$all_bets = getAllBets($game_id); $game_placed_coins = getGameCoins($all_bets); // get total placed coins for this game $total_joined = getTotalUsersJoined($all_bets); // count all users who played $bet_items = getBetItems($game_id); $disable_betting = time() > $game['g_schedTo'] ? true : false; // disabled betting when game ended foreach ($bet_items as $bi) { $bet_items2[$bi['bi_id']] = $bi['bi_description' . $suffix]; // assign bi_id as key and bi_description as value $bi_id_of_winner = $bi['bi_winner'] ? $bi['bi_id'] : $bi_id_of_winner; } $info_per_bet_item = getInfoPerBetItem($all_bets); // get placed coins, bet users, and ratio $user_may_earn = getUserMayEarn($info_per_bet_item, $game['g_houseCom']); // if game is already closed if ($game['g_isClosed']) { $is_closed = true; $display_uri = $user_bettings ? "?q=yourgame&cat={$game_cat}&sort=time" : "?q=results&cat={$game_cat}&sort=time"; $notice .= $lang[254]; // "This game already closed" $notice_display = "block"; $notice_class = "gameclosed"; $user_bettings = getUserBets($game_id, $user_id); $user_won = checkUserWon($user_id, $game_id); $top_winners = getTopWinners($info_per_bet_item, $bet_items2, $bi_id_of_winner); // get maximum of 10 top winners if ($user_won) { //$user_won_after_commission = $user_won - ($user_won * ($game['g_houseCom'] / 100)); $user_congratulations_text = str_replace('$COIN_VARIABLE', $user_won_after_commission, $lang[257]);
} // check if this game is already closed if (checkGameisClosed($g_id)) { // return with message echo json_encode(array('error' => '0', 'status' => 'closed')); exit; } $bet_items = array(); // get all active bet items $betitems_cache = $basedir . '/temp/bet_items_active.php'; if (file_exists($betitems_cache)) { $bet_items = json_decode(file_get_contents($betitems_cache), TRUE); } else { $bet_items = getAllBetItemsNoWinnerAndWriteToCache(); } $user_bets = array(); // get all active bet items $userbets_cache = $basedir . '/temp/user_bets_active.php'; if (file_exists($userbets_cache)) { $user_bets = json_decode(file_get_contents($userbets_cache), TRUE); } else { $user_bets = getAllUserBetsNoWinnerAndWriteToCache(); } $all_bets = getAllBetsFromCache2($bet_items, $user_bets, $g_id); $info_per_bet_item = getInfoPerBetItem($all_bets); $user_may_earn = getUserMayEarn($info_per_bet_item, $comm); if ($info_per_bet_item) { echo json_encode(array('error' => '0', 'status' => 'success', 'data' => array(0 => $info_per_bet_item, 1 => $user_may_earn))); //echo json_encode(array('error' => '0', 'status' => 'success', 'data' => $info_per_bet_item)); exit; }