Exemple #1
function overlap($query)
    $html = '';
    $html .= '<!DOCTYPE html>
	<html lang="en">
		<meta charset="utf-8" />
    $html .= '<p><a href=".">Back</a>';
    $html .= '<p>Results for <b>' . $query . '</b></p>';
    // GBIF
    $gbif_pts = array();
    $gbif_csquare = array();
    $data = get_gbif_data($query);
    $gbif_pts = get_points($data);
    echo '<pre>';
    echo '</pre>';
    // map
    $html .= '<h3>GBIF</h3>';
    $html .= '<object id="gbif" type="image/svg+xml" width="360" height="180" data="map.php?coordinates=' . json_encode($gbif_pts) . '"></object>';
    $html .= '<p><a href="http://www.gbif.org/species/search?q=' . $query . '" target="_new">View in GBIF</a></p>';
    //echo $html;
    foreach ($gbif_pts as $pt) {
        $csq = lat_lon_2_csquare($pt[0], $pt[1]);
        $gbif_csquare[] = $csq;
    $gbif_csquare = array_unique($gbif_csquare);
    $url = 'http://data.gbif.org/ws/rest/taxon/list?scientificname=' . urlencode($query) . '&dataresourcekey=1';
    $xml = get($url);
    $js = '';
    if ($xml != '')
    	// Convert GBIF XML to Javascript
    	$xp = new XsltProcessor();
    	$xsl = new DomDocument;
    	$dom = new DOMDocument;
    	$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
    	$js = $xp->transformToXML($dom);
    $obj = json_decode($js);
    if (count($obj->taxonConcepts) >= 1)
    	$id = $obj->taxonConcepts[0]->gbifKey;
    	$url = 'http://data.gbif.org/ws/rest/density/list?taxonconceptkey=' . $id;
    	$xml = get($url);
    	$js = '';
    	if ($xml != '')
    		// Convert GBIF XML to Javascript for Google Maps
    		$xp = new XsltProcessor();
    		$xsl = new DomDocument;
    		$dom = new DOMDocument;
    		$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
    		$js = $xp->transformToXML($dom);
    		$map = json_decode($js);
    		foreach ($map->cells as $cell)
    			$pt = array();
    			$pt[0] = $cell->minLatitude;
    			$pt[1] = $cell->minLongitude;
    			$gbif_pts[] =  $pt;
    		// map
    		$html .= '<h3>GBIF</h3>';
    		$html .= '<object id="gbif" type="image/svg+xml" width="360" height="180" data="map.php?coordinates=' . json_encode($gbif_pts) . '"></object>';
    		$html .= '<p><a href="http://data.gbif.org/species/' . $id . '" target="_new">View in GBIF</a></p>';
    		//echo $html;
    		foreach ($gbif_pts as $pt)
    			$csq = lat_lon_2_csquare($pt[0], $pt[1]);
    			$gbif_csquare[] = $csq;
    		$gbif_csquare = array_unique($gbif_csquare);
    if (count($obj->taxonConcepts) > 1)
    	$html .= '<p>More than one taxon with this name</p>';
    // Flickr
    $flickr_pts = array();
    $flickr_csquare = array();
    $tag = str_replace(' ', '', $query);
    $tag = strtolower($tag);
    $url = 'http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/geo/?tags=' . $tag . '&lang=en-us&format=rss_200';
    $xml = get($url);
    //echo $xml;
    // Extract lat and long
    $dom = new DOMDocument();
    $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
    $xpath->registerNamespace('geo', 'http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#');
    $xpath->registerNamespace('georss', 'http://www.georss.org/georss');
    $nodeCollection = $xpath->query("//item/georss:point");
    foreach ($nodeCollection as $node) {
        $pt = $node->firstChild->nodeValue;
        $pts = explode(' ', $pt);
        $pts[0] = (double) $pts[0];
        $pts[1] = (double) $pts[1];
        $flickr_pts[] = $pts;
    // make a map
    $html .= '<h3>Flicker</h3>';
    $html .= '<object id="map" type="image/svg+xml" width="360" height="180" data="map.php?coordinates=' . json_encode($flickr_pts) . '"></object>';
    $html .= '<p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/' . $tag . '/" target="_new">View in Flickr</a></p>';
    //echo $html;
    // compute overlap with GBIF
    foreach ($flickr_pts as $pt) {
        $csq = lat_lon_2_csquare($pt[0], $pt[1]);
        $flickr_csquare[] = $csq;
    $flickr_csquare = array_unique($flickr_csquare);
    // compute difference
    $html .= '<h3>Summary</h3>';
    $html .= '<p>GBIF has ' . count($gbif_pts) . ' records.</p>';
    $html .= '<p>Flickr has ' . count($flickr_pts) . ' geotagged photos.</p>';
    $html .= '<p>GBIF has records from ' . count($gbif_csquare) . ' csquares.</p>';
    $html .= '<p>Flickr has records from ' . count($flickr_csquare) . ' csquares</p>';
    $html .= '<p>Overlap between GBIF and Flickr = ' . count(array_intersect($gbif_csquare, $flickr_csquare)) . '</p>';
    $html .= '</body>
    echo $html;
Exemple #2
function draw_map($name)
    $data = get_gbif_data($name);
    $points = get_points($data);
    if (count($points) == 0) {
        echo "No data for <b>{$name}</b><br /><a href=\".\">Go back</a>";
    $geojson = make_polygon($points);
    $min_long = 180;
    $max_long = -180;
    $min_lat = 90;
    $max_lat = -90;
    foreach ($points as $pt) {
        $min_long = min($min_long, $pt[0]);
        $max_long = max($max_long, $pt[0]);
        $min_lat = min($min_lat, $pt[1]);
        $max_lat = max($max_lat, $pt[1]);
    $polygon = array();
    foreach ($geojson->features as $feature) {
        if ($feature->properties->name == 'Polygon') {
            $polygon = $feature->geometry->coordinates[0];
    $num_cells = 0;
    $num_cells_occupied = 0;
    $size = 1;
    for ($long = $min_long; $long < $max_long; $long += $size) {
        for ($lat = $min_lat; $lat < $max_lat; $lat += $size) {
            $feature = new stdclass();
            $feature->type = 'Feature';
            $feature->properties = new stdclass();
            $feature->properties->name = "Polygon";
            $feature->geometry = new stdclass();
            $feature->geometry->type = 'Polygon';
            $feature->geometry->coordinates = array();
            $box = array();
            $x1 = min($long, $long + $size);
            $x2 = max($long, $long + $size);
            $y1 = min($lat, $lat + $size);
            $y2 = max($lat, $lat + $size);
            $box[] = array($x1, $y2);
            $box[] = array($x2, $y2);
            $box[] = array($x2, $y1);
            $box[] = array($x1, $y1);
            $box[] = array($x1, $y2);
            // note edge case of polygon with spike where none of corners of square are in polygon
            // (e.g, Mehelya nyassae)
            $in_polygon = 0;
            $i = 0;
            while ($i < 4) {
                if (pointInPolyonQ($box[$i], $polygon)) {
            if ($in_polygon > 0) {
            $in_cell = 0;
            foreach ($points as $pt) {
                if (pointInPolyonQ($pt, $box)) {
            if ($in_cell == 0) {
                $in_polygon = 0;
            } else {
            if ($in_polygon > 0) {
                $feature->geometry->coordinates[] = $box;
                $geojson->features[] = $feature;
    $template = <<<EOT
\t<!DOCTYPE html>
\t  <head>
\t\t<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">
\t\t<meta charset="utf-8">
\t\tbody { font-family: sans-serif; }
\t\t #map-canvas {
\t\t\theight: 500px;
\t\t\tmargin: 0px;
\t\t\tpadding: 20px
\t\t  }
\t\t<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp"></script>
\tvar map;
\tfunction initialize() {
\t  // Create a simple map.
\t  map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas'), {
\t\tzoom: 4,
\t\tcenter: {lat: <LATITUDE>, lng: <LONGITUDE>}
\t  });
\t  // Load a GeoJSON 
\t  var j = <GEOJSON>;
\t  map.data.addGeoJson(j);
\tgoogle.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
\t  </head>
\t  <body>
\t\t<div id="map-canvas"></div>
\t\t<p>Number of cells: <b><NUMCELLS></b>, number occupied: <b><NUMCELLSOCCUPIED></b></p>
\t  </body>
    $template = str_replace('<NAME>', $name, $template);
    $template = str_replace('<GEOJSON>', json_encode($geojson), $template);
    $template = str_replace('<LATITUDE>', $min_lat + ($max_lat - $min_lat) / 2, $template);
    $template = str_replace('<LONGITUDE>', $min_long + ($max_long - $min_long) / 2, $template);
    $template = str_replace('<NUMCELLS>', $num_cells, $template);
    $template = str_replace('<NUMCELLSOCCUPIED>', $num_cells_occupied, $template);
    echo $template;