Exemple #1
function admin_games()
    $tpl = new smarty();
    $tpl->assign('icons', get_icons());
    $tpl->assign('games', get_games());
    $tpl->display(DESIGN . '/tpl/admin/games.html');
    $content = ob_get_contents();
    main_content(GAMES, $content, '', 1);
Exemple #2
    echo $nc_core->ui->icon($ico)->title($ico)->xlarge();


$icons = get_icons('icons-50-white');
example('nc-icon-x nc--white');
<div class="nc-box nc--grey">
foreach ($icons as $i => $ico) {
    echo $nc_core->ui->icon($ico)->title($ico)->xlarge()->white();
function process_app($app_name, $app_link, $app_group = "default")
    global $scrape_options;
    if ($scrape_options["verbose"]) {
        echo "processing app {$app_name}\ngetting app page {$app_link}\n";
    //getting and parsing app page
    //there may be several versions of app
    //we store all versions meta (created date, publis date and current status)
    $res = getUrlContent2($app_link);
    if (!$res) {
        return error("failed to get app page\\s");
    //parsing primary meta
    $pat = '/<p><label>SKU<\\/label>(.*?)<\\/p>[\\s]*<p><label>Bundle ID<\\/label>(.*?)<\\/p>[\\s]*<p><label>Apple ID<\\/label>(.*?)<\\/p>[\\s]*<p><label>Type<\\/label>(.*?)<\\/p>[\\s]*<p><label style="white-space: nowrap">Default Language<\\/label>(.*?)<\\/p>/si';
    $match = preg_match($pat, $res, $matches);
    if (!$match || !is_array($matches) || count($matches) == 0) {
        return error("Failed to parse app page: meta markers not found");
    $sku = trim(strip_tags($matches[1]));
    $bundle_id = trim(strip_tags($matches[2]));
    $apple_id = trim(strip_tags($matches[3]));
    $app_type = trim(strip_tags($matches[4]));
    $lang = trim(strip_tags($matches[5]));
    if ($scrape_options["verbose"]) {
        echo "parsed memo:\nsku: {$sku}\nbundle_id: {$bundle_id}\napple_id: {$apple_id}\napp_type: {$app_type}\ndefault language: {$lang}\n";
    $pat = '/<td class="value"><a target="_blank" href="(.*?)">View in App Store[\\s]*<\\/a><\\/td>/si';
    $match = preg_match($pat, $res, $matches);
    if (!$match || !is_array($matches) || count($matches) == 0) {
        return error("Failed to parse app page: Appstore link not found");
    $applink = $matches[1];
    if ($scrape_options["verbose"]) {
        echo "appstore link: {$applink}\n";
    $pat = '/id([0-9]*)\\?/si';
    $match = preg_match($pat, $applink, $matches);
    if (!$match || !is_array($matches) || count($matches) == 0) {
        return error("Failed to parse app page: Appstore ID not found");
    $appid = $matches[1];
    echo "appid: {$appid}\n";
    $p = strpos($res, "version-container");
    if ($p === false) {
        return error("version-container marker not found");
    $p2 = strpos($res, "version-container", $p + 10);
    if ($p2 === false) {
        if ($scrape_options["debug"]) {
            echo "second version-container marker not found. parsing only one\n";
        $str1 = substr($res, $p, strlen($res) - $p);
        $str2 = false;
    } else {
        if ($scrape_options["debug"]) {
            echo "both version-container markers found\n";
        $str1 = substr($res, $p, $p2 - $p);
        $str2 = substr($res, $p2, strlen($res) - $p2);
    $ver1 = parse_version($str1);
    if (!$ver1) {
        return error("parse Current version failed");
    if ($str2) {
        $ver2 = parse_version($str2);
        //      if (!$ver2)
        //        return error("parse New version failed");
    } else {
        $ver2 = false;
    if (!is_dir(BASE_META_DIR . "/app_{$appid}") && !mkdir(BASE_META_DIR . "/app_{$appid}")) {
        return error("couldn't access to application directory [" . BASE_META_DIR . "/app_{$appid}]");
    $obj = array("app_name" => $app_name, "apple_id" => $apple_id, "app_group" => $app_group, "sku" => $sku, "bundle_id" => $bundle_id, "app_type" => $app_type, "lang" => $lang, "ituneslink" => $applink, "current_version" => $ver1, "new_version" => $ver2);
    $fn = BASE_META_DIR . "/app_{$appid}/appmeta.dat";
    if (file_exists($fn)) {
        $cont = file_get_contents($fn);
        if ($cont) {
            $row = unserialize($cont);
            if ($row) {
                $obj["stat_max_report_date"] = $row["stat_max_report_date"];
                $obj["stat_min_report_date"] = $row["stat_min_report_date"];
                $obj["stat_last_day"] = $row["stat_last_day"];
                $obj["stat_last_month"] = $row["stat_last_month"];
                $obj["stat_whole_period"] = $row["stat_whole_period"];
    $res = file_put_contents($fn, serialize($obj));
    $res = get_icons($appid, $ver1, $ver2);
    if (!$res) {
        return error("some problems while writing appmeta.dat file");
    return true;