Exemple #1
    _e('This is how your profile appears to a logged in member.');

    if (bb_current_user_can('edit_user', $user->ID)) {
        printf(__('You may <a href="%1$s">edit this information</a>.'), esc_attr(get_profile_tab_link($user_id, 'edit')));

    if (bb_current_user_can('edit_favorites_of', $user->ID)) {
        printf(__('You can also <a href="%1$s">manage your favorites</a> and subscribe to your favorites&#8217; <a href="%2$s"><abbr title="Really Simple Syndication">RSS</abbr> feed</a>.'), esc_attr(get_favorites_link()), esc_attr(get_favorites_rss_link()));



<h3 id="useractivity"><?php 
_e('User Activity');
function bb_repermalink()
    global $page;
    $location = bb_get_location();
    $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
        $id = $_GET['id'];
    } else {
        $id = bb_get_path();
    $_original_id = $id;
    do_action('pre_permalink', $id);
    $id = apply_filters('bb_repermalink', $id);
    switch ($location) {
        case 'front-page':
            $path = null;
            $querystring = null;
            if ($page > 1) {
                if (bb_get_option('mod_rewrite')) {
                    $path = 'page/' . $page;
                } else {
                    $querystring = array('page' => $page);
            $permalink = bb_get_uri($path, $querystring, BB_URI_CONTEXT_HEADER);
            $issue_404 = true;
        case 'forum-page':
            if (empty($id)) {
                $permalink = bb_get_uri(null, null, BB_URI_CONTEXT_HEADER);
            global $forum_id, $forum;
            $forum = bb_get_forum($id);
            $forum_id = $forum->forum_id;
            $permalink = get_forum_link($forum->forum_id, $page);
        case 'topic-edit-page':
        case 'topic-page':
            if (empty($id)) {
                $permalink = bb_get_uri(null, null, BB_URI_CONTEXT_HEADER);
            global $topic_id, $topic;
            $topic = get_topic($id);
            $topic_id = $topic->topic_id;
            $permalink = get_topic_link($topic->topic_id, $page);
        case 'profile-page':
            // This handles the admin side of the profile as well.
            global $user_id, $user, $profile_hooks, $self;
            if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
                $id = $_GET['id'];
            } elseif (isset($_GET['username'])) {
                $id = $_GET['username'];
            } else {
                $id = bb_get_path();
            $_original_id = $id;
            if (!$id) {
                $user = bb_get_current_user();
                // Attempt to go to the current users profile
            } else {
                if (bb_get_option('mod_rewrite') === 'slugs') {
                    if (!($user = bb_get_user_by_nicename($id))) {
                        $user = bb_get_user($id);
                } else {
                    if (!($user = bb_get_user($id))) {
                        $user = bb_get_user_by_nicename($id);
            if (!$user || 1 == $user->user_status && !bb_current_user_can('moderate')) {
                bb_die(__('User not found.'), '', 404);
            $user_id = $user->ID;
            $valid = false;
            if ($tab = isset($_GET['tab']) ? $_GET['tab'] : bb_get_path(2)) {
                foreach ($profile_hooks as $valid_tab => $valid_file) {
                    if ($tab == $valid_tab) {
                        $valid = true;
                        $self = $valid_file;
            if ($valid) {
                $permalink = get_profile_tab_link($user->ID, $tab, $page);
            } else {
                $permalink = get_user_profile_link($user->ID, $page);
                unset($self, $tab);
        case 'favorites-page':
            $permalink = get_favorites_link();
        case 'tag-page':
            // It's not an integer and tags.php pulls double duty.
            $id = isset($_GET['tag']) ? $_GET['tag'] : false;
            if (!$id || !bb_get_tag((string) $id)) {
                $permalink = bb_get_tag_page_link();
            } else {
                global $tag, $tag_name;
                $tag_name = $id;
                $tag = bb_get_tag((string) $id);
                $permalink = bb_get_tag_link(0, $page);
                // 0 => grabs $tag from global.
        case 'view-page':
            // Not an integer
            if (isset($_GET['view'])) {
                $id = $_GET['view'];
            } else {
                $id = bb_get_path();
            $_original_id = $id;
            global $view;
            $view = $id;
            $permalink = get_view_link($view, $page);
    nxt_parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $args);
    $args = urlencode_deep($args);
    if ($args) {
        $permalink = add_query_arg($args, $permalink);
        if (bb_get_option('mod_rewrite')) {
            $pretty_args = array('id', 'page', 'tag', 'tab', 'username');
            // these are already specified in the path
            if ($location == 'view-page') {
                $pretty_args[] = 'view';
            foreach ($pretty_args as $pretty_arg) {
                $permalink = remove_query_arg($pretty_arg, $permalink);
    $permalink = apply_filters('bb_repermalink_result', $permalink, $location);
    $domain = bb_get_option('domain');
    $domain = preg_replace('/^https?/', '', $domain);
    $check = preg_replace('|^.*' . trim($domain, ' /') . '|', '', $permalink, 1);
    $uri = rtrim($uri, " \t\n\r\v?");
    $uri = str_replace('/index.php', '/', $uri);
    global $bb_log;
    $bb_log->debug($uri, 'bb_repermalink() ' . __('REQUEST_URI'));
    $bb_log->debug($check, 'bb_repermalink() ' . __('should be'));
    $bb_log->debug($permalink, 'bb_repermalink() ' . __('full permalink'));
    $bb_log->debug(isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) ? $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] : null, 'bb_repermalink() ' . __('PATH_INFO'));
    if ($check != $uri && $check != str_replace(urlencode($_original_id), $_original_id, $uri)) {
        if ($issue_404 && rtrim($check, " \t\n\r\v/") !== rtrim($uri, " \t\n\r\v/")) {
        } else {
    do_action('post_permalink', $permalink);
function user_favorites_link($add = array(), $rem = array(), $user_id = 0)
    global $topic, $bb_current_user;
    if (empty($add) || !is_array($add)) {
        $add = array('mid' => __('Add this topic to your favorites'), 'post' => __(' (%?%)'));
    if (empty($rem) || !is_array($rem)) {
        $rem = array('pre' => __('This topic is one of your %favorites% ['), 'mid' => __('&times;'), 'post' => __(']'));
    if ($user_id) {
        if (!bb_current_user_can('edit_favorites_of', (int) $user_id)) {
            return false;
        if (!($user = bb_get_user(bb_get_user_id($user_id)))) {
            return false;
    } else {
        if (!bb_current_user_can('edit_favorites')) {
            return false;
        $user =& $bb_current_user->data;
    $url = esc_url(get_favorites_link($user_id));
    if ($is_fav = is_user_favorite($user->ID, $topic->topic_id)) {
        $rem = preg_replace('|%(.+)%|', "<a href='{$url}'>\$1</a>", $rem);
        $favs = array('fav' => '0', 'topic_id' => $topic->topic_id);
        $pre = is_array($rem) && isset($rem['pre']) ? $rem['pre'] : '';
        $mid = is_array($rem) && isset($rem['mid']) ? $rem['mid'] : (is_string($rem) ? $rem : '');
        $post = is_array($rem) && isset($rem['post']) ? $rem['post'] : '';
    } elseif (false === $is_fav) {
        $add = preg_replace('|%(.+)%|', "<a href='{$url}'>\$1</a>", $add);
        $favs = array('fav' => '1', 'topic_id' => $topic->topic_id);
        $pre = is_array($add) && isset($add['pre']) ? $add['pre'] : '';
        $mid = is_array($add) && isset($add['mid']) ? $add['mid'] : (is_string($add) ? $add : '');
        $post = is_array($add) && isset($add['post']) ? $add['post'] : '';
    $url = esc_url(bb_nonce_url(add_query_arg($favs, get_favorites_link($user_id)), 'toggle-favorite_' . $topic->topic_id));
    if (!is_null($is_fav)) {
        echo "<span id='favorite-{$topic->topic_id}'>{$pre}<a href='{$url}' class='dim:favorite-toggle:favorite-{$topic->topic_id}:is-favorite'>{$mid}</a>{$post}</span>";
 * Load localized script just in time for MCE.
 * These localizations require information that may not be loaded even by init.
function bb_just_in_time_script_localization()
    wp_localize_script('topic', 'bbTopicJS', array('currentUserId' => bb_get_current_user_info('id'), 'topicId' => get_topic_id(), 'favoritesLink' => get_favorites_link(), 'isFav' => (int) is_user_favorite(bb_get_current_user_info('id')), 'confirmPostDelete' => __("Are you sure you want to delete this post?"), 'confirmPostUnDelete' => __("Are you sure you want to undelete this post?"), 'favLinkYes' => __('favorites'), 'favLinkNo' => __('?'), 'favYes' => __('This topic is one of your %favLinkYes% [%favDel%]'), 'favNo' => __('%favAdd% (%favLinkNo%)'), 'favDel' => __('&times;'), 'favAdd' => __('Add this topic to your favorites')));
Exemple #5
Это то, каким видит Ваш профиль пользователь, вошедший в систему.

    if (bb_current_user_can('edit_user', $user->ID)) {
        printf('Вы можете <a href=\\"%1$s\\">редактировать эту информацию</a>.', attribute_escape(get_profile_tab_link($user_id, 'edit')));

    if (bb_current_user_can('edit_favorites_of', $user->ID)) {
        printf('Вы также можете <a href="%1$s">управлять вашими закладками</a> и подписаться на ваши закладки по <a href="%2$s"><abbr title="Really Simple Syndication">RSS</abbr></a>.', attribute_escape(get_favorites_link()), attribute_escape(get_favorites_rss_link()));
<hr />

<h2 id="useractivity">Активность</h2>

<div id="user-replies" class="user-recent"><h4>Последние сообщения</h4>
Exemple #6
    _e('Profile updated');
. <a href="<?php 
    profile_tab_link($user_id, 'edit');
    _e('Edit again &raquo;');
} elseif ($user_id == bb_get_current_user_info('id')) {
    printf(__('This is how your profile appears to a fellow logged in member, you may <a href="%1$s">edit this information</a>. You can also <a href="%2$s">manage your favorites</a> and subscribe to your favorites&#8217; <a href="%3$s"><abbr title="Really Simple Syndication">RSS</abbr> feed</a>'), attribute_escape(get_profile_tab_link($user_id, 'edit')), attribute_escape(get_favorites_link()), attribute_escape(get_favorites_rss_link()));

			<div class="post"><h4><?php 
_e('Recent Replies');
if ($posts) {