function get_top10($which, $whichwhat, $what) { global $ft; $t10 = $ft->dbh->_select_rows_as_objects('SELECT * FROM tbl:favorites WHERE type = ? ' . 'AND var1 = ? AND ftype = ? ORDER BY var3 DESC LIMIT 10', array($which, $whichwhat, $what)); $out = array(); foreach ($t10 as $row) { $val = "value undefined"; if ($what == 'weapon') { $val = get_item_name($row->var2); } elseif ($what == 'pilot') { $val = get_pilot_name($row->var2) . ' [' . get_corp_ticker(get_pilot_corpid($row->var2)) . ']'; } elseif ($what == 'system') { $val = get_system_name($row->var2); } elseif ($what == 'ship_killed' || $what == 'ship_lost' || $what == 'ship_flown') { $val = get_item_name($row->var2); } array_push($out, array($val, $row->var3)); } return $out; }
function ticker_link() { if ($this->corp_id && $this->corp) { global $_WEB_URL; if (!$this->corp_ticker) { $this->corp_ticker = get_corp_ticker($this->corp_id); $ticker = $this->corp_ticker; if (!$this->corp_ticker) { $ticker = "????"; } else { # we actually got one, so we should nuke the cache for this kill # FIXME HOW } } else { $ticker = $this->corp_ticker; } $url = "{$_WEB_URL}/show.php?corpid=" . $this->corp_id; return "<a href='{$url}'>" . $ticker . "</a>"; } }
array_push($criteria, 'regionid = ?'); array_push($bind, $regionid); array_push($args, "regionid={$regionid}"); array_push($message, "in <strong>" . EVERegion::getName($regionid) . "</strong>"); } if (is_numeric($groupid) && $groupid > 0) { array_push($criteria, '(v_groupid = ? OR k_groupid = ?)'); array_push($bind, $groupid, $groupid); array_push($args, "groupid={$groupid}"); array_push($message, "by group <strong>" . get_group_name($groupid) . "</strong>"); } if (is_numeric($corpid) && $corpid > 0) { array_push($criteria, '(v_corpid = ? OR k_corpid = ?)'); array_push($bind, $corpid, $corpid); array_push($args, "corpid={$corpid}"); array_push($message, "by corp <strong>" . get_corp_name($corpid) . " [" . get_corp_ticker($corpid) . "]</strong>"); } if (is_numeric($allianceid) && $allianceid > 0) { array_push($criteria, '(v_allianceid = ? OR k_allianceid = ?)'); array_push($bind, $allianceid, $allianceid); array_push($args, "allianceid={$allianceid}"); array_push($message, "by alliance <strong>" . get_alliance_name($allianceid) . "</strong>"); } if (is_numeric($shipid) && $shipid > 0) { array_push($criteria, '(v_shipid = ? OR k_shipid = ?)'); array_push($bind, $shipid, $shipid); array_push($args, "shipid={$shipid}"); array_push($message, "with a <strong>" . get_item_name($shipid) . "</strong>"); } if (is_numeric($pilotid) && $pilotid > 0) { array_push($criteria, '(v_pilotid = ? OR k_pilotid = ?)');