case 'image/jpeg': $extension = 'jpg'; break; case 'image/gif': $extension = 'gif'; break; case 'image/png': $extension = 'png'; break; default: $extension = ''; } if ($extension != '') { $image_name = pathinfo($_FILES[$name]['name'])['filename'] . '.' . $extension; $image_file = 'img-uploads/' . $image_name; try { move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $image_file); } catch (Exception $e) { print_r($e); } } return $image_name; } if (isset($_FILES['media1'])) { $file_name = getUploadedFile('media1'); echo "uploadReady('" . $file_name . "');"; } if (isset($_FILES['media2'])) { $file_name = getUploadedFile('media2'); echo "uploadReadyB('" . $file_name . "');"; }
} // If we haven't encountered any problems so far then save the changes if ($exec_changes == true) { //$date_list = split('[- :]',$release_date,5); //$release_date = mktime($date_list[3],$date_list[4],0,$date_list[1],$date_list[2],$date_list[0]); $release_date = strtotime($release_date); if (!$frsr->update($status_id, $release_name, $notes, $changes, $preformatted, $release_date)) { exit_error('Error', $frsr->getErrorMessage()); } else { $feedback .= _('Data Saved'); } } } // Add file(s) to the release if (getStringFromRequest('step2')) { $userfile = getUploadedFile('userfile'); $userfile_name = $userfile['name']; $type_id = getIntFromRequest('type_id'); $release_date = getStringFromRequest('release_date'); $release_date = strtotime($release_date); $processor_id = getStringFromRequest('processor_id'); // Build a Unix time value from the supplied Y-m-d value $group_unix_name = group_getunixname($group_id); $ftp_filename = getStringFromRequest('ftp_filename'); if ($userfile && is_uploaded_file($userfile['tmp_name']) || $sys_use_ftpuploads && $ftp_filename) { if ($sys_use_ftpuploads && $ftp_filename && util_is_valid_filename($ftp_filename) && is_file($upload_dir . '/' . $ftp_filename)) { //file was uploaded already via ftp //use setuid prog to chown it //$cmd = escapeshellcmd("$sys_ftp_upload_chowner $ftp_filename"); //exec($cmd,$output); $userfile_name = $ftp_filename;
$upload_dir = $sys_ftp_upload_dir . "/" . $g->getUnixName(); // // // Submit the changes to the database // // if (getStringFromRequest('submit')) { if ($editdoc) { $doc_group = getIntFromRequest('doc_group'); $title = getStringFromRequest('title'); $description = getStringFromRequest('description'); $language_id = getIntFromRequest('language_id'); $data = getStringFromRequest('data'); $file_url = getStringFromRequest('file_url'); //$ftp_filename = getStringFromRequest('ftp_filename'); $uploaded_data = getUploadedFile('uploaded_data'); $stateid = getIntFromRequest('stateid'); $filetype = getStringFromRequest('filetype'); $editor = getStringFromRequest('editor'); $d = new Document($g, $docid); if ($d->isError()) { exit_error(_('Error'), $d->getErrorMessage()); } $sanitizer = new TextSanitizer(); $data = $sanitizer->SanitizeHtml($data); if ($editor && $d->getFileData() != $data && !$uploaded_data['name']) { $filename = $d->getFileName(); if (!$filetype) { $filetype = $d->getFileType(); } } elseif ($uploaded_data['name']) {
<?php define('MAXROWS', 5000); /* max records to import from the csv file per run */ define('BATCHSIZE', 100); /* number of records to insert per query */ ignore_user_abort(true); set_time_limit(0); @ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', '1'); $d = dirname(__FILE__); require "{$d}/incCommon.php"; include "{$d}/incHeader.php"; $arrTables = getTableList(); if ($_POST['csvPreview'] != '') { $fn = strpos($_POST['csvPreview'], 'Apply') === false ? getUploadedFile('csvFile') : $_SESSION['csvUploadFile']; $headCellStyle = 'border: solid 1px white; border-bottom: solid 1px #C0C0C0; border-right: solid 1px #C0C0C0; background-color: #ECECFB; font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px; padding: 0 2px;'; $dataCellStyle = 'border: solid 1px white; border-bottom: solid 1px #C0C0C0; border-right: solid 1px #C0C0C0; font-size: 10px; padding: 0 2px;'; if (!is_file($fn)) { ?> <div class="status" style="color: red;"> Error: File '<?php echo $fn; ?> ' not found. </div> <?php include "{$d}/incFooter.php"; exit; } ?> <!--<div align=left>
} $res = db_query($sql1); $res2 = db_query($sql2); if (!$res || !$res2) { exit_error("Attachment error", "DB Error"); } if (!(db_result($res2, 0, 'posted_by') == user_getid() || $f->userIsAdmin())) { goodbye(_('You cannot edit this attachment')); } else { if ($doedit == "1") { //actually edit the attach and save the info forum_header(array('title' => _('Attachments'))); $am = new AttachManager(); $fm = new ForumMessage($f, $msg_id, false, false); $am->SetForumMsg($fm); $attach = getUploadedFile("attachment1"); if ($attachid) { //update existing one $attachok = $am->attach($attach, $group_id, $attachid, $msg_id); if ($attachok != false) { $fm->fetchData($msg_id); $fm->sendAttachNotice($attachok); } } else { //add new one $attachok = $am->attach($attach, $group_id, $attachid, $msg_id); if ($attachok != false) { $fm->fetchData($msg_id); $fm->sendAttachNotice($attachok); } }
$ath->clearError(); } else { $feedback .= _('Tracker Updated'); } // // Delete a tracker // } elseif (getStringFromRequest('delete')) { $sure = getStringFromRequest('sure'); $really_sure = getStringFromRequest('really_sure'); if (!$ath->delete($sure, $really_sure)) { $feedback .= _('Error updating') . ' : ' . $ath->getErrorMessage(); } else { header("Location: /tracker/admin/?group_id={$group_id}&tracker_deleted=1"); exit; } // // Upload template // } elseif (getStringFromRequest('uploadtemplate')) { $input_file = getUploadedFile('input_file'); if (!util_check_fileupload($input_file)) { echo 'Invalid filename'; exit; } $size = $input_file['size']; $input_data = addslashes(fread(fopen($input_file['tmp_name'], 'r'), $size)); db_query("UPDATE artifact_group_list SET custom_renderer='{$input_data}' WHERE group_artifact_id='" . $ath->getID() . "'"); echo db_error(); $feedback .= 'Renderer Uploaded'; }
<?php require_once $gfcommon . 'pm/import_utils.php'; $input_file = getUploadedFile('userfile'); if (is_uploaded_file($input_file['tmp_name'])) { $size = $input_file['size']; $handle = fopen($input_file['tmp_name'], 'r'); $tasks = array(); while (($cols = fgetcsv($handle, 4096, ",")) !== FALSE) { $resources = array(); for ($i = 12; $i < 17; $i++) { if (trim($cols[$i]) != '') { $resources[] = array('user_name' => $cols[$i]); } } $dependentOn = array(); for ($i = 17; $i < 30; $i = $i + 3) { if (trim($cols[$i]) != '') { $dependentOn[] = array('task_id' => $cols[$i], 'msproj_id' => $cols[$i + 1], 'task_name' => '', 'link_type' => $cols[$i + 2]); } } $tasks[] = array('id' => $cols[0], 'msproj_id' => $cols[1], 'parent_id' => $cols[2], 'parent_msproj_id' => $cols[3], 'name' => $cols[4], 'duration' => $cols[5], 'work' => $cols[6], 'start_date' => $cols[7], 'end_date' => $cols[8], 'percent_complete' => $cols[9], 'priority' => $cols[10], 'resources' => $resources, 'dependenton' => $dependentOn, 'notes' => $cols[11]); } } $res =& pm_import_tasks($group_project_id, &$tasks); if ($res['success']) { $feedback .= 'Import Was Successful'; } else { $feedback .= $res['errormessage']; }