} if (apply_filters('templ_design_bloglink_opt', true)) { $options[] = array("name" => __("Display Blog Categories Link?"), "label" => __("Wish to display Blog Categories Link?"), "desc" => __("Do you wish to display 'Blog Categories' link in Header Navigation? Select 'Show' to display else 'Hide'"), "id" => $shortname . "_blogcatheader_display", "std" => "Show", "type" => "select", "options" => array('Show', 'Hide')); } if (apply_filters('templ_design_pages_opt', true)) { $options[] = array("name" => __("Display Pages?"), "label" => __("Wish to display Pages?"), "desc" => __("Do you wish to display 'Pages' in Header Navigation? Select 'Show' to display else 'Hide'."), "id" => $shortname . "_pageheader_display", "std" => "Show", "type" => "select", "options" => array('Show', 'Hide')); } if (apply_filters('templ_design_excludepage_opt', true)) { $options[] = array("name" => __("Exclude Pages from Header Menu"), "label" => __("Exclude Pages from Header Menu"), "desc" => __("Enter a comma-separated list of the <code>Page ID's</code> that you'd like to display in header (on the right). (ie. <code>1,2,3,4</code>)"), "id" => $shortname . "_categories_id", "std" => "", "type" => "multihead"); $options = pages_exclude($options); } if (apply_filters('templ_design_cats_opt', true)) { $options[] = array("name" => __("Display Categories?"), "label" => __("Display Categories?"), "desc" => __("Do you wish to display 'Categories' in Header Navigation? Select 'Show' to display else 'Hide'."), "id" => $shortname . "_catheader_display", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => array('Hide', 'Show')); } if (apply_filters('templ_design_menucat_opt', true)) { $options[] = array("name" => __("Menu Category"), "label" => __("Header Navigation Select Menu Category"), "desc" => __("Select categories that you'd like to display on the right side in header. Press ctrl to select more than one."), "id" => $shortname . "_categories_id", "std" => "", "type" => "multiselect", "options" => get_categories_array()); } if (apply_filters('templ_design_breadcrumb_opt', true)) { $options[] = array("name" => __("Breadcrumbs Navigation"), "label" => __("Show breadcrumbs navigation bar"), "desc" => "i.e. Home > Blog > Title - <a href='" . $breadcrumbsurl . "'>Change options here</a>", "id" => $shortname . "_breadcrumbs", "std" => "true", "type" => "checkbox"); } $options[] = array("name" => "", "desc" => "", "id" => "", "std" => "", "type" => "savebutton"); $options[] = array("type" => "subheadingbottom"); } /// Footer Navigation Settings if (apply_filters('templ_design_footernavsettings_opt', true)) { $options[] = array("name" => __("Footer Navigation Settings"), "toggle" => "true", "type" => "subheadingtop"); if (apply_filters('templ_design_footerpages_opt', true)) { $options[] = array("name" => __("Footer Navigation"), "label" => __("Show breadcrumbs navigation bar"), "desc" => __("Select categories that you'd like to display on the right side in footer. Press ctrl to select more than one."), "id" => $shortname . "_footerpages", "std" => "", "type" => "multiselect", "options" => get_pages_array()); } $options[] = array("name" => "", "desc" => "", "id" => "", "std" => "", "type" => "savebutton"); $options[] = array("type" => "subheadingbottom");
} $categories_array[$cat->cat_ID] = $cat->cat_name . $count_num; } return $categories_array; } /* * ************************************************************* */ $this->admin_option('اعدادات الرئيسية', 'من فضلك ادخل رقم التليفون', 'phone', 'text', '', array('display' => 'inline')); $this->admin_option('اعدادات الرئيسية', 'من فضلك ادخل العنوان الخاص بالمستشفى', 'adress', 'textarea', '', array('display' => 'inline')); $this->admin_option('اعدادات الرئيسية', 'اكتب وصف الموقع', 'desc', 'textarea', '', array('display' => 'inline')); $this->admin_option('اعدادات الرئيسية', 'الكلمات الدالة على الموقع للاستخدام فى محركات البحث', 'seo', 'textarea', '', array('display' => 'inline')); $this->admin_option('اعدادات الرئيسية', 'معلومات عن المستشفى', 'About', 'textarea', '', array('display' => 'inline')); /* * ******************************************* * ********************Slider************************ */ $this->admin_option('عارض الشرائح', 'سلايدر الرئيسى', '_Mainblock', 'content', ''); $this->admin_option('عارض الشرائح', 'اختر القسم بالعربية', 'Mainblock', 'select', '', array('display' => 'inline', 'options' => get_categories_array(true, array('' => 'اختار القسم')))); /* * ******************************************* * ******************************************** */ /* * ****************** */ $this->admin_option('الصفحات الاجتماعية', 'الصفحات الاجتماعية ', '_socials', 'content', ''); $this->admin_option('الصفحات الاجتماعية', 'facebook', 'facebook', 'text', '#', array('display' => 'inline')); $this->admin_option('الصفحات الاجتماعية', 'twitter', 'twitter', 'text', '#', array('display' => 'inline')); $this->admin_option('الصفحات الاجتماعية', 'googleplus', 'googleplus', 'text', '#', array('display' => 'inline')); $this->admin_option('الصفحات الاجتماعية', 'youtube', 'youtube', 'text', '#', array('display' => 'inline')); /* * ********************* */ /* * ******************************************* * Reset Options * ******************************************** */ $this->admin_option('اعادة الضبط', 'العودة الى القيم الابتدائية للقالب', 'reset_options', 'content', '