Exemple #1
  * Trägt den Benutzer in den Eingestellten veranstaltungen automatisch ein.
  * @param type $user_id
  * @param type $status Wenn Status nicht angegeben wird, wird der Status des Users aus user_id genommen
  * @return array 'added' Namen der Seminare in die der User eingetragen wurde
  *         array 'removed' Namen der Seminare aus denen der User ausgetragen wurde
 public function saveUser($user_id, $status = FALSE)
     $domains = array();
     if (!$status) {
         $status = get_global_perm($user_id);
     foreach (UserDomain::getUserDomainsForUser($user_id) as $d) {
         $domains[] = $d->getID();
         //Domains des Users
     if (count($domains) == 0) {
         $domains[] = 'keine';
     $settings = array();
     $all_seminare = array();
     foreach ($domains as $domain) {
         $key = $domain . '.' . $status;
         if (is_array($this->settings[$key])) {
             $id = key($this->settings[$key]);
             foreach ($this->settings[$key] as $id => $value) {
                 $settings[$id] = $value;
         foreach ($this->settings as $key) {
             foreach ($key as $id => $sem) {
                 $all_seminare[$id] = $sem;
     $seminare = array();
     $seminare_tutor_dozent = array();
     foreach ($this->getUserSeminars($user_id, array_keys($all_seminare)) as $sem) {
         $seminare[$sem['Seminar_id']] = $sem;
         if (in_array($sem['status'], array('tutor', 'dozent'))) {
             $seminare_tutor_dozent[$sem['Seminar_id']] = $sem;
     $toAdd = array_diff_key($settings, $seminare);
     $toRemove = array_diff_key($all_seminare, $toAdd, $settings, $seminare_tutor_dozent);
     $added = array();
     $removed = array();
     foreach ($toAdd as $id => $seminar) {
         if ($this->addUser($user_id, $seminar)) {
             $added[] = $seminar['name'];
     foreach ($toRemove as $id => $seminar) {
         if ($this->removeUser($user_id, $seminar)) {
             $removed[] = $seminar['name'];
     return array('added' => $added, 'removed' => $removed);
Exemple #2
  * Assign/add a user to a statusgruppe.
 public function assign_action()
     $role_id = Request::option('role_id');
     if ($role_id) {
         $group = new Statusgruppe($role_id);
         $range_id = $group->getRange_id();
         $group = new Statusgruppe($range_id);
         while ($group->getRange_id()) {
             $range_id = $group->getRange_id();
             $group = new Statusgruppe($range_id);
         if (InsertPersonStatusgruppe($this->user->user_id, $role_id)) {
             $globalperms = get_global_perm($this->user->user_id);
             $query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO user_inst (Institut_id, user_id, inst_perms)\n                          VALUES (?, ?, ?)\n                          ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE inst_perms = VALUES(inst_perms)";
             $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
             $statement->execute(array($range_id, $this->user->user_id, $globalperms));
             if ($statement->rowCount() == 1) {
                 log_event('INST_USER_ADD', $range_id, $this->user->user_id, $globalperms);
             } else {
                 if ($statement->rowCount() == 2) {
                     log_event('INST_USER_STATUS', $range_id, $this->user->user_id, $globalperms);
             $_SESSION['edit_about_data']['open'] = $role_id;
             $this->reportSuccess(_('Die Person wurde in die ausgewählte Gruppe eingetragen!'));
         } else {
             $this->reportError(_('Fehler beim Eintragen in die Gruppe!'));
     $this->redirect('settings/statusgruppen#' . $role_id);
    function ResourcesUserRoots($range_id='') {
        global $user, $perm, $auth;

            $this->range_id = $range_id;

        if (!$this->range_id)

        if (get_object_type($this->range_id) == "user") {
            //load the global perms in the resources-system (check if the user ist resources-root)
            //load the global studip perms (check, if user id root)

            if ($this->resources_global_perm == "admin")

        //root or resoures root are able to see all resources (roots in tree)
        if ($global_perm == "root") {
            $query = "SELECT resource_id FROM resources_objects WHERE resource_id = root_id ORDER BY name";
            $statement = DBManager::get()->query($query);
            while ($resource_id = $statement->fetchColumn()) {
                $this->my_roots[$resource_id] = $resource_id;
        } else {
            $my_objects            = search_administrable_objects();
            $my_objects[$user->id] = TRUE;
            $my_objects["global"]  = TRUE;

            //create the clause with all my id's
            $clause = " (";
            foreach ($my_objects as $key=>$val) {
                if ($i)
                    $clause .= ", ";
                $clause .= "'$key'";
            $clause .= ") ";

            //all objects where I have owner perms...
            $query = "SELECT resource_id, parent_id, root_id, level
                      FROM resources_objects
                      WHERE owner_id IN (?)
                      ORDER BY level DESC";
            $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
            while ($row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                $my_resources[$row['resource_id']] = array(
                    'root_id'   => $row['root_id'],
                    'parent_id' => $row['parent_id'],
                    'level'     => $row['level']
                $roots[$row['root_id']][] = $row['resource_id'];

            //...and all objects where I have add perms...
            $query = "SELECT resource_id, parent_id, root_id, level
                      FROM resources_user_resources
                      LEFT JOIN resources_objects USING (resource_id)
                      WHERE user_id IN ('all', ?)
                      ORDER BY level DESC";
            $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
            while ($row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                $my_resources[$row['resource_id']] = array(
                    'root_id'   => $row['root_id'],
                    'parent_id' => $row['parent_id'],
                    'level'     => $row['level']
                $roots[$row['root_id']][] = $row['resource_id'];

            if (is_array($my_resources)) {
                $query = "SELECT parent_id FROM resources_objects WHERE resource_id = ?";
                $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);

                foreach ($my_resources as $key => $val) {
                    if (!$this->checked[$key]) {
                        if (sizeof($roots[$val["root_id"]]) == 1) {
                            $this->my_roots[$key] = $key;
                        } else {
                            //there are more than 2 resources in one thread...
                            $superordinated_id = $statement->fetchColumn();

                            $top        = FALSE;
                            $last_found = $key;
                            while (!$top && $superordinated_id) {
                                $parent_id = $statement->fetchColumn();

                                if ($my_resources[$superordinated_id]) {
                                    $checked[$last_found] = TRUE;
                                    $last_found           = $superordinated_id;

                                $superordinated_id = $parent_id;
                                if ($parent_id == "0") {
                                    $top = TRUE;
                            $this->my_roots[$last_found] = $last_found;

Exemple #4
     * adds a user to the seminar with the given status
     * @param user_id string: ID of the user
     * @param status string: status of the user for the seminar "user", "autor", "tutor", "dozent"
     * @param force bool: if false (default) the user will only be upgraded and not degraded in his/her status
    public function addMember($user_id, $status = 'autor', $force = false)

        if (in_array(get_global_perm($user_id), array("admin", "root"))) {
            $this->createError(_("Admin und Root dürfen nicht Mitglied einer Veranstaltung sein."));
            return false;
        $db = DBManager::get();

        $rangordnung = array_flip(array('user', 'autor', 'tutor', 'dozent'));
        if ($rangordnung[$status] > $rangordnung['autor'] && SeminarCategories::getByTypeId($this->status)->only_inst_user) {
            //überprüfe, ob im richtigen Institut:
            $user_institute_stmt = $db->prepare(
                "SELECT Institut_id " .
                "FROM user_inst " .
                "WHERE user_id = :user_id " .
            $user_institute_stmt->execute(array('user_id' => $user_id));
            $user_institute = $user_institute_stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);

            if (!in_array($this->institut_id, $user_institute) && !count(array_intersect($user_institute, $this->getInstitutes()))) {
                $this->createError(_("Einzutragender Nutzer stammt nicht einem beteiligten Institut an."));

                return false;

        if (!$force) {
            $query = "SELECT status FROM seminar_user WHERE user_id = ? AND Seminar_id = ?";
            $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
            $statement->execute(array($user_id, $this->id));
            $old_status = $statement->fetchColumn();

        $query = "SELECT MAX(position) + 1 FROM seminar_user WHERE status = ? AND Seminar_id = ?";
        $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
        $statement->execute(array($status, $this->id));
        $new_position = $statement->fetchColumn();

        $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM seminar_user WHERE Seminar_id = ? AND status = 'dozent'";
        $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
        $numberOfTeachers = $statement->fetchColumn();

        if (!$old_status) {
            $query = "INSERT INTO seminar_user (Seminar_id, user_id, status, position, gruppe, visible, mkdate)
                      VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP())";
            $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
                $new_position ?: 0,
                in_array($status, words('tutor dozent')) ? 'yes' : 'unknown',
            // delete the entries, user is now in the seminar
            $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare('DELETE FROM admission_seminar_user
                                            WHERE user_id = ? AND seminar_id = ?');
            $stmt->execute(array($user_id, $this->getId()));
            if ($stmt->rowCount()) {
                //renumber the waiting/accepted/lot list, a user was deleted from it
            $cs = $this->getCourseSet();
            if ($cs) {
                $prio_delete = AdmissionPriority::unsetPriority($cs->getId(), $user_id, $this->getId());
            removeScheduleEntriesMarkedAsVirtual($user_id, $this->getId());
            NotificationCenter::postNotification("CourseDidGetMember", $this, $user_id);
            NotificationCenter::postNotification('UserDidEnterCourse', $this->id, $user_id);
            StudipLog::log('SEM_USER_ADD', $this->id, $user_id, $status, 'Wurde in die Veranstaltung eingetragen');
            return $this;
        } elseif (($force || $rangordnung[$old_status] < $rangordnung[$status])
            && ($old_status !== "dozent" || $numberOfTeachers > 1)) {
            $query = "UPDATE seminar_user
                      SET status = ?, visible = IFNULL(?, visible), position = ?
                      WHERE Seminar_id = ? AND user_id = ?";
            $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
                in_array($status, words('tutor dozent')) ? 'yes' : null,

            if ($old_status === 'dozent') {
                $query = "SELECT termin_id FROM termine WHERE range_id = ?";
                $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
                $termine = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);

                $query = "DELETE FROM termin_related_persons WHERE range_id = ? AND user_id = ?";
                $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);

                foreach ($termine as $termin_id) {
                    $statement->execute(array($termin_id, $user_id));
            NotificationCenter::postNotification("CourseDidChangeMember", $this, $user_id);
            return $this;
        } else {
            if ($old_status === "dozent" && $numberOfTeachers <= 1) {
                $this->createError(sprintf(_("Die Veranstaltung muss wenigstens <b>einen/eine</b> VeranstaltungsleiterIn (%s) eingetragen haben!"),
                        get_title_for_status('dozent', 1, $this->status)) .
                    ' ' . _("Tragen Sie zunächst einen anderen ein, um diesen herabzustufen."));

            return false;
Exemple #5
function addToStatusgroup($range_id, $statusgruppe_id, $workgroup_mode) {
    $mp = MultiPersonSearch::load("contacts_statusgroup_" . $statusgruppe_id);
    if (count($mp->getAddedUsers()) !== 0) {

        foreach ($mp->getAddedUsers() as $m) {
            $quickfilters = $mp->getQuickfilterIds();
            if (in_array($m, $quickfilters[_("Veranstaltungsteilnehmende")])) {
                InsertPersonStatusgruppe ($m, $statusgruppe_id, false);
            } elseif (in_array($m, $quickfilters[_("Mitarbeiter/-innen")])) {
                $writedone = InsertPersonStatusgruppe ($m, $statusgruppe_id, false);
                if ($writedone) {
                    if ($workgroup_mode == TRUE) {
                        $globalperms = get_global_perm($m);
                        if ($globalperms == "tutor" || $globalperms == "dozent") {
                            insert_seminar_user($range_id, $m, "tutor");
                        } else {
                            insert_seminar_user($range_id, $m, "autor");
                    } else {
                        insert_seminar_user($range_id, $m, "autor");
            } else {
                $writedone = InsertPersonStatusgruppe ($m, $statusgruppe_id, false);
                if ($writedone) {
                    if ($workgroup_mode == TRUE) {
                        $globalperms = get_global_perm($m);
                        if ($globalperms == "tutor" || $globalperms == "dozent") {
                            insert_seminar_user($range_id, $m, "tutor");
                        } else {
                            insert_seminar_user($range_id, $m, "autor");
                    } else {
                        insert_seminar_user($range_id, $m, "autor");