Exemple #1
function avatars_remove_user_files($user)
    global $globals;
    if ($globals['Amazon_S3_media_bucket']) {
    if ($globals['Amazon_S3_local_cache'] || !$globals['Amazon_S3_media_bucket']) {
        $subdir = @get_avatars_dir() . '/' . get_cache_dir_chain($user);
        if ($subdir && ($handle = @opendir($subdir))) {
            while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
                if (preg_match("/^{$user}-/", $file)) {
                    @unlink($subdir . '/' . $file);
Exemple #2
	function has_thumb() {
		global $globals;
		if ($this->thumb_x > 0 && $this->thumb_y > 0) {
			$chain = get_cache_dir_chain($this->id);
			$file = $globals['cache_dir']."/$chain/thumb-$this->id.jpg";
			$filepath = mnmpath."/$file";
			if (is_readable($filepath)) {
				return $globals['base_static'] . $file;
			} elseif ($globals['Amazon_S3_media_bucket'] && $globals['Amazon_S3_local_cache']) {
				create_cache_dir_chain(mnmpath.'/'.$globals['cache_dir'], $chain);
        		// Get thumbnail from S3
				if (Media::get("$this->id.jpg", 'thumbs', $filepath)) {
					return $globals['base_static'] . $file;
				} else {
					// Do extra check, if S3 is working, mark thumb as deleted
					if (($buckets = Media::buckets(false)) && in_array($globals['Amazon_S3_media_bucket'], $buckets)
							&& is_writable(mnmpath.'/'.$globals['cache_dir'])) { // Double check
						syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Meneame, deleting unexisting thumb for $this->id");
		return false;
Exemple #3
function get_avatar_url($user, $avatar, $size) {
	global $globals, $db; 

	// If it does not get avatar status, check the database
	if ($user > 0 && $avatar < 0) {
		$avatar = (int) $db->get_var("select user_avatar from users where user_id = $user");

	if ($avatar > 0) {
		if ($globals['Amazon_S3_media_url'] && !$globals['Amazon_S3_local_cache']) {
			return $globals['Amazon_S3_media_url']."/avatars/$user-$avatar-$size.jpg";
		} elseif ($globals['cache_dir']) {
			$file = $globals['cache_dir'].'/'.get_cache_dir_chain($user). "/$user-$avatar-$size.jpg";
			// Don't check every time, but 1/10, decrease VM pressure 
			// Disabled for the moment, it fails just too much for size 40
			//if (rand(0, 10) < 10) return $globals['base_url'] . $file;
			$file_path = mnmpath.'/'.$file;
			if ($globals['avatars_check_always']) {
				if (is_readable($file_path)) {
					return $globals['base_static'] . $file;
				} else {
					return $globals['base_url'] . "backend/get_avatar.php?id=$user&amp;size=$size&amp;time=$avatar";
			} else {
				return $globals['base_static'] . $file;
	return get_no_avatar_url($size);