Exemple #1
function files()
    global $CatPage;
    if (getRequestValue('chancefiles') == "true") {
        require_once BASE_DIR_ADMIN . "jquery/File-Upload/upload.class.php";
    if (false !== ($newfile = getRequestValue('newfile', 'post', false)) and false !== ($orgfile = getRequestValue('orgfile', 'post')) and false !== ($curent_dir = getRequestValue('curent_dir', 'post'))) {
        $dir = CONTENT_DIR_REL . $curent_dir . "/" . CONTENT_FILES_DIR_NAME . "/";
        if (true !== ($error = moveFileDir($dir . $orgfile, $dir . $newfile, true))) {
            ajax_return("error", true, $error, true, "js-dialog-reload");
        ajax_return("success", true);
    $pagecontent = "";
    require_once BASE_DIR_ADMIN . "jquery/File-Upload/fileupload.php";
    $pagecontent .= '<ul class="js-files mo-ul">';
    $text_files = getLanguageValue("files");
    foreach ($CatPage->get_CatArray(true, false) as $pos => $cat) {
        $pagecontent .= '<li class="js-file-dir mo-li ui-widget-content ui-corner-all">';
        $pagecontent .= getFileUpload($cat, $CatPage->get_HrefText($cat, false), $text_files);
        $pagecontent .= '</li>';
    $pagecontent .= '</ul>';
    return $pagecontent;
Exemple #2
 function getContent($value)
     global $CatPage, $specialchars;
     if ($value == "plugin_first") {
         if (getRequestValue('action', 'get') and getRequestValue('action', 'get') == "sitemap") {
             if (!defined("ACTION_CONTENT")) {
                 define("ACTION_CONTENT", false);
             global $pagecontent;
             $pagecontent = "{MenuSubsMobile|sitemap_content}";
     global $syntax;
     $syntax->insert_in_head('<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $this->PLUGIN_SELF_URL . 'menusubsmobile.js"></script>');
     if ($this->settings->get("menusubs_2") != "no_menusubs_2" and $CatPage->exists_CatPage(replaceFileMarker($this->settings->get("menusubs_2"), false), false)) {
         global $specialchars;
         $this->menu2 = $specialchars->replaceSpecialChars(replaceFileMarker($this->settings->get("menusubs_2"), false), false);
     if ($value === false) {
         return $this->getMenuCat();
     if ($value === "main") {
         return $this->getMenuCat(true);
     if ($value === "detail") {
         if (strpos(CAT_REQUEST, "%2F") > 1) {
             $tmp_cat = explode("%2F", CAT_REQUEST);
             return $this->getMenuPage($tmp_cat[0], false, false, true);
         } else {
             return $this->getMenuPage(CAT_REQUEST, false, false, true);
     if ($this->menu2 and $value === "menusubs_2") {
         return $this->getMenuPage($this->menu2, false, true);
     if ($value === "sitemap_content") {
         return $this->getSitemapCat();
     if ($value === "breadcrumb") {
         $this->breadcrumb_delimiter = "»";
         if ($this->settings->get("breadcrumb_delimiter")) {
             $this->breadcrumb_delimiter = $this->settings->get("breadcrumb_delimiter");
         return $this->getBreadcrumb();
     return NULL;
Exemple #3
 function getContent($value)
     global $CatPage;
     if ($value == "plugin_first" and getRequestValue('action', 'get') and getRequestValue('action', 'get') == "sitemap") {
         if (!defined("ACTION_CONTENT")) {
             define("ACTION_CONTENT", false);
         global $pagecontent;
         $pagecontent = "{MenuSubs|sitemap_content}";
     if ($this->settings->get("menusubs_2") != "no_menusubs_2" and $CatPage->exists_CatPage(replaceFileMarker($this->settings->get("menusubs_2"), false), false)) {
         global $specialchars;
         $this->menu2 = $specialchars->replaceSpecialChars(replaceFileMarker($this->settings->get("menusubs_2"), false), false);
     if ($value === false) {
         return $this->getMenuCat();
     if ($value === "main") {
         return $this->getMenuCat(true);
     if ($value === "detail") {
         if (strpos(CAT_REQUEST, "%2F") > 1) {
             $tmp_cat = explode("%2F", CAT_REQUEST);
             return $this->getMenuPage($tmp_cat[0]);
         } else {
             return $this->getMenuPage(CAT_REQUEST);
     if ($this->menu2 and $value === "menusubs_2") {
         return $this->getMenuPage($this->menu2, false, true);
     if ($value === "sitemap_content") {
         return $this->getSitemapCat();
     if ($value === "breadcrumb") {
         $this->breadcrumb_delimiter = "»";
         if ($this->settings->get("breadcrumb_delimiter")) {
             $this->breadcrumb_delimiter = $this->settings->get("breadcrumb_delimiter");
         return $this->getBreadcrumb();
     return NULL;
Exemple #4
function set_config_para()
    global $CMS_CONF, $specialchars;
    $title = "";
    $main = makeDefaultConf("main");
    foreach ($main as $type => $type_array) {
        foreach ($main[$type] as $syntax_name => $dumy) {
            if (false === ($syntax_value = getRequestValue($syntax_name, 'post'))) {
            if ($type == 'text') {
                if ($CMS_CONF->get($syntax_name) != $syntax_value) {
                    $CMS_CONF->set($syntax_name, $syntax_value);
                    if ($syntax_name == "websitetitle") {
                        $title = '<span id="replace-item"><span id="admin-websitetitle" class="mo-bold mo-td-middle">' . $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($syntax_value, false, true) . '</span></span>';
            if ($type == 'checkbox') {
                if ($syntax_value != "true" and $syntax_value != "false") {
                    return ajax_return("error", false, returnMessage(false, getLanguageValue("properties_error_save")), true, true);
                # die checkbox hat immer einen anderen wert als der gespeicherte deshalb keine prüfung
                $CMS_CONF->set($syntax_name, $syntax_value);
                if ($syntax_name == "modrewrite" and true !== ($error = write_modrewrite($syntax_value))) {
                    return $error;
                if ($syntax_name == "usesitemap") {
                    if (true !== ($error = write_robots())) {
                        return $error;
                    if (true != ($error = write_xmlsitmap(true))) {
                        return $error;
    return ajax_return("success", false) . $title;
Exemple #5
             header("Location: http://{$url}");
         # nur reingehen wenn action home ist oder es noch keine get parameter gibt
     } elseif (getRequestValue('multi', 'get') or !getRequestValue('multi', 'get') and !$tmp_action) {
         $USERS->set($id, "freetab");
     # im FileUpload wird der tab besetzt mit window.location.href behandelt
     if (getRequestValue('fileupload', 'get')) {
         $url = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . URL_BASE . ADMIN_DIR_NAME . '/index.php?nojs=true&amp;action=home&amp;multi=true';
         $USERS->set($id, "busy#" . getRequestValue('fileupload', 'get'));
         header("Location: http://{$url}");
         # hier gehts um die anfragen die von ajax kommen
     } elseif (!getRequestValue('multi', 'get') and in_array(getRequestValue('action'), $users_array)) {
         ajax_return("error", true, returnMessage(false, getLanguageValue("error_multi_user_tab", false, getLanguageValue(getRequestValue('action') . "_button"), MULTI_USER_TIME)), true, true);
 if (in_array($tmp_action, $array_tabs)) {
     define("ACTION", $tmp_action);
 } else {
     define("ACTION", "home");
 if (file_exists(BASE_DIR_ADMIN . ACTION . '.php')) {
     require_once BASE_DIR_ADMIN . ACTION . '.php';
 } else {
     die("Fatal Error File doesn't exist: " . ACTION . ".php");
 $func = ACTION;
Exemple #6
function plugin_del()
    global $specialchars;
    global $message;
    global $debug;
    $plugin_del = getRequestValue('plugin-del', 'post');
    if (is_array($plugin_del)) {
        foreach ($plugin_del as $plugin) {
            $debug .= "del=" . $plugin . "<br />\n";
            if (true !== ($error = deleteDir(PLUGIN_DIR_REL . $plugin))) {
                $message .= $error;
    } else {
        $message .= returnMessage(false, getLanguageValue("error_post_parameter"));
Exemple #7
    // Anmeldung fehlerhaft
} elseif (getRequestValue('login', 'post', false)) {
    // Counter hochzählen
    $falselogincounttemp = $LOGINCONF->get("falselogincounttemp") + 1;
    $LOGINCONF->set("falselogincounttemp", $falselogincounttemp);
    // Zähler für die aktuelle Sperrzeit
    $falselogincount = $LOGINCONF->get("falselogincount") + 1;
    $LOGINCONF->set("falselogincount", $falselogincount);
    // Gesamtzähler
    // maximale Anzahl falscher Logins erreicht?
    if ($falselogincounttemp >= $FALSELOGINLIMIT) {
        // Sperrzeit starten
        $LOGINCONF->set("loginlockstarttime", time());
        // Mail an Admin
        if (strlen($ADMIN_CONF->get("adminmail")) > 5 and ($falselogincounttemp == $FALSELOGINLIMIT or $falselogincounttemp % 100 == 0)) {
            $mailcontent = getLanguageValue("loginlocked_mailcontent") . "\r\n\r\n" . strftime(getLanguageValue("_dateformat"), time()) . "\r\n" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . " / " . gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . "\r\n" . getLanguageValue("username") . ": " . getRequestValue('username', 'post', false);
            require_once BASE_DIR_CMS . "Mail.php";
            // Prüfen, ob die Mail-Funktion vorhanden ist
            if (function_exists("isMailAvailable")) {
                sendMailToAdmin(getLanguageValue("loginlocked_mailsubject"), $mailcontent);
        // Formular ausgrauen
        return login_formular(false, "warning_false_logins");
    } else {
        // Formular nochmal normal anzeigen
        return login_formular(true, "incorrect_login");
    // Formular noch nicht abgeschickt? Dann wurde die Seite zum ersten Mal aufgerufen.
} else {
    // Login noch gesperrt?
Exemple #8
function home()
    require_once BASE_DIR_CMS . "Mail.php";
    // Testmail schicken und gleich raus hier
    if (false !== ($test_mail_adresse = getRequestValue('test_mail_adresse', 'post')) and $test_mail_adresse != "") {
        header('content-type: text/html; charset=' . CHARSET . '');
        global $specialchars;
        $test_mail_adresse = $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($test_mail_adresse, false, false);
        if (isMailAddressValid($test_mail_adresse)) {
            sendMail(getLanguageValue("home_mailtest_mailsubject"), getLanguageValue("home_mailtest_mailcontent"), $test_mail_adresse, $test_mail_adresse);
            ajax_return("success", true, returnMessage(true, getLanguageValue("home_messages_test_mail") . "<br /><br /><b>" . $test_mail_adresse . '</b>'), true, true);
        } else {
            ajax_return("error", true, returnMessage(false, getLanguageValue("home_error_test_mail") . "<br /><br /><b>" . $test_mail_adresse . '</b>'), true, true);
    global $CMS_CONF;
    if ($CMS_CONF->get('usesitemap') == "true") {
        global $message;
        if (!is_file(BASE_DIR . 'robots.txt')) {
            if (true !== ($error_message = write_robots())) {
                $message .= $error_message;
        if (!is_file(BASE_DIR . 'sitemap.xml')) {
            if (true != ($error_message = write_xmlsitmap())) {
                $message .= $error_message;
    // CMS-Hilfe
    $titel = "home_help";
    if (file_exists(BASE_DIR . "docu/index.php")) {
        $error[$titel][] = false;
        $template[$titel][] = getLanguageValue("home_help_text_docu") . '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="' . URL_BASE . 'docu/index.php" target="_blank" class="mo-butten-a-img"><img class="mo-icons-icon mo-icons-docu" src="' . ICON_URL_SLICE . '" alt="docu" hspace="0" vspace="0" border="0" /></a>';
        $error[$titel][] = false;
        $template[$titel][] = getLanguageValue("home_help_text_info") . '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="' . URL_BASE . 'docu/index.php?menu=false&amp;artikel=start" target="_blank" class="js-docu-link mo-butten-a-img"><img class="mo-icons-icon mo-icons-help" src="' . ICON_URL_SLICE . '" alt="help" hspace="0" vspace="0" border="0" /></a>';
    } else {
        $error[$titel][] = true;
        $template[$titel][] = getLanguageValue("home_no_help");
    // Zeile "Multiuser Reset"
    if (defined('MULTI_USER') and MULTI_USER) {
        $titel = "home_multiuser";
        $error[$titel][] = false;
        $template[$titel][] = array(getLanguageValue("home_multiuser_text"), '<form action="index.php?action=' . ACTION . '" method="post">' . '<input type="hidden" name="logout_other_users" value="true" />' . '<input type="submit" name="submitlogout_other_users" value="' . getLanguageValue("home_multiuser_button") . '" />' . '</form>');
    // CMS-INFOS
    $titel = "home_cmsinfo";
    // Zeile "CMS-VERSION"
    $error[$titel][] = false;
    $template[$titel][] = array(getLanguageValue("home_cmsversion_text"), CMSVERSION . ' ("' . CMSNAME . '")<br />' . getLanguageValue("home_cmsrevision_text") . ' ' . CMSREVISION);
    // Zeile "Gesamtgröße des CMS"
    $cmssize = convertFileSizeUnit(dirsize(BASE_DIR));
    if ($cmssize === false) {
        $error[$titel][] = true;
        $cmssize = "0";
    } else {
        $error[$titel][] = false;
    $template[$titel][] = array(getLanguageValue("home_cmssize_text"), $cmssize);
    // Zeile "Installationspfad" und alle 40 Zeichen einen Zeilenumbruch einfügen
    $path = BASE_DIR;
    if (strlen($path) >= 40) {
        $path = explode("/", $path);
        if (is_array($path)) {
            if (empty($path[count($path) - 1])) {
                unset($path[count($path) - 1]);
            $i = 0;
            $new_path[$i] = "";
            foreach ($path as $string) {
                $string = $string . "/";
                if (strlen($new_path[$i] . $string) <= 40) {
                    $new_path[$i] = $new_path[$i] . $string;
                } else {
                    $new_path[$i] = $string;
        $path = implode("<br />", $new_path);
    $error[$titel][] = false;
    $template[$titel][] = array(getLanguageValue("home_installpath_text"), $path);
    $titel = "home_serverinfo";
    // Aktueles Datum
    $error[$titel][] = false;
    $time_zone = date("T");
    if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_get')) {
        $time_zone = @date_default_timezone_get();
    $template[$titel][] = array(getLanguageValue("home_date_text"), date("Y-m-d H.i.s") . " " . $time_zone);
    // Sprache
    $error[$titel][] = false;
    if (false !== ($locale = @setlocale(LC_TIME, "0"))) {
        $template[$titel][] = array(getLanguageValue("home_text_locale"), $locale);
    } else {
        $template[$titel][] = array(getLanguageValue("home_text_locale"), getLanguageValue("home_text_nolocale"));
    // Zeile "PHP-Version"
    if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, MIN_PHP_VERSION) >= 0) {
        $error[$titel][] = "ok";
        $template[$titel][] = array(getLanguageValue("home_phpversion_text"), phpversion());
    } else {
        $error[$titel][] = getLanguageValue("home_error_phpversion_text");
        $template[$titel][] = array(getLanguageValue("home_phpversion_text"), phpversion());
    // Zeile "Safe Mode"
    if (ini_get('safe_mode')) {
        $error[$titel][] = getLanguageValue("home_error_safe_mode");
        $template[$titel][] = array(getLanguageValue("home_text_safemode"), getLanguageValue("yes"));
    } else {
        $error[$titel][] = "ok";
        $template[$titel][] = array(getLanguageValue("home_text_safemode"), getLanguageValue("no"));
    // Zeile "GDlib installiert"
    if (!extension_loaded("gd")) {
        $error[$titel][] = getLanguageValue("home_error_gd");
        $template[$titel][] = array(getLanguageValue("home_text_gd"), getLanguageValue("no"));
    } else {
        $error[$titel][] = "ok";
        $template[$titel][] = array(getLanguageValue("home_text_gd"), getLanguageValue("yes"));
    if ($CMS_CONF->get('modrewrite') == "true") {
        # mod_rewrite wird mit javascript ermitelt und ausgetauscht
        $error[$titel][] = getLanguageValue("home_error_mod_rewrite");
        $template[$titel][] = array('<span id="mod-rewrite-false">' . getLanguageValue("home_mod_rewrite") . '</span>', getLanguageValue("no"));
    } else {
        $error[$titel][] = false;
        $template[$titel][] = array('<span id="mod-rewrite-false">' . getLanguageValue("home_mod_rewrite") . '</span>', getLanguageValue("home_mod_rewrite_deact"));
    # backupsystem
    if (function_exists('gzopen')) {
        $error[$titel][] = "ok";
        $template[$titel][] = array(getLanguageValue("home_text_backupsystem"), getLanguageValue("yes"));
    } else {
        $error[$titel][] = true;
        $template[$titel][] = array(getLanguageValue("home_error_backupsystem"), getLanguageValue("no"));
    if (defined('MULTI_USER') and MULTI_USER) {
        $mu_string = "";
        $rest_time = MULTI_USER_TIME;
        if ($rest_time >= 86400) {
            $mu_string .= floor(MULTI_USER_TIME / 86400) . " " . (floor(MULTI_USER_TIME / 86400) > 1 ? getLanguageValue("days") : getLanguageValue("day")) . " ";
            $rest_time = $rest_time - floor(MULTI_USER_TIME / 86400) * 86400;
        if ($rest_time >= 3600) {
            $mu_string .= floor($rest_time / 3600) . " " . (floor($rest_time / 3600) > 1 ? getLanguageValue("hours") : getLanguageValue("hour")) . " ";
            $rest_time = $rest_time - floor($rest_time / 3600) * 3600;
        if ($rest_time >= 60) {
            $mu_string .= floor($rest_time / 60) . " " . (floor($rest_time / 60) > 1 ? getLanguageValue("minutes") : getLanguageValue("minute")) . " ";
            $rest_time = $rest_time - floor($rest_time / 60) * 60;
        if ($rest_time > 0) {
            $mu_string .= $rest_time . " " . ($rest_time > 1 ? getLanguageValue("seconds") : getLanguageValue("second"));
        $error[$titel][] = "ok";
        $template[$titel][] = array(getLanguageValue("home_multiuser_mode_text"), $mu_string);
    } else {
        $error[$titel][] = true;
        $template[$titel][] = array(getLanguageValue("home_multiuser_mode_text"), getLanguageValue("no"));
    // E-Mail test
    if (isMailAvailable()) {
        $titel = "home_titel_test_mail";
        $error[$titel][] = false;
        $template[$titel][] = array(getLanguageValue("home_text_test_mail"), '<input type="text" class="mo-input-text" name="test_mail_adresse" value="" />');
    } else {
        $titel = "home_titel_test_mail";
        $error[$titel][] = true;
        $template[$titel][] = getLanguageValue("home_messages_no_mail");
    return contend_template($template, $error);
Exemple #9
 public function resize_img()
     $file_name = $this->trim_file_name(getRequestValue('file', false, false), null);
     foreach ($this->options['image_versions'] as $version => $options) {
         $resize = $this->create_scaled_image($file_name, $options);
     $success = array("error" => "Resize fehlgeschlagen");
     if ($resize) {
         $success = $this->get_file_object($file_name);
     header('content-type: text/html');
     echo '<div id="json-data">' . $this->my_json_encode($success) . '</div>';
Exemple #10
function make_NewOrgCatPageFromRequest()
    $post = getRequestValue('cat_page_change', 'post', false);
    $new_cat = key($post);
    $new_page = false;
    if (is_array($post[$new_cat])) {
        $new_page = key($post[$new_cat]);
        $tmp = substr($post[$new_cat][$new_page], 1, -1);
        if (strpos($tmp, "][") > 1) {
            list($org_cat, $org_page) = explode("][", $tmp);
        } else {
            return false;
    } else {
        $org_page = false;
        $org_cat = substr($post[$new_cat], 1, -1);
    global $CatPage;
    $name = array();
    $name["type"] = "cat";
    $name["new"] = $CatPage->get_UrlCoded($new_cat);
    $name["org"] = $CatPage->get_UrlCoded($org_cat);
    if ($new_page and $org_page) {
        $name["type"] = "page";
        $name["new"] .= "/" . $CatPage->get_UrlCoded($new_page);
        $name["org"] .= "/" . $CatPage->get_UrlCoded($org_page);
    return $name;
Exemple #11
function download($file)
    // Infos zur Datei
    $len = filesize($file);
    $filename = basename($file);
    $file_extension = strtolower(substr(strrchr($filename, "."), 1));
    // abhängig von der Extension: Content-Type setzen
    switch ($file_extension) {
        case "pdf":
            $ctype = "application/pdf";
        case "exe":
            $ctype = "application/octet-stream";
        case "zip":
            $ctype = "application/zip";
        case "doc":
        case "docx":
            $ctype = "application/msword";
        case "xls":
        case "xlsx":
            $ctype = "application/vnd.ms-excel";
        case "ppt":
            $ctype = "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint";
        case "gif":
            $ctype = "image/gif";
        case "png":
            $ctype = "image/png";
        case "jpeg":
        case "jpg":
            $ctype = "image/jpg";
        case "mp3":
            $ctype = "audio/mpeg";
        case "wav":
            $ctype = "audio/x-wav";
        case "mpeg":
        case "mpg":
        case "mpe":
            $ctype = "video/mpeg";
        case "mov":
            $ctype = "video/quicktime";
        case "avi":
            $ctype = "video/x-msvideo";
        case "txt":
            $ctype = "text/plain";
        case "htm":
        case "html":
            $ctype = "Content-type:text/html";
            // PHP-Dateien dürfen nicht heruntergeladen werden
        // PHP-Dateien dürfen nicht heruntergeladen werden
        case "php":
            $ctype = "application/force-download";
    // Header schreiben
    header("Pragma: public");
    header("Expires: 0");
    header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
    header("Cache-Control: public");
    header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
    // oben ausgewählter Content-Type
    header("Content-Type: " . $ctype);
    // Datei direkt im Browser anzeigen (inline); Dateinamen setzen
    $header = "Content-Disposition: inline; filename=" . $filename . ";";
    // Mit "Content-Disposition: attachment" wird der Download über ein Downloadfenster erzwungen:
    if (false !== getRequestValue('dialog', "get")) {
        $header = "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $filename . ";";
    header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
    header("Content-Length: " . $len);
Exemple #12
 private function make_DirCatPageArray($dir)
     global $CMS_CONF;
     $draft_modus = false;
     $draft_cat = "";
     if (!IS_ADMIN and getRequestValue('draft') != "true" and $CMS_CONF->get("draftmode") == "true") {
         $draft_modus = true;
         $draft_cat = $CMS_CONF->get("defaultcat");
     $cat_a = array();
     $cat_sort = array();
     $currentdir = getDirAsArray($dir, "dir", "sort_cat_page");
     foreach ($currentdir as $file) {
         if ($draft_modus and $draft_cat != $file) {
         if (substr($file, -EXT_LENGTH) == EXT_LINK) {
             $target = "-_blank-";
             if (strpos($file, "-_self-") > 1) {
                 $target = "-_self-";
             $tmp = explode($target, $file);
             $cat_a[$tmp[0]]["_name-"] = $tmp[0];
             $cat_a[$tmp[0]]["_orgname-"] = $cat_a[$tmp[0]]["_name-"];
             $cat_a[$tmp[0]]["_type-"] = EXT_LINK;
             $url = str_replace($this->link_search, $this->link_replace, substr($tmp[1], 0, strlen($tmp[1]) - EXT_LENGTH));
             $cat_a[$tmp[0]]["_link-"] = $url;
             $cat_a[$tmp[0]]["_target-"] = str_replace("-", "", $target);
         } else {
             $cat_a[$file]['_pages-'] = $this->make_DirPageArray($dir . "/" . $file);
             $cat_a[$file]["_name-"] = $file;
             $cat_a[$file]["_orgname-"] = $cat_a[$file]["_name-"];
             $cat_a[$file]["_type-"] = "cat";
             $cat_a[$file]["_files-"] = getDirAsArray($dir . "/" . $file . "/" . CONTENT_FILES_DIR_NAME, "file");
             $cat_a[$file]["_time-"] = filemtime($dir . "/" . $file);
             $cat_a[$file]["_protect-"] = false;
     return $cat_a;
Exemple #13
function set_CatPageRequest()
    if (defined("CAT_REQUEST") and defined("PAGE_REQUEST")) {
    // Wenn ein Action-Parameter uebergeben wurde: keine aktiven Kat./Inhaltts. anzeigen
    # $CAT_REQUEST und $PAGE_REQUEST bleiben lehr
    if (ACTION_REQUEST == "sitemap" or ACTION_REQUEST == "search") {
        define("CAT_REQUEST", NULL);
        define("PAGE_REQUEST", NULL);
    global $CatPage;
    $CAT_REQUEST_URL = $CatPage->get_UrlCoded(getRequestValue('cat', 'get'));
    $PAGE_REQUEST_URL = $CatPage->get_UrlCoded(getRequestValue('page', 'get'));
    #!!!!!!!!!!! file upload
    #exists_File( $cat, $file )
    #echo $CAT_REQUEST_URL." -> ".$PAGE_REQUEST_URL."<br />\n";
    # übergebene cat und page gibts
    if ($CatPage->exists_CatPage($CAT_REQUEST_URL, $PAGE_REQUEST_URL)) {
        define("CAT_REQUEST", $CatPage->get_AsKeyName($CAT_REQUEST_URL));
        define("PAGE_REQUEST", $CatPage->get_AsKeyName($PAGE_REQUEST_URL));
        # übergebene cat gibts aber page nicht cat hat aber pages
    } elseif ($CatPage->exists_CatPage($CAT_REQUEST_URL, false) and $CatPage->get_FirstPageOfCat($CAT_REQUEST_URL)) {
        define("CAT_REQUEST", $CatPage->get_AsKeyName($CAT_REQUEST_URL));
        # erste page nehmen
        define("PAGE_REQUEST", $CatPage->get_FirstPageOfCat(CAT_REQUEST));
    # so wir sind bishierher gekommen dann probieren wirs mit defaultcat
    # oder mit erster cat die page hat
    # $CAT_REQUEST_URL ist lehr
    # oder $CAT_REQUEST_URL gibts nicht als cat
    # oder $CAT_REQUEST_URL hat keine pages
    # dann defaultcat aus conf holen
    if (empty($CAT_REQUEST_URL) or !$CatPage->exists_CatPage($CAT_REQUEST_URL, false) or !$CatPage->get_FirstPageOfCat($CAT_REQUEST_URL)) {
        global $CMS_CONF;
        $DEFAULT_CATEGORY = $CMS_CONF->get("defaultcat");
    # prüfen ob die $DEFAULT_CATEGORY existiert
    if ($CatPage->exists_CatPage($DEFAULT_CATEGORY, false)) {
        # die erste page holen
        # und setze $CAT_REQUEST und $PAGE_REQUEST
        define("CAT_REQUEST", $CatPage->get_AsKeyName($DEFAULT_CATEGORY));
        if ($CatPage->get_FirstPageOfCat(CAT_REQUEST)) {
            define("PAGE_REQUEST", $CatPage->get_FirstPageOfCat(CAT_REQUEST));
        } else {
            define("PAGE_REQUEST", NULL);
        # defaultcat gibts nicht hol die erste cat die auch pages hat und setze sie
    } else {
        list($CAT_REQUEST, $PAGE_REQUEST) = $CatPage->get_FirstCatPage();
        if ($CatPage->exists_CatPage($CAT_REQUEST, false)) {
            define("CAT_REQUEST", $CAT_REQUEST);
        if ($CatPage->exists_CatPage($CAT_REQUEST, $PAGE_REQUEST)) {
            define("PAGE_REQUEST", $PAGE_REQUEST);
    if (!defined("CAT_REQUEST")) {
        define("CAT_REQUEST", NULL);
    if (!defined("PAGE_REQUEST")) {
        define("PAGE_REQUEST", NULL);
Exemple #14
function template_del()
    global $specialchars;
    global $message;
    global $debug;
    $template_del = getRequestValue('template-del', 'post');
    if (is_array($template_del)) {
        foreach ($template_del as $template) {
            $debug .= "del=" . $template . "<br />\n";
            if (true !== ($error = deleteDir(BASE_DIR . LAYOUT_DIR_NAME . "/" . $specialchars->replaceSpecialChars($template, false)))) {
                $message .= $error;
    } else {
        $message .= returnMessage(false, getLanguageValue("error_post_parameter"));
Exemple #15
function gallery()
    global $specialchars;
    global $ADMIN_CONF;
    global $CatPage;
    global $GALLERY_CONF;
    if (false !== ($changeart = getRequestValue('changeart', 'post'))) {
        header('content-type: text/html; charset=' . CHARSET . '');
        if ($changeart == "gallery_new") {
            if (false !== ($galleryname = getRequestValue('galleryname', 'post'))) {
                echo newGallery($galleryname);
        } elseif ($changeart == "gallery_del") {
            if (false !== ($galleryname = getRequestValue('galleryname', 'post'))) {
                echo deleteGallery($galleryname);
        } elseif ($changeart == "gallery_rename") {
            if (false !== ($galleryname = getRequestValue('galleryname', 'post')) and false !== ($gallerynewname = getRequestValue('gallerynewname', 'post'))) {
                echo renameGallery($galleryname, $gallerynewname);
        } elseif ($changeart == "gallery_size") {
            if (false !== ($new_global_width = getRequestValue('new_global_width', 'post')) and false !== ($new_global_height = getRequestValue('new_global_height', 'post')) and (ctype_digit($new_global_width) or ctype_digit($new_global_height) or $new_global_width == "auto" or $new_global_height == "auto" or $new_global_width == "" or $new_global_height == "")) {
                $GALLERY_CONF->set("maxwidth", $new_global_width);
                $GALLERY_CONF->set("maxheight", $new_global_height);
                ajax_return("success", true);
            } elseif (false !== ($thumbnail_global_max_width = getRequestValue('thumbnail_global_max_width', 'post')) and false !== ($thumbnail_global_max_height = getRequestValue('thumbnail_global_max_height', 'post')) and (ctype_digit($thumbnail_global_max_width) or ctype_digit($thumbnail_global_max_height or $new_global_width == "" or $new_global_height == ""))) {
                $GALLERY_CONF->set("maxthumbwidth", $thumbnail_global_max_width);
                $GALLERY_CONF->set("maxthumbheight", $thumbnail_global_max_height);
                ajax_return("success", true);
            } else {
                ajax_return("error", true, returnMessage(false, getLanguageValue("properties_error_save")), true, true);
        } elseif ($changeart == "gallery_subtitle") {
            if (false !== ($subtitle = getRequestValue('subtitle', 'post', false)) and false !== ($curent_dir = getRequestValue('curent_dir', 'post')) and false !== ($file = getRequestValue('file', 'post'))) {
                if (!is_file(GALLERIES_DIR_REL . $curent_dir . "/texte.conf.php") and false === newConf(GALLERIES_DIR_REL . $curent_dir . "/texte.conf.php")) {
                    ajax_return("error", true, returnMessage(false, getLanguageValue("gallery_error_subtitle_conf")), true, true);
                $tmp = new Properties(GALLERIES_DIR_REL . $curent_dir . "/texte.conf.php");
                $tmp->set($file, $subtitle);
                ajax_return("success", true);
        } elseif ($changeart == "file_rename") {
            if (false !== ($newfile = getRequestValue('newfile', 'post')) and false !== ($orgfile = getRequestValue('orgfile', 'post')) and false !== ($curent_dir = getRequestValue('curent_dir', 'post'))) {
                $dir = GALLERIES_DIR_REL . $curent_dir . "/";
                if (true !== ($error = moveFileDir($dir . $orgfile, $dir . $newfile, true))) {
                    ajax_return("error", true, $error, true, "js-dialog-reload");
                $dir = GALLERIES_DIR_REL . $curent_dir . "/" . PREVIEW_DIR_NAME . "/";
                if (true !== ($error = moveFileDir($dir . $orgfile, $dir . $newfile, true))) {
                    ajax_return("error", true, $error, true, "js-dialog-reload");
                $tmp = new Properties(GALLERIES_DIR_REL . $curent_dir . "/texte.conf.php");
                $tmp->set($newfile, $tmp->get($orgfile));
                ajax_return("success", true);
        } elseif ($changeart == "gallery_ftp") {
        } else {
    if (getRequestValue('chancefiles') == "true") {
        require_once BASE_DIR_ADMIN . "jquery/File-Upload/upload.class.php";
    $dircontent = getDirAsArray(GALLERIES_DIR_REL, "dir", "sort");
    $pagecontent = "";
    require_once BASE_DIR_ADMIN . "jquery/File-Upload/fileupload.php";
    $pagecontent .= '<ul class="js-gallery mo-ul">';
    foreach ($dircontent as $pos => $currentgalerien) {
        $pagecontent .= '<li class="js-file-dir mo-li ui-widget-content ui-corner-all">';
        $pagecontent .= getFileUpload($currentgalerien, $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($currentgalerien, false, true), getLanguageValue("images"));
        $pagecontent .= '</li>';
    $pagecontent .= '</ul>';
    $new_gallery = '<ul class="js-new-gallery mo-ul new-gallery">';
    $new_gallery .= '<li class="js-file-dir mo-li ui-widget-content ui-corner-all">';
    $new_gallery .= getFileUpload($specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars(getLanguageValue("gallery_name_new"), false, true), getLanguageValue("gallery_name_new"), getLanguageValue("images"), " mo-hidden");
    $new_gallery .= '</li>';
    $new_gallery .= '</ul>';
    $max_img = '<input type="text" name="new_global_width" value="' . $GALLERY_CONF->get('maxwidth') . '" size="4" maxlength="4" class="mo-input-digit js-in-digit-auto" /> x <input type="text" name="new_global_height" value="' . $GALLERY_CONF->get('maxheight') . '" size="4" maxlength="4" class="mo-input-digit js-in-digit-auto" /> ' . getLanguageValue("pixels");
    $max_prev_img = '<input type="text" name="thumbnail_global_max_width" value="' . $GALLERY_CONF->get('maxthumbwidth') . '" size="4" maxlength="4" class="mo-input-digit js-in-digit" /> x <input type="text" name="thumbnail_global_max_height" value="' . $GALLERY_CONF->get('maxthumbheight') . '" size="4" maxlength="4" class="mo-input-digit js-in-digit" /> ' . getLanguageValue("pixels");
    $titel = "gallery_help_conf";
    $template[$titel]["toggle"] = true;
    $template[$titel][] = array(getLanguageValue("gallery_scale"), $max_img);
    $template[$titel][] = array(getLanguageValue("gallery_scale_thumbs"), $max_prev_img);
    $ftp_form = '<form action="index.php?action=' . ACTION . '" method="post">';
    $ftp_form .= '<input type="hidden" name="changeart" value="gallery_ftp" />';
    $ftp_form .= '<input type="submit" value="' . getLanguageValue("gallery_text_from_ftp_button") . '" />';
    $ftp_form .= '</form>';
    $template[$titel][] = array(getLanguageValue("gallery_text_from_ftp"), $ftp_form);
    return array(contend_template($template) . $pagecontent, $new_gallery);
Exemple #16
function buildContactForm($settings)
    global $lang_contact;
    global $CMS_CONF;
    global $specialchars;
    global $lang_contact;
    $WEBSITE_NAME = $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($CMS_CONF->get("websitetitle"), false, true);
    if ($WEBSITE_NAME == "") {
        $WEBSITE_NAME = "Titel der Website";
    foreach (array("name", "website", "mail", "message", "privacy") as $name) {
        ${"config_" . $name}[0] = $lang_contact->getLanguageValue("contactform_" . $name);
        if ($settings->get("titel_" . $name)) {
            ${"config_" . $name}[0] = $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($settings->get("titel_" . $name), false, false);
        ${"config_" . $name}[1] = "false";
        if ($settings->get("titel_" . $name . "_show")) {
            ${"config_" . $name}[1] = $settings->get("titel_" . $name . "_show");
        ${"config_" . $name}[2] = "false";
        if ($settings->get("titel_" . $name . "_mandatory")) {
            ${"config_" . $name}[2] = $settings->get("titel_" . $name . "_mandatory");
    $mandatory = false;
    if ($config_name[2] == "true" or $config_mail[2] == "true" or $config_website[2] == "true" or $config_message[2] == "true" or $config_privacy[2] == "true") {
        $mandatory = true;
    $errormessage = "";
    $form = "";
    if (isset($_SESSION['contactform_name'])) {
        $name = getRequestValue($_SESSION['contactform_name'], 'post', false);
        $mail = getRequestValue($_SESSION['contactform_mail'], 'post', false);
        $website = getRequestValue($_SESSION['contactform_website'], 'post', false);
        $message = getRequestValue($_SESSION['contactform_message'], 'post', false);
        $calcresult = getRequestValue($_SESSION['contactform_calculation'], 'post', false);
        $privacy = "";
        if (getRequestValue($_SESSION['contactform_privacy'], 'post', false)) {
            $privacy = getRequestValue($_SESSION['contactform_privacy'], 'post', false);
    } else {
        $name = "";
        $mail = "";
        $website = "";
        $message = "";
        $calcresult = "";
        $privacy = "";
    // Das Formular wurde abgesendet
    if (getRequestValue('submit', 'post', false) != "") {
        // Bot-Schutz: Wurde das Formular innerhalb von x Sekunden abgeschickt?
        $sendtime = $settings->get("contactformwaittime");
        if ($sendtime == "" || !preg_match("/^[\\d+]+\$/", $sendtime)) {
            $sendtime = 15;
        if (time() - $_SESSION['contactform_loadtime'] < $sendtime) {
            $errormessage = $lang_contact->getLanguageValue("contactform_senttoofast", $sendtime);
        if ($settings->get("contactformusespamprotection") == "true") {
            // Nochmal Spamschutz: Ergebnis der Spamschutz-Aufgabe auswerten
            if (strtolower($calcresult) != strtolower($_SESSION['calculation_result'])) {
                $errormessage = $lang_contact->getLanguageValue("contactform_wrongresult");
        // Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten!
        if ($errormessage == "") {
            // Eines der Pflichtfelder leer?
            if ($config_name[2] == "true" && $name == "") {
                $errormessage = $lang_contact->getLanguageValue("contactform_fieldnotset") . " " . $config_name[0];
            } else {
                if ($config_mail[2] == "true" && $mail == "") {
                    $errormessage = $lang_contact->getLanguageValue("contactform_fieldnotset") . " " . $config_mail[0];
                } else {
                    if ($config_website[2] == "true" && $website == "") {
                        $errormessage = $lang_contact->getLanguageValue("contactform_fieldnotset") . " " . $config_website[0];
                    } else {
                        if ($config_message[2] == "true" && $message == "") {
                            $errormessage = $lang_contact->getLanguageValue("contactform_fieldnotset") . " " . $config_message[0];
                        } else {
                            if ($config_privacy[2] == "true" && $privacy == "") {
                                $errormessage = $lang_contact->getLanguageValue("contactform_fieldnotset_privacy");
        // Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten!
        if ($errormessage != "") {
            $form .= "<span id=\"contact_errormessage\">" . $errormessage . "</span>";
        } else {
            $mailcontent = "";
            if ($config_name[1] == "true") {
                $mailcontent .= $config_name[0] . ":\t" . $name . "\r\n";
            if ($config_mail[1] == "true") {
                $mailcontent .= $config_mail[0] . ":\t" . $mail . "\r\n";
            if ($config_website[1] == "true") {
                $mailcontent .= $config_website[0] . ":\t" . $website . "\r\n";
            if ($config_message[1] == "true") {
                $mailcontent .= "\r\n" . $config_message[0] . ":\r\n" . $message . "\r\n";
            if ($config_privacy[1] == "true") {
                # ☐ &#x2610; ☒ &#x2612;
                $checket = "☐";
                if (!empty($privacy)) {
                    $checket = "☒";
                $mailcontent .= $checket . " " . $config_privacy[0] . "\r\n";
            $mailsubject = $lang_contact->getLanguageValue("contactform_mailsubject", $specialchars->getHtmlEntityDecode($WEBSITE_NAME));
            $mailsubject_confirm = $lang_contact->getLanguageValue("contactform_mailsubject_confirm", $specialchars->getHtmlEntityDecode($WEBSITE_NAME));
            require_once BASE_DIR_CMS . "Mail.php";
            // Wenn Mail-Adresse im Formular gesetzt ist - versuchen Kopie dorthin zu senden
            if ($mail != "" and $settings->get("titel_mail_send_copy") == "true") {
                sendMail($mailsubject_confirm, $mailcontent, $settings->get("formularmail"), $mail, $settings->get("formularmail"));
            // Mail an eingestellte Mail-Adresse (Mail-Absender muss auch diese Adresse sein,
            // sonst gibts kein Mail wenn der keine oder ungültige Adresse eingibt..
            sendMail($mailsubject, $mailcontent, $settings->get("formularmail"), $settings->get("formularmail"), $mail);
            $form .= "<span id=\"contact_successmessage\">" . $lang_contact->getLanguageValue("contactform_confirmation") . "</span>";
            // Felder leeren
            $name = "";
            $mail = "";
            $website = "";
            $message = "";
            $privacy = "";
    } else {
    // aktuelle Zeit merken
    $_SESSION['contactform_loadtime'] = time();
    global $CatPage;
    $action_para = $CatPage->get_Href(CAT_REQUEST, PAGE_REQUEST);
    $form .= "<form accept-charset=\"" . CHARSET . "\" method=\"post\" action=\"{$action_para}\" name=\"contact_form\" id=\"contact_form\">" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cat\" value=\"" . $CatPage->get_AsKeyName(CAT_REQUEST) . "\" />" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"" . $CatPage->get_AsKeyName(PAGE_REQUEST) . "\" />" . "<table id=\"contact_table\" summary=\"contact form table\">";
    if ($config_name[1] == "true") {
        // Bezeichner aus formular.conf nutzen, wenn gesetzt
        $form .= "<tr><td style=\"padding-right:10px;\">" . $config_name[0];
        if ($config_name[2] == "true") {
            $form .= "*";
        $form .= "</td><td><input type=\"text\" id=\"contact_name\" name=\"" . $_SESSION['contactform_name'] . "\" value=\"" . $name . "\" /></td></tr>";
    if ($config_website[1] == "true") {
        // Bezeichner aus formular.conf nutzen, wenn gesetzt
        $form .= "<tr><td style=\"padding-right:10px;\">" . $config_website[0];
        if ($config_website[2] == "true") {
            $form .= "*";
        $form .= "</td><td><input type=\"text\" id=\"contact_website\" name=\"" . $_SESSION['contactform_website'] . "\" value=\"" . $website . "\" /></td></tr>";
    if ($config_mail[1] == "true") {
        // Bezeichner aus formular.conf nutzen, wenn gesetzt
        $form .= "<tr><td style=\"padding-right:10px;\">" . $config_mail[0];
        if ($config_mail[2] == "true") {
            $form .= "*";
        $form .= "</td><td><input type=\"text\" id=\"contact_mail\" name=\"" . $_SESSION['contactform_mail'] . "\" value=\"" . $mail . "\" /></td></tr>";
    if ($config_message[1] == "true") {
        // Bezeichner aus formular.conf nutzen, wenn gesetzt
        $form .= "<tr><td style=\"padding-right:10px;\">" . $config_message[0];
        if ($config_message[2] == "true") {
            $form .= "*";
        $form .= "</td><td><textarea rows=\"10\" cols=\"50\" id=\"contact_message\" name=\"" . $_SESSION['contactform_message'] . "\">" . $message . "</textarea></td></tr>";
    if ($settings->get("contactformusespamprotection") == "true") {
        $mandatory = true;
        // Spamschutz-Aufgabe
        $calculation_data = getRandomCalculationData($settings);
        $_SESSION['calculation_result'] = $calculation_data[1];
        $form .= "<tr><td colspan=\"2\">" . $lang_contact->getLanguageValue("contactform_spamprotection_text") . "</td></tr>" . "<tr><td style=\"padding-right:10px;\">" . $calculation_data[0] . "*</td>" . "<td><input type=\"text\" id=\"contact_calculation\" name=\"" . $_SESSION['contactform_calculation'] . "\" value=\"\" /></td></tr>";
    if ($config_privacy[1] == "true") {
        $form .= "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" style=\"padding-right:10px;\"><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"contact_privacy\" name=\"" . $_SESSION['contactform_privacy'] . "\" value=\"" . $_SESSION['contactform_privacy'] . "\" /><label for=\"contact_privacy\" style=\"padding-left:10px;\">" . $config_privacy[0];
        if ($config_privacy[2] == "true") {
            $form .= "*";
        $form .= "</label></td></tr>";
    if ($mandatory) {
        $form .= "<tr><td style=\"padding-right:10px;\">&nbsp;</td><td>" . $lang_contact->getLanguageValue("contactform_mandatory_fields") . "</td></tr>";
    $form .= "<tr><td style=\"padding-right:10px;\">&nbsp;</td><td><input type=\"submit\" class=\"submit\" id=\"contact_submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"" . $lang_contact->getLanguageValue("contactform_submit") . "\" /></td></tr>";
    $form .= "</table>" . "</form>";
    return $form;
Exemple #17
 function getContent($value)
     if (defined("PLUGINADMIN")) {
         $settings_array = $this->settings->toArray();
         if (getRequestValue('saveogp', "post", false)) {
             if (getRequestValue('ogp', "post", false) and is_array(getRequestValue('ogp', "post", false))) {
                 $post_array = getRequestValue('ogp', "post", false);
                 # aufräumen
                 foreach ($settings_array as $cat_page => $tmp) {
                     if (strstr($cat_page, FILE_START) !== false and strstr($cat_page, FILE_END) !== false) {
                         if (!array_key_exists($cat_page, $post_array)) {
                 foreach ($post_array as $cat_page => $value) {
                     if (strlen($value['og_title']) > 2 and strlen($value['og_description']) > 2) {
                         $value['og_title'] = htmlentities($value['og_title'], ENT_QUOTES, CHARSET);
                         $value['og_description'] = htmlentities($value['og_description'], ENT_QUOTES, CHARSET);
                         if (!isset($value['og_image'])) {
                             $value['og_image'] = false;
                         $this->settings->set($cat_page, $value);
         } elseif (getRequestValue('clearogp', "post", false)) {
             foreach ($settings_array as $cat_page => $tmp) {
                 if ("--default--" === $cat_page or strstr($cat_page, FILE_START) !== false and strstr($cat_page, FILE_END) !== false) {
         return $this->getAdmin();
     $ogp = "";
     if ($value === false) {
         $key = false;
         if ($this->settings->keyExists(FILE_START . CAT_REQUEST . ":" . PAGE_REQUEST . FILE_END)) {
             $key = FILE_START . CAT_REQUEST . ":" . PAGE_REQUEST . FILE_END;
         } elseif ($this->settings->keyExists("--default--")) {
             $key = "--default--";
         if ($key) {
             $setting = $this->settings->get($key);
             if (is_array($setting)) {
                 global $CatPage, $CMS_CONF;
                 $host = (defined("HTTP") ? HTTP : "http://") . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
                 $url = $host . $CatPage->get_Href(CAT_REQUEST, PAGE_REQUEST);
                 $locale = substr($CMS_CONF->get("cmslanguage"), 0, 2) . "_" . substr($CMS_CONF->get("cmslanguage"), 2);
                 if ($locale == "en_EN") {
                     $locale = "en_GB";
                 $ogp = '' . '<meta property="og:site_name" content="' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '" />' . "\n" . '<meta property="og:locale" content="' . $locale . '" />' . "\n" . '<meta property="og:title" content="' . $setting['og_title'] . '" />' . "\n" . '<meta property="og:description" content="' . $setting['og_description'] . '" />' . "\n" . '<meta property="og:type" content="website" />' . "\n" . '<meta property="og:url" content="' . $url . '" />' . "\n";
                 if ($CatPage->exists_File(CAT_REQUEST, $setting['og_image'])) {
                     $ogp .= '<meta property="og:image" content="' . $host . $CatPage->get_srcFile(CAT_REQUEST, $setting['og_image']) . '" />' . "\n";
                 } elseif ($CatPage->exists_File($CMS_CONF->get("defaultcat"), $setting['og_image'])) {
                     $ogp .= '<meta property="og:image" content="' . $host . $CatPage->get_srcFile($CMS_CONF->get("defaultcat"), $setting['og_image']) . '" />' . "\n";
     return $ogp;
Exemple #18
 function getContent($value)
     $values = explode(",", $value);
     global $CMS_CONF;
     global $specialchars;
     global $lang_gallery_cms;
     $dir = PLUGIN_DIR_REL . "Galerie/";
     $lang_gallery_cms = new Language($dir . "sprachen/cms_language_" . $CMS_CONF->get("cmslanguage") . ".txt");
     $embedded = $this->settings->get("target");
     $linkprefix = "index.php?cat=" . CAT_REQUEST . "&amp;page=" . PAGE_REQUEST . "&amp;";
     if ($embedded == "_blank") {
         $linkprefix = "index.php?galtemplate=true&amp;";
     if ($CMS_CONF->get("modrewrite") == "true") {
         $linkprefix = URL_BASE . CAT_REQUEST . "/" . PAGE_REQUEST . ".html?";
         if ($embedded == "_blank") {
             $linkprefix = "index.php.html?galtemplate=true&amp;";
     $index = NULL;
     if (getRequestValue('index', 'get', false)) {
         $index = getRequestValue('index', 'get', false);
     $cat_activ = "";
     if (CAT_REQUEST == basename(dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) and $embedded == "_self") {
         $cat_activ = "../";
     if ($this->settings->get("usethumbs") == "true") {
         $usethumbs = true;
     } else {
         $usethumbs = false;
     // Übergebene Parameter überprüfen
     $gal_request = $specialchars->replacespecialchars($specialchars->getHtmlEntityDecode($values[0]), false);
     if (getRequestValue("gal", 'get', false)) {
         $gal_request = $specialchars->replacespecialchars(getRequestValue("gal", 'get', false), false);
     $GALERIE_DIR = BASE_DIR . GALLERIES_DIR_NAME . "/" . $gal_request . "/";
     $GALERIE_DIR_SRC = str_replace("%", "%25", URL_BASE . GALLERIES_DIR_NAME . "/" . $gal_request . "/");
     # keine Galerie angegeben oder Galerie gibts nicht
     if ($gal_request == "" || !file_exists($GALERIE_DIR)) {
         global $syntax;
         if ($gal_request == "") {
             return $syntax->createDeadlink($lang_gallery_cms->getLanguageValue("message_gallerydir_error_0"), $lang_gallery_cms->getLanguageValue("message_gallerydir_error_0"));
         } else {
             return $syntax->createDeadlink($specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($gal_request, false, true), $lang_gallery_cms->getLanguageValue("message_gallerydir_error_1", $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($gal_request, false, true)));
     # Galerie erzeugen
     if ($embedded == "_self" or getRequestValue('gal', 'get', false)) {
         $alldescriptions = false;
         if (is_file($GALERIE_DIR . "texte.conf.php")) {
             $alldescriptions = new Properties($GALERIE_DIR . "texte.conf.php");
         // Galerieverzeichnis einlesen
         $picarray = getDirAsArray($GALERIE_DIR, "img");
         $allindexes = array();
         for ($i = 1; $i <= count($picarray); $i++) {
             array_push($allindexes, $i);
         // globaler Index
         if (!isset($index) || !in_array($index, $allindexes)) {
             $index = 1;
         } else {
             $index = $index;
         // Bestimmung der Positionen
         $first = 1;
         $last = count($allindexes);
         if (!in_array($index - 1, $allindexes)) {
             $previous = $last;
         } else {
             $previous = $index - 1;
         if (!in_array($index + 1, $allindexes)) {
             $next = 1;
         } else {
             $next = $index + 1;
         $template = NULL;
         if ($this->settings->get("gallerytemplate")) {
             if ($embedded == "_self") {
                 $template = '<div class="embeddedgallery">' . $this->settings->get("gallerytemplate") . '</div>';
             } else {
                 $template = $this->settings->get("gallerytemplate");
                 if (strrpos("tmp" . $value, '{NUMBERMENU}') > 0) {
                     $template = $value;
         } else {
             if (strrpos("tmp" . $value, '{NUMBERMENU}') > 0) {
                 $template = $value;
         $html = $template;
         if (count($picarray) == 0) {
             $html = str_replace('{NUMBERMENU}', $lang_gallery_cms->getLanguageValue("message_galleryempty_0"), $html);
         # Titel der Galerie
         $html = str_replace('{CURRENTGALLERY}', $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($gal_request, false, true), $html);
         if ($usethumbs) {
             $html = str_replace('{GALLERYMENU}', "&nbsp;", $html);
             $html = str_replace('{NUMBERMENU}', $this->getThumbnails($picarray, $alldescriptions, $GALERIE_DIR, $GALERIE_DIR_SRC), $html);
             $html = str_replace('{CURRENTPIC}', "&nbsp;", $html);
             $html = str_replace('{CURRENTDESCRIPTION}', "&nbsp;", $html);
             $html = str_replace('{XOUTOFY}', "&nbsp;", $html);
         } else {
             $html = str_replace('{GALLERYMENU}', $this->getGalleryMenu($picarray, $linkprefix, $gal_request, $index, $first, $previous, $next, $last), $html);
             $html = str_replace('{NUMBERMENU}', $this->getNumberMenu($picarray, $linkprefix, $index, $gal_request, $first, $last), $html);
             $html = str_replace('{CURRENTPIC}', $this->getCurrentPic($picarray, $index, $GALERIE_DIR_SRC), $html);
             if (count($picarray) > 0) {
                 $html = str_replace('{CURRENTDESCRIPTION}', $this->getCurrentDescription($picarray[$index - 1], $picarray, $alldescriptions), $html);
             } else {
                 $html = str_replace('{CURRENTDESCRIPTION}', "", $html);
             $html = str_replace('{XOUTOFY}', $this->getXoutofY($picarray, $index, $last), $html);
             $html = str_replace('{CURRENT_INDEX}', $index, $html);
             $html = str_replace('{PREVIOUS_INDEX}', $previous, $html);
             $html = str_replace('{NEXT_INDEX}', $next, $html);
         return $html;
         # Galerie Link erzeugen
     } else {
         $j = 0;
         if (file_exists($GALERIE_DIR)) {
             $handle = opendir($GALERIE_DIR);
             while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
                 if (is_file($GALERIE_DIR . $file) and $file != "texte.conf.php") {
         } else {
             global $syntax;
             // Galerie nicht vorhanden
             return $syntax->createDeadlink($specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($values[0], false, true), $lang_gallery_cms->getLanguageValue("tooltip_link_gallery_error_1", $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($values[0], false, true)));
         $gal_name = NULL;
         if (isset($values[0])) {
             $gal_name = $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($values[0], false, false);
         if (isset($values[1])) {
             $gal_name = $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($values[1], false, false);
         global $syntax;
         return "<a class=\"gallery\" href=\"" . $linkprefix . "gal=" . $gal_request . "\" " . $syntax->getTitleAttribute($lang_gallery_cms->getLanguageValue("tooltip_link_gallery_2", $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($values[0], false, true), $j)) . "target=\"" . $this->settings->get("target") . "\">" . $gal_name . "</a>";
Exemple #19
function send_backup_zip()
    $tmp_date = date('Y_m_d_H-i-s');
    $incl = "";
    $make_zip = true;
    $send = false;
    $dirs = array();
    if (getRequestValue('backup_include_cms', 'post') == "true") {
        $dirs[] = BASE_DIR_ADMIN;
        $dirs[] = BASE_DIR_CMS;
        $dirs[] = BASE_DIR . "index.php";
        if (is_file(BASE_DIR . "install.php")) {
            $dirs[] = BASE_DIR . "install.php";
        if (is_file(BASE_DIR . "update.php")) {
            $dirs[] = BASE_DIR . "update.php";
        if (is_file(BASE_DIR . "robots.txt")) {
            $dirs[] = BASE_DIR . "robots.txt";
        if (is_file(BASE_DIR . "sitemap.xml")) {
            $dirs[] = BASE_DIR . "sitemap.xml";
        if (is_file(BASE_DIR . "sitemap_addon.xml")) {
            $dirs[] = BASE_DIR . "sitemap_addon.xml";
        if (is_file(BASE_DIR . ".htaccess")) {
            $dirs[] = BASE_DIR . ".htaccess";
    if (getRequestValue('backup_include_catpage', 'post') == "true") {
        $dirs[] = CONTENT_DIR_REL;
        $incl .= "catpage_";
    if (getRequestValue('backup_include_gallery', 'post') == "true") {
        $dirs[] = GALLERIES_DIR_REL;
        $incl .= "gallery_";
    if (getRequestValue('backup_include_layouts', 'post') == "true") {
        $dirs[] = BASE_DIR . LAYOUT_DIR_NAME;
        $incl .= "layouts_";
    if (getRequestValue('backup_include_plugins', 'post') == "true") {
        $dirs[] = BASE_DIR . PLUGIN_DIR_NAME;
        $incl .= "plugins_";
    if (getRequestValue('backup_include_docu', 'post') == "true") {
        $dirs[] = BASE_DIR . "docu/";
        $incl .= "docu_";
    if (strlen($incl) > 1) {
        $incl = "Include_" . $incl;
    if (count($dirs) < 1) {
        $make_zip = false;
        global $message;
        $message .= returnMessage(false, getLanguageValue("admin_error_no_backups_select"));
    if ($make_zip) {
        if (!is_dir(BASE_DIR . BACKUP_DIR_NAME)) {
            @mkdir(BASE_DIR . BACKUP_DIR_NAME);
            setChmod(BASE_DIR . BACKUP_DIR_NAME);
        $filename = 'moziloCMS_Backup_' . $incl . $tmp_date . '.zip';
        $file = BASE_DIR . BACKUP_DIR_NAME . '/' . $filename;
        require_once BASE_DIR_ADMIN . "pclzip.lib.php";
        $backup = new PclZip($file);
        if (0 != $backup->create($dirs, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, BASE_DIR, PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH, 'moziloCMS_Backup_' . $tmp_date)) {
            $send = true;
        } else {
            global $message;
            $message .= returnMessage(false, "Error : " . $backup->errorInfo());
            $dh = opendir(BASE_DIR . BACKUP_DIR_NAME);
            while (($entry = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
                if ($entry == "." or $entry == "..") {
                @unlink(BASE_DIR . BACKUP_DIR_NAME . '/' . $entry);
    if ($send) {
        $filesize = filesize($file);
        // Header schreiben
        header("Pragma: public");
        header("Expires: 0");
        header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
        header("Cache-Control: public");
        header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
        header("Content-Type: application/zip");
        header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"" . $filename . "\";");
        header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
        header("Content-Length: " . $filesize);
        # bei grossen dateien senden in kleinen stücken damit der speicherunter browserdialog schnell aufgeht
        if ($filesize > 1048576 * 10) {
            # 1048576 = 1mb
            $fp = fopen($file, "r");
            while (!feof($fp)) {
                echo fread($fp, 65536);
                // this is essential for large downloads
        } else {