/** * Gives an array with worker stats: * $stats['totalhours'] * $stats['monthhours' * $stats['yearhours'] * $stats['termhours'] * $stats['totalearnings'] * $stats['monthearnings'] * $stats['yearearnings'] * $stats['termearnings'] * @return an array with useful values */ function get_worker_stats($userid, $courseid) { global $DB; $stats['totalhours'] = get_total_hours($userid, $courseid); $stats['monthhours'] = get_hours_this_month($userid, $courseid); $stats['yearhours'] = get_hours_this_year($userid, $courseid); $stats['termhours'] = get_hours_this_term($userid, $courseid); $stats['totalearnings'] = get_total_earnings($userid, $courseid); $stats['monthearnings'] = get_earnings_this_month($userid, $courseid); $stats['yearearnings'] = get_earnings_this_year($userid, $courseid); $stats['termearnings'] = get_earnings_this_term($userid, $courseid); return $stats; }
$MONTH = 12; $YEAR = 2011; $courses = get_courses(2, 'fullname ASC', 'c.id, c.shortname'); //find all workers foreach ($courses as $course) { $workers = $DB->get_records('block_timetracker_workerinfo', array('courseid' => $course->id), 'lastname'); foreach ($workers as $worker) { //demo courses, et. al. if ($worker->courseid >= 73 && $worker->courseid <= 76) { continue; } $course = $courses[$worker->courseid]; if (!$course) { continue; } $earnings = get_hours_this_month($worker->id, $worker->courseid, $MONTH, $YEAR); //$earnings = get_earnings_this_term($worker->id, $worker->courseid); //$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$worker->courseid)); $id = str_replace('@mhc.edu', '', $worker->email); $id = str_replace('s000', '', strtolower($id)); /* $remain = $worker->maxtermearnings - $earnings; if($remain <= 0){ $hours_remain = 0; } else { $hours_remain = round($remain/$worker->currpayrate,2); } */ echo '"' . $id . '","' . $earnings . '","' . $worker->lastname . '","' . $worker->firstname . '","' . $course->shortname . '"' . "\n"; /* echo '"'.$worker->lastname.'","'.$worker->firstname.'","'.