<!DOCTYPE html> <?php //This page should display a list of all short plays within one school year require "dbaction/dbRetrieveInfo.php"; require "printUtils.php"; $season = $_GET["season"]; $sets = getShortPlaySetsInYear($season); //This prints the information for a single show function writeShowInformation($info) { $actors = getShowRoles($info["ShowID"], "Actor"); $directors = getShowRoles($info["ShowID"], "Director"); echo "<div class='content-item'>"; echo "<h3>" . $info['Title'] . "</h3>"; echo "<div class='thumb-wrap'>"; echo "<p class='justified-text'>" . $info['Synopsis'] . "</p>"; echo "Directed by "; printMembersAsNameList($directors); echo "<br>"; echo "Written by "; //printMembersAsNameList($writers); echo "</div>"; echo "<div class='thumb-wrap'>"; printMembersAsTableRows($actors, 1); echo "</div></div>"; } ?> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>The Short Play Series - Rose Drama Club</title> <meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Rose Drama Club - Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology</title> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <link href="styles/rosedramastyle.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /> </head> <body> <div id="pagecontainer"> <?php include "header.html"; ?> <div class="content-item"> <?php $seasoninfo = getShowsByYear($latestYear); $shortplayinfo = getShortPlaySetsInYear($latestYear); ?> <h1><?php echo getSeasonString($latestYear); ?> </h1> <div class="wrapper"> <?php foreach ($seasoninfo as $show) { ?> <div class="showinfo"> <h3><?php echo $show["Title"]; ?> </h3> <a href='show.php?showId=<?php