Exemple #1
function format_single($records, $loggedin_user)
    $out = '';
    foreach ($records as $rec) {
        // Display the title
        $out .= '<h2>' . get_basic_info($rec, $loggedin_user) . '</h2>';
        $out .= run_plugins('detail_above', $rec, $loggedin_user);
        // Display the main bulk of the record
        $out .= get_detail($rec, $loggedin_user);
        $out .= run_plugins('detail_below', $rec, $loggedin_user);
    $ret = array('data' => $out, 'content_type' => 'text/html');
    return $ret;

	if(!class_exists('pc')){ include(get_template_directory()."/assets/classes/character_class.php"); }

	$pc = new pc();

	get_basic_info($pc, get_the_ID());

	function apply_save_bonus ($stat) {
		global $pc;

		$total = 0;

		$saves = $pc->get_saves();

		foreach ($saves as $save) {
			if ($save == $stat) {
				$total += 1+ceil(($pc->get_level())*.25);
			} else {

		if ($pc->get_save_bonus()) {
			$other_bonuses = $pc->get_save_bonus();
		} else {
			$other_bonuses = array('null');

		foreach ($other_bonuses as $bonus) {
    date_add($date, date_interval_create_from_date_string('-' . $min_age . ' years'));
    $bday_upbound = date_format($date, "Y-m-d");
    $query_bday_upbound = $min_age == 0 ? '' : ' AND birthdate <="' . $bday_upbound . '"';
    // expand part
    if (isset($_POST['advanced_search'])) {
        $min_height = $_POST['min_height'];
        $max_height = $_POST['max_height'];
        $education = $_POST['education'];
    $query_min_height = $min_height == 0 ? '' : ' AND height>=' . $min_height;
    $query_max_height = $max_height == 0 ? '' : ' AND height<=' . $max_height;
    $query_education = $education == "Any" || $education == null ? '' : ' AND education="' . $education . '"';
    $query = 'SELECT * FROM users_account WHERE userID <> ' . $_SESSION['valid_userID'] . $query_bday_lowbound . $query_bday_upbound . ' and gender="' . $gender . '" ' . $query_city . ' ' . $query_min_height . $query_max_height . $query_education;
    echo $query;
} else {
    $row = get_basic_info($_SESSION["valid_userID"], $db);
    $gender = $row['gender'] == "Male" ? "Female" : "Male";
    $query = 'SELECT * FROM users_account WHERE gender="' . $gender . '"';

  <title>Search Results</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/main.css">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/search_results.css">
  <script src="JS/showHide.js"></script>
  <!-- top banner -->
Exemple #4
    echo "<a href='registration.php'>Register</a>";

  <!-- main body -->
  <div class="container">
    <!-- profile summary and search -->
    <div class="sub_container"> 
      <div class="section_container">
        <!-- profile summary -->
        <div class="left homepage_profile">
if (isset($_SESSION['valid_user'])) {
    $row = get_basic_info($_SESSION['valid_userID'], $db);
    echo '   
            <div class="image_container_190" style="background-image: url(users_profile_photo/' . ($row['profilePhoto'] != Null ? $row['profilePhoto'] : 'default_' . $row['gender'] . '.jpg') . ');"></div> <!-- profile photo -->
            <div class="profile_summary left" style="margin-left:20"> <!-- profile words -->
              <div id="profile_name" style="font-size:40;">' . $row['name'] . '</div>
              <div><grey>Age: </grey>' . cal_age($row['birthdate']) . '<br><grey>City: </grey>' . $row['city'] . '<br><grey>Education: </grey>' . $row['education'] . '<br><grey>Height: </grey>' . $row['height'] . 'cm</div>
              <div class="bottom">
                <button onclick="location.href = \'profile.php\'">Enter my heydate</button>
} else {
    // if the user hasn't logged in
    echo '
             <form method="post" action="index.php">
Exemple #5
    echo '
        	<div class="image_container_190" style="margin-left:10px;margin-top:10px;background-image: url(users_profile_photo/' . ($row['profilePhoto'] != Null ? $row['profilePhoto'] : 'default_' . $row['gender'] . '.jpg') . ');"></div>';
    <div class="sub_container right" id="message_container">
$query = 'select * from (select * from users_account right join(select receiverID, time from
    	          (SELECT receiverID, time FROM `users_message` WHERE senderID=' . $_SESSION['valid_userID'] . '
    	          SELECT senderID, time  FROM `users_message` WHERE receiverID=' . $_SESSION['valid_userID'] . ') 
    	          as X order by time DESC)as Y on userID=receiverID order by time DESC) as Z group by userID order by time DESC';
$Contacters = $db->query($query);
$isfirst = true;
while ($row1 = $Contacters->fetch_assoc()) {
    $contact = get_basic_info($row1['receiverID'], $db);
    echo "\t\t  <div class=\"section_container\" id=" . $contact["userID"] . ">\n";
    echo "            <a href=\"profile.php?customerID=" . $contact['userID'] . "\"><div class=\"image_container_100\" style=\"background-image: url(users_profile_photo/" . ($contact['profilePhoto'] != Null ? $contact['profilePhoto'] : 'default_' . $row['gender'] . '.jpg') . ");\"></div></a>";
    echo "            <div class=\"profile_summary\">\n";
    echo "              <label id=\"profile_name\">" . $contact["name"] . "</label>\n";
    echo "              <div id=\"profile_brief\">" . cal_age($contact['birthdate']) . ", " . $contact['city'] . ", " . $contact['height'] . "cm, " . $contact['education'] . "</div>\n";
    echo "            </div>\n";
    // read button
    echo "            <button id=\"read\" onclick=\"showHide_inbox(" . $contact["userID"] . "); refreshMessage(" . $_SESSION['valid_userID'] . ", " . $contact['userID'] . ", 'message_area" . $contact['userID'] . "', 'textarea" . $contact['userID'] . "')\">Read Message</button>\n";
    echo "            <div class=\"hider clear\" id=\"hider" . $contact['userID'] . "\" style=\"display:none\">\n";
    echo "                <div class=\"message_area\" id=\"message_area" . $contact['userID'] . "\">\n";
    echo "                </div>\n";
    echo "                <div class=\"left clear\" id=\"reply_box\">\n";
    echo "                    <textarea placeholder=\"Reply message here...\" class=\"left\" id=\"textarea" . $contact['userID'] . "\" value=''></textarea>\n";
    echo "                    <button class=\"right\" onclick=\"refreshMessage(" . $_SESSION['valid_userID'] . ", " . $contact['userID'] . ", 'message_area" . $contact['userID'] . "', 'textarea" . $contact['userID'] . "')\">Send</button>\n";
    echo "                </div>\n";