function chromas_log($alias, $trailing, $dest) { $params = parse_parameters($trailing, "=", " "); if ($params !== False) { foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if (strpos($key, " ") !== False) { $params = False; break; } } } if ($params === False) { term_echo("chromas_log failed: invalid parameters"); return False; } # chromas, 23 march 2015 if (isset($params["until"]) == False) { date_default_timezone_set("UTC"); $params["until"] = strftime("%F %T", time() - 5); } $paramstr = ""; foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if ($paramstr != "") { $paramstr = $paramstr . "&"; } $paramstr = $paramstr . urlencode($key) . "=" . urlencode($value); } if (isset($params["channel"]) == False) { $paramstr = $paramstr . "&channel=" . urlencode($dest); } if (isset($params["out"]) == False) { $paramstr = $paramstr . "&out=irc-full"; } if ($alias == "~log") { $uri = "/s/soylent_log.php?" . $paramstr; } else { $uri = "/s/soylent_log.php?op=" . $alias . "&" . $paramstr; } if (get_bucket("chromas_irc_log_debug") == "on") { pm("chromas", "" . $uri); pm("crutchy", "" . $uri); } $response = wget("", $uri, 80, ICEWEASEL_UA, "", 10, "", 1024, False); $html = trim(strip_headers($response)); if ($html == "") { pm("#", "chromas_log failed: no response"); return False; } $lines = explode("\n", trim($html)); return $lines; }
} else { $server = ""; $port = "6667"; } $socket = fsockopen($server, $port); if ($socket === False) { term_echo("ERROR CREATING IRC SOCKET"); return; } stream_set_blocking($socket, 0); rawmsg("NICK {$bot_nick}"); rawmsg("USER {$bot_nick} 0host 0server :{$bot_nick}.bot"); #add_minion($bot_nick); while (True) { usleep(100000.0); $data = get_bucket("MINION_CMD_{$bot_nick}"); if ($data != "") { term_echo($data); if (unset_bucket("MINION_CMD_{$bot_nick}") == True) { $items = parse_data($data); if ($items !== False) { rawmsg($data); } else { $tokens = explode(" ", $data); if (count($tokens) == 2 and strtoupper($tokens[0]) == "FORWARD") { $forward = $tokens[1]; term_echo("*** FORWARD SET: ALL DATA WILL BE FORWARDED TO {$forward} ON EXEC BOT HOST NETWORK"); } unset($tokens); } }
function handle_switch($alias, $dest, $nick, $trailing, $channels_bucket, $switch_alias, $internal_alias, &$msg) { $channels = get_bucket($channels_bucket); if ($channels != "") { $channels = unserialize($channels); if ($channels === False) { $channels = array(); save_channels($channels, $channels_bucket); } } else { $channels = array(); save_channels($channels, $channels_bucket); } if ($alias == $switch_alias) { switch (strtolower($trailing)) { case "on": if (in_array($dest, $channels) == False) { $channels[] = $dest; save_channels($channels, $channels_bucket); return 1; } else { return 2; } break; case "off": if (channel_off($channels, $dest, $channels_bucket) == True) { return 3; } else { return 4; } break; default: return 11; } } elseif ($alias == $internal_alias) { $parts = explode(" ", $trailing); $command = strtolower($parts[0]); array_shift($parts); $msg = implode(" ", $parts); switch ($command) { case "kick": if (count($parts) == 2) { if ($parts[1] == get_bot_nick()) { channel_off($channels, $parts[0], $channels_bucket); return 5; } } break; case "part": if ($nick == get_bot_nick()) { channel_off($channels, $msg, $channels_bucket); return 6; } break; case "privmsg": if (in_array($dest, $channels) == True and $nick != get_bot_nick()) { return 7; } return 8; case "join": if (in_array($dest, $channels) == True and $nick != get_bot_nick()) { return 9; } return 10; } } return 0; }
*/ ##################################################################################################### # TODO: WEB PAGE VIEWER FOR FILESYSTEM STRUCTURE ini_set("display_errors", "on"); require_once "lib.php"; require_once "execfs_lib.php"; $trailing = trim($argv[1]); $nick = strtolower(trim($argv[2])); $dest = strtolower(trim($argv[3])); $alias = strtolower(trim($argv[4])); $fs = get_fs(); $privmsg = True; switch ($alias) { case "~execfs": if ($trailing == "sync") { $data = get_bucket(BUCKET_FS); $fp = fsockopen("", 80); if ($fp === False) { privmsg(" execfs sync error: unable to connect to remote host"); } else { fwrite($fp, $request); $response = ""; while (!feof($fp)) { $response = $response . fgets($fp, 1024); } fclose($fp); } } break; case "~cat": case "~get":
$parts = explode(" ", $trailing); $action = strtolower($parts[0]); array_shift($parts); switch ($action) { case "register-events": register_event_handler("PRIVMSG", ":%%nick%% INTERNAL %%dest%% :~title-internal event-privmsg %%nick%% %%dest%% %%trailing%%"); return; case "event-privmsg": # trailing = <nick> <channel> <trailing> $nick = strtolower($parts[0]); $channel = strtolower($parts[1]); array_shift($parts); array_shift($parts); $trailing = trim(implode(" ", $parts)); $show_rd = False; if (get_bucket("<exec_title_url_{$dest}>") != "") { $show_rd = True; } if ($bucket == "on") { title_privmsg($trailing, $channel, $show_rd); } break; } } elseif ($alias == "~sizeof") { $redirect_data = get_redirected_url($trailing, "", "", array()); if ($redirect_data === False) { term_echo("get_redirected_url=false"); return; } $rd_url = $redirect_data["url"]; $rd_cookies = $redirect_data["cookies"];
function run_event_registration_test() { global $passed; unset_bucket(TEST_BUCKET); $bucket_index = "<<EXEC_EVENT_HANDLERS>>"; $test_cmd = "PRIVMSG"; $test_data = ":%%nick%% INTERNAL %%dest%% :~event-test %%trailing%%"; $data1 = get_bucket($bucket_index); if (check_handler($bucket_index, $test_cmd, $test_data) == True) { term_echo("run_event_registration_test failed! (1)"); $passed = False; } register_event_handler($test_cmd, $test_data); if (check_handler($bucket_index, $test_cmd, $test_data) == False) { term_echo("run_event_registration_test failed! (2)"); $passed = False; } set_bucket("<<SELF_TRIGGER_EVENTS_FLAG>>", "1"); privmsg("event test message"); sleep(2); $test = get_bucket(TEST_BUCKET); term_echo("*** TEST BUCKET => {$test}"); if ($test != TEST_VALUE) { term_echo("run_event_registration_test failed! (3)"); $passed = False; } unset_bucket(TEST_BUCKET); unset_bucket("<<SELF_TRIGGER_EVENTS_FLAG>>"); delete_event_handler($test_cmd, $test_data); sleep(2); if (check_handler($bucket_index, $test_cmd, $test_data) == True) { term_echo("run_event_registration_test failed! (4)"); $passed = False; } $data2 = get_bucket($bucket_index); if ($data1 != $data2) { term_echo("run_event_registration_test failed! (5)"); $passed = False; } }
function wiki_unspamctl($nick, $trailing) { $account = users_get_account($nick); $allowed = array("crutchy", "chromas", "mrcoolbp", "paulej72", "juggs", "martyb"); if (in_array($account, $allowed) == False) { privmsg(" error: not authorized"); return; } $title = trim(substr($trailing, strlen(".unspamctl"))); if ($title == "") { privmsg(" syntax: .unspamctl <page title>"); return; } if (login($nick, True) == False) { return; } $cookieprefix = get_bucket("wiki_login_cookieprefix"); $sessionid = get_bucket("wiki_login_sessionid"); if ($cookieprefix == "" or $sessionid == "") { privmsg(" not logged in"); return; } $headers = array("Cookie" => login_cookie($cookieprefix, $sessionid)); $uri = "/w/api.php?action=query&format=php&meta=tokens&type=rollback"; $response = wget(WIKI_HOST, $uri, 80, WIKI_USER_AGENT, $headers); $data = unserialize(strip_headers($response)); if (isset($data["query"]["tokens"]["rollbacktoken"]) == False) { privmsg(" error getting rollbacktoken"); logout(True); return; } $token = $data["query"]["tokens"]["rollbacktoken"]; /*$uri="/w/api.php?action=edit"; $params=array( "format"=>"php", "title"=>$title, "text"=>$text, "contentformat"=>"text/x-wiki", "contentmodel"=>"wikitext", "bot"=>"", "token"=>$token); $response=wpost(WIKI_HOST,$uri,80,WIKI_USER_AGENT,$params,$headers); $data=unserialize(strip_headers($response)); if (isset($data["error"])==True) { privmsg(" error: ".$data["error"]["code"]); } else { $msg=$data["edit"]["result"]; if ($data["edit"]["result"]=="Success") { if ((isset($data["edit"]["oldrevid"])==True) and (isset($data["edit"]["newrevid"])==True)) { $msg=$msg.", oldrevid=".$data["edit"]["oldrevid"].", newrevid=".$data["edit"]["newrevid"]; } } privmsg(" $msg"); $title=str_replace(" ","_",$title); privmsg("".urlencode($title)); }*/ logout(True); }
if (count($params) == 2) { $title = $params[0]; $section = $params[1]; } } $result = get_text($title, $section, True, True); if ($result !== False) { if (count($result) >= 2) { privmsg(" " . chr(3) . "03" . $linkstr . chr(3) . " => " . chr(3) . "13" . $result[0]); privmsg(" └─ " . chr(3) . "02" . $result[count($result) - 1]); } } } return; } $login = get_bucket("wiki_login_cookieprefix"); if (strtolower($trailing) == "login") { login($nick); } elseif ($login != "") { $parts = explode(" ", $trailing); $action = $parts[0]; switch (strtolower($action)) { case "edit": array_shift($parts); $trailing = implode(" ", $parts); $parts = explode("|", $trailing); if (count($parts) != 3) { privmsg("syntax: ~wiki title|section|text"); return; } $title = $parts[0];
##################################################################################################### /* exec:~help|20|0|0|1|||||php scripts/help.php %%trailing%% %%dest%% %%nick%% %%alias%% */ ##################################################################################################### require_once "lib.php"; require_once "wiki_lib.php"; $trailing = trim($argv[1]); $dest = trim($argv[2]); $nick = trim($argv[3]); $alias = strtolower(trim($argv[4])); if ($trailing == "") { privmsg(""); return; } $exec_list = unserialize(base64_decode(trim(get_bucket("<<EXEC_LIST>>")))); if (isset($exec_list[$trailing]["help"]) == True) { $help_lines = $exec_list[$trailing]["help"]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($help_lines); $i++) { privmsg(chr(3) . "06" . $help_lines[$i]); } return; } $parts = explode(" ", $trailing); delete_empty_elements($parts); $cmd = strtolower($parts[0]); array_shift($parts); $trailing = trim(implode(" ", $parts)); unset($parts); $result = get_help($cmd); if ($result == "" and $result !== False and $result !== True) {
require_once "lib.php"; $trailing = $argv[1]; $dest = strtolower(trim($argv[2])); $nick = strtolower(trim($argv[3])); $start = $argv[4]; $alias = strtolower(trim($argv[5])); $cmd = strtoupper(trim($argv[6])); $data = $argv[7]; $params = $argv[8]; $timestamp = $argv[9]; $global_execute = get_bucket("LIVE_SCRIPT_GLOBAL_EXECUTE"); $scripts = get_array_bucket("<<LIVE_SCRIPTS>>"); $code = ""; $script_data = array(); $script_lines = array(); $script_name = get_bucket("LOADED_SCRIPT_" . $nick . "_" . $dest); if ($script_name != "") { if (isset($scripts[$script_name]["code"]) == True) { $code = base64_decode($scripts[$script_name]["code"]); if ($code != "") { $script_lines = explode("\n", $code); } } } $parts = explode(" ", $trailing); $action = strtolower($parts[0]); array_shift($parts); $trailing = trim(implode(" ", $parts)); $data_changed = False; switch ($action) { case "register-events":
if ($parts[1] == "unset") { unset_bucket($index); if (get_bucket($index) == "") { privmsg("unset bucket"); } else { privmsg("error unsetting bucket"); } return; } } if (count($parts) >= 2) { array_shift($parts); $data = implode(" ", $parts); set_bucket($index, $data); if (get_bucket($index) == "") { privmsg("error setting bucket"); } else { privmsg("set bucket"); } return; } if (count($parts) == 1) { $data = get_bucket($index); if ($data == "") { privmsg("bucket not found"); } else { privmsg($data); } return; } #####################################################################################################
function handle_macros($nick, $channel, $trailing) { $reserved_triggers = array(".macro", ".macro-list"); $reserved_commands = array("~restart-internal", "~q", "~ps", "~kill", "~killall", "~restart", "~rehash", "~dest-override", "~dest-clear", "~ignore", "~unignore", "~ignore-list", "~buckets-dump", "~eval", "~say", "~bucket", "~buckets-save", "~buckets-load", "~buckets-flush", "~buckets-list", "~exec-conflicts", "~exec-list", "~exec-timers", "~exec-errors", "~op", "~deop", "~voice", "~devoice", "~invite", "~kick", "~topic", "~exec-add", "~exec-del", "~exec-save", "<init>", "<quit>", "<startup>"); $allowed = array("crutchy", "chromas", "TheMightyBuzzard", "Bytram", "arti", "paulej72", "mrcoolbp", "juggs"); if ($nick == "" or $channel == "" or $trailing == "") { return; } if ($trailing == ".macro") { pm($channel, chr(3) . "02" . " syntax to add: .macro <trigger> <chanlist> PRIVMSG|INTERNAL <command_template>"); pm($channel, chr(3) . "02" . " syntax to delete: .macro <trigger> -"); #pm($channel,chr(3)."02"." <chanlist> is comma-separated or * for any"); } $macro_file = DATA_PATH . "exec_macros.txt"; $macros = load_settings($macro_file, "="); if ($macros !== False and $trailing == ".macro-list") { foreach ($macros as $trigger => $data) { $data = unserialize($data); $cmd = "INTERNAL"; if (isset($data["cmd"]) == True) { $cmd = $data["cmd"]; } pm($channel, chr(3) . "13" . " {$trigger} [" . $data["chanlist"] . "] {$cmd} " . $data["command"]); } } if ($macros === False) { $macros = array(); } $parts = explode(" ", $trailing); delete_empty_elements($parts); if (count($parts) == 0) { return; } if (trim($parts[0]) == ".macro" and count($parts) > 2) { $account = users_get_account($nick); if (in_array($account, $allowed) == False) { return; } $trigger = trim($parts[1]); if (in_array($trigger, $reserved_triggers) == True) { privmsg(chr(3) . "02" . " *** macro with trigger \"{$trigger}\" not permitted"); return; } if (in_array($trigger, $reserved_commands) == True) { privmsg(chr(3) . "02" . " *** macro with trigger \"{$trigger}\" not permitted"); return; } $exec_list = unserialize(base64_decode(trim(get_bucket("<<EXEC_LIST>>")))); if (isset($exec_list[$trigger]) == True) { privmsg(chr(3) . "02" . " *** error: macro with trigger that is the same as existing alias is not permitted"); return; } $chanlist = trim($parts[2]); if ($chanlist == "-") { unset($macros[$trigger]); privmsg(chr(3) . "02" . " *** macro with trigger \"{$trigger}\" deleted"); } elseif (count($parts) >= 5) { array_shift($parts); array_shift($parts); array_shift($parts); $cmd = strtoupper(trim($parts[0])); if ($cmd != "PRIVMSG" and $cmd != "INTERNAL") { privmsg(chr(3) . "02" . " *** error: invalid cmd (must be either INTERNAL or PRIVMSG)"); return; } array_shift($parts); if (isset($macros[$parts[0]]) == True) { privmsg(chr(3) . "02" . " *** error: triggering other macros is not permitted"); return; } $command = implode(" ", $parts); for ($i = 0; $i < count($reserved_commands); $i++) { if (strtolower(substr($command, 0, strlen($reserved_commands[$i]))) == strtolower($reserved_commands[$i])) { privmsg(chr(3) . "02" . " *** macro with command \"{$command}\" not permitted"); return; } } $data = array(); $data["chanlist"] = $chanlist; $data["command"] = $command; $data["cmd"] = $cmd; $macros[$trigger] = serialize($data); privmsg(chr(3) . "02" . " *** macro with trigger \"{$trigger}\" and {$cmd} command template \"{$command}\" saved"); } save_settings($macros, $macro_file, "="); } else { foreach ($macros as $trigger => $data) { if (trim($parts[0]) == $trigger) { $data = unserialize($data); if ($data["chanlist"] == "*" or in_array(strtolower($channel), explode(",", strtolower($data["chanlist"]))) == True) { $account = users_get_account($nick); if ($account != "") { $cmd = "INTERNAL"; if (isset($data["cmd"]) == True) { $cmd = $data["cmd"]; } $trailing = trim(substr($trailing, strlen($trigger))); # TODO: MAKE MORE TRAILING PARSING REPLACE ARGS $command = str_replace("%%channel%%", $channel, $data["command"]); $command = str_replace("%%nick%%", $nick, $command); $command = str_replace("%%trailing%%", $trailing, $command); echo "/IRC :" . get_bot_nick() . " {$cmd} {$channel} :{$command}\n"; } } return; } } } }
##################################################################################################### #exec:~pong|10|0|0|0||INTERNAL|||php scripts/ping.php %%trailing%% %%alias%% #exec:~ping|10|300|0|0||INTERNAL|||php scripts/ping.php %%trailing%% %%alias%% ##################################################################################################### require_once "lib.php"; $trailing = trim($argv[1]); $alias = trim($argv[2]); switch ($alias) { case "~ping": # called every 5 mins (trailing is empty) $t = microtime(True); if (get_bucket(BUCKET_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED) != "1") { rawmsg("PING {$t}"); return; } $ping = get_bucket("<<PING>>"); $pong = get_bucket("<<PONG>>"); if ($ping != "" and $ping != $pong) { term_echo("==================== PING TIMEOUT DETECTED ===================="); echo "/INTERNAL ~restart-internal\n"; return; } set_bucket("<<PING>>", $t); rawmsg("PING {$t}"); return; case "~pong": # called in response to PONG received (trailing contains timestamp) set_bucket("<<PONG>>", $trailing); return; } #####################################################################################################
if ($trailing == "register-events") { register_event_handler("PRIVMSG", ":%%nick%% INTERNAL %%dest%% :~antispam-internal %%nick%% %%dest%% %%trailing%%"); return; } $parts = explode(" ", $trailing); if (count($parts) < 3) { return; } $nick = strtolower($parts[0]); $channel = strtolower($parts[1]); array_shift($parts); array_shift($parts); $trailing = trim(implode(" ", $parts)); return; define("PREVIOUS_MSG_TRACK", 5); if (get_bucket("<<IRC_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED>>") != "1") { return; } $items = unserialize($argv[1]); $nick = $items["nick"]; if (users_get_account($nick) == get_bot_nick()) { return; } $trailing = $items["trailing"]; $dest = strtolower($items["destination"]); $exec = users_get_data(get_bot_nick()); if (isset($exec["channels"][$dest]) == True) { if (strpos($exec["channels"][$dest], "@") === False) { return; } } else {
output_message($content); } elseif ($content != "") { $request_ids = unserialize($content); for ($i = 0; $i < count($request_ids); $i++) { $id = $request_ids[$i]; $request_params = array(); $request_params["exec_key"] = $key; $response = wpost("", "/?exec&request_id={$id}", 80, "", $request_params); $content = trim(strip_headers($response)); var_dump($content); if (strpos(strtoupper($content), "ERROR") !== False) { output_message($content); } elseif ($content != "") { $content = unserialize($content); output_message($content["request_uri"]); $data = get_bucket($content["data"]); $response_params = array(); $response_params["exec_key"] = $key; $response_params["request_id"] = $id; $response_params["data"] = $data; $response = wpost("", "/?exec", 80, "", $response_params); $content = trim(strip_headers($response)); output_message($content); } } } sleep(10); } ##################################################################################################### function output_message($msg) {
function shell_sed($trailing, $nick, $dest) { # [nick[:|,|>|.] ]sed_cmd global $delims; $trailing = trim($trailing); if (trim($trailing) == "") { return False; } if (strtolower(substr($trailing, strlen($trailing) - 2)) == "/e") { die; } $parts = explode(" ", $trailing); $sed_nick = ""; if (count($parts) > 1) { $break = False; for ($i = 0; $i < count($delims); $i++) { if (strpos($parts[0], $delims[$i]) == True) { $break = True; break; } } if ($break == False) { $sed_nick = $parts[0]; if (strpos(":,>.", substr($sed_nick, strlen($sed_nick) - 1)) !== False) { $sed_nick = substr($sed_nick, 0, strlen($sed_nick) - 1); } array_shift($parts); } } if ($sed_nick == "") { $sed_nick = $nick; } $sed_cmd = implode(" ", $parts); if (strlen($sed_cmd) < 5) { return False; } if (strtolower($sed_cmd[0]) != "s") { return False; } if (in_array($sed_cmd[1], $delims) == False) { return False; } $index = "last_" . strtolower($sed_nick) . "_" . strtolower($dest); $last = get_bucket($index); if ($last == "") { return False; } $action_delim = chr(1) . "ACTION "; if (strtoupper(substr($last, 0, strlen($action_delim))) == $action_delim) { $last = trim(substr($last, strlen($action_delim)), chr(1)); } #$command="echo ".escapeshellarg($last)." | sed -e --posix ".escapeshellarg($sed_cmd); $command = "echo " . escapeshellarg($last) . " | sed -e " . escapeshellarg($sed_cmd); var_dump($command); $cwd = NULL; $env = NULL; $descriptorspec = array(0 => array("pipe", "r"), 1 => array("pipe", "w"), 2 => array("pipe", "w")); $process = proc_open($command, $descriptorspec, $pipes, $cwd, $env); $result = trim(stream_get_contents($pipes[1])); $result_lines = explode("\n", $result); var_dump($result_lines); if (count($result_lines) > 1) { return False; } fclose($pipes[1]); $stderr = trim(stream_get_contents($pipes[2])); fclose($pipes[2]); proc_close($process); if ($stderr != "") { term_echo($stderr); return True; } if ($result == $last or $result == $sed_cmd) { $result = ""; } if ($result != "") { if ($nick == $sed_nick) { privmsg("<{$sed_nick}> {$result}"); } else { privmsg("<{$nick}> <{$sed_nick}> {$result}"); } } return True; }
##################################################################################################### require_once "lib.php"; require_once "translate_lib.php"; $trailing = trim($argv[1]); $dest = $argv[2]; $nick = $argv[3]; $alias = $argv[4]; if ($trailing == "") { privmsg("syntax: .trans <nick>"); privmsg("uses google translate"); return; } $lang_from = "auto"; $lang_to = "en"; $index = "last_" . strtolower($trailing) . "_" . strtolower($dest); $msg = get_bucket($index); if ($msg == "") { privmsg("message by {$trailing} not found"); return; } $def = translate($lang_from, $lang_to, $msg); if ($def == $msg) { return; } if (strlen($def) > 500) { $def = substr($def, 0, 500) . "..."; } if ($def != "") { privmsg("<{$trailing}> {$msg}: {$def}"); } else { privmsg("error translating");
} } else { term_echo("funding: amount not found in http response"); } sn_logout(); return; case "~verifier-nick-change": $parts = explode(" ", $trailing); if (count($parts) == 2) { $old_nick = trim(strtolower($parts[0])); $new_nick = trim(strtolower($parts[1])); $registered_nick = get_bucket(BUCKET_VERIFIER_NICK); if ($old_nick == $registered_nick) { set_bucket(BUCKET_VERIFIER_NICK, $new_nick); pm("#", "SN status verifier nick updated from \"{$registered_nick}\" to \"{$new_nick}\""); } } return; case "~verifier-nick": $registered_nick = get_bucket(BUCKET_VERIFIER_NICK); if ($trailing == "") { privmsg("registered verifier nick: " . $registered_nick); } else { $new_nick = trim(strtolower($trailing)); set_bucket(BUCKET_VERIFIER_NICK, $new_nick); $msg = "SN status verifier nick updated from \"{$registered_nick}\" to \"{$new_nick}\""; privmsg($msg); } return; } #####################################################################################################
function unset_bucket($index, $timeout = 5) { $t = microtime(True); do { echo "/BUCKET_UNSET {$index}\n"; usleep(50000.0); $test = get_bucket($index); if (microtime(True) - $t > $timeout) { return False; } } while ($test != ""); return True; }
*/ ##################################################################################################### require_once "lib.php"; $trailing = trim($argv[1]); $nick = trim($argv[2]); if ($trailing == "") { return; } $adverbs = array("brazenly", "spontaneously", "prematurely", "unjustifiably", "insatiably", "abnormally", "abrasively", "accidentally", "allegedly", "clumsily", "cohesively", "covertly", "dexterously", "diabolically", "fanatically", "suspiciously"); $actions = array("cracks open" => "for", "passes" => "to", "throws" => "at", "slides" => "to", "hurls" => "at", "poops" => "for", "drops" => "on", "blows" => "at", "pours" => "for", "flings" => "at", "offers" => "to", "tosses" => "to", "postulates" => "towards"); $containers = array("a cold can", "a used franger", "a pair of used panties full", "a cheap plastic cup", "a wine flute", "a bathtub", "a spoon", "a socket", "a caravan", "a buzz saw", "a blagoblag", "a DD cup", "a tinfoil hat", "an assfull", "a bucket", "a wad", "an anvil", "a toilet bowl", "a coffee++ mug"); $beverages = array("beer", "g'day juice", "coffee", "NCommander", "milo", "boogers", "bewb", "red cordial", "splodge", "skittles", "vibrating rooster sammich", "glowballs", "spew", "pancakes", "\$insert_beverage_here", "toilet water", "ciri poo", "bacon", "dag", "Debian", "coffee++", "Soylent Green"); $last_adverb = get_bucket("<<GDAY_LAST_ADVERB>>"); $last_action = get_bucket("<<GDAY_LAST_ACTION>>"); $last_container = get_bucket("<<GDAY_LAST_CONTAINER>>"); $last_beverage = get_bucket("<<GDAY_LAST_BEVERAGE>>"); $action_keys = array_keys($actions); do { $adverb = $adverbs[rand(0, count($adverbs) - 1)]; } while ($adverb == $last_adverb); do { $action1 = $action_keys[rand(0, count($action_keys) - 1)]; } while ($action1 == $last_action); do { $container = $containers[rand(0, count($containers) - 1)]; } while ($container == $last_container); do { $beverage = $beverages[rand(0, count($beverages) - 1)]; } while ($beverage == $last_beverage); $action2 = $actions[$action1]; set_bucket("<<GDAY_LAST_ADVERB>>", $adverb);
<?php ##################################################################################################### /* exec:~scramble|10|0|0|1|||||php scripts/scramble.php %%trailing%% %%nick%% %%dest%% */ ##################################################################################################### require_once "lib.php"; $trailing = strtolower(trim($argv[1])); $nick = strtolower(trim($argv[2])); $dest = strtolower(trim($argv[3])); if ($trailing == "") { $index = "last_" . $nick . "_" . $dest; } else { $index = "last_" . $trailing . "_" . $dest; } $last = trim(get_bucket($index)); if ($last == "") { return; } $parts = explode(" ", $last); if (count($parts) < 4) { return; } if (shuffle($parts) == False) { return; } privmsg(implode(" ", $parts)); #####################################################################################################
<?php ##################################################################################################### /* #exec:~butt|10|0|0|1|@||||php scripts/000.php */ ##################################################################################################### require_once "lib.php"; privmsg(get_bucket("process_template_nick")); #####################################################################################################
<?php ##################################################################################################### # "soon" is intended to be a sort of macro processor that can translate pseudo-code to php ##################################################################################################### /* exec:~soon|30|0|0|1|@||||php scripts/soon/soon.php */ ##################################################################################################### ini_set("display_errors", "on"); require_once __DIR__ . "/../lib.php"; require_once "soon_lib.php"; $dest = get_bucket("process_template_destination"); if ($dest != "#irciv") { return; } $translations = load_translations(); var_dump(soon_explode("for ({$i}=1;{$i}<=n;{$i}++) { code }")); #soon_test("loop 3 fart","loop n code","for ($i=1;$i<=n;$i++) { code }","for ($i=1;$i<=3;$i++) { fart }"); ##################################################################################################### function soon_test($code, $key, $value, $result) { $map = map_key($code, $key); } ##################################################################################################### function map_key($code, $key) { # code = loop 3 fart # key = loop n code $code_parts = soon_explode($code); $key_parts = soon_explode($key);