} if (joined($id, $_SESSION['playerID'])) { echo "<b>{$MSG_LANG['tournamentalready']}</b>"; exit; } if (get_num($id) == $t['players']) { echo "<b>{$MSG_LANG['tournament44']}</b>"; exit; } if ($me['rating'] < $t['min_rating'] || $me['rating'] > $t['max_rating']) { echo "<b>{$MSG_LANG['tournamentsorry']}</b>"; exit; } include "groups_functions.php"; $uh = get_group($me['playerID']); $ug = get_groupdata($uh['group_id']); if ($t['access'] != "" && ($t['access'] == "group" && $uh == false) && ($t['access'] == "group_ag" && $ug['ag'] == 0) && (is_numeric($t['access']) && ($t['access'] = !$uh['group_id']))) { echo "You may not join this tournament"; exit; } // find out where to join if ($t['players'] == 4) { // Thank god, we got a small tournament $field = ''; for ($i = 2; $i < 5; $i++) { if ($t['player' . $i] == 0 && $field == '') { $field = 'player' . $i; } } mysql_query("UPDATE tournaments set " . $field . " = '" . $_SESSION['playerID'] . "' WHERE id = '{$id}'"); // That was the easy part, now create the games
} if (empty($feedback)) { echo "No answer selected."; exit; } if (!is_groupcreator($group, $me['playerID'])) { echo "You are not the director/conductor of the group."; exit; } // Mail an den Gruppenleiter $g = get_groupdata($group); $tq = mysql_query("SELECT email, firstName FROM players WHERE playerID = '$id'"); $toer = mysql_fetch_array($tq); $tomail = $toer['email']; $toname = $toer['firstName']; $totitle = 'Bitte um Aufnahme in deine Gruppe'; if ($feedback == 1) { $query = "UPDATE group_members SET joined = '$time' WHERE group_id = '$group' AND playerID = '$id'"; $text = "Hallo ".$toname.", You have been accepted in the ".$g['title']."";