public function index() { $this->load->helper('file'); // Log Files Template::set('logs', get_filenames($this->config->item('log_path'))); Template::render(); }
function index() { $get_profile_image = $this->students_model->get_student_profile_image_by_student_id($this->session->userdata('student_id')); if ($get_profile_image != NULL) { foreach ($get_profile_image as $row_i) { $existing_image_file_name = $row_i->file_name; } $profile_file_names = get_filenames("profiles"); foreach ($profile_file_names as $file) { $same = $this->same_file($existing_image_file_name, $file); if ($same) { $file_path = "profiles/" . $file; unlink($file_path); } } $delete_current_profile_image = $this->students_model->delete_student_profile_image_by_student_id($this->session->userdata('student_id')); } //insert student profile image $get_student = $this->global_model->get_by_id("students", $this->session->userdata('student_id')); foreach ($get_student as $row) { $image_file_name = $row->first_name . "_" . $row->last_name; } $this->load->library('upload'); $this->upload->initialize(array("upload_path" => "profiles", "allowed_types" => "gif|jpg|png", "max_width" => "5000", "max_height" => "8000")); if ($this->upload->do_upload('profile_pic')) { $data = $this->upload->data(); $data['student_id'] = $this->session->userdata('student_id'); $insert_profile_image = $this->global_model->add("profile_image", $data); $data['status'] = true; } else { $data['status'] = false; } echo json_encode($data); }
function _get_callback_data($request_data, $response_data, $return_data, $form_certi, $stream_id) { //回调 $form_certi = $this->certi_model->findByAttributes(array('certi_name' => $form_certi)); //请求方 $callback_list = array(); $request_data = mb_unserialize($request_data); $method_name = str_replace('.', '_', $request_data['method']); $node_type = $request_data['node_type'] == 'ecos.b2c' ? 'erp_to_ec' : 'ec_to_erp'; $filenames = get_filenames('application/libraries/apiv/' . $node_type); foreach ($filenames as $key2 => $value2) { if ($method_name . '.php' == $value2) { $this->load->library('apiv/' . $node_type . '/' . $method_name); if (method_exists($this->{$method_name}, 'callback')) { //发送回调 $callback_rs = $this->{$method_name}->callback(array('request_data' => $request_data, 'return_data' => $return_data, 'response_data' => $response_data, 'msg_id' => md5($stream_id))); $now = time(); $callback_data = $callback_rs['callback_data']; $callback_url = $callback_rs['callback_url']; $callback_data['matrix_certi'] = $form_certi['certi_name']; $callback_data['matrix_timestamp'] = $now; $callback_data['sign'] = md5($form_certi['certi_name'] . $form_certi['certi_key'] . $now); $callback_data['stream_id'] = $stream_id; //$return_callback = $this->httpclient->set_timeout(15)->post($rs['callback_url'],$callback_data);//回调发送 $callback_list = array('url' => $callback_url, 'method' => 'POST', 'post_data' => $callback_data, 'header' => null, 'options' => array()); } } } return $callback_list; }
/** * Given a directory, return the filename of any readme file if it exists * @param string $dir The directory to search * @return mixed A filename if found, bool false if not */ public static function getReadme($dir) { $CI =& get_instance(); $dir = rtrim($dir, '/') . '/'; $CI->load->helper('file'); $files = get_filenames($dir); $readme = FALSE; $file = ''; foreach ($files as $f) { $lfile = strtolower($f); if (strpos($lfile, 'readme') === 0) { $readme = TRUE; $file = $f; break; } } if (!$readme) { return FALSE; } # Let's not get hosed by some guy with a 10GB README $max_size = 1024 * 256; # 256 kb if (filesize($dir . $file) > $max_size) { return FALSE; } else { return $file; } }
function get_last_filename() { $filenames = get_filenames(); $last_filename = end($filenames); reset($filenames); return $last_filename; }
private function ListFiles() { $sess = $this->session->userdata('user_data'); $basepath = BASEPATH . '../uploads/slider'; $files = get_filenames($basepath); echo json_encode($files); }
public function index() { $this->load->helper('file'); Assets::add_js($this->load->view('developer/logs_js', null, true), 'inline'); // Log Files Template::set('logs', get_filenames($this->config->item('log_path'))); Template::render(); }
private function ListFiles() { $sess = $this->session->userdata('user_data'); $nomor_efornas = $this->session->userdata('nomor_efornas'); $basepath = BASEPATH . '../uploads/' . $sess['id_provinsi'] . $sess['id_kabkota'] . $sess['id_faskes'] . '/' . $nomor_efornas['no']; $files = get_filenames($basepath); echo json_encode($files); }
public function get_language() { $this->load->helper('file'); $result = get_filenames('assets/nocms/languages'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) { $result[$i] = str_ireplace('.php', '', $result[$i]); } return $result; }
public function get_images() { $files = get_filenames('uploads/wysiwyg/thumbnails'); $return = []; foreach ($files as $file) { $return[] = array('thumb' => base_url('uploads/wysiwyg/thumbnails/' . $file), 'image' => base_url('uploads/wysiwyg/images/' . $file)); } echo stripslashes(json_encode($return)); }
public function view($page = 'overview') { if (!file_exists(APPPATH . '/views/pages/' . $page . '.php')) { show_404(); } $data['title'] = ucfirst($page); $data['api_key'] = $this->session->api_key; $data['api_url'] = Bitcodin::getBaseUrl(); if (!isset($this->session->page_limit) or !is_numeric($this->session->page_limit)) { $this->session->page_limit = 10; } $data['page_limit'] = $this->session->page_limit; $page_files = get_filenames(APPPATH . '/views/pages'); $menu_items = array(); foreach ($page_files as $file) { $name = basename($file, '.php'); $menu_items[] = ucfirst($name); } $index = array_search('Home', $menu_items); $home = $menu_items[$index]; unset($menu_items[$index]); array_unshift($menu_items, $home); if ($page == 'overview') { Bitcodin::setApiToken($this->session->api_key); try { $encodingProfiles = EncodingProfile::getListAll(); if (count($encodingProfiles) <= 0) { $encProf = new \stdClass(); $encProf->encodingProfileId = 0; $encProf->name = "No encoding profile available"; $encodingProfiles = array("No encoding profiles found"); } $outputs = Output::getListAll(); if (count($outputs) <= 0) { $output = new \stdClass(); $output->outputId = 0; $output->name = "No output available"; $outputs = array($output); } } catch (BitcodinException $ex) { $output = new \stdClass(); $output->outputId = 0; $output->name = "No output available"; $outputs = array($output); $encProf = new \stdClass(); $encProf->encodingProfileId = 0; $encProf->name = "No encoding profile available"; $encodingProfiles = array($encProf); } $data['encodingProfiles'] = $encodingProfiles; $data['outputs'] = $outputs; } $data['menu_items'] = $menu_items; $this->load->view('templates/header', $data); $this->load->view('pages/' . $page, $data); $this->load->view('templates/footer', $data); }
private function get_file_list($root_directory, $target_directory) { $file_list = array(); $directory = $root_directory . '/' . $target_directory; $file_list_bak = get_filenames($directory); foreach ($file_list_bak as $file) { array_push($file_list, '/' . $directory . '/' . $file); } return $file_list; }
/** * Index file that is home page for documentation * @return view index view */ public function index() { $this->load->helper('file'); $files = get_filenames('./application/views/documentation'); $articles = $this->format_list($files); $this->load->view('dashboard/header.php', array('title' => 'ISU Lacrosse Dashboard')); $this->load->view('dashboard/sidebar.php', array('active' => 'documentation', 'records' => $this->get_records())); $this->load->view('documentation/index.php', array('articles' => $articles)); $this->load->view('dashboard/footer.php', array('custom_script' => 'cms_index')); }
public function info() { $files = get_filenames($this->folder, FALSE); if ($files) { $data = array('titulo' => 'Mis Consultas', 'datos' => $this->consulta_model->get_datos(), 'files' => $files); } else { $data = array('titulo' => 'Mis Consultas', 'datos' => $this->consulta_model->get_datos(), 'files' => $NULL); } $this->load->view('consulta_view', $data); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->helper('file'); foreach (array('controllers', 'services', 'filters', 'directives') as $path) { foreach (get_filenames('app/scripts/' . $path) as $script) { $this->all[$path][] = $script; } } }
function _remap($module, $segs = NULL) { $remote_ips = $this->fuel->config('webhook_remote_ip'); $is_web_hook = $this->fuel->auth->check_valid_ip($remote_ips); // check if it is CLI or a web hook otherwise we need to validate $validate = (php_sapi_name() == 'cli' or defined('STDIN') or $is_web_hook) ? FALSE : TRUE; // Only super admins can execute builds for now if ($validate and !$this->fuel->auth->is_super_admin()) { show_error(lang('error_no_access')); } // call before build hook $params = array('module' => $module); $GLOBALS['EXT']->_call_hook('before_build', $params); // get the type of build which can either be CSS or JS $type = array_shift($segs); $valid_types = array('css', 'js'); if (!empty($type) and in_array($type, $valid_types)) { $this->load->helper('file'); // get the folder name if it exists $segs_str = implode('/', $segs); // explode on colon to separate the folder name from the file name $seg_parts = explode(':', $segs_str); // set the folder name to lookin $folder = $seg_parts[0]; // set the file name if one exists $filename = !empty($seg_parts[1]) ? $seg_parts[1] : 'main.min'; // get list of files $files_path = assets_server_path($folder, $type); $_files = get_filenames($files_path, TRUE); $files = array(); foreach ($_files as $file) { // trim to normalize path $replace = trim(assets_server_path('', $type), '/'); $files[] = str_replace($replace, '', trim($file, '/')); } $output_params['type'] = $type; $output_params['whitespace'] = TRUE; $output_params['destination'] = assets_server_path($filename . '.' . $type, $type, $module); $output = $this->asset->optimize($files, $output_params); echo lang('module_build_asset', strtoupper($type), $output_params['destination']); } else { if ($module != 'index' and $this->fuel->modules->exists($module) and $this->fuel->modules->is_advanced($this->fuel->{$module})) { $results = $this->fuel->{$module}->build(); if ($results === FALSE) { echo lang('error_no_build'); } } else { // run default FUEL optimizations if no module is passed $this->optimize_js(); $this->optimize_css(); } } // call after build hook $GLOBALS['EXT']->_call_hook('after_build', $params); }
/** * media::delete_dir() * * @param mixed $valor * @return */ function delete_dir($valor) { if ($this->session->userdata('logged_in')) { if (count(get_filenames('./upload/' . $valor)) >= 1) { redirect('Media'); } else { rmdir("./upload/" . $valor) or die("erro ao apagar diretório"); redirect('Media'); } } }
public function editPage() { Admincontrol_helper::is_logged_in($this->session->userdata('userName')); //Load the form helper $this->load->helper('form'); //Get page details from database $this->data['pages'] = $this->Hoosk_model->getPage($this->uri->segment(4)); //Load the view $this->data['templates'] = get_filenames('theme/' . THEME . '/templates'); $this->data['header'] = $this->load->view('admin/header', $this->data, true); $this->data['footer'] = $this->load->view('admin/footer', '', true); $this->load->view('admin/editpage', $this->data); }
/** * Mostra la vista para subir las fotos * * @return view */ public function index() { // Aquí tienes que obtener la cantidad y datos de las // fotos desde tu base de datos $this->load->helper('file'); $fotos = get_filenames('./img/mini/'); $cantidad_fotos = count($fotos); $data['fotos_restantes'] = 6 - $cantidad_fotos; $data['fotos'] = $fotos; $this->load->view('frontend/menu_vista', $data); $this->load->view('backend/cargar_fotos_vista'); $this->load->view('frontend/footer_vista'); }
function get_filenames($source_dir, $include_path = FALSE) { static $_filedata = array(); if ($fp = @opendir($source_dir)) { while (FALSE !== ($file = readdir($fp))) { if (@is_dir($source_dir . $file) && substr($file, 0, 1) != '.') { get_filenames($source_dir . $file . "/", $include_path); } elseif (substr($file, 0, 1) != ".") { $_filedata[] = $include_path == TRUE ? $source_dir . $file : $file; } } return $_filedata; } }
/** * This method loads all of the *.test.php files it can find. * * @uses get_filenames() * @param string The path to where to start looking for tests * @param bool Explore sub-directories for .test.php files */ function loadAllTests($startDir, $recursive = true) { $files = get_filenames($startDir); if (!is_array($files)) { echo "<p class=\"error\">No test classes found in {$startDir}..</p>\n"; return false; } foreach ($files as $lFile) { if (!is_dir($lFile)) { if (substr($lFile, -15) == '.simpletest.php') { $this->addFile($lFile); } } } }
public function categories() { $query = $this->db->get('product_group'); $result = $query->result_array(); echo '<pre>'; $i = 0; foreach ($result as $res) { $files = get_filenames('images/catalog/' . $res['id']); $result[$i++]['images'] = 'images/catalog/' . $res['id'] . '/' . $files[0]; } print_r($result); echo '</pre>'; $data = array('result' => $result); //$this->load->view('page_view',$data); }
public function index_show() { $this->load->helper('file'); $output = array(); $filearray = get_filenames('application/views/knowledgebase', TRUE); foreach ($filearray as $name) { $pathsegments = explode("/", $name); $text = read_file($name); preg_match("/<title>(.*)<\\/title>/i", $text, $matches); //array_push($output, $matches[1]); $link = '<li><a href="/kb/page/' . $pathsegments[sizeof($pathsegments) - 1] . '">' . $matches[1] . '</a></li>'; array_push($output, $link); } return "<ol>" . implode($output, "\n") . "</ol>"; }
/** * Addon File Handler * * @access private * @param string * @return void */ function get_files($type = 'modules') { $type_ident = array('modules' => 'mcp', 'extensions' => 'ext', 'plugins' => 'pi', 'fieldtypes' => 'ft', 'rte_tools' => 'rte'); if (!is_array($this->_map)) { ee()->load->helper('directory'); // Initialize the _map array so if no addons of a certain type // are found, we can still return _map[$type] without errors $this->_map = array('modules' => array(), 'extensions' => array(), 'plugins' => array(), 'fieldtypes' => array(), 'rte_tools' => array()); foreach (array(PATH_THIRD, PATH_ADDONS, PATH_RTE) as $path) { if (($map = directory_map($path, 2)) !== FALSE) { $this->package_list($map); } } if ($type != '') { ksort($this->_map[$type]); } ksort($this->_packages); } // And now first party addons - will override any third party packages of the same name. // We can be a little more efficient here and only check the directory they asked for static $_fp_read = array('extensions', 'modules', 'fieldtypes', 'rte_tools'); // is_package calls this function with a blank key to skip // first party - we'll do that right here instead of checking // if the folder exists if (!array_key_exists($type, $type_ident)) { return array(); } if (!in_array($type, $_fp_read)) { ee()->load->helper('file'); $ext_len = strlen('.php'); $abbr = $type_ident[$type]; $root_path = $abbr == 'mcp' ? PATH_ADDONS : constant('PATH_' . strtoupper($abbr)); $list = get_filenames($root_path); if (is_array($list)) { foreach ($list as $file) { if (strncasecmp($file, $abbr . '.', strlen($abbr . '.')) == 0 && substr($file, -$ext_len) == '.php' && strlen($file) > strlen($abbr . '.' . '.php')) { $name = substr($file, strlen($abbr . '.'), -$ext_len); $class = $abbr == 'pi' ? ucfirst($name) : ucfirst($name) . '_' . $abbr; $path = ($abbr == 'ext' or $abbr == 'acc' or $abbr == 'ft' or $abbr == 'rte') ? constant('PATH_' . strtoupper($abbr)) : $root_path . $name . '/'; $this->_map[$type][$name] = array('path' => $path, 'file' => $file, 'name' => ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $name)), 'class' => $class); } } } $_fp_read[] = $type; ksort($this->_map[$type]); } return $this->_map[$type]; }
public function _init($sync = '') { $from_certi = get_post('from_node_id', true); //证书名,32位 $this->load->model('stream_model'); if (get_post('method', true)) { $method_name = get_post('method', true); $method_name = str_replace('.', '_', $method_name); $node_type = get_post('node_type', true) == 'ecos.b2c' ? 'erp_to_ec' : 'ec_to_erp'; $filenames = get_filenames('application/libraries/apiv/' . $node_type); foreach ($filenames as $key => $value) { if ($method_name . '.php' == $value) { $this->load->library('apiv/' . $node_type . '/' . $method_name); $data = $this->{$method_name}->_init(); $now = time(); $data['response_data']['matrix_certi'] = $check_data['certi_name']; $data['response_data']['matrix_timestamp'] = $now; $data['response_data']['sign'] = md5($check_data['certi_name'] . $check_data['certi_key'] . $now); //发送前增加msg_id if (isset($data['response_data']['msg_id'])) { $data['response_data']['msg_id'] = md5($stream_id); } $send_status = 0; if (method_exists($this->{$method_name}, 'callback')) { $send_status = 1; } //记录数据1 $stream_id = $this->stream_model->log_first($data, $from_certi, $check_data['certi_name'], $send_status); //url判断同步 if ($sync) { $this->{$method_name}->right_away = TRUE; } //立即发送 $return_data = ''; if ($this->{$method_name}->right_away == TRUE) { $this->load->library('common/httpclient'); $return_data = $this->httpclient->set_timeout(20)->post($check_data['api_url'], $data['response_data']); //发送 // $this->stream_model->log_send_all(array('return_data'=>$return_data,'callback_url'=>$callback_url,'callback_data'=>$callback_data,'return_callback'=>$return_callback),$stream_id); } $result = $this->{$method_name}->result(array('return_data' => $return_data, 'response_data' => $data['response_data'], 'msg_id' => md5($stream_id))); echo $result; } } } else { die('{"res": "fail", "msg_id": "", "rsp": "e00093", "err_msg": "no method", "data": "no method"}'); } }
public function upload() { //TODO: refactor, add support for JPEG if ($this->config->item('migration_enabled') == TRUE) { die('Enable migrations to import images.'); } $this->load->spark('unzip/1.0.0'); $this->load->library('unzip'); $this->load->helper(array('file', 'form')); $this->load->library('upload', array('upload_path' => $this->uploads_dir, 'max_size' => $this->upload_max_filesize, 'allowed_types' => 'zip')); $data = array(); $data['properties'] = $this->properties_model->get_entries(); if (!$this->upload->do_upload()) { log_message('error', 'Import: Error handling upload'); $data['status'] = $this->upload->display_errors(); } else { log_message('debug', 'Import: Upload ok'); $date = new DateTime(); $now = $date->getTimestamp(); $upload_data = $this->upload->data(); mkdir($upload_data['file_path'] . $now, 0777); // unzip $this->unzip->extract($upload_data['full_path'], $upload_data['file_path'] . $now); log_message('debug', 'Import: Unzip'); if ($this->input->post('replace_old_files') == true) { $this->_cleanup($this->input->post('object_id')); } // copy, rename and insert in db $files = get_filenames($upload_data['file_path'] . $now, TRUE); $i = 1; foreach ($files as $file) { $new_file = $now . '_' . $i . '.jpg'; copy($file, $this->db_files_dir . $new_file); // insert in db $this->property_images_model->save($this->input->post('object_id'), $new_file); $i++; } log_message('debug', 'Import: Copy, rename and insert in DB happened'); // clean up delete_files($upload_data['file_path'] . $now); @rmdir($upload_data['file_path'] . $now); unlink($upload_data['full_path']); log_message('debug', 'Import: Cleaned up'); $data['status'] = 'Done.'; } $this->load->view('property_images/import', $data); }
public function index($enviado = NULL) { $this->load->library('dom'); $this->load->helper('file'); $aboutGal = get_filenames('./public/fotos'); $elementos = $this->setCaracteristicas()['carElems']; shuffle($elementos); $contactD = ['slider' => $aboutGal, 'ImagenP' => '/public/IMG_4489.jpg', 'headertitulo' => 'Huayacan 58', 'headersubtitulo' => 'una oportunidad <span class="text-primary">de hacer negocios</span>', 'abouttitle' => 'Requisitos para Arrendar', 'aboutp' => $this->setAboutp(), 'aboutp2' => 'Al llenar la forma, un agente se comunicará con usted para agendar una cita dentro de las siguientes 8 horas hábiles.', 'aboutGal' => $aboutGal, 'titulo' => '¿Tienes preguntas?', 'parrafo' => self::parrafo(), 'nombre' => 'Huayacan58', 'carTitle' => $this->setCaracteristicas()['carTitle'], 'carP' => $this->setCaracteristicas()['carP'], 'carFiltros' => $this->setCaracteristicas()['carFiltros'], 'carElems' => $elementos, 'enviado' => !is_null($enviado) ? TRUE : FALSE]; $this->dom->title = base_url(); $this->dom->navbar = ['v' => ['huayacan/navbar']]; $this->dom->content = ['v' => ['huayacan/header', $contactD]]; $this->dom->content = ['v' => ['huayacan/description']]; $this->dom->content = ['v' => ['huayacan/mapa']]; $this->dom->content = ['v' => ['huayacan/contacto']]; $this->dom->content = ['v' => ['huayacan/caracteristicas']]; $this->dom->render(); }
public function save_backup() { // Load the file helper $this->load->helper('file'); // Load the DB utility class $this->load->dbutil(); // Backup the entire database and assign it to a variable $prefs = array('format' => 'txt', 'add_drop' => FALSE, 'add_insert' => TRUE, 'newline' => "\n"); $backup =& $this->dbutil->backup($prefs); // Get number of existing backups in order to properly name the new backup $number_of_backups = count(get_filenames('/var/backups/kuklos/')); // write the file to your server write_file('/var/backups/kuklos/backup_' . $number_of_backups . '.sql', $backup); // // Load the download helper and send the file to your desktop // $this->load->helper('download'); // force_download('mybackup.gz', $backup); redirect(base_url('admin/backup_success')); }
/** * Get affected paths * @param mixed path * @return string */ function get_affected_paths($path) { global $basepath; $affected_paths = T_('Affected paths:') . ' '; if (is_array($path)) { $paths = array(); foreach ($path as $p) { $paths[] = no_trailing_slash($p); } $affected_paths .= implode(', ', $paths); } elseif ($path == '*') { $filename_params = array('inc_files' => false, 'recurse' => false, 'basename' => true); $affected_paths .= implode(', ', get_filenames($basepath, $filename_params)); } else { $affected_paths .= no_trailing_slash($path); } return $affected_paths; }
/** * Crawl * * Crawls /posted/ renaming directories and html files for pretty urls. * * @param int * @return array */ public function crawl($from = 0) { $this->benchmark->mark('crawl_start'); $root = './posted/'; $absolute_root = realpath($root); log_message('debug', 'Absolute Root: ' . $absolute_root); $this->load->helper('naming'); $this->load->helper('file'); $posts = get_dir_file_info($root, $top_level_only = true); log_message('debug', 'Posts:: ' . json_encode($posts)); $this->benchmark->mark('post_loop_start'); /** * Loop through directories in the $root directory formatting directory * names for pretty URLs as well as renaming .html files to * 'index.html'. */ foreach ($posts as $post) { $post_files = get_filenames($root . $post['name'], $prepend_paths = true); log_message('debug', 'Post Files:: ' . json_encode($post_files)); /** * Rename html files to index.html */ foreach ($post_files as $filename) { $filename = str_replace($absolute_root, '', $filename); log_message('debug', 'Filename: ' . $filename); $file_info = PATHINFO($root . $filename); log_message('debug', 'Fileinfo: ' . json_encode($file_info)); if ($file_info['extension'] == 'html' && $file_info['filename'] == 'index') { break; } elseif ($file_info['extension'] == 'html') { rename($root . $filename, $file_info['dirname'] . '/' . 'index.html'); break; } } rename($root . $post['name'], $root . format_url($post['name'])); $post_dirs[] = format_url($post['name']); } $this->benchmark->mark('post_loop_end'); // $posts = get_dir_file_info( $root, $top_level_only = true ); $posts = $this->_fetch_posts($root); log_message('debug', 'Fetched Posts:: ' . json_encode($posts)); $this->benchmark->mark('crawl_end'); return $posts; }