function themeSetup(&$smarty, $selectedMenu, $pdbACL, $pACL, $idUser) { /* El tema elastixneo muestra hasta 7 items de menú de primer nivel, y * coloca el resto en una lista desplegable a la derecha del último item. * Se debe de garantizar que el item actualmente seleccionado aparezca en * un menú de primer nivel que esté entre los 7 primeros, reordenando los * items si es necesario. */ $lang = get_language(); $arrMainMenu = $smarty->get_template_vars('arrMainMenu'); foreach ($arrMainMenu as $idMenu => $arrMenuItem) { $arrMainMenu[$idMenu]['icon'] = setIcon($idMenu); } $idMainMenuSelected = $smarty->get_template_vars('idMainMenuSelected'); $MAX_ITEMS_VISIBLES = 7; if (count($arrMainMenu) > $MAX_ITEMS_VISIBLES) { // Se transfiere a arreglo numérico para manipular orden de enumeración $tempMenulist = array(); $idxMainMenu = NULL; foreach ($arrMainMenu as $key => $value) { if ($key == $idMainMenuSelected) { $idxMainMenu = count($tempMenulist); } $tempMenulist[] = array($key, $value); } if (!is_null($idxMainMenu) && $idxMainMenu >= $MAX_ITEMS_VISIBLES) { $menuitem = array_splice($tempMenulist, $idxMainMenu, 1); array_splice($tempMenulist, $MAX_ITEMS_VISIBLES - 1, 0, $menuitem); $arrMainMenu = array(); foreach ($tempMenulist as $menuitem) { $arrMainMenu[$menuitem[0]] = $menuitem[1]; } } unset($tempMenulist); } $smarty->assign('arrMainMenu', $arrMainMenu); $smarty->assign("LANG", $lang); $smarty->assign(array("ABOUT_ELASTIX2" => _tr('About Elastix2'), "HELP" => _tr('HELP'), "USER_LOGIN" => $_SESSION['elastix_user'], "USER_ID" => $idUser, "CURRENT_PASSWORD_ALERT" => _tr("Please write your current password."), "NEW_RETYPE_PASSWORD_ALERT" => _tr("Please write the new password and confirm the new password."), "PASSWORDS_NOT_MATCH" => _tr("The new password doesn't match with retype password."), "CHANGE_PASSWORD" => _tr("Change Elastix Password"), "CURRENT_PASSWORD" => _tr("Current Password"), "NEW_PASSWORD" => _tr("New Password"), "RETYPE_PASSWORD" => _tr("Retype New Password"), "CHANGE_PASSWORD_BTN" => _tr("Change"), "MODULES_SEARCH" => _tr("Search modules"), "ADD_BOOKMARK" => _tr("Add Bookmark"), "REMOVE_BOOKMARK" => _tr("Remove Bookmark"), "ADDING_BOOKMARK" => _tr("Adding Bookmark"), "REMOVING_BOOKMARK" => _tr("Removing Bookmark"), "HIDING_IZQTAB" => _tr("Hiding left panel"), "SHOWING_IZQTAB" => _tr("Loading left panel"), "HIDE_IZQTAB" => _tr("Hide left panel"), "SHOW_IZQTAB" => _tr("Load left panel"), 'viewMenuTab' => getStatusNeoTabToggle($pdbACL, $idUser), 'MENU_COLOR' => getMenuColorByMenu($pdbACL, $idUser), 'IMG_BOOKMARKS' => menuIsBookmark($pdbACL, $idUser, $selectedMenu) ? 'bookmarkon.png' : 'bookmark.png', 'SHORTCUT' => loadShortcut($pdbACL, $idUser, $smarty), 'STATUS_STICKY_NOTE' => 'false', 'BREADCRUMB' => setBreadcrumb($arrMainMenu, $selectedMenu))); // se obtiene si ese menu tiene una nota agregada $statusStickyNote = getStickyNote($pdbACL, $idUser, $selectedMenu); if ($statusStickyNote['status'] && $statusStickyNote['data'] != "") { $smarty->assign('STATUS_STICKY_NOTE', 'true'); if ($statusStickyNote['popup'] == 1) { $smarty->assign('AUTO_POPUP', '1'); } } }
function handleJSON_get_sticky_note($smarty, $module_name) { $jsonObject = new PaloSantoJSON(); $id_menu = getParameter("id_menu"); if (empty($id_menu)) { $jsonObject->set_status('ERROR'); $jsonObject->set_error(_tr('Module not specified')); } else { global $arrConf; $pdbACL = new paloDB($arrConf['elastix_dsn']['acl']); $pACL = new paloACL($pdbACL); $idUser = $pACL->getIdUser($_SESSION['elastix_user']); $output = getStickyNote($pdbACL, $idUser, $id_menu); $jsonObject->set_status($output['status'] === TRUE ? 'OK' : 'ERROR'); $jsonObject->set_error($output['msg']); $jsonObject->set_message($output['data']); } return $jsonObject->createJSON(); }