Exemple #1
    $path = formatPath($path);
    died(is_file($path) ? 'true' : 'false');
function _exists($path)
    $path = formatPath($path);
    died(file_exists($path) ? 'true' : 'false');
if (isset($_SESSION['nearos']) && isset($_SESSION['nearos']['aes']) && !empty($_SESSION['nearos']['aes']) && $request !== 'login') {
    $request = '_' . AES_Decrypt($request, $_SESSION['nearos']['aes']);
} else {
    $request = '_' . $request;
if (function_exists($request)) {
    $args = get_func_argNames($request);
    $callArgs = array();
    if ($request === '_login' && !isset($_POST['aeskey'])) {
        $_POST['aeskey'] = '';
    foreach ($args as $i => $name) {
        if (!isset($_POST[$name])) {
            died('Missing argument "' . $name . '" for request "' . substr($request, 1) . '"');
        $callArgs[] = isset($_SESSION['nearos']) && isset($_SESSION['nearos']['aes']) && !empty($_SESSION['nearos']['aes']) && $request !== '_login' ? AES_Decrypt($_POST[$name], $_SESSION['nearos']['aes']) : $_POST[$name];
    died(call_user_func_array($request, $callArgs));
} else {
    died('Bad request');
 public function getDataOfVariables()
     //function to get the argument names within this method
     function get_func_argNames($funcName)
         $parameters = "";
         //get the file
         $file = file_get_contents(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']));
         //echo "file is ".$file;
         //search for the specific function
         $pos = strpos($file, $funcName);
         if ($pos != false) {
             $i = 0;
             //find the first occurance of the open brace after the function
             $open = strpos($file, '(', $pos);
             //loop until we get to the end of the brace
             $i = $open + 1;
             //move over from the open brace and start getting parameter names
             while ($file[$i] != ')') {
                 $parameters .= $file[$i];
             return $parameters;
         } else {
             echo '<br/>ERROR: ' . $funcName . ' is not a function <br/>';
     //end og get_function_argument name
     $generatedParam = split(",", get_func_argNames('getDataOfVariables'));
     //get each parameters and split them based on the ','
     $args = func_get_args();
     //get the real value of every arguments
     //echo 'Number of arguments :'. $numargs;
     //loop and display the data
     echo '<br/>Displaying values for getDataOfVariables(' . get_func_argNames('getDataOfVariables') . ')';
     echo '<br/>====================================================================================';
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($generatedParam); $i++) {
         echo "<br/> Data for {$generatedParam[$i]} is : {$args[$i]}";