public function responseMsg() { //get post data, May be due to the different environments $postStr = $GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"]; //extract post data if (!empty($postStr)) { $postObj = simplexml_load_string($postStr, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); $fromUsername = $postObj->FromUserName; $toUsername = $postObj->ToUserName; $keyword = trim($postObj->Content); $time = time(); $textTpl = "<xml>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<ToUserName><![CDATA[%s]]></ToUserName>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<FromUserName><![CDATA[%s]]></FromUserName>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<CreateTime>%s</CreateTime>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<MsgType><![CDATA[%s]]></MsgType>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<Content><![CDATA[%s]]></Content>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<FuncFlag>0</FuncFlag>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t</xml>"; if (!empty($keyword)) { $msgType = "text"; $contentStr = $keyword; // 判断是否首次关注 if ($keyword == "Hello2BizUser") { $contentStr = "欢迎关注天气宝宝,请输入你要查询的城市!"; } else { $contentStr = getWeather($keyword); } $resultStr = sprintf($textTpl, $fromUsername, $toUsername, $time, $msgType, $contentStr); echo $resultStr; } else { echo "Input something..."; } } else { echo ""; exit; } }
function demo_end() { $result = new Result(); $zip = $result->getValue(); $weather_info = getWeather($zip); $city = array_pop($weather_info); $tropo = new Tropo(); $tropo->say("The current weather for {$city} is..."); foreach ($weather_info as $info) { $tropo->say("{$info}."); } $tropo->say("Thank you for calling. Goodbye."); $tropo->hangup(); return $tropo->RenderJson(); }
function formatWeatherResponse(&$tropo, $zip) { // Get weather information for the zip code the caller entered. $weather_info = getWeather($zip); $city = array_pop($weather_info); // Begin telling the user the weather for the city their zip code is in. $tropo->say("The current weather for {$city} is..."); // Iterate over an array of weather information. foreach ($weather_info as $info) { $tropo->say("{$info}."); } // Say thank you (never hurts to be polite) and end the session. $tropo->say("Thank you for using Tropo!"); $tropo->hangup(); }
private function tq() { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $ipInfo = json_decode(ipToPlace($ip), true); $data = json_decode(getWeather($ipInfo['retData']['city']), true); if (!$data['errNum']) { $t = $data['retData']['city'] . '今天' . $data['retData']['today']['week'] . '当前气温' . $data['retData']['today']['curTemp'] . $data['retData']['today']['fengxiang'] . $data['retData']['today']['fengli'] . '最低气温' . $data['retData']['today']['lowtemp'] . '最高气温' . $data['retData']['today']['hightemp'] . $data['retData']['today']['type'] . '。'; foreach ($data['retData']['forecast'] as $v) { $t .= $v['week'] . $v['fengxiang'] . $v['fengli'] . '最低气温' . $v['lowtemp'] . '最高气温' . $v['hightemp'] . $v['type'] . ';'; } } else { $t = '没有查询到天气信息'; } return $t; }
function getWiki() { if (!isset($_SESSION['wiki']['city'])) { //获取城市--通过ip $city = getCurrentCity(); if (!$city) { $_SESSION['wiki']['city'] = $city = '深圳'; $_SESSION['wiki']['cityId'] = 77; } $data['city'] = $city; $weather = getWeather($city); $data['weather'] = $_SESSION['wiki']['weather']; echo json_encode($data); exit; } else { $data['city'] = $_SESSION['wiki']['city']; if (!isset($_SESSION['wiki']['weather'])) { getWeather($data['city']); } $data['weather'] = $_SESSION['wiki']['weather']; echo json_encode($data); exit; } }
require_once __DIR__ . '/classes/connexion.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/classes/checkAPI.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/classes/Settings.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/classes/Alarm.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/classes/Mode.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/classes/VigilanceMeteo.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/classes/Weather.php'; $page_level = 1; $settings = new Settings(); $vigilance = new VigilanceMeteo(); if (isset($_REQUEST['api']) && checkAPI($_REQUEST['api'], $page_level)) { switch ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) { case 'GET': $alarm = $settings->getSettings('Alarm', 'status'); http_response_code(202); echo json_encode(array('alarm' => $alarm, 'weather' => getWeather(), 'rooms' => getRooms(), 'mode' => (new Mode())->getMode())); break; case 'PUT': echo json_encode(update($_REQUEST)); break; } } else { if ($argc > 1) { switch ($argv[1]) { case 'weather': setWeather(); break; } } else { http_response_code(403); }
<?php $weather = getWeather(); if ($_GET['callback']) { $cb = $_GET['callback']; echo "{$cb}&&{$cb}({$weather})"; } else { echo $weather; } function getCity() { $ip = getIp(); $uri = "{$ip}&coor=bd09ll"; $str = file_get_contents($uri); $cityArr = json_decode($str); if ($cityArr->{'status'} == 0) { return $cityArr->{'content'}->{'address_detail'}->{'city'}; } else { return ''; } } function getWeather() { $city = getCity(); $uri = "{$city}&output=json&ak=A20cb515b0fa284cb99c36956c06e737"; $str = file_get_contents($uri); return $str; } function getIp() { static $realip;
$line = str_replace("℃", "", $line); $line = str_replace("mm", "", $line); preg_match($regex, $line, $matches); $arr_data[$day]['avg'] = $matches[1]; // 평균기온 $arr_data[$day]['high'] = $matches[2]; // 최고기온 $arr_data[$day]['low'] = $matches[3]; // 최저기온 $arr_data[$day]['cloud'] = $matches[4]; // 평균운량 $arr_data[$day]['rain'] = trim(str_replace("-", '0', $matches[5])); // 일강수량 $day++; } } return $arr_data; } // main routine // ==================== $yy = $_REQUEST['yy']; // 년도 $mm = $_REQUEST['mm']; // 월 $stn = $_REQUEST['stn']; // 지역 $yy = $yy == '' ? date("Y") : $yy; $mm = $mm == '' ? date('m') : $mm; $stn = $stn == '' ? 108 : $stn; $arr_data = getWeather($yy, $mm, $stn); echo json_encode($arr_data);
<?php require 'feixin.php'; $data = getWeather(); $str = matchSTR($data); sendFetion($str); function matchSTR($data) { preg_match('/".*"/', $data, $matches); $str = trim(iconv('gbk', 'UTF-8', $matches[0]), '"'); return $str; } function getWeather() { $ch = curl_init(); $url = ""; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $ret = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $ret; }
/* * RCS Web App Weather PHP Proxy * author: Natasha Rooney * date: 25/10/12 * * LOTS OF WORK NEEDED HERE - GET WORKS BUT NOT PUT OR POST */ $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $rest = $path . "/rcs/php/rest.php"; include_once $rest; $APIKEY = '1a4b57ad8c140130120411'; if (isset($_POST['action']) && !empty($_POST['action'])) { //$authuser = $_POST['authuser']; $location = $_POST['location']; getWeather($location); } /* * getWeather * */ function getWeather($location) { global $SERVER_URL, $APIKEY; $request = new RestRequest("" . $location . "&format=json&num_of_days=2&key=" . $APIKEY, 'GET', ""); //echo "".$location."&format=json&num_of_days=2&key=".$APIKEY; $request->execute(); $info = $request->getResponseInfo(); if ($info['http_code'] == 200) { echo $request->getResponseBody(); } else {
(at your option) any later version. "Podes reiseplanlegger" is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "Podes reiseplanlegger". If not, see <>. Source code available from: */ include_once '../config.php'; if (!$config['modules']['weather']['enabled']) { exit; } //henter været basert på lengde-, breddegrad og tidssone $weather = getWeather($_GET['lat'], $_GET['lon'], $_GET['timeZone']); //skriver ut været echo "\t\t\tVind: " . $weather['windSpeed'] . "<br />\n"; echo "\t\t\tTemperatur: " . $weather['temperature'] . " ° C<br /><br />\n"; echo "\t\t</td>\n"; echo "\t\t<td>\n"; echo "\t\t\t <img src=\"" . $weather['symbol'] . "\" alt=\"værsymbol\"/><br />\n"; echo "\t\t</td>\n"; echo "\t\t</tr>\n"; echo "\t</table>\n"; //skriver ut lenke til yr slik lisensen krever echo "Værvarsel fra <a href=\"\"></a>, levert av Meteorologisk institutt og NRK<br /><br />\n"; /* funksjon som henter returnerer vindinfo, tempinfo og værsymbol for gitt lengde- og breddegrad ($lat og $lon). $timeZone brukes for å bestemme om det er natt eller dag
$gctr++; if ($response = geoPlanet($place)) { $correctResp = true; $xmlObj = simplexml_load_string($response); $arrXml = objectsIntoArray($xmlObj); if ($arrXml['place']['name'] == $arrXml['place']['locality1'] || $arrXml['place']['name'] == $arrXml['place']['locality2']) { $woeid = true; } else { $place = $arrXml['place']['locality1'] != "" ? $arrXml['place']['locality1'] : $arrXml['place']['locality2']; } } else { $correctResp = false; } } while (!$woeid && $gctr <= 2 && $correctResp); if ($woeid) { if (($weather = getWeather($arrXml['place']['woeid'])) !== false) { $weather_return = $arrXml['place']['name'] . "\n"; $weather_return .= "Temperature: " . $weather['temperature'] . " C \n"; $weather_return .= "Weather: " . $weather['text'] . "\n"; $weather_return .= "Humidity: " . $weather['humidity'] . " % \n"; $weather_return .= "Pressure: " . $weather['pressure'] . " bar \n"; $weather_return .= "Tomorrow's Forecast\n"; $weather_return .= "Temperature: " . $weather['forecast'][1]['low'] . ' C - ' . $weather['forecast'][1]['high'] . " C \n"; $weather_return .= "Weather: " . $weather['forecast'][1]['text'] . " \n"; } else { $weather_return = ''; } } /** GET WOEID * */ function geoPlanet($place) {
function setCurrentCity($cityId) { $data = M("Region")->where("type=2")->find($cityId); if (!$data) { return false; } $_SESSION['wiki']['city'] = $data['name']; getWeather($data['name']); $_SESSION['wiki']['cityId'] = $data['id']; return true; }
/* print "now: $now\n"; print "nowPretty: $nowPretty\n"; print "apparent: ". $weatherCSV['apparent'] ."\n"; print "relative: ". $weatherCSV['relative'] ."\n"; print "barometer: ". $weatherCSV['barometer'] ."\n"; print "sustained: ". $weatherCSV['sustained'] ."\n"; print "gust: ". $weatherCSV['gust'] ."\n"; print "wind: ". $weatherCSV['wind'] ."\n"; print "weather-conditions: ". $weatherCSV['weather-conditions'] ."\n"; */ $stringCSV = ""; $stringCSV .= "{$now}"; $stringCSV .= "," . $nowPretty; $stringCSV .= "," . $weatherCSV['apparent']; $stringCSV .= "," . $weatherCSV['relative']; $stringCSV .= "," . $weatherCSV['barometer']; $stringCSV .= "," . $weatherCSV['sustained']; $stringCSV .= "," . $weatherCSV['gust']; $stringCSV .= "," . $weatherCSV['wind']; $stringCSV .= "," . $weatherCSV['weather-conditions']; print $stringCSV . "\n"; } foreach ($places as $place => $location) { $lat = $location['lat']; $lon = $location['lon']; getWeather($place, $lat, $lon); buildArray($weatherXML); makeCSV($weatherCSV); print "===========================\n"; }
<?php require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; require __DIR__ . '/lib/lib.php'; require __DIR__ . '/lib/vk.api.php'; require __DIR__ . '/config/config.php'; $response = $v->api('messages.get', ['count' => 10]); $messages = $response['items']; foreach ($messages as $message) { if (!$message['read_state']) { if (preg_match('/бот/ui', $message['body'])) { if (preg_match('/(погода|погоду).(.*)/ui', $message['body'], $city)) { $city = explode(' ', $city[0]); $weater = getWeather($city[2]); if ($weater) { $messageText = empty($city[2]) ? "Я не понял запрос. Напиши так: покажи погоду в киеве" : getWeather($city[2]); } else { $messageText = 'Не могу найти погоду в ' . $city[2]; } sendMessage($message, $messageText, $v); } if (preg_match('/факт/ui', $message['body'])) { $messageText = getRandomFact(); sendMessage($message, $messageText, $v); } if (preg_match('/команды|как с тобой разговаривать|помощь/ui', $message['body'])) { $messageText = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tЯ тебе не бесдушная скотина, поэтому называй мое имя, когда пишешь мне.\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t1. Показать команды: бот, покажи команды\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t2. Показать погоду: Покажи погоду в city_name. Пример: бот, покажи погоду в киеве\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t3. Интересный факт: бот, покажи интересный факт"; sendMessage($message, $messageText, $v); } if (preg_match('/фото/', $message['body'])) { $attachments = $v->upload_photo(false, ['images/deer.jpg']);
/** * Action see * It returns the positions and the elements that an element can see, if these positions have an element * * @param Element Element * * @return array Positions and elements */ function see($element) { $see = array(); $seeWrite = ''; $position = $element->getPosition(); switch (get_class($element)) { case 'Rabbit': if (getWeather() == 'foggy' || !getStatusDay()) { $viewRange = 0; } else { $viewRange = $_POST['seeRabbit']; } break; case 'Wolf': if (getWeather() == 'foggy' || !getStatusDay()) { $viewRange = 0; } else { $viewRange = $_POST['seeWolf']; } break; } $rowStart = $position[0] - $viewRange; $colStart = $position[1] - $viewRange; $rowEnd = $position[0] + $viewRange; $colEnd = $position[1] + $viewRange; while ($rowStart <= $rowEnd) { while ($colStart <= $colEnd) { if (!isLocked($rowStart, $colStart)) { if (!($rowStart == $position[0] && $colStart == $position[1]) && get_class(getWorld()[$rowStart][$colStart]) != 'Ground') { array_push($see, array(get_class(getWorld()[$rowStart][$colStart]), array($rowStart, $rowEnd))); $seeWrite .= $rowStart . '.' . $colStart . get_class(getWorld()[$rowStart][$colStart]) . ','; } } $colStart++; } $colStart = $position[1] - $viewRange; $rowStart++; } writeFileCSV('Log', array(getTime(), '', get_class($element), $element->getId(), '[ ' . $element->getPosition()[0] . ' - ' . $element->getPosition()[1] . ' ]', '', 'see', $seeWrite)); return $see; }
function curweather_network_mod_init(&$fk_app, &$b) { if (!intval(get_pconfig(local_user(), 'curweather', 'curweather_enable'))) { return; } $fk_app->page['htmlhead'] .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $fk_app->get_baseurl() . '/addon/curweather/curweather.css' . '" media="all" />' . "\r\n"; // $rpt value is needed for location // $lang will be taken from the browser session to honour user settings // TODO $lang does not work if the default settings are used // and not all response strings are translated // $units can be set in the settings by the user // $appid is configured by the admin in the admin panel // those parameters will be used to get: cloud status, temperature, preassure // and relative humidity for display, also the relevent area of the map is // linked from lat/log of the reply of OWMp $rpt = get_pconfig(local_user(), 'curweather', 'curweather_loc'); // set the language to the browsers language and use metric units $lang = $_SESSION['language']; $units = get_pconfig(local_user(), 'curweather', 'curweather_units'); $appid = get_config('curweather', 'appid'); $cachetime = intval(get_config('curweather', 'cachetime')); if ($units === "") { $units = 'metric'; } $ok = true; $res = getWeather($rpt, $units, $lang, $appid, $cachetime); if ($res === false) { $ok = false; } if ($ok) { $t = get_markup_template("widget.tpl", "addon/curweather/"); $curweather = replace_macros($t, array('$title' => t("Current Weather"), '$icon' => proxy_url('' . $res['icon'] . '.png'), '$city' => $res['city'], '$lon' => $res['lon'], '$lat' => $res['lat'], '$description' => $res['descripion'], '$temp' => $res['temperature'], '$relhumidity' => array('caption' => t('Relative Humidity'), 'val' => $res['humidity']), '$pressure' => array('caption' => t('Pressure'), 'val' => $res['pressure']), '$wind' => array('caption' => t('Wind'), 'val' => $res['wind']), '$lastupdate' => t('Last Updated') . ': ' . $res['update'] . 'UTC', '$databy' => t('Data by'), '$showonmap' => t('Show on map'))); } else { $t = get_markup_template('widget-error.tpl', 'addon/curweather/'); $curweather = replace_macros($t, array('$problem' => t('There was a problem accessing the weather data. But have a look'), '$rpt' => $rpt, '$atOWM' => t('at OpenWeatherMap'))); } $fk_app->page['aside'] = $curweather . $fk_app->page['aside']; }
} } // Get current temperature $regex = "/<span class='current'>(.*?)°<\\/span>/"; preg_match($regex, $data, $curr); // Get forecast days $regex = "/<tr>\n<th class='empty'>(?:.*)<\\/th>\n<th colspan='2' scope='col'>(.*?)<\\/th>\n<th colspan='2' scope='col'>(.*?)<\\/th>\n<th colspan='2' scope='col'>(.*?)<\\/th>/"; preg_match($regex, $data, $day); // Get minimum temperature for forecast days $regex = "/<tr>\n<th scope='row'>Minimum<\\/th>\n<td colspan='2'>\n<span class='min'>(.*?)°<\\/span>\n<\\/td>\n<td colspan='2'>\n<span class='min'>(.*?)°<\\/span>\n<\\/td>\n<td colspan='2'>\n<span class='min'>(.*?)°<\\/span>/"; preg_match($regex, $data, $min); // Get maximum temperature for forecast days $regex = "/<tr>\n<th scope='row'>Maximum<\\/th>\n<td colspan='2'>\n<span class='max'>(.*?)°<\\/span>\n<\\/td>\n<td colspan='2'>\n<span class='max'>(.*?)°<\\/span>\n<\\/td>\n<td colspan='2'>\n<span class='max'>(.*?)°<\\/span>/"; preg_match($regex, $data, $max); // Get outlook for forecast days $regex = "/<th scope=\\'row\\'>Summary<\\/th>\n<td colspan=\\'2\\'>\n<img (?:.*?) title=\"(.*?)\" \\/>\n<\\/td>\n<td colspan=\\'2\\'>\n<img (?:.*?) title=\"(.*?)\" \\/>\n<\\/td>\n<td colspan=\\'2\\'>\n<img (?:.*?) title=\"(.*?)\" \\/>/"; preg_match($regex, $data, $outlook); // Generate html to display on screen $res = $loc[1] . " " . $postcode . "<br/>"; $res .= "Current Temp: " . $curr[1] . " deg Celsius <br/>"; $res .= "Forecast(Outlook/Temp-min/max):<br/>"; for ($i = 1; $i <= count($day) - 1; $i++) { $res .= $day[$i] . ": " . $outlook[$i] . " / " . $min[$i] . " / " . $max[$i] . "<br/>"; } return $res; } echo getWeather($state, $postcode, $mycity, $mystate); ?> </body> </html>
} echo json_encode($arr_varosok); break; case 'ajaxvalasz': //lekérjük a városokat az adatbázisból, amelyeknek az adataira kíváncsiak vagyunk $arr_varosok = array(); $q_varosok = $db->query("SELECT varos_id, varos_nev FROM varosok ORDER BY varos_id"); if ($q_varosok->num_rows > 0) { while ($r_varosok = $q_varosok->fetch_assoc()) { $arr_varosok[$r_varosok['varos_id']]['varos_neve'] = $r_varosok['varos_nev']; } } if (!empty($arr_varosok)) { //minden városra meghívjuk a SOAP függvényt foreach ($arr_varosok as $varos_id => $varos_adatok) { $arr_getWeather = getWeather($varos_adatok['varos_neve']); $arr_varosok[$varos_id]['homerseklet'] = $arr_getWeather['homerseklet']; $arr_varosok[$varos_id]['paratartalom'] = $arr_getWeather['paratartalom']; $arr_varosok[$varos_id]['legnyomas'] = $arr_getWeather['legnyomas']; } } //beszúrjuk az adatbázisba az új adatokat if (!empty($arr_varosok)) { foreach ($arr_varosok as $varos_id => $varos_adatok) { $q_beszur = $db->prepare("\n INSERT INTO idojaras_adatok\n (varos_id, homerseklet, paratartalom, legnyomas, idopont)\n VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)\n "); $q_beszur->bind_param("issss", $varos_id, $varos_adatok['homerseklet'], $varos_adatok['paratartalom'], $varos_adatok['legnyomas'], $NOW); $q_beszur->execute(); $q_beszur->close(); } } header("Location: ajax.php?action=default_map");
global $postObj; include_once HANDLE_DIR . 'db.class.php'; include_once HANDLE_DIR . 'tools.class.php'; //实例化数据库类并连接数据库 $db = new DB(); $db->open(); //用户消息 $data1 = array('from' => $postObj->FromUserName, 'to' => $postObj->ToUserName, 'content' => trim($postObj->Content), 'time' => $postObj->CreateTime, 'message_id' => $postObj->MsgId); //消息存入数据库 $db->insert('wx_message_text', $data1); //获取默认回复 $default_key = 'ANSWER_DEFAULT_' . round(rand(1, 4)); $contentStr = $db->get_field("wx_config", "_key='{$default_key}'", "_value"); if (mb_substr($data1['content'], 0, 2, 'utf-8') == '天气') { //天气查询 $contentStr = getWeather($data1['content'], false); } else { if (mb_substr($data1['content'], 0, 2, 'utf-8') == '快递') { //快递查询 $contentStr = doGetKuaiDi($data1['content']); } else { if ($db->count('wx_answer', "_key='{$data1['content']}'") > 0) { $contentStr = $db->get_field("wx_answer", "_key='{$data1['content']}'", "_value"); } else { //机器人查询 $str = $data1['content']; $sql = "CONCAT(key1,key2,key3)<>'' and INSTR('{$str}',key1) and INSTR('{$str}',key2) and INSTR('{$str}',key3) \n\t\t\tor (CONCAT(key1,key2,key3)='' and question='{$str}')"; $answerStrThird = $db->get_field("wx_answer_robot", $sql, "answer"); if ($answerStrThird) { $contentStr = $answerStrThird; }
<?php /* * 摘 要: 天气查询工具使用演示 * 作 者: 刘海艇 * 修改日期: 2013-06-27 */ require_once "index.php"; header("content-type:text/html;charset=utf8"); $start_time = microtime(true); //--------------------------------- print_r(getWeather('上海市')); //------------------------------------ $end_time = microtime(true); echo '<br><br>耗时' . round($end_time - $start_time, 3) . '秒';
<div class="HideMe RetrievedLocation" id="TapToContMsg">Tap to continue</div> <div class="RetrievedLocation" id="TopMsgContainer"> <div id="TopMsg">Tap a day to see details</div> </div> <div id="MainContent"> <div class='responsive' id='10dayforecast'> <div class="row"> <?php $city = $_GET["city"]; $state = $_GET["state"]; if (is_null($city)) { $city = $_COOKIE["city"]; $state = $_COOKIE["state"]; } if (!is_null($city) and $city != "null") { getWeather($city, $state); } function getWeather($city, $state) { setcookie("city", $city, strtotime('+365 days')); setcookie("state", $state, strtotime('+365 days')); $cityParam = str_replace(" ", "%20", $city); $jsonUrl = "{$state}/{$cityParam}.json"; $json_string = file_get_contents($jsonUrl); //Code to generate day overview content $parsed_json = json_decode($json_string, TRUE); for ($x = 0; $x <= 9; $x++) { $iconUrl = $parsed_json['forecast']['simpleforecast']['forecastday'][$x]['icon_url']; $iconUrl = str_replace("/k/", "/i/", $iconUrl); $dayOfWeek = $parsed_json['forecast']['simpleforecast']['forecastday'][$x]['date']['weekday_short'] . "."; $monthAndDay = $parsed_json['forecast']['simpleforecast']['forecastday'][$x]['date']['monthname_short'] . ". ";
//实例化数据库类并连接数据库 $db = new DB(); $db->open(); //用户消息 $data = array('from' => $postObj->FromUserName, 'to' => $postObj->ToUserName, 'text' => (string) $postObj->Recognition, 'media_id' => $postObj->MediaId, 'time' => $postObj->CreateTime, 'format' => $postObj->Format, 'message_id' => $postObj->MsgId); //消息存入数据库 $db->insert('wx_message_voice', $data); //获取默认回复 $default_key = 'ANSWER_DEFAULT_' . round(rand(1, 4)); $contentStr = $db->get_field("wx_config", "_key='{$default_key}'", "_value"); if (empty($data['text'])) { $contentStr = '您的消息我已经收到!'; } else { if (mb_substr($data['text'], 0, 2, 'utf-8') == '天气') { //天气查询 $contentStr = getWeather($data['text'], false); } else { if (mb_substr($data['text'], 0, 2, 'utf-8') == '快递') { //快递查询 $contentStr = doGetKuaiDi($data['text']); } else { if ($db->count('wx_answer', "_key='{$data['text']}'") > 0) { $contentStr = $db->get_field("wx_answer", "_key='{$data['text']}'", "_value"); } else { //机器人查询 $str = $data['text']; $sql = "CONCAT(key1,key2,key3)<>'' and INSTR('{$str}',key1) and INSTR('{$str}',key2) and INSTR('{$str}',key3) \n\t\t\tor (CONCAT(key1,key2,key3)='' and question='{$str}')"; $answerStrThird = $db->get_field("wx_answer_robot", $sql, "answer"); if ($answerStrThird) { $contentStr = $answerStrThird; }