include_once CLASS_PATH . 'pso_portfolio_cat.class.php';
 * Add SESSION variable to prevent main form to REDO the delete action
$_SESSION['REDO'] = true;
 * Errors Management
if ($_GET['error'] == 1) {
    $notification = formatFormErrors($_SESSION['errorMsgs']);
$actScript = 'pso_portfolio.form.php';
$obj = new pso_portfolio();
$title = getTitleFromMenuCaption('Portfolio');
//  Update number values
//  Remove the thousands seperator
$_REQUEST['po_id'] = str_replace(".", "", $_REQUEST['po_id']);
$_REQUEST['po_id'] = str_replace(",", ".", $_REQUEST['po_id']);
$_REQUEST['po_pocat_id'] = str_replace(".", "", $_REQUEST['po_pocat_id']);
$_REQUEST['po_pocat_id'] = str_replace(",", ".", $_REQUEST['po_pocat_id']);
$_REQUEST['po_published'] = str_replace(".", "", $_REQUEST['po_published']);
$_REQUEST['po_published'] = str_replace(",", ".", $_REQUEST['po_published']);
//  Set value of checkbox = 0 if not passed in the request
$_REQUEST['po_published'] = isset($_REQUEST['po_published']) && $_REQUEST['po_published'] == "on" ? 1 : 0;
switch ($in2Action) {
    case 'add':
        $_REQUEST['po_cruser'] = $_SESSION['us_id'];
        $_REQUEST['po_crdate'] = $_SESSION['us_id'];
        $lastId = $obj->InsertRequest(false);
Exemple #2
include_once CLASS_PATH . 'pso_service.class.php';
 * Add SESSION variable to prevent main form to REDO the delete action
$_SESSION['REDO'] = true;
 * Errors Management
if ($_GET['error'] == 1) {
    $notification = formatFormErrors($_SESSION['errorMsgs']);
$actScript = 'pso_service.form.php';
$obj = new pso_service();
$title = getTitleFromMenuCaption('Service');
//  Update number values
//  Remove the thousands seperator
$_REQUEST['se_id'] = str_replace(".", "", $_REQUEST['se_id']);
$_REQUEST['se_id'] = str_replace(",", ".", $_REQUEST['se_id']);
$_REQUEST['se_published'] = str_replace(".", "", $_REQUEST['se_published']);
$_REQUEST['se_published'] = str_replace(",", ".", $_REQUEST['se_published']);
//  Set value of checkbox = 0 if not passed in the request
$_REQUEST['se_published'] = isset($_REQUEST['se_published']) && $_REQUEST['se_published'] == "on" ? 1 : 0;
switch ($in2Action) {
    case 'add':
        $_REQUEST['se_cruser'] = $_SESSION['us_id'];
        $_REQUEST['se_crdate'] = $_SESSION['us_id'];
        $lastId = $obj->InsertRequest(false);
        foreach ($_FILES as $uploadedFile) {
            $Extention = explode('.', $uploadedFile['name']);
Exemple #3
$dbname2 = "pso_db";
 * Add SESSION variable to prevent main form to REDO the delete action
$_SESSION['REDO'] = true;
 * Errors Management
if ($_GET['error'] == 1) {
    $notification = formatFormErrors($_SESSION['errorMsgs']);
$actScript = 'usr.form.php';
$obj = new usr();
$title = getTitleFromMenuCaption('Usr');
//  Update number values
//  Remove the thousands seperator
$_REQUEST['us_id'] = str_replace(".", "", $_REQUEST['us_id']);
$_REQUEST['us_id'] = str_replace(",", ".", $_REQUEST['us_id']);
$_REQUEST['us_isactive'] = str_replace(".", "", $_REQUEST['us_isactive']);
$_REQUEST['us_isactive'] = str_replace(",", ".", $_REQUEST['us_isactive']);
$_REQUEST['us_gr_id'] = str_replace(".", "", $_REQUEST['us_gr_id']);
$_REQUEST['us_gr_id'] = str_replace(",", ".", $_REQUEST['us_gr_id']);
//  Set value of checkbox = 0 if not passed in the request
$_REQUEST['us_isactive'] = isset($_REQUEST['us_isactive']) && $_REQUEST['us_isactive'] == "on" ? 1 : 0;
switch ($in2Action) {
    case 'add':
        $_REQUEST['us_cruser'] = $_SESSION['us_id'];
        $_REQUEST['us_crdate'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $_REQUEST['us_password'] = md5($_REQUEST['us_password']);
Exemple #4
include_once CLASS_PATH . 'pso_request.class.php';
 * Add SESSION variable to prevent main form to REDO the delete action
$_SESSION['REDO'] = true;
 * Errors Management
if ($_GET['error'] == 1) {
    $notification = formatFormErrors($_SESSION['errorMsgs']);
$actScript = 'pso_request.form.php';
$obj = new pso_request();
$title = getTitleFromMenuCaption('Request Quote');
//  Update number values
//  Remove the thousands seperator
$_REQUEST['re_id'] = str_replace(".", "", $_REQUEST['re_id']);
$_REQUEST['re_id'] = str_replace(",", ".", $_REQUEST['re_id']);
$_REQUEST['re_published'] = str_replace(".", "", $_REQUEST['re_published']);
$_REQUEST['re_published'] = str_replace(",", ".", $_REQUEST['re_published']);
//  Set value of checkbox = 0 if not passed in the request
$_REQUEST['re_published'] = isset($_REQUEST['re_published']) && $_REQUEST['re_published'] == "on" ? 1 : 0;
switch ($in2Action) {
    case 'add':
        $_REQUEST['re_cruser'] = $_SESSION['us_id'];
        $_REQUEST['re_crdate'] = $_SESSION['us_id'];
        $lastId = $obj->InsertRequest(false);
        foreach ($_FILES as $uploadedFile) {
            $Extention = explode('.', $uploadedFile['name']);
Exemple #5
include_once CLASS_PATH . 'pso_slider.class.php';
 * Add SESSION variable to prevent main form to REDO the delete action
$_SESSION['REDO'] = true;
 * Errors Management
if ($_GET['error'] == 1) {
    $notification = formatFormErrors($_SESSION['errorMsgs']);
$actScript = 'pso_slider.form.php';
$obj = new pso_slider();
$title = getTitleFromMenuCaption('Slider Home');
//  Update number values
//  Remove the thousands seperator
$_REQUEST['sl_id'] = str_replace(".", "", $_REQUEST['sl_id']);
$_REQUEST['sl_id'] = str_replace(",", ".", $_REQUEST['sl_id']);
$_REQUEST['sl_order'] = str_replace(".", "", $_REQUEST['sl_order']);
$_REQUEST['sl_order'] = str_replace(",", ".", $_REQUEST['sl_order']);
$_REQUEST['sl_published'] = str_replace(".", "", $_REQUEST['sl_published']);
$_REQUEST['sl_published'] = str_replace(",", ".", $_REQUEST['sl_published']);
//  Set value of checkbox = 0 if not passed in the request
$_REQUEST['sl_published'] = isset($_REQUEST['sl_published']) && $_REQUEST['sl_published'] == "on" ? 1 : 0;
switch ($in2Action) {
    case 'add':
        $_REQUEST['sl_cruser'] = $_SESSION['us_id'];
        $_REQUEST['sl_crdate'] = $_SESSION['us_id'];
        $lastId = $obj->InsertRequest(false);
Exemple #6

include_once 'conf/config.php';
include_once 'lang/';
include_once CLASS_PATH . 'grp.class.php';
$actScript = 'grp.php';
$obj = new grp();
$title = getTitleFromMenuCaption('Group');
 * Built Search Criteria (if any)
$gr_title = trim($gr_title);
$gr_brief = trim($gr_brief);
$whereClause = " WHERE UPPER(IFNULL(gr_title, '')) LIKE UPPER(CONCAT('%', IFNULL(" . $obj->getSqlColValue('gr_title', $gr_title) . ", ''), '%'))\nAND UPPER(IFNULL(gr_brief, '')) LIKE UPPER(CONCAT('%', IFNULL(" . $obj->getSqlColValue('gr_brief', $gr_brief) . ", ''), '%'))\n";
 * Delete Record
if (!$_SESSION['REDO']) {
    if ($gr_id) {
        $gr_ids = split('__', $gr_id);
        foreach ($gr_ids as $gr_id) {
            $_REQUEST['gr_id'] = $gr_id;

<!DOCTYPE html>
include_once CLASS_PATH . 'pso_staticpage.class.php';
 * Add SESSION variable to prevent main form to REDO the delete action
$_SESSION['REDO'] = true;
 * Errors Management
if ($_GET['error'] == 1) {
    $notification = formatFormErrors($_SESSION['errorMsgs']);
$actScript = 'pso_staticpage.form.php';
$obj = new pso_staticpage();
$title = getTitleFromMenuCaption('Static Page');
//  Update number values
//  Remove the thousands seperator
$_REQUEST['sp_id'] = str_replace(".", "", $_REQUEST['sp_id']);
$_REQUEST['sp_id'] = str_replace(",", ".", $_REQUEST['sp_id']);
$_REQUEST['sp_published'] = str_replace(".", "", $_REQUEST['sp_published']);
$_REQUEST['sp_published'] = str_replace(",", ".", $_REQUEST['sp_published']);
//  Set value of checkbox = 0 if not passed in the request
$_REQUEST['sp_published'] = isset($_REQUEST['sp_published']) && $_REQUEST['sp_published'] == "on" ? 1 : 0;
switch ($in2Action) {
    case 'add':
        $_REQUEST['sp_cruser'] = $_SESSION['us_id'];
        $_REQUEST['sp_crdate'] = $_SESSION['us_id'];
        $lastId = $obj->InsertRequest(false);
        foreach ($_FILES as $uploadedFile) {
            $Extention = explode('.', $uploadedFile['name']);
Exemple #8
include_once CLASS_PATH . 'pso_client.class.php';
 * Add SESSION variable to prevent main form to REDO the delete action
$_SESSION['REDO'] = true;
 * Errors Management
if ($_GET['error'] == 1) {
    $notification = formatFormErrors($_SESSION['errorMsgs']);
$actScript = 'pso_client.form.php';
$obj = new pso_client();
$title = getTitleFromMenuCaption('Client');
//  Update number values
//  Remove the thousands seperator
$_REQUEST['cl_id'] = str_replace(".", "", $_REQUEST['cl_id']);
$_REQUEST['cl_id'] = str_replace(",", ".", $_REQUEST['cl_id']);
$_REQUEST['cl_published'] = str_replace(".", "", $_REQUEST['cl_published']);
$_REQUEST['cl_published'] = str_replace(",", ".", $_REQUEST['cl_published']);
//  Set value of checkbox = 0 if not passed in the request
$_REQUEST['cl_published'] = isset($_REQUEST['cl_published']) && $_REQUEST['cl_published'] == "on" ? 1 : 0;
switch ($in2Action) {
    case 'add':
        $_REQUEST['cl_cruser'] = $_SESSION['us_id'];
        $_REQUEST['cl_crdate'] = $_SESSION['us_id'];
        $lastId = $obj->InsertRequest(false);
        foreach ($_FILES as $uploadedFile) {
            $Extention = explode('.', $uploadedFile['name']);
include_once CLASS_PATH . 'pso_portfolio_cat.class.php';
 * Add SESSION variable to prevent main form to REDO the delete action
$_SESSION['REDO'] = true;
 * Errors Management
if ($_GET['error'] == 1) {
    $notification = formatFormErrors($_SESSION['errorMsgs']);
$actScript = 'pso_portfolio_cat.form.php';
$obj = new pso_portfolio_cat();
$title = getTitleFromMenuCaption('Portfolio Category');
//  Update number values
//  Remove the thousands seperator
$_REQUEST['pocat_id'] = str_replace(".", "", $_REQUEST['pocat_id']);
$_REQUEST['pocat_id'] = str_replace(",", ".", $_REQUEST['pocat_id']);
$_REQUEST['pocat_order'] = str_replace(".", "", $_REQUEST['pocat_order']);
$_REQUEST['pocat_order'] = str_replace(",", ".", $_REQUEST['pocat_order']);
$_REQUEST['pocat_published'] = str_replace(".", "", $_REQUEST['pocat_published']);
$_REQUEST['pocat_published'] = str_replace(",", ".", $_REQUEST['pocat_published']);
//  Set value of checkbox = 0 if not passed in the request
$_REQUEST['pocat_published'] = isset($_REQUEST['pocat_published']) && $_REQUEST['pocat_published'] == "on" ? 1 : 0;
switch ($in2Action) {
    case 'add':
        $_REQUEST['pocat_cruser'] = $_SESSION['us_id'];
        $_REQUEST['pocat_crdate'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $lastId = $obj->InsertRequest(false);
Exemple #10

include_once 'conf/config.php';
include_once 'lang/';
include_once CLASS_PATH . 'grp_page.class.php';
include_once CLASS_PATH . 'page.class.php';
include_once CLASS_PATH . 'grp.class.php';
$actScript = 'grppriv.php';
$obj = new grp_page();
$_REQUEST['gr_id'] = $_REQUEST['gr_id'] + 0;
$title = getTitleFromMenuCaption('Group Privileges');
if (!is_integer($_REQUEST['gr_id'])) {
    $_REQUEST['gr_id'] = 0;
function clearTableData($gpx_gr_id, $debug)
    global $obj;
    $obj->execute(MySQL::BuildSQLDelete('grp_page', array('gpx_gr_id' => $obj->getSqlColValue('gpx_gr_id', $gpx_gr_id))), $debug);
function insertTableData($gpx_pg_id, $gpx_gr_id, $debug)
    global $obj;
    $obj->execute(MySQL::BuildSQLInsert('grp_page', array('gpx_pg_id' => $obj->getSqlColValue('gpx_pg_id', $gpx_pg_id), 'gpx_gr_id' => $obj->getSqlColValue('gpx_gr_id', $gpx_gr_id)), $debug));
$ugpStmt = 'SELECT g.gr_id, g.gr_title FROM grp g order by g.gr_title;';
$mnuStmt = 'SELECT mnu.pg_id, (case when mnu.pg_title=\'sep\' then \'---------------------------------\' else mnu.pg_title end) as menu, 
IFNULL(ugpm.gpx_pg_id,-1) as sel, IFNULL(mnu.pg_pg_id,-1) as isparent,
IFNULL((select mnu1.pg_pg_id from page mnu1 where mnu.pg_pg_id = mnu1.pg_id),-1) as ischild,
IFNULL((select mnu2.pg_order from page mnu2 where mnu2.pg_id = mnu.pg_pg_id), mnu.pg_order) as parentOrder,
Exemple #11

include_once 'conf/config.php';
include_once 'lang/';
include_once CLASS_PATH . 'usr.class.php';
$actScript = 'usr.php';
$obj = new usr();
$title = getTitleFromMenuCaption('User Management');
 * Delete Record
if (!$_SESSION['REDO']) {
    if ($us_id) {
        $us_ids = split('__', $us_id);
        foreach ($us_ids as $us_id) {
            $_REQUEST['us_id'] = $us_id;

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<head><title>PSO | Dashboard</title>
	<meta charset="utf-8">
	<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
	<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/icons/favicon.ico">