public function subscribe_from_comment($cid, $comment = null) { $cid = (int) $cid; $opts = $this->options; $mc4wp = MC4WP_Lite::get_instance(); if (!is_object($comment)) { $comment = get_comment($cid); } // check if comment has been marked as spam or not if ($comment->comment_karma == 0) { // check if commenter wanted to be subscribed $subscribe = get_comment_meta($cid, 'mc4wp_subscribe', true); if ($subscribe == 1) { $email = $comment->comment_author_email; $ip = $comment->comment_author_IP; $name = $comment->comment_author; $result = $mc4wp->subscribe('checkbox', $email, array(), array('name' => $name, 'ip' => $ip)); if ($result === true) { update_comment_meta($cid, 'mc4wp_subscribe', 'subscribed', 1); } else { // something went wrong $error = $result; // show error to admins only if (current_user_can('manage_options')) { if ($error == 'no_lists_selected') { die("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<h3>MailChimp for WordPress - configuration error</h3>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p><strong>Error:</strong> No lists have been selected. Go to the <a href=\"" . get_admin_url(null, "admin.php?page=mailchimp-for-wp&tab=checkbox-settings") . "\">MailChimp for WordPress options page</a> and select at least one list to subscribe commenters to.</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p><em>PS. don't worry, this error message will only be shown to WP Administrators.</em></p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"); } } } } } }
function cer_comment_status_changed($comment_id, $comment_status) { $comment_object = get_comment($comment_id); if ($comment_status == 'approve') { cer_comment_notification($comment_object->comment_ID, $comment_object); } }
/** * Executed comment posted * * @param int $comment_id */ public function comment_posted($comment_id) { $comment = get_comment($comment_id); if ($this->is_thread(get_post_type($comment->comment_post_ID))) { // This may anonymous comment. if ($this->input->post('_nichancommentnonce') && $comment->user_id && $comment->user_id == $this->option->post_as) { // Mark this as anonymous comment update_comment_meta($comment_id, '_is_anonymous', 1); // If hash exists, save it if ($this->option->use_trip && ($trip = $this->input->post('trip'))) { update_comment_meta($comment_id, '_trip', $this->hash->generate($trip)); } // Put cookie for anonymous user. if (isset($_COOKIE['nichan_posted'])) { $cookies = explode('-', $_COOKIE['nichan_posted']); } else { $cookies = array(); } if (false === array_search($comment->comment_post_ID, $cookies)) { $cookies[] = $comment->comment_post_ID; } setcookie('nichan_posted', implode('-', $cookies), current_time('timestamp', true) + 60 * 30, '/'); } } }
/** * save old notification data from notification table v200 into new created table and drop old table */ public function wc_save_notification_data_v200($wc_old_notification_table_name) { $sql_post_notification_data = "SELECT * FROM `" . $wc_old_notification_table_name . "` WHERE `post_id` > 0;"; $sql_comment_notification_data = "SELECT * FROM `" . $wc_old_notification_table_name . "` WHERE `comment_id` > 0;"; $post_notifications_data = $this->db->get_results($sql_post_notification_data, ARRAY_A); $comment_notifications_data = $this->db->get_results($sql_comment_notification_data, ARRAY_A); $inserted_post_ids = array(); foreach ($post_notifications_data as $p_notification_data) { $email = $p_notification_data['email']; $post_id = $p_notification_data['post_id']; $inserted_post_ids[] = $post_id; $subscribtion_type = "post"; $activation_key = md5($email . uniqid() . time()); $sql_add_old_post_notification = "INSERT INTO `" . $this->email_notification . "` (`email`, `subscribtion_id`, `post_id`, `subscribtion_type`, `activation_key`, `confirm`) VALUES('{$email}', {$post_id}, {$post_id}, '{$subscribtion_type}', '{$activation_key}', '1');"; $this->db->query($sql_add_old_post_notification); } foreach ($comment_notifications_data as $c_notification_data) { $email = $c_notification_data['email']; $comment_id = $c_notification_data['comment_id']; $comment = get_comment($comment_id); if (!$this->wc_has_comment_notification($comment->comment_post_ID, $comment_id, $email)) { $subscribtion_type = "comment"; $activation_key = md5($email . uniqid() . time()); $sql_add_old_post_notification = "INSERT INTO `" . $this->email_notification . "` (`email`, `subscribtion_id`, `post_id`, `subscribtion_type`, `activation_key`, `confirm`) VALUES('{$email}', {$comment_id}, {$comment->comment_post_ID}, '{$subscribtion_type}', '{$activation_key}', '1');"; $this->db->query($sql_add_old_post_notification); } } $sql_drop_old_notification_table = "DROP TABLE `" . $wc_old_notification_table_name . "`;"; $this->db->query($sql_drop_old_notification_table); }
/** * Sends a notification if a comment is approved * @param int $commentId The comment ID * @param string $commentStatus The new comment status * @return boolean */ function cren_comment_status_update($commentId, $commentStatus) { $comment = get_comment($commentId); if ($commentStatus == 'approve') { cren_comment_notification($comment->comment_id, $comment); } }
/** * @since 1.1.9 * @param $comment_id */ function _save_review_stats($comment_id) { $comemntObj = get_comment($comment_id); $post_id = $comemntObj->comment_post_ID; if (get_post_type($post_id) == 'st_holidays') { $all_stats = $this->get_review_stats(); $st_review_stats = STInput::post('st_review_stats'); if (!empty($all_stats) and is_array($all_stats)) { $total_point = 0; foreach ($all_stats as $key => $value) { if (isset($st_review_stats[$value['title']])) { $total_point += $st_review_stats[$value['title']]; //Now Update the Each Stat Value update_comment_meta($comment_id, 'st_stat_' . sanitize_title($value['title']), $st_review_stats[$value['title']]); } } $avg = round($total_point / count($all_stats), 1); //Update comment rate with avg point $rate = wp_filter_nohtml_kses($avg); if ($rate > 5) { //Max rate is 5 $rate = 5; } update_comment_meta($comment_id, 'comment_rate', $rate); //Now Update the Stats Value update_comment_meta($comment_id, 'st_review_stats', $st_review_stats); } if (STInput::post('comment_rate')) { update_comment_meta($comment_id, 'comment_rate', STInput::post('comment_rate')); } //review_stats $avg = STReview::get_avg_rate($post_id); update_post_meta($post_id, 'rate_review', $avg); } }
public function wp_set_comment_status($comment_id, $comment_status) { if (!get_comment($comment_id)) { return; } $update = new Listify_Rating_Listing(array('object_id' => get_comment($comment_id)->comment_post_ID, 'rating' => true)); }
/** * Push a notification to user after a reply is posted. * * @since 0.0.1 */ function vp_push_notify($comment_ID) { $comment = get_comment($comment_ID); $parent_id = $comment->comment_parent; if ('0' == $parent_id) { return; } $parent = get_comment($parent_id); $parent_user_id = $parent->user_id; if ('0' == $parent_user_id) { return; } // if the reply is post by youself, don't push notify if ($comment->user_id == $parent_user_id) { return; } $notifications = get_user_meta($parent_user_id, 'v2press_notifications', true); if (!is_array($notifications) || empty($notifications)) { $notifications = array(); } $notifications[] = $comment_ID; update_user_meta($parent_user_id, 'v2press_notifications', $notifications); $count = (int) get_user_meta($parent_user_id, 'v2press_notifications_unread', true); $count++; update_user_meta($parent_user_id, 'v2press_notifications_unread', $count); }
/** Called to indicate that the given comment deserves a claim. */ function _clm_comment_submit_claim($id) { $comment = get_comment($id, 'OBJECT'); // Verify that we have enough information to claim $blog = $comment->comment_author_url; if (strlen($blog) < 8) { // Nope. Doesn't look like a decent URL return; } // Get the URL of the claim service clm_loadSib('network.php'); $claimUrl = _clm_claim_discover($blog); if (!$claimUrl) { // There's no URL return; } // Send the claim $post = get_post($comment->comment_post_ID); $request = array('title' => $post->post_title, 'blog_name' => get_bloginfo('name'), 'blog_url' => get_bloginfo('wpurl'), 'type' => 'comment', 'item' => '', 'email' => $comment->comment_author_email, 'excerpt' => substr(strip_tags($comment->comment_content), 0, 255), 'url' => get_permalink($comment->comment_post_ID) . '#comment-' . $comment->comment_ID); $request['charset'] = get_option('blog_charset'); foreach (array_keys($request) as $key) { $request[$key] = urlencode($request[$key]); } $claimUrl .= '?'; $first = true; foreach ($request as $key => $value) { if (!$first) { $claimUrl .= '&'; } $first = false; $claimUrl .= $key . '=' . $value; } $r = @file($claimUrl); // We should check the return type here. But why bother? }
/** * Processes the comment data, and sends the lead if appropriate. * * @param int $id The ID of the comment * @return void **/ function salesforce_process_comment($comment_id) { if (get_comment_meta($comment_id, 'salesforce_lead_submitted', true)) { return; } $options = get_option('salesforce2'); if (!$options['commentstoleads']) { return; } $comment = get_comment($comment_id); $post = get_post($comment->comment_post_ID); // Some plugins use comments on custom post types for all kinds of things $allowed_types = apply_filters('salesforce_allowed_comment_to_lead_types', array('post', 'page')); if (!in_array($post->post_type, $allowed_types)) { return; } $first_name = get_comment_meta($comment_id, 'author_first_name', true); $last_name = get_comment_meta($comment_id, 'author_last_name', true); // Let's get at least some name data in from legacy comments if (!$first_name && !$last_name) { $first_name = $comment->comment_author; } $lead_data = array('first_name' => $first_name, 'last_name' => $last_name, 'email' => $comment->comment_author_email, 'lead_source' => 'Web comment, ' . get_site_url(), 'URL' => $comment->comment_author_url, 'description' => $comment->comment_content); if (submit_salesforce_form($lead_data, $options)) { add_comment_meta($comment_id, 'salesforce_lead_submitted', 1); } }
public function delete_comment() { $args = $args = explode('-', sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['args'])); if (!ap_user_can_delete_comment($args[0])) { $result = array('status' => false, 'message' => __('You do not have permission to delete this comment', 'ap')); die(json_encode($result)); } $action = 'delete-comment-' . $args[0]; if (wp_verify_nonce($args[1], $action)) { $comment = get_comment($args[0]); $delete = wp_delete_comment($args[0], true); if ($delete) { $post_type = get_post_type($comment->comment_post_ID); do_action('ap_after_delete_comment', $comment, $post_type); if ($post_type == 'question') { ap_do_event('delete_comment', $comment, 'question'); } elseif ($post_type == 'answer') { ap_do_event('delete_comment', $comment, 'answer'); } } $result = array('status' => true, 'message' => __('Comment deleted successfully', 'ap')); die(json_encode($result)); } die; }
public function handle_comment_log($comment_ID, $comment = null) { if (is_null($comment)) { $comment = get_comment($comment_ID); } $action = 'created'; switch (current_filter()) { case 'wp_insert_comment': $action = 1 === (int) $comment->comment_approved ? 'approved' : 'pending'; break; case 'edit_comment': $action = 'updated'; break; case 'delete_comment': $action = 'deleted'; break; case 'trash_comment': $action = 'trashed'; break; case 'untrash_comment': $action = 'untrashed'; break; case 'spam_comment': $action = 'spammed'; break; case 'unspam_comment': $action = 'unspammed'; break; } $this->_add_comment_log($comment_ID, $action, $comment); }
public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $comment_ids = $this->factory->comment->create_post_comments($this->factory->post->create()); $this->comment = get_comment($comment_ids[0]); $this->client->do_sync(); }
/** * WordPress评论回复邮件提醒防垃圾评论版 * 作者:露兜 * 博客: */ function zws_comment_mail_notify($comment_id, $comment_status) { // 评论必须经过审核才会发送通知邮件 if ($comment_status !== 'approve' && $comment_status !== 1) { return; } $comment = get_comment($comment_id); if ($comment->comment_parent != '0') { $parent_comment = get_comment($comment->comment_parent); // 邮件接收者email $to = trim($parent_comment->comment_author_email); // 邮件标题 $subject = '您收到来自[' . get_option("blogname") . ']的动态消息'; // 邮件内容,自行修改,支持HTML $message = ' <div style="border:1px solid #AAAAAA;background:#f5f5f5;line-height:35px;padding:20px;border-radius:8px;font-size: 14px;width:600px;margin:0 auto;"> <h2 style="background:#52b8cb;color:#f5f5f5;font-size:16px;line-height:20px;text-shadow:1px 1px 5px #b1b1b1;font-weight:normal;padding:10px;">您在 <font style="font-weight:700;"> ' . get_option('blogname') . '</font> 的评论有新回复啦!</h2> <p><font color="#52b8cb">' . $parent_comment->comment_author . '</font> 童鞋,你曾经在《' . get_the_title($comment->comment_post_ID) . '》留言说:</p> <p style="background-color: #DDD;padding:5px 8px;margin:5px 15px;text-indent:2em;">' . $parent_comment->comment_content . '</p> <p><font color="#52b8cb">' . $comment->comment_author . '</font> 给你的回应是:</p> <p style="background-color: #DDD;padding:5px 8px;margin:5px 15px;text-indent:2em;">' . $comment->comment_content . '</p> <p>猛击这里:<a href="' . htmlspecialchars(get_comment_link($comment->comment_parent)) . '"><font color="#52b8cb">查看完整评论</font></a>, 欢迎再次访问<a href="' . home_url() . '"><font color="#52b8cb">' . get_option('blogname') . '</font></a></p> <p>(此邮件由系统自动发送,请勿回复)</p> </div>'; $message_headers = "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"" . get_option('blog_charset') . "\"\n"; // 不用给不填email的评论者和管理员发提醒邮件 if ($to != '' && $to != get_bloginfo('admin_email')) { @wp_mail($to, $subject, $message, $message_headers); } } }
/** * Send notifications appropriate for a newly published comment. * * Top level comments go to all post subscribers, replies optionally to the replyee. * * @param object|int $comment_id_or_object * @param string $chunk Optional identifier for this chunk (to avoid cron collisions) * @param int $retry_wait_seconds Minimum time to wait if a retry is necessary, or null to disable retry */ public static function send_notifications($comment_id_or_object, $chunk = '', $retry_wait_seconds = null) { $comment = get_comment($comment_id_or_object); self::handle_new_subscriber($comment); $batch = new Prompt_Comment_Email_Batch($comment); Prompt_Factory::make_mailer($batch, null, $chunk)->set_retry_wait_seconds($retry_wait_seconds)->send(); }
/** * Get contribution * * @since 1.0.0 * @param bool $the_contribution (default: false) * @param array $args (default: array()) * @return WC_Contribution */ public function wc_product_reviews_pro_get_contribution($the_contribution = false, $args = array()) { global $comment; if (false === $the_contribution) { $the_contribution = $comment; } elseif (is_numeric($the_contribution)) { $the_contribution = get_comment($the_contribution); } if (!$the_contribution) { return false; } if (is_object($the_contribution)) { $comment_id = absint($the_contribution->comment_ID); $comment_type = $the_contribution->comment_type; } // Create a WC coding standards compliant class name e.g. WC_Product_Type_Class instead of WC_Product_type-class $classname = 'WC_Contribution_' . implode('_', array_map('ucfirst', explode('-', $comment_type))); /** * Filter classname so that the class can be overridden if extended. * * @since 1.0.0 * @param string $classname The class name. * @param srting $comment_type The comment type. * @param int $comment_id The comment id. */ $classname = apply_filters('woocommerce_contribution_class', $classname, $comment_type, $comment_id); if (!class_exists($classname)) { $classname = 'WC_Contribution_Review'; } return new $classname($the_contribution, $args); }
public function flush_by_comment($cid) { global $nginxchampuru; $com = get_comment($cid); $mode = $nginxchampuru->get_flush_method("comment"); self::flush_caches($mode, $com->comment_post_ID); }
/** * save old notification data from notification table v200 into new created table and drop old table */ public function saveNotificationDataV200($oldNotificationTableName) { $sqlPostNotificationData = "SELECT * FROM `" . $oldNotificationTableName . "` WHERE `post_id` > 0;"; $sqlCommentNotificationData = "SELECT * FROM `" . $oldNotificationTableName . "` WHERE `comment_id` > 0;"; $postNotificationsData = $this->db->get_results($sqlPostNotificationData, ARRAY_A); $commentNotificationsData = $this->db->get_results($sqlCommentNotificationData, ARRAY_A); $insertedPostIds = array(); foreach ($postNotificationsData as $pNotificationData) { $email = $pNotificationData['email']; $postId = $pNotificationData['post_id']; $insertedPostIds[] = $postId; $subscribtionType = "post"; $activationKey = md5($email . uniqid() . time()); $sqlAddOldPostNotification = "INSERT INTO `" . $this->emailNotification . "` (`email`, `subscribtion_id`, `post_id`, `subscribtion_type`, `activation_key`, `confirm`) VALUES('{$email}', {$postId}, {$postId}, '{$subscribtionType}', '{$activationKey}', '1');"; $this->db->query($sqlAddOldPostNotification); } foreach ($commentNotificationsData as $cNotificationData) { $email = $cNotificationData['email']; $commentId = $cNotificationData['comment_id']; $comment = get_comment($commentId); if (!$this->wc_has_comment_notification($comment->comment_post_ID, $commentId, $email)) { $subscribtionType = "comment"; $activationKey = md5($email . uniqid() . time()); $sqlAddOldPostNotification = "INSERT INTO `" . $this->emailNotification . "` (`email`, `subscribtion_id`, `post_id`, `subscribtion_type`, `activation_key`, `confirm`) VALUES('{$email}', {$commentId}, {$comment->comment_post_ID}, '{$subscribtionType}', '{$activationKey}', '1');"; $this->db->query($sqlAddOldPostNotification); } } $sqlDropOldNotificationTable = "DROP TABLE `" . $oldNotificationTableName . "`;"; $this->db->query($sqlDropOldNotificationTable); }
public static function getById($commentId, $userId = null) { if ($comment = get_comment($commentId)) { if (empty($userId) or $comment->user_id == $userId) { return new self($comment); } } }
function wpc_pre_update_comment_time($comment_id, $status) { //comment_post sends along a status, if it's "succes", $status == 1 if ($status == 1) { $comment = get_comment($comment_id); wpc_update_comment_time($comment); } }
public static function getById($commentId, $userId = null) { if ($comment = get_comment($commentId) and $comment->comment_type == self::COMMENT_TYPE) { if (empty($userId) or $comment->user_id == $userId) { return new self($comment); } } }
function flamingo_insert_comment($comment_id) { $comment = get_comment($comment_id); if (1 != (int) $comment->comment_approved) { return; } Flamingo_Contact::add(array('email' => $comment->comment_author_email, 'name' => $comment->comment_author, 'channel' => 'comment')); }
public function show($id, $cropped = false) { $comment = get_comment($id); if (!empty($comment)) { $comment = new $this->model_name($comment, $this->meta_key, $cropped); } return $comment; }
public function commentOfId($id) { $comment = get_comment($id, ARRAY_A); if ($comment) { $comment = $this->mapData($comment); } return $comment; }
public function get_object_by_id($object_type, $id) { $comment_id = intval($id); if ($object_type === 'comment' && ($comment = get_comment($comment_id))) { return $this->filter_comment($comment); } return false; }
/** logged action: new comment **/ function userpro_sc_new_comment($comment_ID, $comment_status) { global $userpro_social; if ($comment_status == 1) { $comment = get_comment($comment_ID, ARRAY_A); $post = get_post($comment['comment_post_ID']); $userpro_social->log_action('new_comment', $comment['user_id'], $comment['comment_post_ID'], $post->post_title); } }
public function get_by_id($id) { $comment = get_comment($id); if ($comment->comment_post_ID != $this->post_id || $comment->comment_type != $this->key || $comment->comment_approved != $this->key) { return null; } $entries = self::entries_from_comments(array($comment)); return $entries[0]; }
/** * @see CPAC_Column::get_value() * @since 2.0 */ function get_value($id) { $comment = get_comment($id); $value = $this->get_asset_image('no.png'); if ($comment->comment_approved) { $value = $this->get_asset_image('checkmark.png'); } return $value; }
/** * Comment change action * * @param integer $comment_id */ function on_comment_change($comment_id) { $post_id = 0; if ($comment_id) { $comment = get_comment($comment_id, ARRAY_A); $post_id = !empty($comment['comment_post_ID']) ? (int) $comment['comment_post_ID'] : 0; } $this->on_post_change($post_id); }
public function get($arg) { $comment_id = (int) $arg; $comment = get_comment($comment_id); if (is_null($comment)) { return false; } return $comment; }