Exemple #1
function getTargetsScript()
    $ret = "<script>var TargetFaces = new Array();\n";
    foreach (getTargets() as $div => $c) {
        $ret .= "TargetFaces['{$div}']=new Array();\n";
        foreach ($c as $cl => $faces) {
            $ret .= "TargetFaces['{$div}']['{$cl}']=new Array();\n";
            foreach ($faces as $id => $face) {
                $ret .= "TargetFaces['{$div}']['{$cl}']['p{$id}']='" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $face) . "';\n";
    $ret .= '</script>';
    return $ret;
Exemple #2
    $AvTargets[$r->TarId] = get_text($r->TarDescr);
$select = "SELECT ToType,ToNumDist AS TtNumDist " . "FROM Tournament " . "WHERE ToId=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " ";
//print $select;exit;
$rs = safe_r_sql($select);
if (safe_num_rows($rs) == 1) {
    $r = safe_fetch($rs);
    $numDist = $r->TtNumDist;
if ($numDist != 0) {
    $colspan = 2 + $numDist + $Advanced;
    $select = "SELECT DISTINCT t.* " . "FROM TargetFaces t " . "WHERE TfTournament=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " ";
    //print $select;exit;
    $rsDist = safe_r_sql($select);
foreach ($DefinedTargets = getTargets(false) as $Target => $divs) {
    foreach ($divs as $Div => $cl) {
        foreach ($cl as $Class => $default) {
            if ($default) {
$JS_SCRIPT = array('<script type="text/javascript" src="../Common/ajax/ObjXMLHttpRequest.js"></script>', '<script type="text/javascript" src="Fun_AJAX_ManTargets.js"></script>', '<script type="text/javascript" src="../Common/Fun_JS.inc.js"></script>', '<script type="text/javascript">var StrConfirm="' . get_text('MsgAreYouSure') . '"; ' . 'var CannotDelete="' . get_text('CannotDelete', 'Tournament') . '"; </script>');
$PAGE_TITLE = get_text('MenuLM_Targets');
include 'Common/Templates/head.php';
	<div align="center">
		<table class="Tabella">
			<tbody id="tbody">
 * Ritorna un array con le persone.
 * @param int $Id: id della persona se si vuole solo una riga
 * @param string $OrderBy: clausola order by
 * @return mixed[]: array con le persone
function GetRows($Id = null, $OrderBy = null, $AllTargets = false)
    $ret = array();
    $DefTargets = getTargets();
    if ($OrderBy === null) {
        $OrderBy = "QuSession ASC,QuTargetNo ASC ";
    $Errore = 0;
    $Select = "";
    if (!$AllTargets) {
        $Select = "SELECT e.*,IF(EnDob!='0000-00-00',EnDob,'0000-00-00 00:00:00') AS Dob,c.CoCode,c.CoName,c2.CoCode AS CoCode2,c2.CoName AS CoName2,  c3.CoCode AS CoCode3,c3.CoName AS CoName3," . "q.QuSession AS `Session`,SUBSTRING(q.QuTargetNo,2) AS TargetNo,ToWhenFrom,TfName, " . "EdEmail " . "FROM Entries AS e LEFT JOIN Countries AS c ON e.EnCountry=c.CoId AND e.EnTournament=c.CoTournament " . "LEFT JOIN Countries AS c2 ON e.EnCountry2=c2.CoId AND e.EnTournament=c2.CoTournament " . "LEFT JOIN Countries AS c3 ON e.EnCountry3=c3.CoId AND e.EnTournament=c3.CoTournament " . "LEFT JOIN TargetFaces ON EnTournament=TfTournament AND EnTargetFace=TfId " . "LEFT JOIN ExtraData ON EdType='E' and EdId=EnId " . "INNER JOIN Qualifications AS q ON e.EnId=q.QuId " . "INNER JOIN Tournament ON EnTournament=ToId " . "WHERE e.EnTournament=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " /*AND EnAthlete=1*/ " . ($Id != '' ? " AND EnId=" . StrSafe_DB($Id) : '') . " " . "ORDER BY " . $OrderBy . " ";
    } else {
        $Select = "(SELECT EnId,EnIocCode,EnTournament,EnDivision,EnClass,EnSubClass,EnAgeClass," . "EnCountry,EnSubTeam,EnCountry2,EnCountry3,EnCtrlCode,Dob," . "EnCode,EnName,EnFirstName,EnBadgePrinted,EnAthlete," . "EnSex,EnWChair,EnSitting,EnIndClEvent,EnTeamClEvent,EnIndFEvent,EnTeamFEvent,EnTeamMixEvent," . "EnDoubleSpace,EnPays,EnStatus,EnTargetFace,EnTimestamp,TfName, " . "CoCode,CoName,CoCode2,CoName2,CoCode3,CoName3," . "SUBSTRING(AtTargetNo,1,1) AS `Session`,SUBSTRING(AtTargetNo,2) AS TargetNo,ToWhenFrom, EdEmail " . "FROM " . "AvailableTarget LEFT JOIN (" . "SELECT " . "EnId,EnIocCode,EnTournament,EnDivision,EnClass,EnSubClass,EnAgeClass,EdEmail," . "EnCountry,EnSubTeam,EnCountry2,EnCountry3,EnCtrlCode,IF(EnDob!='0000-00-00',EnDob,'0000-00-00 00:00:00') AS Dob," . "EnCode,EnName,EnFirstName,EnBadgePrinted,EnAthlete," . "EnSex,EnWChair,EnSitting,EnIndClEvent,EnTeamClEvent,EnIndFEvent,EnTeamFEvent,EnTeamMixEvent," . "EnDoubleSpace,EnPays,EnStatus,EnTargetFace,EnTimestamp,TfName, " . "c.CoCode AS CoCode,c.CoName AS CoName,c2.CoCode AS CoCode2,c2.CoName AS CoName2,c3.CoCode AS CoCode3,c3.CoName AS CoName3, q.QuSession AS `Session`,SUBSTRING(q.QuTargetNo,2) AS TargetNo,q.QuTargetNo AS QuTargetNo,ToWhenFrom " . "FROM Entries AS e LEFT JOIN Countries AS c ON e.EnCountry=c.CoId AND e.EnTournament=c.CoTournament " . "LEFT JOIN Countries AS c2 ON e.EnCountry2=c2.CoId AND e.EnTournament=c2.CoTournament " . "LEFT JOIN Countries AS c3 ON e.EnCountry3=c3.CoId AND e.EnTournament=c3.CoTournament " . "LEFT JOIN TargetFaces ON EnTournament=TfTournament AND EnTargetFace=TfId " . "LEFT JOIN ExtraData ON EdType='E' and EdId=EnId " . "INNER JOIN Qualifications AS q ON e.EnId=q.QuId " . "INNER JOIN Tournament ON EnTournament=ToId " . "WHERE e.EnTournament=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " /*AND EnAthlete=1*/ " . ($Id != '' ? " AND EnId=" . StrSafe_DB($Id) : '') . " " . "ORDER BY " . $OrderBy . " " . ") AS sq ON AtTournament=EnTournament AND AtTargetNo=QuTargetNo " . "WHERE AtTournament=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " /*AND EnAthlete=1*/) " . "UNION ALL " . "(SELECT EnId,EnIocCode,EnTournament,EnDivision,EnClass,EnSubClass,EnAgeClass," . "EnCountry,EnSubTeam,EnCountry2,EnCountry3,EnCtrlCode,IF(EnDob!='0000-00-00',EnDob,'0000-00-00 00:00:00') AS Dob," . "EnCode,EnName,EnFirstName,EnBadgePrinted,EnAthlete,EdEmail," . "EnSex,EnWChair,EnSitting,EnIndClEvent,EnTeamClEvent,EnIndFEvent,EnTeamFEvent,EnTeamMixEvent," . "EnDoubleSpace,EnPays,EnStatus,EnTargetFace,EnTimestamp,TfName, " . "c.CoCode AS CoCode,c.CoName AS CoName,c2.CoCode AS CoCode2,c2.CoName AS CoName2,c3.CoCode AS CoCode3,c3.CoName AS CoName3," . "q.QuSession AS `Session`,SUBSTRING(q.QuTargetNo,2) AS TargetNo,ToWhenFrom " . "FROM " . "Entries LEFT JOIN Countries AS c ON EnCountry=c.CoId AND EnTournament=c.CoTournament " . "LEFT JOIN TargetFaces ON EnTournament=TfTournament AND EnTargetFace=TfId " . "LEFT JOIN Countries AS c2 ON EnCountry2=c2.CoId AND EnTournament=c2.CoTournament " . "LEFT JOIN Countries AS c3 ON EnCountry3=c3.CoId AND EnTournament=c3.CoTournament " . "LEFT JOIN ExtraData ON EdType='E' and EdId=EnId " . "INNER JOIN Qualifications AS q ON EnId=q.QuId " . "INNER JOIN Tournament ON EnTournament=ToId " . "WHERE EnTournament=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " AND QuTargetNo='' " . ($Id != '' ? " AND EnId=" . StrSafe_DB($Id) : '') . ") " . "ORDER BY " . $OrderBy . " ";
    //print $Select;exit;
    $Rs = safe_r_sql($Select);
    if (safe_num_rows($Rs) > 0) {
        while ($MyRow = safe_fetch($Rs)) {
            if ($MyRow->EnId !== null) {
                if (empty($DefTargets[$MyRow->EnDivision][$MyRow->EnClass])) {
                    // the target is missing for this entry... so sets the EnTargetFace to 0
                    safe_w_sql("update Entries set EnTargetFace=0 where EnId={$MyRow->EnId}");
                    $MyRow->EnTargetFace = 0;
                } elseif (empty($DefTargets[$MyRow->EnDivision][$MyRow->EnClass][$MyRow->EnTargetFace])) {
                    // the assigned target face doesn't exists so resets to the first one (default)
                    list($TfId, $TfFace) = each($DefTargets[$MyRow->EnDivision][$MyRow->EnClass]);
                    safe_w_sql("update Entries set EnTargetFace={$TfId} where EnId={$MyRow->EnId}");
                    $MyRow->EnTargetFace = $TfId;
            $ret[] = array('id' => $MyRow->EnId, 'ioccode' => $MyRow->EnIocCode, 'code' => $MyRow->EnCode, 'status' => $MyRow->EnStatus, 'session' => $MyRow->Session != 0 ? $MyRow->Session : '', 'targetno' => $MyRow->TargetNo, 'firstname' => stripslashes($MyRow->EnFirstName), 'name' => stripslashes($MyRow->EnName), 'email' => stripslashes($MyRow->EdEmail), 'sex_id' => $MyRow->EnSex, 'sex' => $MyRow->EnId !== null ? $MyRow->EnSex == 0 ? get_text('ShortMale', 'Tournament') : get_text('ShortFemale', 'Tournament') : '', 'ctrl_code' => $MyRow->EnCtrlCode, 'dob' => $MyRow->Dob, 'country_id' => $MyRow->EnCountry, 'country_code' => $MyRow->CoCode, 'country_name' => stripslashes($MyRow->CoName), 'sub_team' => $MyRow->EnSubTeam, 'country_id2' => $MyRow->EnCountry2, 'country_code2' => $MyRow->CoCode2, 'country_name2' => stripslashes($MyRow->CoName2), 'country_id3' => $MyRow->EnCountry3, 'country_code3' => $MyRow->CoCode3, 'country_name3' => stripslashes($MyRow->CoName3), 'division' => $MyRow->EnDivision, 'class' => $MyRow->EnClass, 'ageclass' => $MyRow->EnAgeClass, 'subclass' => $MyRow->EnSubClass, 'targetface' => $MyRow->EnTargetFace, 'targetface_name' => $MyRow->TfName, 'indcl' => $MyRow->EnIndClEvent, 'teamcl' => $MyRow->EnTeamClEvent, 'indfin' => $MyRow->EnIndFEvent, 'teamfin' => $MyRow->EnTeamFEvent, 'mixteamfin' => $MyRow->EnTeamMixEvent, 'wc' => $MyRow->EnWChair, 'double' => $MyRow->EnDoubleSpace);
    return $ret;
 * Retrieves all links for a certain RecType
 * @param mixed $system  System reference
 * @param mixed $rectype Rectype reference
function getLinks($system, $rectypes)
    $links = array();
    // Go through all rectypes
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($rectypes); $i++) {
        // Find relations
        $relations = getRelations($system, $rectypes[$i]);
        // Find all targets for each relation
        foreach ($relations as $relation) {
            //get counts by target
            $targets = getTargets($system, $rectypes[$i], $relation);
            // Construct a link for each target
            foreach ($targets as $target) {
                $link = new stdClass();
                /* example                    
                    name:"Person(s) concerned"
                // Records
                $link->source = $i;
                $link->target = getIndex($rectypes, $target);
                $link->relation = $relation;
                // Counts
                $link->targetcount = $target->count;
                $link->relation->count = $target->count;
                array_push($links, $link);
    return $links;