = $fields['Fitness Rating1'];
$table->head[0] = __('Relationship');
$table->head[1] = __('Company');
$table->head[2] = __('Contact');
$table->head[3] = __('Details');
$table->head[4] = __('Edit');
$table->size = array ();
$table->size[3] = '40px';
$table->size[4] = '40px';
$table->align[3] = 'center';
$table->align[4] = 'center';
$table->data = array ();

$table_data = array();

//Add key incident users (owner, editor, closed by, creator)
$inc_info = get_incidents("id_incidencia = ". $id_incident);

$inc_info = $inc_info[0];

$key_users = array("owner" => array("user" => $inc_info["id_usuario"], "role" => __("Owner")),
                "creator" => array("user" => $inc_info["id_creator"], "role" => __("Creator")),
                "editor" => array("user" => $inc_info["editor"], "role" => __("Editor")),
                "closed" => array ("user" => $inc_info["closed_by"], "role" => __("Closed by")));

$key_users_info = array();

//Get user infor and get user role
foreach ($key_users as $ku) {
	$role_desc = ""; //Role description within the incident

	if ($ku["user"]) {