$reccount = mysql_num_rows($res); $uniq_id = 1; if ($reccount > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($res)) { //find rectitle for creator if ($row[8]) { $creator = mysql__select_array("Records", "rec_Title", "rec_ID=" . $row[8]); $creator = count($creator) > 0 ? $creator[0] : null; } else { $creator = null; } // grab the user tags, as a single comma-delimited string $kwds = mysql__select_array("usrRecTagLinks left join usrTags on tag_ID=rtl_TagID", "tag_Text", "rtl_RecID=" . $row[0] . " and tag_UGrpID=" . get_user_id() . " order by rtl_Order, rtl_ID"); $tagString = join(",", $kwds); //get url for thumbnail $thubURL = getThumbnailURL($row[0]); $url = $row[1] ? htmlspecialchars($row[1]) : HEURIST_BASE_URL . "records/view/viewRecord.php?db=" . HEURIST_DBNAME . "&recID=" . $row[0]; $uid = HEURIST_BASE_URL . "records/view/viewRecord.php?db=" . HEURIST_DBNAME . "&recID=" . $row[0]; //HEURIST_BASE_URL."search/search.html?db=".HEURIST_DBNAME."&q=ids:".$row[0]; //$uid = $uniq_id; $uniq_id++; //error_log(">>>>>> added=".$row[6]." edt=".$row[5]); $date_published = date("r", strtotime($row[5] == null ? $row[6] : $row[5])); $description = $row[7] ? "<![CDATA[" . $row[7] . "]]>" : ""; if ($isAtom) { ?> <entry> <title><?php echo htmlspecialchars($row[2]); ?> </title>
/** * Returns array of mapobjects $mapobjects = array( "records"=>$geoRecords, "geoObjects"=>$geoObjects, "cntWithGeo"=>$cnt_geo, "cntWithTime"=>$cnt_time, "layers"=>$layers); */ function getMapObjects($request) { $imagelayerRT = defined('RT_IMAGE_LAYER') ? RT_IMAGE_LAYER : 0; $KMLlayerRT = defined('RT_KML_LAYER') ? RT_KML_LAYER : 0; mysql_connection_select(DATABASE); if (array_key_exists('layers', $request)) { //special mode - load ALL image layers and kml records only - for general drop down list on map $request['ver'] = "1"; $request['q'] = "type:" . $imagelayerRT . "," . $KMLlayerRT; $search_type = BOTH; } else { if (!@$request['q'] || @$request['ver'] && intval(@$request['ver']) < SEARCH_VERSION) { construct_legacy_search(); } // migration path if (@$request['w'] && ($request['w'] == 'B' || $request['w'] == 'bookmark')) { $search_type = BOOKMARK; } else { $search_type = BOTH; } // all records } if (!array_key_exists("limit", $request)) { //not defined $limit = intval(@$_SESSION[HEURIST_SESSION_DB_PREFIX . 'heurist']["display-preferences"]['report-output-limit']); if (!$limit || $limit < 1) { $limit = 1000; //default limit in dispPreferences } $request["limit"] = $limit; //force limit } // find all matching records $cols = "rec_ID as bibID, rec_RecTypeID as rectype, rec_Title as title, rec_URL as URL"; $query = REQUEST_to_query("select {$cols} ", $search_type); /*****DEBUG****/ // error_log("query=".$query); /*****DEBUG****/ //error_log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>".$search_type."<<<<<<".$query); $res = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_error()) { print mysql_error(); } $records = array(); $bibIDs = array(); $imageLayers = array(); // list of ids of map image layers $geoObjects = array(); // coordinates $geoBibIDs = array(); // list of id of records that have geo references while ($bib = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $bibID = $bib["bibID"]; if (!$bibID) { continue; } $records[$bibID] = $bib; array_push($bibIDs, $bibID); if ($bib["rectype"] == $imagelayerRT) { //map image layer array_push($imageLayers, $bibID); $geoBibIDs[$bibID] = $bibID; } } foreach ($bibIDs as $bibID) { //0 DT_SHORT_SUMMARY //1 DT_EXTENDED_DESCRIPTION //2 - record URL //3 DT_FILE_RESOURCE //REMOVED 4 DT_LOGO_IMAGE //REMOVED 5 DT_THUMBNAIL //REMOVED 6 DT_IMAGES //4 7 DT_MAP_IMAGE_LAYER_REFERENCE //5 8 DT_KML //6 9 DT_KML_FILE //7 10 record type //d.dtl_UploadedFileID,e.dtl_UploadedFileID,f.dtl_UploadedFileID, // 0 1 2 3 4 imagelayer 5 kmltext 6 kmlfile 7 8 $squery = "select a.dtl_Value, b.dtl_Value, rec_URL, c.dtl_UploadedFileID, g.dtl_Value, h.dtl_Value, i.dtl_UploadedFileID, rec_RecTypeID, rec_Title, j.dtl_Value\n\t\tfrom Records\n\t\tleft join recDetails a on a.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and a.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_SHORT_SUMMARY') ? DT_SHORT_SUMMARY : "0") . " left join recDetails b on b.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and b.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_EXTENDED_DESCRIPTION') ? DT_EXTENDED_DESCRIPTION : "0") . " left join recDetails c on c.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and c.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_FILE_RESOURCE') ? DT_FILE_RESOURCE : "0") . " left join recDetails g on g.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and g.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_MAP_IMAGE_LAYER_REFERENCE') ? DT_MAP_IMAGE_LAYER_REFERENCE : "0") . " left join recDetails h on h.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and h.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_KML') ? DT_KML : "0") . " left join recDetails i on i.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and i.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_KML_FILE') ? DT_KML_FILE : "0") . " left join recDetails j on j.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and j.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_SHOW_IN_MAP_BG_LIST') ? DT_SHOW_IN_MAP_BG_LIST : "0") . " where rec_ID={$bibID}"; //*****DEBUG****//error_log(">>>>>>QUERY=".$squery); $res = mysql_query($squery); $row = mysql_fetch_row($res); if ($row) { $records[$bibID]["recID"] = $bibID; $records[$bibID]["rectype"] = $row[7]; $records[$bibID]["description"] = $row[0] ? $row[0] : ($row[1] ? $row[1] : ""); $records[$bibID]["url"] = $row[2]; //($row[2] ? "'".$row[2]."' target='_blank'" :"'javascript:void(0);'"); //'javascript:{this.href="'+$row[2]+'"}' : 'javascript:{return false;}');//javascript:void(0)}'); $records[$bibID]["icon_url"] = HEURIST_ICON_SITE_PATH . $row[7] . ".png"; $thumb_url = getThumbnailURL($bibID); //function from uploadFile.php if ($thumb_url == "") { //if thumb not defined - use rectype default thumb $thumb_url = HEURIST_ICON_SITE_PATH . "thumb/th_" . $row[7] . ".png"; } $records[$bibID]["thumb_url"] = $thumb_url; if ($row[4] && is_numeric($row[4]) && !in_array($row[4], $imageLayers)) { //DT_MAP_IMAGE_LAYER_REFERENCE array_push($imageLayers, $row[4]); } $kml_path = getKmlFilePath($row[3]); //DT_FILE_RESOURCE //*****DEBUG****//error_log(">>>>>>".$row[3]."=".$kml_path); // removed by SAW as DT_KML_FILE changed from a file base type to blocktext // if($kml_path==null){ // $kml_path = getKmlFilePath($row[6]); //DT_KML_FILE // } if ($kml_path != null) { array_push($geoObjects, array("bibID" => $bibID, "type" => "kmlfile", "fileid" => $kml_path, "title" => $row[8], "isbackground" => $row[9])); $geoBibIDs[$bibID] = $bibID; } else { if ($row[5]) { //DT_KML dtl_value contains KML saw TODO: modify to check that text is valid KML. array_push($geoObjects, array("bibID" => $bibID, "type" => "kml", "recid" => $bibID, "title" => $row[8])); $geoBibIDs[$bibID] = $bibID; } } } } //for if ($bibIDs && count($bibIDs) > 0) { // Find the records that actually have any geographic data to plot $res = mysql_query("select dtl_RecID, dtl_Value, astext(dtl_Geo), astext(envelope(dtl_Geo)) from recDetails where dtl_Geo is not null and dtl_RecID in (" . join(",", $bibIDs) . ")"); if (mysql_error()) { error_log("ERROR in ShowMap=" . mysql_error()); } if ($res) { while ($val = mysql_fetch_row($res)) { // get the bounding box if (preg_match("/POLYGON\\(\\((\\S+)\\s+(\\S+),\\s*(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+),\\s*(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+),\\s*(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+),\\s*\\S+\\s+\\S+\\)\\)/i", $val[3], $matches)) { $bbox = array("w" => floatval($matches[1]), "s" => floatval($matches[2]), "e" => floatval($matches[5]), "n" => floatval($matches[6])); } else { $bbox = null; } $geoobj = parseValueFromDb($val[0], $val[1], $val[2], $bbox); if ($geoobj) { array_push($geoObjects, $geoobj); $geoBibIDs[$val[0]] = $val[0]; } /*****DEBUG****/ //error_log("ADDED1:".is_string($val[0])." ".$geoBibIDs[$val[0]]); /*****DEBUG****/ //error_log("1>>>>>>".$geoBibIDs[$val[0]]); /*****DEBUG****/ //error_log("2>>>>>>".$geoBibIDs["97025"]); /*****DEBUG****/ //error_log("3>>>>>>".$geoBibIDs[$bibID]); } } } //$bibIDs!=null // OLD WAY TO STORE GEO DATA - directly in dtl_value as dettypes: 210(long) and 211(lat) /* removed by SAW as 211 is an old magic number not brought forward. $res = mysql_query("select LAT.dtl_RecID, LNG.dtl_Value, LAT.dtl_Value from recDetails LAT, recDetails LNG where LAT.dtl_DetailTypeID=211 and LNG.dtl_DetailTypeID=210 and LAT.dtl_RecID=LNG.dtl_RecID and LNG.dtl_RecID in (" . join(",", $bibIDs) . ")"); if($res){ while ($val = mysql_fetch_row($res)) { array_push($geoObjects, array("bibID" => $val[0], "type" => "point", "geo" => array("x" => floatval($val[1]), "y" => floatval($val[2])))); $geoBibIDs[$val[0]] = $val[0]; } } */ // some records may contain reference to map image layer record (dettype 588), // but we may have such records in search result as well rectype=$imagelayerRT if ($bibIDs && count($bibIDs) > 0) { $squery = "select rec_ID from Records\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t where rec_ID in (" . join(",", $bibIDs) . ") and rec_RecTypeID={$imagelayerRT}"; /*****DEBUG****/ //error_log($squery); $res = mysql_query($squery); if ($res) { while ($val = mysql_fetch_row($res)) { array_push($imageLayers, $val[0]); $geoBibIDs[$val[0]] = $val[0]; } } } $layers = array(); //find image layers if (count($imageLayers) > 0) { $squery = "select rec_ID, a.dtl_Value as title," . " (select trm_Label from defTerms where trm_ID=b.dtl_Value) as type," . " c.dtl_Value as url," . " (select trm_Label from defTerms where trm_ID=d.dtl_Value) as mime_type," . " e.dtl_Value as min_zoom, f.dtl_Value as max_zoom, g.dtl_Value as copyright, j.dtl_Value as isbackground" . " from Records" . " left join recDetails a on a.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and a.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_SHORT_NAME') ? DT_SHORT_NAME : "0") . " left join recDetails b on b.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and b.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_MAP_IMAGE_LAYER_SCHEMA') ? DT_MAP_IMAGE_LAYER_SCHEMA : "0") . " left join recDetails c on c.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and c.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_SERVICE_URL') ? DT_SERVICE_URL : "0") . " left join recDetails d on d.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and d.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_MIME_TYPE') ? DT_MIME_TYPE : "0") . " left join recDetails e on e.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and e.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_MINMUM_ZOOM_LEVEL') ? DT_MINMUM_ZOOM_LEVEL : "0") . " left join recDetails f on f.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and f.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_MAXIMUM_ZOOM_LEVEL') ? DT_MAXIMUM_ZOOM_LEVEL : "0") . " left join recDetails g on g.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and g.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_ALTERNATE_NAME') ? DT_ALTERNATE_NAME : "0") . " left join recDetails j on j.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and j.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . (defined('DT_SHOW_IN_MAP_BG_LIST') ? DT_SHOW_IN_MAP_BG_LIST : "0") . " where rec_ID in (" . join(",", $imageLayers) . ")"; /*****DEBUG****/ //error_log($squery); $res = mysql_query($squery); /*****DEBUG****/ //error_log(mysql_error()); while ($rec = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { //find the extent for image layer if ($rec['type'] == "maptiler") { $manifest_file = $rec['url'] . "tilemapresource.xml"; } else { if ($rec['type'] == "virtual earth") { $manifest_file = $rec['url'] . "MapCruncherMetadata.xml"; } else { $rec['error'] = "Wrong or non supported map type " . $rec['type']; } } if (!$rec['url']) { $rec['error'] = "URL is not defined for image layer"; } else { if ($manifest_file) { $manifest = simplexml_load_file($manifest_file); if ($manifest == null || is_string($manifest)) { //manifest not found $rec['error'] = "Can not load manifest file image layer. " . $manifest_file; } else { if ($rec['type'] == "maptiler") { foreach ($manifest->children() as $f_gen) { if ($f_gen->getName() == "BoundingBox") { $arr = $f_gen->attributes(); $rec['extent'] = $arr['miny'] . ',' . $arr['minx'] . ',' . $arr['maxy'] . ',' . $arr['maxx']; //warning!!! wrong labels in these manifests!!!! break; } } } else { $rect = findXMLelement($manifest, 0, array("LayerList", "Layer", "SourceMapRecordList", "SourceMapRecord", "MapRectangle")); if ($rect) { $rec['extent'] = ""; foreach ($rect->children() as $pnt) { $arr = $pnt->attributes(); $lon = $arr['lon']; $lat = $arr['lat']; $rec['extent'] = $rec['extent'] . $lon . "," . $lat . ","; } //$rec['extent'] = $sw['lon'].','.$sw['lat'].','.$ne['lon'].','.$ne['lat']; } } if (!array_key_exists('extent', $rec)) { $rec['error'] = "Can not find bounds parameters in manifest file"; } } } } if (!$rec['max_zoom']) { $rec['max_zoom'] = 19; } array_push($layers, $rec); } } //count($imageLayers)>0 // Find time extents -- must have at least a start time (end time is optional) // check for specific details first //saw TODO; modify this for handle durations with a start or end date $timeObjects = array(); if (defined('DT_START_DATE') && defined('DT_END_DATE') && $bibIDs && count($bibIDs) > 0) { $squery = "select START.dtl_RecID, START.dtl_Value, END.dtl_Value " . "from recDetails START left join recDetails END on START.dtl_RecID=END.dtl_RecID " . "and END.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . DT_END_DATE . " where START.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . DT_START_DATE . " and (START.dtl_Value || END.dtl_Value) " . "and START.dtl_RecID in (" . join(",", $bibIDs) . ")"; $res = mysql_query($squery); while ($val = mysql_fetch_row($res)) { if ($val[1] || $val[2]) { $timeObjects[$val[0]] = array($val[1], $val[2]); /*****DEBUG****/ //error_log("XXXX>>>>>> ". $val[0]." ".$val[1]." ".$val[2] ); } } } // $timeObjects = array(); //" //select d.dtl_RecID, min(d.dtl_Value), max(d.dtl_Value), min(y.dtl_Value), max(y.dtl_Value) //from recDetails b, recDetails y //" $anyDateBibIDs = array(); //no date enabled foreach ($bibIDs as $bibID) { if (!array_key_exists($bibID, $timeObjects)) { array_push($anyDateBibIDs, $bibID); } } // now process those records that don't have specific start and end dates - // try to extract date from details if (count($anyDateBibIDs) > 0) { $dates = array(); $years = array(); $res = mysql_query("select rec_ID, min(d.dtl_Value), max(d.dtl_Value)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom Records\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcross join defDetailTypes dt\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tleft join recDetails d on d.dtl_RecID = rec_ID and d.dtl_DetailTypeID = dt.dty_ID\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere rec_ID in (" . join(",", $anyDateBibIDs) . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tand dt.dty_Type = 'date'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tgroup by rec_ID"); if ($res) { while ($val = mysql_fetch_row($res)) { if ($val[1] && preg_match("/^\\d+\\s*bc/i", $val[1])) { // convert BC to a - sign $val[1] = -preg_replace("/\\s*bc/i", "", $val[1]) + 1; } if ($val[2] && preg_match("/^\\d+\\s*bc/i", $val[2])) { // convert BC to a - sign $val[2] = -preg_replace("/\\s*bc/i", "", $val[2]) + 1; } $dates[$val[0]] = array($val[1], $val[1] !== $val[2] ? $val[2] : null); } } $res = mysql_query("select rec_ID, min(d.dtl_Value), max(d.dtl_Value)\n\t\tfrom Records\n\t\tcross join defDetailTypes yt\n\t\tleft join recDetails y on y.dtl_RecID = rec_ID and y.dtl_DetailTypeID = yt.dty_ID\n\t\twhere rec_ID in (" . join(",", $anyDateBibIDs) . ")\n\t\tand yt.dty_Type = 'year'\n\t\tgroup by rec_ID"); if ($res) { while ($val = mysql_fetch_row($res)) { if ($val[1] && preg_match("/^\\d+\\s*bc/i", $val[1])) { // convert BC to a - sign $val[1] = -preg_replace("/\\s*bc/i", "", $val[1]) + 1; } if ($val[2] && preg_match("/^\\d+\\s*bc/i", $val[2])) { // convert BC to a - sign $val[2] = -preg_replace("/\\s*bc/i", "", $val[2]) + 1; } $years[$val[0]] = array($val[1], $val[1] !== $val[2] ? $val[2] : null); } } foreach ($anyDateBibIDs as $bibID) { $sd = @$dates[$bibID][0] ? $dates[$bibID][0] : null; $ed = @$dates[$bibID][1] ? $dates[$bibID][1] : null; $sy = @$years[$bibID][0] ? $years[$bibID][0] : null; $ey = @$years[$bibID][1] ? $years[$bibID][1] : null; if (!$sd && !$ed && $sy && $sy == $ey) { $ey = $sy + 1; } $s = $sd ? $sd : $sy; $e = $ed ? $ed : $ey; if ($s >= $e) { $e = null; } $timeObjects[$bibID] = array($s, $e); } } //if //sort($geoBibIDs); $geoRecords = array(); $cnt_geo = 0; $cnt_time = 0; //foreach ($geoBibIDs as $bibID) { foreach ($bibIDs as $bibID) { //loop for all records // $bibID = ""+$bibID; /*****DEBUG****/ //error_log("2>>>>>>".$geoBibIDs["97025"]); /*****DEBUG****/ //error_log("3>>>>>>".$bibID." ".$geoBibIDs[$bibID]." time=".array_key_exists($bibID, $timeObjects) ); $isNotGeoLoc = !@$geoBibIDs[$bibID]; if (!$isNotGeoLoc || array_key_exists($bibID, $timeObjects)) { /*****DEBUG****/ //error_log(">>>>>".$bibID."=".$geoBibIDs[$bibID]."<<<<<<".(!@$geoBibIDs[$bibID])."<<<<<<"); $geoRecords[$bibID] = $records[$bibID]; if ($isNotGeoLoc) { /*****DEBUG****/ //error_log(">>>>>PUSH EMPTY"); //no geo data - only timedata array_push($geoObjects, array("bibID" => $bibID, "type" => "none")); //empty georeference $geoBibIDs[$bibID] = $bibID; } else { $cnt_geo++; } if (array_key_exists($bibID, $timeObjects)) { list($start, $end) = $timeObjects[$bibID]; $geoRecords[$bibID]["start"] = $start; if ($end) { $geoRecords[$bibID]["end"] = $end; } $cnt_time++; } } } //count($geoRecords) $mapobjects = array("records" => $geoRecords, "geoObjects" => $geoObjects, "cntWithGeo" => $cnt_geo, "cntWithTime" => $cnt_time, "layers" => $layers); return $mapobjects; }
<!-- posts --> <?php $i = 0; $banner1 = blog_get_banner(1); while (have_posts()) { the_post(); $i++; if ($i == 1) { $title = get_the_title(get_the_id()); $count = count(explode(' ', $title)); $long = ''; $long = $count > 10 && $count < 15 ? 'long' : ''; $long = $count >= 15 ? 'long2' : ''; $thumb_bg = ''; if (has_post_thumbnail()) { $thumb_bg = sprintf('style="background: url(%s) no-repeat; background-size: cover;"', getThumbnailURL(get_the_ID())); } ?> <article class="hentry featured-post full-width-post" <?php echo $thumb_bg; ?> > <div class="center-wrap"> <div class="content"> <h2 class="<?php echo $long; ?> "><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>
function print_result($row) { global $num; print "\t["; foreach ($row as $i => $val) { if ($i > 0) { print ','; } print "'" . str_replace("\n", '\\n', str_replace("\r", '', addslashes($val))) . "'"; } $thumb_url = getThumbnailURL($row[2]); print ",'{$thumb_url}'"; print "]"; ++$num; }
function createQueryRecSet() { //echo "request = ".print_r($_REQUEST,true)."\n"; $qresult = loadSearch($_REQUEST); //echo "query result = ".print_r($qresult,true)."\n"; $recSet = array('count' => 0, 'recSet' => array(), 'params' => array_intersect_key($_REQUEST, array('q' => 1, 'w' => 1, 'depth' => 1, 'f' => 1, 'limit' => 1, 'offset' => 1, 'rev' => 1, 'revexpand' => 1, 'db' => 1, 'sid' => 1, 'slb' => 1, 'rtfilters' => 1, 'relfilters' => 1, 'ptrfilters' => 1)), 'infoByDepth' => array(array('recIDs' => array(), 'rectypes' => array()))); //echo "query reults = ".json_format($result,true); $rec_ids = array(); foreach ($qresult['records'] as $record) { array_push($rec_ids, $record['rec_ID']); $recSet['recSet'][$record['rec_ID']] = array('depth' => 0, 'record' => array(null, null, $record['rec_ID'], $record['rec_URL'], $record['rec_RecTypeID'], $record['rec_Title'], $record['rec_OwnerUGrpID'], $record['rec_NonOwnerVisibility'], null, null, null, getThumbnailURL($record['rec_ID']))); array_push($recSet['infoByDepth'][0]['recIDs'], $record['rec_ID']); // add recID to it's rectype array for this depth if (!@$recSet['infoByDepth'][0]['rectypes'][$record['rec_RecTypeID']]) { $recSet['infoByDepth'][0]['rectypes'][$record['rec_RecTypeID']] = array($record['rec_ID']); } else { if (!in_array($record['rec_ID'], $recSet['infoByDepth'][0]['rectypes'][$record['rec_RecTypeID']])) { array_push($recSet['infoByDepth'][0]['rectypes'][$record['rec_RecTypeID']], $record['rec_ID']); } } } return $recSet; }