Exemple #1
function getFolder($path)
    global $database, $resource, $dateFormat, $thumbnailPrefix;
    $output = '';
    $path = mysql_escape_string($path);
    // Get virtual directories ===============================================
    if ($path == '' || $path == '/') {
         * Legacy code weirdness.
         * Explicitly filtered out all v.dirs not named same as user.
         * Then explicitly filtered out v.dirs named same as user.
        // ???
        // $query = "select * from $GLOBALS[tablePrefix]permissions inner join $GLOBALS[tablePrefix]clients on $GLOBALS[tablePrefix]permissions.clientid=$GLOBALS[tablePrefix]clients.id where userid=\"$_SESSION[userid]\" and $GLOBALS[tablePrefix]clients.name =\"$_SESSION[user]\" order by display";
        // $result = mysql_query($query,$database);
        // ???
        // $query = "select * from $GLOBALS[tablePrefix]permissions inner join $GLOBALS[tablePrefix]clients on $GLOBALS[tablePrefix]permissions.clientid=$GLOBALS[tablePrefix]clients.id where userid=\"$_SESSION[userid]\" and $GLOBALS[tablePrefix]clients.name !=\"$_SESSION[user]\" order by display";
        // $result = mysql_query($query,$database);
        $query = "select * from {$GLOBALS['tablePrefix']}permissions inner join {$GLOBALS['tablePrefix']}clients on {$GLOBALS['tablePrefix']}permissions.clientid={$GLOBALS['tablePrefix']}clients.id where userid=\"{$_SESSION['userid']}\" order by display";
        $result = mysql_query($query, $database);
        $vdcount = mysql_num_rows($result);
        if ($vdcount >= 1) {
            // If user has multiple virtual directorys display them all
            if ($vdcount > 2) {
                $virtual = "closed";
            } else {
                if ($vdcount == 1) {
                    $virtual = "true";
                } else {
                    $virtual = "false";
            while ($clients = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                $displayName = $clients['display'];
                $scheme = $clients['scheme'];
                $name = $clients['name'];
                $q = "select * from {$GLOBALS['tablePrefix']}clients where id=" . $clients[id];
                $res = mysql_query($q, $database);
                $path = '';
                while ($c = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
                    $path = $c['path'];
                $output .= jsonAdd("\"displayname\":\"{$displayName}\",\"scheme\":\"{$scheme}\",\"type\": \"directory\", \"name\": \"{$name}\", \"path\": \"{$path}\",\"virtual\":\"{$virtual}\"");
        $output .= jsonReturn('getFolder');
    if ($output > '') {
        if ($resource != true) {
            echo $output;
        } else {
            return $output;
    // Non Virtual Directories ===============================================
    $fullpath = getUserPath($path) . $path;
    if (is_dir($fullpath)) {
        if (!permForPath($path, 'read')) {
            error('You do not have permission for this action.');
            return false;
        if ($dh = opendir($fullpath)) {
            while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
                if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
                    if (is_dir($fullpath . '/' . $file)) {
                        jsonAdd("\"type\": \"directory\", \"name\": \"{$file}\", \"path\": \"{$path}\"");
                    } else {
                        // Ignore hidden .files
                        if (!startsWith($file, '.') && !startsWith($file, $thumbnailPrefix)) {
                            // id is only for providing the HTML elements a unique id.
                            $id = str_replace("/", "_", $path . '/' . $file);
                            $id = str_replace(".", "_", $id);
                            // Folders don't use flags or date but client side expects the key:values anyway. - future implementation?
                            jsonAdd("\"id\": \"{$id}\", \"path\":\"{$path}\", \"type\": \"file\", \"name\": \"{$file}\",\"date\":\"\",\"flags\": \"normal\"");
    } else {
        error("directory doesnt exist {$fullpath}");
    $output .= jsonReturn('getFolder');
    if ($resource != true) {
        echo $output;
    } else {
        return $output;
function uploadSmart()
    global $uploadDir;
    if (!file_exists($uploadDir . "stats_" . session_id() . ".txt")) {
        jsonAdd("\"percent\": 0, \"percentSec\": 0, \"speed\": \"0\", \"secondsLeft\": \"0\", \"done\": \"false\"");
        echo jsonReturn("bindings");
    $lines = file($uploadDir . "stats_" . session_id() . ".txt");
    $percent = round($lines[0] / 100, 3);
    $percentSec = round($lines[1] / 100, 4);
    $speed = filesize_format($lines[2]) . 's';
    $secondsLeft = secs_to_string(round($lines[3]));
    $size = filesize_format($lines[4]) . 's';
    if ($percent == 1) {
        // cleanup time
        if (isset($_SESSION['uploadPath'])) {
            $path = $_SESSION['uploadPath'];
            $userpath = getUserPath($path) . $path;
            $sessionid = session_id();
            $dh = opendir($uploadDir);
            while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
                $sessionlen = strlen(session_id());
                if (substr($file, 0, $sessionlen) == session_id()) {
                    $filename = substr($file, $sessionlen + 1);
                    $uploadfile = $filename;
                    $i = 1;
                    while (file_exists($userpath . '/' . $uploadfile)) {
                        $uploadfile = $i . '_' . $filename;
                    if (file_exists("{$uploadDir}{$file}") && !rename("{$uploadDir}{$file}", "{$userpath}/{$uploadfile}")) {
                        echo "Error";
            if (file_exists($uploadDir . "stats_" . session_id() . ".txt")) {
                unlink($uploadDir . "stats_" . session_id() . ".txt");
            if (file_exists($uploadDir . "temp_" . session_id())) {
                unlink($uploadDir . "temp_" . session_id());
        $done = "true";
    } else {
        $done = "false";
    jsonAdd("\"percent\": {$percent}, \"size\": \"{$size}\",\"percentSec\": {$percentSec}, \"speed\": \"{$speed}\", \"secondsLeft\": \"{$secondsLeft}\", \"done\": \"{$done}\"");
    echo jsonReturn("bindings");
 * @param string $lstrPath
 * @return string
function getRadioButtons($lstrPath)
    //$lstrHTML =  "<input  name=\"but\" type=\"radio\" value=\"\" checked=\"checked\" />" . _("Never mind") . "<br />";
    $lstrHTML = '';
    $lobjAllFiles = array();
    //open directory and store all file names in an array
    $lrscDirectory = opendir($lstrPath);
    while (false !== ($lstrFile = readdir($lrscDirectory))) {
        if ($lstrFile != ".." && $lstrFile != ".") {
            $lobjAllFiles[] = $lstrFile;
    //sort the array
    foreach ($lobjAllFiles as $lstrFile) {
        $lobjTemp = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $lstrPath);
        $lstrToken = "{{fil},{" . $lobjTemp[count($lobjTemp) - 1] . "/" . $lstrFile . "}, {" . $lstrFile . "}}";
        $lstrChanged = date("F d Y H:i:s.", filectime($lstrPath . "/" . $lstrFile));
        $lstrHTML .= "<input name=\"but\" type=\"radio\" value=\"{$lstrToken}\" ><strong> {$lstrFile}</strong> ({$lstrChanged})<br />";
    return $lstrHTML;
//get user path
$lstrUserPath = getUserPath();
//based on the user's path, generate radio buttons list
$lstrRadioButtonsHTML = getRadioButtons($lstrUserPath);
//echo out radio buttons list
echo $lstrRadioButtonsHTML;
Exemple #4
function moveFile($lstrDesiredPath)
    if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], $lstrDesiredPath)) {
        $lobjTemp = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $lstrDesiredPath);
        return getRewriteBase("ckeditor") . 'assets/users/' . $lobjTemp[count($lobjTemp) - 2] . '/' . $lobjTemp[count($lobjTemp) - 1];
    } else {
        return false;
//begin by converting any non utf8 character to uft8 chracter and removing any bad characters
$lstrFile = makeValidFileName($_FILES['upload']['name']);
//determine whether the file extension is valid
if (validExtension($lstrFile)) {
    //get the user's assets folder path
    $lobjPath = getUserPath();
    //if no errors (first element is boolean determining whether there is a error
    if ($lobjPath[0]) {
        //second element is user assets folder path
        $lstrPath = $lobjPath[1];
        //move uploaded file to user assets folder path and store url of uploaded to temp string
        if ($lstrTemp = moveFile($lstrPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $lstrFile)) {
            //if no error, store as url
            $lstrUrl = getUserURL() . "/" . $lstrFile;
        } else {
            //create error message
            $lstrMessage = _('Could not upload file to user\\\'s assets folder.');
    } else {
        //create error message
        $lstrMessage = _($lobjPath[1]);
Exemple #5

if (!isset($_SESSION['userid'])) {
    header("location:/login/?go_url=" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$userid = $_SESSION['userid'];
$photoid = intval($_GET['pid']);
require LIBRARY_PATH . "function.php";
$picAry = getPicInfo($photoid);
$abs_filename = getUserPath($userid) . USER_MAX_SETID . "/{$photoid}.jpg";
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://yui.yahooapis.com/3.0.0pr2/build/cssreset/reset-min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://yui.yahooapis.com/3.0.0pr2/build/cssfonts/fonts-min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://yui.yahooapis.com/3.0.0pr2/build/cssgrids/grids.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/css/layout.css" />
<style type="text/css"> 
/* 為了地圖 370px 而做的調整 */
.yui-gc div.first {
.yui-gc .yui-u { 
.nearby-info {
Exemple #6
require LIBRARY_PATH . "function.php";
//  $db = Mysql::getInstance('localhost');
$userid = $_POST['userid'];
$title = urldecode($_POST['title']);
$desc = urldecode($_POST['desc']);
$lat = $_POST['lat'];
$lng = $_POST['lng'];
$address = urldecode($_POST['address']);
$new_point_ary = array("userid" => $userid, "lat" => $lat, "lng" => $lng, "address" => $address, "curr_time" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
insertData("web3.map_point", $new_point_ary, $pid);
$userPicAry = getListData("web3.photo", $acnt, array("userid" => $userid));
if (!$acnt) {
$target_set_path = getUserPath($userid) . USER_MAX_SETID;
if (!is_dir($target_set_path)) {
$target_thumb_path = "{$target_set_path}/thumb";
if (!is_dir($target_thumb_path)) {
$target_org_img = "{$target_set_path}/{$pid}.jpg";
$target_thumb_img = "{$target_thumb_path}/t{$pid}.jpg";
$target_tile_img = TILE_UPLOAD_PATH . "t{$pid}.jpg";
foreach ($_FILES as $fieldName => $file) {
    $tmp_file = $file['tmp_name'];
    $file_name = str_replace('..', '', $file['name']);
    $file_name = str_replace('/', '', $file_name);
    $cmd = sprintf("/usr/local/bin/convert %s -thumbnail '90x90^' -gravity center -extent 90x90 %s", $tmp_file, $target_thumb_img);