 * Callback function for the integration hooks list (list_integration_hooks)
 * What it does:
 * - Gets all of the hooks in the system and their status
 * - Would be better documented if Ema was not lazy
 * @package AddonSettings
 * @param int $start
 * @param int $per_page
 * @param string $sort
 * @return array
function list_integration_hooks_data($start, $per_page, $sort)
    global $txt, $context, $scripturl, $modSettings;
    require_once SUBSDIR . '/Package.subs.php';
    $hooks = $temp_hooks = get_integration_hooks();
    $hooks_data = $temp_data = $hook_status = array();
    $files = get_files_recursive(SOURCEDIR);
    if (!empty($files)) {
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            if (is_file($file['dir'] . '/' . $file['name']) && substr($file['name'], -4) === '.php') {
                $fp = fopen($file['dir'] . '/' . $file['name'], 'rb');
                $fc = strtr(fread($fp, filesize($file['dir'] . '/' . $file['name'])), array("\r" => '', "\n" => ''));
                foreach ($temp_hooks as $hook => $functions) {
                    foreach ($functions as $function_o) {
                        $hook_name = str_replace(']', '', $function_o);
                        if (strpos($hook_name, '::') !== false) {
                            $function = explode('::', $hook_name);
                            $class = $function[0];
                            $function = $function[1];
                        } else {
                            $class = '';
                            $function = $hook_name;
                        $function = explode('|', $function);
                        $function = $function[0];
                        if (substr($hook, -8) === '_include') {
                            $real_path = parse_path(trim($hook_name));
                            if ($real_path == $hook_name) {
                                $hook_status[$hook][$hook_name]['exists'] = false;
                            } else {
                                $hook_status[$hook][$hook_name]['exists'] = file_exists(parse_path(ltrim($real_path, '|')));
                            // I need to know if there is at least one function called in this file.
                            $temp_data['include'][basename($function)] = array('hook' => $hook, 'function' => $function);
                        } elseif (empty($class) && strpos(str_replace(' (', '(', $fc), 'function ' . trim($function) . '(') !== false) {
                            $hook_status[$hook][$hook_name]['exists'] = true;
                            $hook_status[$hook][$hook_name]['in_file'] = $file['name'];
                            // I want to remember all the functions called within this file (to check later if they are
                            // enabled or disabled and decide if the integrate_*_include of that file can be disabled too)
                            $temp_data['function'][$file['name']][] = $function_o;
                        } elseif (!empty($class) && preg_match('~class\\s*' . preg_quote(trim($class)) . '.*function\\s*' . preg_quote(trim($function), '~') . '\\s*\\(~i', $fc) != 0) {
                            $hook_status[$hook][$hook_name]['exists'] = true;
                            $hook_status[$hook][$hook_name]['in_file'] = $file['name'];
                            // I want to remember all the functions called within this file (to check later if they are
                            // enabled or disabled and decide if the integrate_*_include of that file can be disabled too)
                            $temp_data['function'][$file['name']][] = $function_o;
    $sort_types = array('hook_name' => array('hook_name', SORT_ASC), 'hook_name DESC' => array('hook_name', SORT_DESC), 'function_name' => array('function_name', SORT_ASC), 'function_name DESC' => array('function_name', SORT_DESC), 'file_name' => array('file_name', SORT_ASC), 'file_name DESC' => array('file_name', SORT_DESC), 'status' => array('status', SORT_ASC), 'status DESC' => array('status', SORT_DESC));
    $sort_options = $sort_types[$sort];
    $sort = array();
    $hooks_filters = array();
    foreach ($hooks as $hook => $functions) {
        $hooks_filters[] = '<option ' . ($context['current_filter'] == $hook ? 'selected="selected" ' : '') . ' value="' . $hook . '">' . $hook . '</option>';
        foreach ($functions as $function) {
            $function = str_replace(']', '', $function);
            // This is a not an include and the function is included in a certain file (if not it doesn't exists so don't care)
            if (substr($hook, -8) !== '_include' && isset($hook_status[$hook][$function]['in_file'])) {
                $current_hook = isset($temp_data['include'][$hook_status[$hook][$function]['in_file']]) ? $temp_data['include'][$hook_status[$hook][$function]['in_file']] : '';
                $enabled = false;
                // Checking all the functions within this particular file
                // if any of them is enable then the file *must* be included and the integrate_*_include hook cannot be disabled
                foreach ($temp_data['function'][$hook_status[$hook][$function]['in_file']] as $func) {
                    $enabled = $enabled || strstr($func, ']') !== false;
                if (!$enabled && !empty($current_hook)) {
                    $hook_status[$current_hook['hook']][$current_hook['function']]['enabled'] = true;
			var hook_name_header = document.getElementById(\'header_list_integration_hooks_hook_name\');
			hook_name_header.innerHTML += ' . JavaScriptEscape('
				<select onchange="window.location = \'' . $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=maintain;sa=hooks\' + (this.value ? \';filter=\' + this.value : \'\');">
					<option value="">' . $txt['hooks_reset_filter'] . '</option>' . implode('', $hooks_filters) . '</select>' . '
				</select>') . ';', true);
    $temp_data = array();
    $id = 0;
    foreach ($hooks as $hook => $functions) {
        if (empty($context['filter']) || !empty($context['filter']) && $context['filter'] == $hook) {
            foreach ($functions as $function) {
                $enabled = strstr($function, ']') === false;
                $function = str_replace(']', '', $function);
                $hook_exists = !empty($hook_status[$hook][$function]['exists']);
                if (strpos($function, '::') !== false) {
                    $function = explode('::', $function);
                    $function = $function[1];
                $exploded = explode('|', $function);
                $temp_data[] = array('id' => 'hookid_' . $id++, 'hook_name' => $hook, 'function_name' => $function, 'real_function' => $exploded[0], 'included_file' => isset($exploded[1]) ? parse_path(trim($exploded[1])) : '', 'file_name' => isset($hook_status[$hook][$function]['in_file']) ? $hook_status[$hook][$function]['in_file'] : '', 'hook_exists' => $hook_exists, 'status' => $hook_exists ? $enabled ? 'allow' : 'moderate' : 'deny', 'img_text' => $txt['hooks_' . ($hook_exists ? $enabled ? 'active' : 'disabled' : 'missing')], 'enabled' => $enabled, 'can_be_disabled' => !empty($modSettings['handlinghooks_enabled']) && !isset($hook_status[$hook][$function]['enabled']));
                // Build the array of sort to values
                $sort_end = end($temp_data);
                $sort[] = $sort_end[$sort_options[0]];
    array_multisort($sort, $sort_options[1], $temp_data);
    $counter = 0;
    foreach ($temp_data as $data) {
        if (++$counter < $start) {
        } elseif ($counter == $start + $per_page) {
        $hooks_data[] = $data;
    return $hooks_data;
Exemple #2
function get_integration_hooks_data($start, $per_page, $sort)
    global $boarddir, $sourcedir, $settings, $txt, $context, $scripturl, $modSettings;
    $hooks = $temp_hooks = get_integration_hooks();
    $hooks_data = $temp_data = $hook_status = array();
    $files = get_files_recursive($sourcedir);
    if (!empty($files)) {
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            if (is_file($file['dir'] . '/' . $file['name']) && substr($file['name'], -4) === '.php') {
                $fp = fopen($file['dir'] . '/' . $file['name'], 'rb');
                $fc = fread($fp, filesize($file['dir'] . '/' . $file['name']));
                foreach ($temp_hooks as $hook => $functions) {
                    foreach ($functions as $function_o) {
                        $hook_name = str_replace(']', '', $function_o);
                        if (strpos($hook_name, '::') !== false) {
                            $function = explode('::', $hook_name);
                            $function = $function[1];
                        $function = explode(':', $function);
                        $function = $function[0];
                        if (substr($hook, -8) === '_include') {
                            $hook_status[$hook][$function]['exists'] = file_exists(strtr(trim($function), array('$boarddir' => $boarddir, '$sourcedir' => $sourcedir, '$themedir' => $settings['theme_dir'])));
                            // I need to know if there is at least one function called in this file.
                            $temp_data['include'][basename($function)] = array('hook' => $hook, 'function' => $function);
                        } elseif (strpos(str_replace(' (', '(', $fc), 'function ' . trim($function) . '(') !== false) {
                            $hook_status[$hook][$hook_name]['exists'] = true;
                            $hook_status[$hook][$hook_name]['in_file'] = $file['name'];
                            // I want to remember all the functions called within this file (to check later if they are enabled or disabled and decide if the integrare_*_include of that file can be disabled too)
                            $temp_data['function'][$file['name']][] = $function_o;
    $sort_types = array('hook_name' => array('hook', SORT_ASC), 'hook_name DESC' => array('hook', SORT_DESC), 'function_name' => array('function', SORT_ASC), 'function_name DESC' => array('function', SORT_DESC), 'file_name' => array('file_name', SORT_ASC), 'file_name DESC' => array('file_name', SORT_DESC), 'status' => array('status', SORT_ASC), 'status DESC' => array('status', SORT_DESC));
    $sort_options = $sort_types[$sort];
    $sort = array();
    $context['hooks_filters'] = '';
    $hooks_filters = array();
    foreach ($hooks as $hook => $functions) {
        $hooks_filters[] = '<option onclick="window.location = \'' . $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=modsettings;sa=hooks;filter=' . $hook . '\';">' . $hook . '</option>';
        foreach ($functions as $function) {
            $enabled = strstr($function, ']') === false;
            $function = str_replace(']', '', $function);
            // This is a not an include and the function is included in a certain file (if not it doesn't exists so don't care)
            if (substr($hook, -8) !== '_include' && isset($hook_status[$hook][$function]['in_file'])) {
                $current_hook = isset($temp_data['include'][$hook_status[$hook][$function]['in_file']]) ? $temp_data['include'][$hook_status[$hook][$function]['in_file']] : '';
                $enabled = false;
                // Checking all the functions within this particular file
                // if any of them is enable then the file *must* be included and the integrate_*_include hook cannot be disabled
                foreach ($temp_data['function'][$hook_status[$hook][$function]['in_file']] as $func) {
                    $enabled = $enabled || strstr($func, ']') !== false;
                if (!$enabled && !empty($current_hook)) {
                    $hook_status[$current_hook['hook']][$current_hook['function']]['enabled'] = true;
    if (!empty($hooks_filters)) {
        $context['hooks_filters'] = '<select style="margin-left:15px;">' . '<option>---</option><option onclick="window.location = \'' . $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=modsettings;sa=hooks\';">' . $txt['hooks_reset_filter'] . '</option>' . implode('', $hooks_filters) . '</select>';
    $temp_data = array();
    $id = 0;
    foreach ($hooks as $hook => $functions) {
        if (empty($context['filter']) || !empty($context['filter']) && $context['filter'] == $hook) {
            foreach ($functions as $function) {
                $enabled = strstr($function, ']') === false;
                $function = str_replace(']', '', $function);
                $hook_exists = !empty($hook_status[$hook][$function]['exists']);
                $file_name = isset($hook_status[$hook][$function]['in_file']) ? $hook_status[$hook][$function]['in_file'] : (substr($hook, -8) === '_include' ? 'zzzzzzzzz' : 'zzzzzzzza');
                $sort[] = ${$sort_options}[0];
                if (strpos($function, '::') !== false) {
                    $function = explode('::', $function);
                    $function = $function[1];
                $exploded = explode(':', $function);
                $temp_data[] = array('id' => 'hookid_' . $id++, 'hook_name' => $hook, 'function_name' => $function, 'real_function' => $exploded[0], 'included_file' => isset($exploded[1]) ? strtr(trim($exploded[1]), array('$boarddir' => $boarddir, '$sourcedir' => $sourcedir, '$themedir' => $settings['theme_dir'])) : '', 'file_name' => isset($hook_status[$hook][$function]['in_file']) ? $hook_status[$hook][$function]['in_file'] : '', 'hook_exists' => $hook_exists, 'status' => $hook_exists ? $enabled ? 'allow' : 'moderate' : 'deny', 'img_text' => $txt['hooks_' . ($hook_exists ? $enabled ? 'active' : 'disabled' : 'missing')], 'enabled' => $enabled, 'can_be_disabled' => !empty($modSettings['handlinghooks_enabled']) && !isset($hook_status[$hook][$function]['enabled']));
    array_multisort($sort, $sort_options[1], $temp_data);
    $counter = 0;
    foreach ($temp_data as $data) {
        if (++$counter < $start) {
        } elseif ($counter == $start + $per_page) {
        $hooks_data[] = $data;
    return $hooks_data;
Exemple #3
function get_files_recursive($path = '.')
    $files = array();
    if (is_dir($path)) {
        $objects = scandir($path);
        if (is_array($objects)) {
            foreach ($objects as $file) {
                if (is_file($path . '/' . $file)) {
                    $files[] = $path . '/' . $file;
                } elseif (is_dir($path . '/' . $file) && $file != '.' && $file != '..') {
                    $files = array_merge($files, get_files_recursive($path . '/' . $file));
    return $files;