Exemple #1
function GetBuildingTime($user, $planet, $Element, $for_building = BUILD_CREATE, $level = false)
    global $config, $sn_data;
    $isDefense = in_array($Element, $sn_data['groups']['defense']);
    $isFleet = in_array($Element, $sn_data['groups']['fleet']);
    if ($level === false) {
        $unit_db_name = $sn_data[$Element]['name'];
        $level = $planet[$unit_db_name] ? $planet[$unit_db_name] : $user[$unit_db_name];
        $level = ($level and !($isDefense or $isFleet)) ? $level : 1;
    $time = ($sn_data[$Element]['metal'] + $sn_data[$Element]['crystal'] + $sn_data[$Element]['deuterium']) * pow($sn_data[$Element]['factor'], $level) / get_game_speed() / 2500;
    if (in_array($Element, $sn_data['groups']['structures'])) {
        // Pour un batiment ...
        $time = $time * (1 / ($planet[$sn_data['14']['name']] + 1)) * pow(0.5, $planet[$sn_data['15']['name']]);
        $time = floor(mrc_modify_value($user, $planet, MRC_ARCHITECT, $time * 60 * 60));
    } elseif (in_array($Element, $sn_data['groups']['tech'])) {
        // Pour une recherche
        $intergal_lab = $user[$sn_data[TECH_RESEARCH]['name']];
        if ($intergal_lab < 1) {
            $time = $time / (($planet[$sn_data['31']['name']] + 1) * 2) * pow(0.5, $planet[$sn_data['35']['name']]);
        } else {
            $lab_require = intval($sn_data[$Element]['require'][31]);
            $limite = $intergal_lab + 1;
            $inves = doquery("SELECT SUM(laboratory) AS laboratorio\r\n        FROM\r\n        (\r\n          SELECT laboratory\r\n            FROM {{planets}}\r\n            WHERE id_owner='{$user['id']}' AND laboratory>={$lab_require}\r\n            ORDER BY laboratory DESC\r\n            LIMIT {$limite}\r\n        ) AS subquery;", '', true);
            //      $time = $time / (($inves['laboratorio'] + 1) * 2) * pow(0.5, $planet[$sn_data[35]['name']]);
            $inves = doquery("SELECT SUM(lab) AS laboratorio\r\n          FROM\r\n          (\r\n            SELECT ({$sn_data[31]['name']} + 1) * 2 / pow(0.5, {$sn_data[35]['name']}) AS lab\r\n              FROM {{planets}}\r\n                WHERE id_owner='{$user['id']}' AND {$sn_data[31]['name']} >= {$lab_require}\r\n                ORDER BY lab DESC\r\n                LIMIT {$limite}\r\n          ) AS subquery;", '', true);
            $time = $time / $inves['laboratorio'];
        $time = floor(mrc_modify_value($user, $planet, MRC_ACADEMIC, $time * 60 * 60));
    } elseif ($isDefense) {
        // Pour les defenses ou la flotte 'tarif fixe' durée adaptée a u niveau nanite et usine robot
        $time = $time * (1 / ($planet[$sn_data[21]['name']] + 1)) * pow(1 / 2, $planet[$sn_data[15]['name']]);
        $time = floor(mrc_modify_value($user, $planet, MRC_FORTIFIER, $time * 60 * 60));
    } elseif ($isFleet) {
        $time = $time * (1 / ($planet[$sn_data[21]['name']] + 1)) * pow(1 / 2, $planet[$sn_data[15]['name']]);
        $time = floor(mrc_modify_value($user, $planet, MRC_CONSTRUCTOR, $time * 60 * 60));
    if ($for_building == BUILD_DESTROY) {
        $time = floor($time / 2);
    return $time ? $time : 1;
Exemple #2

$allow_anonymous = true;
include 'common.' . substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);
$template = gettemplate('server_info', true);
$template->assign_vars(array('game_speed' => get_game_speed(), 'fleet_speed' => get_fleet_speed(), 'game_build_and_research' => $config->BuildLabWhileRun, 'USER_VACATION_DISABLE' => $config->user_vacation_disable, 'ALLOW_BUFFING' => $config->allow_buffing, 'ALLY_HELP_WEAK' => $config->ally_help_weak, 'DB_VERSION' => DB_VERSION, 'SN_VERSION' => SN_VERSION, 'FLEET_BASHING_ATTACKS' => $config->fleet_bashing_attacks, 'fleet_bashing_interval' => sys_time_human($config->fleet_bashing_interval), 'fleet_bashing_scope' => sys_time_human($config->fleet_bashing_scope), 'fleet_bashing_war_delay' => sys_time_human($config->fleet_bashing_war_delay)));
function eco_get_build_data(&$user, $planet, $unit_id, $unit_level = 0, $only_cost = false)
    global $config;
    $rpg_exchange_deuterium = $config->rpg_exchange_deuterium;
    $unit_data = get_unit_param($unit_id);
    // $unit_db_name = &$unit_data[P_NAME];
    $unit_factor = $unit_data[P_COST][P_FACTOR] ? $unit_data[P_COST][P_FACTOR] : 1;
    $price_increase = pow($unit_factor, $unit_level);
    $can_build = isset($unit_data[P_MAX_STACK]) && $unit_data[P_MAX_STACK] ? $unit_data[P_MAX_STACK] : 1000000000000.0;
    $can_destroy = 1000000000000.0;
    $time = 0;
    $only_dark_matter = 0;
    foreach ($unit_data[P_COST] as $resource_id => $resource_amount) {
        if ($resource_id === P_FACTOR || !($resource_cost = $resource_amount * $price_increase)) {
        $cost[BUILD_CREATE][$resource_id] = round($resource_cost);
        $cost[BUILD_DESTROY][$resource_id] = round($resource_cost / 2);
        $resource_db_name = pname_resource_name($resource_id);
        if (in_array($resource_id, sn_get_groups('resources_loot'))) {
            $time += $resource_cost * $config->__get("rpg_exchange_{$resource_db_name}") / $rpg_exchange_deuterium;
            $resource_got = mrc_get_level($user, $planet, $resource_id);
        } elseif ($resource_id == RES_DARK_MATTER) {
            $resource_got = mrc_get_level($user, null, $resource_id);
        } elseif ($resource_id == RES_ENERGY) {
            $resource_got = max(0, $planet['energy_max'] - $planet['energy_used']);
        } else {
            $resource_got = 0;
        $only_dark_matter = $only_dark_matter ? $only_dark_matter : $resource_id;
        $can_build = min($can_build, $resource_got / $cost[BUILD_CREATE][$resource_id]);
        $can_destroy = min($can_destroy, $resource_got / $cost[BUILD_DESTROY][$resource_id]);
    $can_build = $can_build > 0 ? floor($can_build) : 0;
    $cost['CAN'][BUILD_CREATE] = $can_build;
    $can_destroy = $can_destroy > 0 ? floor($can_destroy) : 0;
    $cost['CAN'][BUILD_DESTROY] = $can_destroy;
    $cost[P_OPTIONS][P_ONLY_DARK_MATTER] = $only_dark_matter = $only_dark_matter == RES_DARK_MATTER;
    $cost[P_OPTIONS][P_TIME_RAW] = $time = $time * 60 * 60 / get_game_speed() / 2500;
    // TODO - Вынести в отдельную процедуру расчёт стоимости
    if ($only_cost) {
        return $cost;
    $cost['RESULT'][BUILD_CREATE] = eco_can_build_unit($user, $planet, $unit_id);
    $mercenary = 0;
    if (in_array($unit_id, sn_get_groups('structures'))) {
        $time = $time * pow(0.5, mrc_get_level($user, $planet, STRUC_FACTORY_NANO)) / (mrc_get_level($user, $planet, STRUC_FACTORY_ROBOT) + 1);
        $mercenary = MRC_ENGINEER;
        $cost['RESULT'][BUILD_DESTROY] = mrc_get_level($user, $planet, $unit_id, false, true) ? $cost['CAN'][BUILD_DESTROY] ? $cost['RESULT'][BUILD_CREATE] == BUILD_UNIT_BUSY ? BUILD_UNIT_BUSY : BUILD_ALLOWED : BUILD_NO_RESOURCES : BUILD_NO_UNITS;
    } elseif (in_array($unit_id, sn_get_groups('tech'))) {
        $lab_level = eco_get_lab_max_effective_level($user, intval($unit_data['require'][STRUC_LABORATORY]));
        $time = $time / $lab_level;
        $mercenary = MRC_ACADEMIC;
    } elseif (in_array($unit_id, sn_get_groups('defense'))) {
        $time = $time * pow(0.5, mrc_get_level($user, $planet, STRUC_FACTORY_NANO)) / (mrc_get_level($user, $planet, STRUC_FACTORY_HANGAR) + 1);
        $mercenary = MRC_FORTIFIER;
    } elseif (in_array($unit_id, sn_get_groups('fleet'))) {
        $time = $time * pow(0.5, mrc_get_level($user, $planet, STRUC_FACTORY_NANO)) / (mrc_get_level($user, $planet, STRUC_FACTORY_HANGAR) + 1);
        $mercenary = MRC_ENGINEER;
    if ($mercenary) {
        $time = $time / mrc_modify_value($user, $planet, $mercenary, 1);
    if (in_array($unit_id, sn_get_groups('governors')) || $only_dark_matter) {
        $cost[RES_TIME][BUILD_CREATE] = $cost[RES_TIME][BUILD_DESTROY] = 0;
    } else {
        $cost[RES_TIME][BUILD_CREATE] = round($time >= 1 ? $time : 1);
        $cost[RES_TIME][BUILD_DESTROY] = round($time / 2 <= 1 ? 1 : $time / 2);
    return $cost;
Exemple #4

$allow_anonymous = true;
include 'common.' . substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);
$template = gettemplate('server_info', true);
$template->assign_vars(array('game_build_and_research' => $config->BuildLabWhileRun, 'USER_VACATION_DISABLE' => $config->user_vacation_disable, 'ALLOW_BUFFING' => $config->allow_buffing, 'ALLY_HELP_WEAK' => $config->ally_help_weak, 'FLEET_BASHING_ATTACKS' => $config->fleet_bashing_attacks, 'fleet_bashing_interval' => sys_time_human($config->fleet_bashing_interval), 'fleet_bashing_scope' => sys_time_human($config->fleet_bashing_scope), 'fleet_bashing_war_delay' => sys_time_human($config->fleet_bashing_war_delay), 'EMPIRE_MERCENARY_TEMPORARY' => $config->empire_mercenary_temporary, 'ALI_BONUS_MEMBERS' => isset($sn_module['ali_ally_player']) ? $config->ali_bonus_members : 0, 'PLAYER_MAX_COLONIES' => $config->player_max_colonies, 'GAME_MULTIACCOUNT_ENABLED' => $config->game_multiaccount_enabled, 'GAME_SPEED' => get_game_speed(), 'GAME_SPEED_PLAIN' => get_game_speed(true), 'FLEET_SPEED' => flt_server_flight_speed_multiplier(), 'FLEET_SPEED_PLAIN' => flt_server_flight_speed_multiplier(true), 'RESOURCE_MULTIPLIER' => game_resource_multiplier(), 'RESOURCE_MULTIPLIER_PLAIN' => game_resource_multiplier(true)));
 * eco_get_build_data.php
 * 1.0 - copyright (c) 2010 by Gorlum for http://supernova.ws
 * @version 1.0
function eco_get_build_data($user, $planet, $unit_id, $unit_level = 0)
    global $sn_data;
    $sn_groups = $sn_data['groups'];
    $unit_data = $sn_data[$unit_id];
    $unit_db_name = $unit_data['name'];
    $unit_factor = $unit_data['factor'] ? $unit_data['factor'] : 1;
    $price_increase = pow($unit_factor, $unit_level);
    $can_build = 1000000000000;
    foreach ($unit_data['cost'] as $resource_id => $resource_amount) {
        $resource_cost = $resource_amount * $price_increase;
        $cost[BUILD_CREATE][$resource_id] = floor($resource_cost);
        $cost[BUILD_DESTROY][$resource_id] = floor($resource_cost / 2);
        if ($resource_id != RES_ENERGY && $resource_id != RES_DARK_MATTER) {
            if ($resource_cost != 0) {
                $can_build = min($can_build, $planet[$sn_data[$resource_id]['name']] / $resource_cost);
            $time += $resource_cost;
    $cost['CAN'][BUILD_DESTROY] = floor($can_build * 2);
    $cost['CAN'][BUILD_CREATE] = floor($can_build);
    $time = $time * 60 * 60 / get_game_speed() / 2500;
    $mercenary = 0;
    if (in_array($unit_id, $sn_groups['structures'])) {
        $time = $time * pow(0.5, $planet[$sn_data[15]['name']]) / ($planet[$sn_data[14]['name']] + 1);
        $mercenary = MRC_ARCHITECT;
    } elseif (in_array($unit_id, $sn_groups['tech'])) {
        $tech_intergalactic = $user[$sn_data[TECH_RESEARCH]['name']];
        if ($tech_intergalactic < 1) {
            $time = $time * pow(0.5, $planet[$sn_data[35]['name']]) / (($planet[$sn_data[31]['name']] + 1) * 2);
        } else {
            $lab_db_name = $sn_data[31]['name'];
            $lab_require = intval($unit_data['require'][31]);
            $tech_intergalactic = $tech_intergalactic + 1;
                  $inves = doquery("SELECT SUM(`{$lab_db_name}`) AS `laboratorio`
                      SELECT `{$lab_db_name}`
                        FROM `{{planets}}`
                        WHERE `id_owner` = '{$user['id']}' AND `{$lab_db_name}` >= {$lab_require}
                        ORDER BY `{$lab_db_name}` DESC
                        LIMIT {$tech_intergalactic}
                    ) AS subquery;", '', true);
            //      $time = $time / (($inves['laboratorio'] + 1) * 2) * pow(0.5, $planet[$sn_data[35]['name']]);
            // TODO: Fix bug with counting building labs/nanolabs
            $inves = doquery("SELECT SUM(lab) AS effective_level\r\n          FROM\r\n          (\r\n            SELECT ({$lab_db_name} + 1) * 2 / pow(0.5, {$sn_data[35]['name']}) AS lab\r\n              FROM {{planets}}\r\n                WHERE id_owner='{$user['id']}' AND {$lab_db_name} >= {$lab_require}\r\n                ORDER BY lab DESC\r\n                LIMIT {$tech_intergalactic}\r\n          ) AS subquery;", '', true);
            $time = $time / $inves['effective_level'];
        $mercenary = MRC_ACADEMIC;
    } elseif (in_array($unit_id, $sn_groups['defense'])) {
        $time = $time * pow(0.5, $planet[$sn_data[15]['name']]) / ($planet[$sn_data[21]['name']] + 1);
        $mercenary = MRC_FORTIFIER;
    } elseif (in_array($unit_id, $sn_groups['fleet'])) {
        $time = $time * pow(0.5, $planet[$sn_data[15]['name']]) / ($planet[$sn_data[21]['name']] + 1);
        $mercenary = MRC_CONSTRUCTOR;
    if ($mercenary) {
        $time = mrc_modify_value($user, $planet, $mercenary, $time);
    $time = $time >= 2 ? $time : 2;
    $cost[BUILD_CREATE][RES_TIME] = floor($time);
    $cost[BUILD_DESTROY][RES_TIME] = floor($time / 2);
    return $cost;