function main($server_cfg) { $options = get_options(); if (isset($options['g']) && $options['g'] !== '') { $game_names = explode(",", $options['g']); } else { $game_names = $server_cfg['game_list']; } foreach ($game_names as $game) { zpm_preamble($game); $game_cfg = load_game_config($game); $retval = null; // refs will start failing in 5.3.x if not declared $cleanup = "/usr/local/zperfmon/bin/ -g " . $game_cfg['name'] . " > /dev/null "; $output = system($cleanup, $retval); if ($retval != 0) { error_log("Couldn`t cleanup game {$game}", 3, sprintf($server_cfg['log_file'], $game_cfg['name'])); continue; } $arrays_to_id = get_array_id_map($server_cfg, $game_cfg); foreach ($arrays_to_id as $array => $id) { $game_cfg = load_game_config($game, $id); $cleanup = "/usr/local/zperfmon/bin/ -g " . $game_cfg['name'] . " > /dev/null "; $output = system($cleanup, $retval); if ($retval != 0) { error_log("Couldn`t cleanup game {$game}", 3, sprintf($server_cfg['log_file'], $game_cfg['name'])); continue; } } zpm_postamble($game); } }
function insert_event($xhProfModelObject, $server_cfg = null, $game_cfg = null, $timestamp, $type, $text) { if (!$xhProfModelObject) { return false; } $query_name = "event_insert"; $result = null; $result = $xhProfModelObject->generic_execute_get_query($query_name, array('start' => $timestamp, 'type' => $type, 'text' => $text), false, false); //if its a array, just return, else if its a game ,fill the array dbs as well if (isset($game_cfg['parent'])) { //its an array, so our work here is done, return return $result; } $result_array = null; $arrays = get_array_id_map($server_cfg, $game_cfg); //for loop to put events in each array db foreach ($arrays as $array => $array_id) { $game_array_cfg = load_game_config($game_cfg['name'], $array_id); $xhProfModelObject = new XhProfModel($server_cfg, $game_array_cfg, false); $result_array = $xhProfModelObject->generic_execute_get_query($query_name, array('start' => $timestamp, 'type' => $type, 'text' => $text), false, false); } return $result; }