$item = getItemByID($link, $itemBarcode->ItemID);
     //$bBarcode = true;
 } else {
     $item = getItemByCode($link, $code);
 if ($item) {
     if ($itemBarcode) {
         $item->barcode = $code;
         if ($itemBarcode->unitID) {
             $item->UnitID = $itemBarcode->unitID;
         if ($itemBarcode->itemCombinationID) {
             $combinationInfo = getCombinationInfo($link, $item->ID, $itemBarcode->itemCombinationID);
             if ($combinationInfo) {
                 $quantityOnHand = getQuantityOnHand($link, $item->ID, $itemBarcode->itemCombinationID);
                 $item->optionID = $combinationInfo->ID;
                 $item->optionUUID = $combinationInfo->UUID;
                 $item->optionEID = $combinationInfo->ExternalID;
                 $item->optionName = $combinationInfo->Name;
                 $item->QuantityOnHand = $quantityOnHand;
     $unitInfo = getUnitInfo($link, $item->UnitID);
     if ($unitInfo) {
         $item->unitName = $unitInfo->name;
     $itemOptions = getItemOptions($link, $item->ID);
     if ($itemOptions) {

include_once 'config.php';
try {
    if (isset($_GET['optionID']) && $_GET['optionID'] != "") {
        $optionID = $_GET['optionID'];
        $itemId = $_GET['itemId'];
        $aOptionDetails = json_decode($_GET['aOptionDetails']);
        $link = new PDO($db_url, $user, $password, array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION));
        $handle = $link->prepare('SELECT' . ' id, name, externalID' . ' FROM ' . $table_optionDetail . ' WHERE OptionID = :optionID');
        $handle->bindParam(':optionID', $optionID);
        if (($aResult = $handle->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) !== false) {
            for ($numberOfRow = 0; $numberOfRow < count($aResult); $numberOfRow++) {
                $quantity = getQuantityOnHand($aOptionDetails, $itemId, $aResult[$numberOfRow]->id, $link);
                $aResult[$numberOfRow]->quantity = $quantity;
            echo json_encode($aResult);
        } else {
            echo json_encode(false);
    } else {
        echo json_encode(false);
} catch (PDOException $ex) {
    print $ex->getMessage();
function getQuantityOnHand($aOptionDetails, $itemId, $optionDetailId, $link)

include_once 'config.php';
try {
    if (isset($_GET['combination']) && $_GET['combination'] != "") {
        $combination = $_GET['combination'];
        $id = $_GET['ID'];
        $link = new PDO($db_url, $user, $password, array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION));
        $handle = $link->prepare('SELECT ' . $table_itemCombination . '.ID, ' . $table_itemCombination . '.UUID, ' . $table_itemCombination . '.ExternalID, Name FROM ' . $table_itemCombination . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $table_optionDetail . ' ON ' . $table_optionDetail . '.ExternalID = ' . $table_itemCombination . '.ExternalID WHERE ItemID = :ID AND ' . $table_itemCombination . '.ExternalID = :combination');
        $handle->bindParam(':ID', $id);
        $handle->bindParam(':combination', $combination);
        if ($result = $handle->fetchObject()) {
            $result->QuantityOnHand = getQuantityOnHand($link, $id, $result->ID);
            echo json_encode($result);
        } else {
            echo json_encode(false);
    } else {
        echo json_encode(false);
} catch (PDOException $ex) {
    print $ex->getMessage();
function getQuantityOnHand($link, $itemID, $combinationID)
    include 'config.php';
    $handle = $link->prepare('SELECT QuantityOnHand FROM ' . $table_inventoryOnHand . ' WHERE ItemID = :itemID AND ItemCombinationID = :combinationID');
    $handle->bindParam(':itemID', $itemID);
    $handle->bindParam(':combinationID', $combinationID);
            // Se busca el código en la tabla de items.
            $item = getItemByCode($link, $code);
            if ($item) {
                $item->basePrice = $item->Price;
                $unitInfo = getUnitInfo($link, $item->UnitID);
                if ($unitInfo) {
                    $item->unitName = $unitInfo->name;
                    $item->unitDecimals = $unitInfo->decimals;
                if ($item->UseCombination == 1) {
                    $itemOptions = getItemOptions($link, $item->ID);
                    if ($itemOptions) {
                        $item->options = $itemOptions;
                } else {
                    $quantityOnHand = getQuantityOnHand($link, $item->ID, null);
                    $item->QuantityOnHand = $quantityOnHand;
                echo json_encode($item);
            } else {
                echo json_encode(false);
    } else {
        echo json_encode(false);
} catch (PDOException $ex) {
    echo $ex->getMessage();