  * Display the widget!
  * @param array MUST contain at least the basic display params
 function display($params)
     global $DB, $Item, $Blog;
     echo $this->disp_params['block_start'];
     echo $this->disp_params['block_body_start'];
     $org_ID = intval($this->disp_params['org_ID']);
     if ($org_ID > 0) {
         $OrganizationCache =& get_OrganizationCache();
         $Organization =& $OrganizationCache->get_by_ID($org_ID, false, false);
     if (empty($Organization)) {
         // No organization found
         global $Messages;
         $Messages->add(T_('Requested Team was not found.'), 'error');
     } else {
         // Get all users of the selected organization
         $users = $Organization->get_users();
         if ($this->disp_params['display_icons']) {
             // Initialise css classes for icons depending on widget setting and only when they are displayed
             $icon_colors_classes = '';
             if (!empty($this->disp_params['icon_colors'])) {
                 // If at least one color status is selected
                 foreach ($this->disp_params['icon_colors'] as $class_name => $is_selected) {
                     if (!empty($is_selected)) {
                         $icon_colors_classes .= ' ufld__' . $class_name . 'color';
         if (count($users)) {
             foreach ($users as $org_User) {
                 echo '<div class="col-lg-4 col-sm-6 text-center">';
                 $user_url = $this->disp_params['link_profile'] ? $org_User->get_userpage_url($Blog->ID, true) : '';
                 if (!empty($user_url)) {
                     // Display url to user page only when it is allowed by widget setting
                     echo '<a href="' . $user_url . '" class="user_link">';
                 // Profile picture
                 echo $org_User->get_avatar_imgtag('crop-top-320x320', 'img-circle img-responsive img-center');
                 if (!empty($user_url)) {
                     // End of user link, see above
                     echo '</a>';
                     echo '<a href="' . $user_url . '" class="user_link">';
                 // Full name
                 echo '<h3>' . $org_User->get('fullname') . '</h3>';
                 if (!empty($user_url)) {
                     // End of user link, see above
                     echo '</a>';
                 if ($this->disp_params['display_icons']) {
                     // Display user links as icons
                     $url_fields = $org_User->userfields_by_type('url');
                     if (count($url_fields)) {
                         echo '<div class="ufld_icon_links">';
                         foreach ($url_fields as $field) {
                             echo '<a href="' . $field->uf_varchar . '"' . (empty($icon_colors_classes) ? '' : ' class="ufld_' . $field->ufdf_code . $icon_colors_classes . '"') . '>' . '<span class="' . $field->ufdf_icon_name . '"></span>' . '</a>';
                         echo '</div>';
                 // Info
                 if (!empty($this->disp_params['field_code']) && ($field_values = $org_User->userfield_values_by_code($this->disp_params['field_code']))) {
                     $field_extra_lines = intval($this->disp_params['field_extra_lines']);
                     echo '<p class="user_field"' . (empty($field_extra_lines) ? '' : ' style="height:' . $field_extra_lines * 1.5 . 'em;' . '-webkit-line-clamp:' . $field_extra_lines . '"') . '>';
                     foreach ($field_values as $f => $field_value) {
                         if ($f > 0) {
                             // Space between each field value
                             echo ' ';
                         echo preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", ' ', $field_value);
                     echo '</p>';
                 echo '</div>';
             echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
     echo $this->disp_params['block_body_end'];
     echo $this->disp_params['block_end'];
     return true;
Exemple #2
         $comment_lower_status = $edited_Comment->get_next_status(false, $edited_Comment->status);
         echo ':' . ($comment_raise_status ? $comment_raise_status[0] : '');
         echo ':' . ($comment_lower_status ? $comment_lower_status[0] : '');
 case 'get_user_new_org':
     // Used in the identity user form to add a new organization
     if (!is_logged_in()) {
         // User must be logged in
     $first_org = param('first_org', 'integer', 0);
     // Use the glyph or font-awesome icons if it is defined by skin
     param('b2evo_icons_type', 'string', '');
     $Form = new Form();
     $OrganizationCache =& get_OrganizationCache();
     $Form->output = false;
     $org_suffix = ' &nbsp; <strong>' . T_('Role') . ':</strong> ' . $Form->text_input('org_roles[]', '', 20, '', '', array('maxlength' => 255)) . ' &nbsp; ';
     $Form->output = true;
     // Special form template that will be replaced to current skin on ajax response
     $Form->fieldstart = '#fieldstart#';
     $Form->fieldend = '#fieldend#';
     $Form->labelclass = '#labelclass#';
     $Form->labelstart = '#labelstart#';
     $Form->labelend = '#labelend#';
     $Form->inputstart = '#inputstart#';
     $Form->inputend = '#inputend#';
Exemple #3
 * Callback to add filters on top of the result set
 * @param Form
function callback_filter_userlist(&$Form)
    global $Settings, $current_User, $Blog, $edited_Organization;
    $Form->hidden('filter', 'new');
    if (!is_admin_page() && !empty($Blog) && $Blog->get_setting('allow_access') == 'members') {
        // Restrict by members only when it is frontoffice and Blog allow access only for members
        $Form->checkbox('membersonly', get_param('membersonly'), T_('Restrict to members of this blog'));
    $Form->text('keywords', get_param('keywords'), 20, T_('Name'), '', 50);
    $Form->checkbox('gender_men', get_param('gender_men'), T_('Men'));
    $Form->checkbox('gender_women', get_param('gender_women'), T_('Women'));
    if (is_admin_page()) {
        // show this filters only on admin interface
        if ($current_User->check_perm('users', 'edit')) {
            // Show "Reported users" filter only for users with edit user permission
            $Form->checkbox('reported', get_param('reported'), T_('Reported users'));
            $Form->checkbox('custom_sender_email', get_param('custom_sender_email'), T_('Users with custom sender address'));
            $Form->checkbox('custom_sender_name', get_param('custom_sender_name'), T_('Users with custom sender name'));
        $Form->select_input_array('account_status', get_param('account_status'), get_user_statuses(T_('All')), T_('Account status'));
        $GroupCache = new DataObjectCache('Group', true, 'T_groups', 'grp_', 'grp_ID', 'grp_name', 'grp_level DESC, grp_name ASC');
        $group_options_array = array('-1' => T_('All (Ungrouped)'), '0' => T_('All (Grouped)')) + $GroupCache->get_option_array();
        $Form->select_input_array('group', get_param('group'), $group_options_array, T_('User group'), '', array('force_keys_as_values' => true));
    $location_filter_displayed = false;
    if (user_country_visible()) {
        // Filter by country
        load_class('regional/model/_country.class.php', 'Country');
        if (has_cross_country_restriction('users', 'list')) {
            // User cannot browse other users from other country
            global $current_User;
            $Form->info(T_('Country'), $current_User->get_country_name());
            // Create a hidden country field to correct ajax request to load regions, subregions and cities
            $Form->hidden('country', $current_User->ctry_ID, array('id' => 'country'));
        } else {
            // User can browse other users from other country
            $CountryCache =& get_CountryCache(NT_('All'));
            $Form->select_country('country', get_param('country'), $CountryCache, T_('Country'), array('allow_none' => true));
            $location_filter_displayed = true;
    if (user_region_visible()) {
        // Filter by region
        $region_filter_disp_style = regions_exist(get_param('country'), true) ? '' : ' style="display:none"';
        echo '<span id="region_filter"' . $region_filter_disp_style . '>';
        $Form->select_input_options('region', get_regions_option_list(get_param('country'), get_param('region')), T_('Region'));
        echo '</span>';
        $location_filter_displayed = $location_filter_displayed || empty($region_filter_disp_style);
    if (user_subregion_visible()) {
        // Filter by subregion
        echo '<span id="subregion_filter"' . (!subregions_exist(get_param('region'), true) ? ' style="display:none"' : '') . '>';
        $Form->select_input_options('subregion', get_subregions_option_list(get_param('region'), get_param('subregion')), T_('Sub-region'));
        echo '</span>';
    if (user_city_visible()) {
        // Filter by city
        echo '<span id="city_filter"' . (!cities_exist(get_param('country'), get_param('region'), get_param('subregion'), true) ? ' style="display:none"' : '') . '>';
        $Form->select_input_options('city', get_cities_option_list(get_param('country'), get_param('region'), get_param('subregion'), get_param('city')), T_('City'));
        echo '</span>';
    $Form->interval('age_min', get_param('age_min'), 'age_max', get_param('age_max'), 3, T_('Age group'));
    $Form->interval('level_min', get_param('level_min'), 'level_max', get_param('level_max'), 3, T_('Level'));
    if (empty($edited_Organization)) {
        // Show organization filter only when organization form is not selected
        $OrganizationCache =& get_OrganizationCache(T_('All'));
        if (count($OrganizationCache->cache) > 0) {
            $Form->select_input_object('org', get_param('org'), $OrganizationCache, T_('Organization'), array('allow_none' => true));
    echo '<br />';
    $criteria_types = param('criteria_type', 'array:integer');
    $criteria_values = param('criteria_value', 'array:string');
    if (count($criteria_types) == 0) {
        // Init one criteria fieldset for first time
        $criteria_types[] = '';
        $criteria_values[] = '';
    foreach ($criteria_types as $c => $type) {
        $value = trim(strip_tags($criteria_values[$c]));
        if ($value == '' && count($criteria_types) > 1 && $c > 0) {
            // Don't display empty field again after filter request
        if ($c > 0) {
            // Separator between criterias
            echo '<br />';
        $Form->output = false;
        $criteria_input = $Form->text('criteria_value[]', $value, 17, '', '', 50);
        $criteria_input .= get_icon('add', 'imgtag', array('rel' => 'add_criteria'));
        $Form->output = true;
        global $user_fields_empty_name;
        $user_fields_empty_name = T_('Select...');
        $Form->select('criteria_type[]', $type, 'callback_options_user_new_fields', T_('Specific criteria'), $criteria_input);
    if (user_region_visible()) {
        // JS functions for AJAX loading of regions, subregions & cities
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery( '#country' ).change( function()
	var this_obj = jQuery( this );
	jQuery.ajax( {
	type: 'POST',
	url: '<?php 
        echo get_samedomain_htsrv_url();
	data: 'action=get_regions_option_list&ctry_id=' + jQuery( this ).val(),
	success: function( result )
			jQuery( '#region' ).html( ajax_debug_clear( result ) );
			if( jQuery( '#region option' ).length > 1 )
				jQuery( '#region_filter' ).show();
				jQuery( '#region_filter' ).hide();
			load_subregions( 0 ); // Reset sub-regions
	} );
} );

jQuery( '#region' ).change( function ()
{	// Change option list with sub-regions
	load_subregions( jQuery( this ).val() );
} );

jQuery( '#subregion' ).change( function ()
{	// Change option list with cities
	load_cities( jQuery( '#country' ).val(), jQuery( '#region' ).val(), jQuery( this ).val() );
} );

function load_subregions( region_ID )
{	// Load option list with sub-regions for seleted region
	jQuery.ajax( {
	type: 'POST',
	url: '<?php 
        echo get_samedomain_htsrv_url();
	data: 'action=get_subregions_option_list&rgn_id=' + region_ID,
	success: function( result )
			jQuery( '#subregion' ).html( ajax_debug_clear( result ) );
			if( jQuery( '#subregion option' ).length > 1 )
				jQuery( '#subregion_filter' ).show();
				jQuery( '#subregion_filter' ).hide();
			load_cities( jQuery( '#country' ).val(), region_ID, 0 );
	} );

function load_cities( country_ID, region_ID, subregion_ID )
{ // Load option list with cities for seleted region or sub-region
	if( typeof( country_ID ) == 'undefined' )
		country_ID = 0;

	jQuery.ajax( {
	type: 'POST',
	url: '<?php 
        echo get_samedomain_htsrv_url();
	data: 'action=get_cities_option_list&ctry_id=' + country_ID + '&rgn_id=' + region_ID + '&subrg_id=' + subregion_ID,
	success: function( result )
			jQuery( '#city' ).html( ajax_debug_clear( result ) );
			if( jQuery( '#city option' ).length > 1 )
				jQuery( '#city_filter' ).show();
				jQuery( '#city_filter' ).hide();
	} );