//All commun functions
require_once 'menus.php';
require_once 'funcuser.php';
//Top Menu
$selectedTab = $_GET['selectedTab'];
$menu = topMenus($selectedTab, $_SESSION['GL_USER']['DROIT']);
//Left Menu
$leftMenu = parametersMenus($selectedTab, $_SESSION['GL_USER']['DROIT']);
$droitMAJ = $_SESSION['GL_USER']['DROIT']['par_uti'];
isset($_SESSION['DATA_LO']['LOGIN']) ? $login = $_SESSION['DATA_LO']['LOGIN'] : ($login = '');
isset($_SESSION['DATA_LO']['NUM_MLLE']) ? $nummlle = $_SESSION['DATA_LO']['NUM_MLLE'] : ($nummlle = '');
isset($_SESSION['DATA_LO']['IDPROFIL']) ? $groupe = $_SESSION['DATA_LO']['IDPROFIL'] : ($groupe = '');
isset($_SESSION['DATA_LO']['ACTIVATED']) ? $active = $_SESSION['DATA_LO']['ACTIVATED'] : ($active = '');
isset($_SESSION['DATA_LO']['idlangue']) ? $idlangue = $_SESSION['DATA_LO']['idlangue'] : ($idlangue = '');
$mag = getUsermagasin($login);
$mg = preg_split('/ /', $mag);
isset($mg[0]) ? $mag1 = $mg[0] : ($mag1 = '');
isset($mg[1]) ? $mag2 = $mg[1] : ($mag2 = '');
isset($mg[2]) ? $mag3 = $mg[2] : ($mag3 = '');
isset($mg[3]) ? $mag4 = $mg[3] : ($mag4 = '');
isset($mg[4]) ? $mag5 = $mg[4] : ($mag5 = '');
isset($mg[5]) ? $mag6 = $mg[5] : ($mag6 = '');
isset($mg[6]) ? $mag7 = $mg[6] : ($mag7 = '');
isset($mg[7]) ? $mag8 = $mg[7] : ($mag8 = '');
isset($active) && $active == 1 ? $check = 'checked="checked"' : ($check = '');
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="fr" xml:lang="fr">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
function ligneEtatListeUtilisateur($wh = '')
    $userName = getField('LOGIN', $_SESSION['GL_USER']['LOGIN'], 'LOGIN', 'compte');
    $ilang = getCodelangue($userName);
    $returnHTML = '';
    //Where clause
    $where = '';
    isset($wh) and $wh != '' ? $where = " WHERE {$wh} " : ($where = "");
    //Oerder condition
    $order = '';
    isset($ord) and $ord != '' ? $order = " ORDER BY {$ord} {$sens}" : ($order = " ORDER BY LOGIN ASC");
    //Nombre d'éléments
    $nbre = nombreUser($where);
    if ($nbre > 0) {
        //Calcule des limites
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM compte INNER JOIN profil ON (compte.IDPROFIL=profil.IDPROFIL)  {$where} {$order};";
        try {
            $cnx = new PDO(DBD, DBUSER, DBPWD, array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES utf8"));
            //Connexion to database
        } catch (PDOException $error) {
            //Treat error
            //("Erreur de connexion : " . $error->getMessage() );
        $query = $cnx->prepare($sql);
        //Prepare the SQL
        //Execute prepared SQL => $query
        $i = 1;
        while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
            $row['ACTIVATED'] == 1 ? $etat = 'Activé' : ($etat = 'Déactivé');
            $returnHTML .= '
			<tr align="left" valign="middle">
	            <td class="botBorderTdall" align="center">' . $i . '</td>
                <td class="botBorderTdall">' . stripslashes($row['LOGIN']) . '&nbsp;</td>
				<td class="botBorderTdall">' . stripslashes($row['LIBPROFIL']) . '&nbsp;</td>
				<td class="botBorderTdall">' . stripslashes($row['NUM_MLLE']) . '&nbsp;</td>
				<td class="botBorderTdall">' . stripslashes(getPersonnelName($row['NUM_MLLE'])) . '&nbsp;</td>
				<td class="botBorderTdall">' . stripslashes($etat) . '</td>
				<td class="botBorderTdall">' . stripslashes(getUsermagasin($row['LOGIN'])) . '&nbsp;</td>
    } else {
        if ($ilang == '1' && $ilang != '') {
            $returnHTML .= '<tr><td colspan="4" class="text">Aucune donn&eacute;e...</td></tr>';
        if ($ilang == '2' && $ilang != '') {
            $returnHTML .= '<tr><td colspan="4" class="text">No data...</td></tr>';
        if ($ilang == '3' && $ilang != '') {
            $returnHTML .= '<tr><td colspan="4" class="text">Nenhum dado...</td></tr>';
    return $returnHTML;