Exemple #1
function DistanceInfoData($r = '', $delete = false, $TextScheduler = false)
    global $CFG;
    $return = array('error' => 1);
    if ($r or $delete) {
        $return['error'] = 0;
        if (isset($r->DiDay)) {
            $return['day'] = $r->DiDay == '0000-00-00' ? '' : $r->DiDay;
        if (isset($r->DiStart)) {
            $return['start'] = $r->DiStart == '00:00:00' ? '' : substr($r->DiStart, 0, 5);
        if (isset($r->DiDuration)) {
            $return['duration'] = $r->DiDuration;
        if (isset($r->DiWarmStart)) {
            $return['warmtime'] = $r->DiWarmStart == '00:00:00' ? '' : substr($r->DiWarmStart, 0, 5);
        if (isset($r->DiWarmDuration)) {
            $return['warmduration'] = $r->DiWarmDuration;
        if (isset($r->DiShift)) {
            $return['shift'] = $r->DiShift;
        if (isset($r->DiOptions)) {
            $return['options'] = $r->DiOptions;
        if (isset($r->old)) {
            $return['old'] = $r->old;
        if (isset($r->new)) {
            $return['new'] = $r->new;
        if (isset($r->SchTitle)) {
            $return['title'] = $r->SchTitle;
        if (isset($r->SchSubTitle)) {
            $return['subtitle'] = $r->SchSubTitle;
        if (isset($r->SchText)) {
            $return['text'] = $r->SchText;
        if (isset($r->SchOrder)) {
            $return['order'] = $r->SchOrder;
        if (isset($r->oldTimName)) {
            $return['oldTimName'] = $r->oldTimName;
        if (isset($r->oldDurName)) {
            $return['oldDurName'] = $r->oldDurName;
        if (isset($r->oldOptName)) {
            $return['oldOptName'] = $r->oldOptName;
        if (isset($r->newTimName)) {
            $return['newTimName'] = $r->newTimName;
        if (isset($r->newDurName)) {
            $return['newDurName'] = $r->newDurName;
        if (isset($r->newOptName)) {
            $return['newOptName'] = $r->newOptName;
        if ($delete) {
            $return['del'] = 1;
        $Schedule = new Scheduler();
        $Schedule->ROOT_DIR = $CFG->ROOT_DIR;
        $return['sch'] = $Schedule->getScheduleHTML('SET');
        if ($TextScheduler) {
            $return['txt'] = getScheduleTexts();
    return $return;
Exemple #2
                $Value = sprintf('%02d:%02d:00', $t[0], $t[1]);
            $q[] = "SchStart='{$Value}'";
        case 'Duration':
            $Value = intval($Value);
            $q[] = "SchDuration='{$Value}'";
        case 'Title':
        case 'SubTitle':
        case 'Text':
            $q[] = "Sch{$Field}=" . StrSafe_DB($Value);
        case 'Shift':
            if (strlen($Value)) {
                $Value = StrSafe_DB(intval($Value));
            } else {
                $Value = 'null';
            $q[] = "SchShift=" . $Value;
if ($HasDay) {
    safe_w_SQL("insert into Scheduler set " . implode(',', $q) . " on duplicate key update SchOrder=SchOrder+1, " . implode(',', $q));
$Schedule = new Scheduler();
$Schedule->ROOT_DIR = $CFG->ROOT_DIR;
$ret = array('error' => 0, 'txt' => getScheduleTexts(), 'sch' => $Schedule->getScheduleHTML('SET'));
Exemple #3
	<tr class="Divider"><td colspan="10"></td></tr>
	<tr class="Divider"><td colspan="10"><form action="./PrnScheduler.php" target="PDF">
			<b>' . get_text('MenuLM_PrintScheduling') . ':</b>
			<input type="checkbox" name="Finalists">' . get_text('SchIncFinalists', 'Tournament') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;
			<input type="checkbox" name="Daily">' . get_text('DailySchedule', 'Tournament') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;
			<input type="submit" name="Complete" value="' . get_text('CompleteSchedule', 'Tournament') . '">&nbsp;&nbsp;
			<input type="submit" name="Today" value="' . get_text('ScheduleToday', 'Tournament') . '">&nbsp;&nbsp;
			<input type="submit" name="FromDay" value="' . get_text('ScheduleFromDay', 'Tournament') . '">&nbsp;&nbsp;
			<input type="text" name="FromDayDay">
	<tr class="Divider"><td colspan="10"></td></tr>
	<tr><td id="Manager">';
// management
echo '<table id="ScheduleTexts">';
// Get all the texts from the scheduler
echo getScheduleTexts();
echo '</table>';
echo '<table>';
// Get all the qualification items with date & time
$q = safe_r_sql("select DiSession,\r\n\t\tDiDistance,\r\n\t\tif(DiDay=0, '', DiDay) DiDay,\r\n\t\tif(DiStart=0, '', date_format(DiStart, '%H:%i')) DiStart,\r\n\t\tDiDuration,\r\n\t\tif(DiWarmStart=0, '', date_format(DiWarmStart, '%H:%i')) DiWarmStart,\r\n\t\tDiWarmDuration,\r\n\t\tDiOptions,\r\n\t\tif(SesName!='', SesName, DiSession) Session,\r\n\t\tDiShift\r\n\tfrom DistanceInformation\r\n\tinner join Session on SesTournament=DiTournament and SesOrder=DiSession and SesType=DiType and SesType='Q'\r\n\twhere DiTournament={$_SESSION['TourId']}\r\n\torder by DiSession, DiDistance");
echo '<tr>
		<th class="Title" colspan="6">' . get_text('Q-Session', 'Tournament') . '</th>
		<th class="Title" colspan="4" width="10%">' . get_text('WarmUp', 'Tournament') . '</th>
		<th class="Title" width="10%">' . get_text('Session') . '</th>
		<th class="Title" width="10%">' . get_text('Distance', 'Tournament') . '</th>
		<th class="Title" width="10%"><img src="' . $CFG->ROOT_DIR . 'Common/Images/Tip.png" title="' . get_Text('TipDate', 'Tournament') . '" align="right">' . get_text('Date', 'Tournament') . '</th>
		<th class="Title" width="10%">' . get_text('Time', 'Tournament') . '</th>
		<th class="Title" width="10%">' . get_text('Length', 'Tournament') . '</th>
		<th class="Title" width="10%">' . get_text('Delayed', 'Tournament') . '</th>