function _checkProfileMatch($iProfileId, $sAction)
     $aProfile = getProfileInfo($iProfileId);
     if ($aProfile['Status'] == 'Active' && ($aProfile['UpdateMatch'] || $sAction == 'join')) {
         $oDb = new BxDolDb();
         // clear field "UpdateMatch"
         $oDb->query("UPDATE `Profiles` SET `UpdateMatch` = 0 WHERE `ID`= {$iProfileId}");
         // clear cache
         $oDb->query("DELETE FROM `sys_profiles_match`");
         // get send mails
         $aSendMails = $oDb->getRow("SELECT `profiles_match` FROM `sys_profiles_match_mails` WHERE `profile_id` = {$iProfileId}");
         $aSend = !empty($aSendMails) ? unserialize($aSendMails['profiles_match']) : array();
         $aProfiles = getMatchProfiles($iProfileId);
         foreach ($aProfiles as $iProfId) {
             if (!isset($aSend[(int) $iProfId])) {
                 $oEmailTemplate = new BxDolEmailTemplates();
                 $aMessage = $oEmailTemplate->parseTemplate('t_CupidMail', array('StrID' => $iProfId, 'MatchProfileLink' => getProfileLink($iProfileId)), $iProfId);
                 $aProfile = getProfileInfo($iProfId);
                 if (!empty($aProfile) && $aProfile['Status'] == 'Active') {
                     $oDb->query("INSERT INTO `sys_sbs_queue`(`email`, `subject`, `body`) VALUES('" . $aProfile['Email'] . "', '" . process_db_input($aMessage['subject'], BX_TAGS_NO_ACTION, BX_SLASHES_NO_ACTION) . "', '" . process_db_input($aMessage['body'], BX_TAGS_NO_ACTION, BX_SLASHES_NO_ACTION) . "')");
                 $aSend[(int) $iProfId] = 0;
         if (empty($aSendMails)) {
             $oDb->query("INSERT INTO `sys_profiles_match_mails`(`profile_id`, `profiles_match`) VALUES({$iProfileId}, '" . serialize($aSend) . "')");
         } else {
             $oDb->query("UPDATE `sys_profiles_match_mails` SET `profiles_match` = '" . serialize($aSend) . "' WHERE `profile_id` = {$iProfileId}");
 function getBlockCode_Search()
     global $logged;
     $aProfile = $logged['member'] ? getProfileInfo((int) $_COOKIE['memberID']) : array();
     // default params for search form
     $sCountry = '';
     $mixedCountry = bx_get('Country');
     if ($mixedCountry && is_array($mixedCountry)) {
         $sCountry = process_pass_data($mixedCountry[0], 1);
     } elseif ($mixedCountry && is_string($mixedCountry)) {
         $sCountry = process_pass_data($mixedCountry, 1);
     $sSex = '';
     $mixedSex = bx_get('Sex');
     if ($mixedSex && is_array($mixedSex)) {
         $sSex = array();
         foreach ($mixedSex as $v) {
             $sSex[] = process_pass_data($v, 1);
     } elseif ($mixedSex && is_string($mixedSex)) {
         $sSex = process_pass_data($mixedSex, 1);
     $aDefaultParams = array('LookingFor' => bx_get('LookingFor') ? process_pass_data(bx_get('LookingFor'), 1) : ($aProfile['Sex'] ? $aProfile['Sex'] : 'male'), 'Sex' => $sSex ? $sSex : ($aProfile['LookingFor'] ? $aProfile['LookingFor'] : 'female'), 'Country' => $sCountry ? $sCountry : ($aProfile['Country'] ? $aProfile['Country'] : getParam('default_country')), 'DateOfBirth' => bx_get('DateOfBirth') ? process_pass_data(bx_get('DateOfBirth'), 1) : getParam('search_start_age') . '-' . getParam('search_end_age'), 'Tags' => bx_get('Tags') ? process_pass_data(bx_get('Tags'), 1) : '', 'online_only' => bx_get('online_only') ? process_pass_data(bx_get('online_only'), 1) : '', 'photos_only' => bx_get('photos_only') ? process_pass_data(bx_get('photos_only'), 1) : '');
     $oPF = new BxDolProfileFields(9);
     $a = array('default_params' => $aDefaultParams, 'form_attrs' => array('action' => $this->oConfig->getBaseUri()), 'inputs' => array(array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'r', 'value' => $this->oMain->_aModule['uri'])));
     $aVars = array('content' => $oPF->getFormCode($a));
     return $this->oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('search_form_wrapper', $aVars);
Exemple #3
  * Class constructor;
  * @param : $sPageName   (string)  - builder's page name;
  * @param : $oPollModule (object)  - created poll's module object;
  * @param : $iPollId     (integer) - poll's Id;
 function BxPollView($sPageName, &$aModule, &$oPollModule, $iPollId)
     // define member's Id;
     $aProfileInfo = getProfileInfo();
     $this->iMemberId = isset($aProfileInfo['ID']) ? $aProfileInfo['ID'] : 0;
     $this->oModule = $oPollModule;
     $this->iPollId = $iPollId;
     if ($this->iPollId) {
         $this->aPollInfo = $this->oModule->_oDb->getPollInfo($this->iPollId);
         if (!$this->oModule->oPrivacy->check('view', $this->aPollInfo[0]['id_poll'], $this->iMemberId)) {
             echo $this->oModule->_oTemplate->defaultPage(_t('_bx_poll'), MsgBox(_t('_bx_poll_access_denied')), 2);
     if ($this->aPollInfo) {
         $this->aPollInfo = array_shift($this->aPollInfo);
     $this->oVotingView = new BxTemplVotingView('bx_poll', $this->iPollId);
     $this->oCmtsView = new BxPollCmts('bx_poll', $this->iPollId);
     $this->aModule = $aModule;
     if ($sPageName == 'show_poll_info') {
         $GLOBALS['oTopMenu']->setCustomSubHeaderUrl(BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->oModule->_oConfig->getBaseUri() . '&action=show_poll_info&id=' . $this->iPollId);
     $GLOBALS['oTopMenu']->setCustomBreadcrumbs(array(_t('_bx_poll') => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->oModule->_oConfig->getBaseUri() . '&action=poll_home', $this->aPollInfo['poll_question'] => ''));
  * Get processed message
  * @param $aMessages array
  * @param $bDeleteAllowed boolean
  * @param $bBlockAllowed boolean
  * @return text
 function getProcessedMessages($aMessages = array(), $bDeleteAllowed = false, $bBlockAllowed = false)
     global $oFunctions;
     if (!$aMessages) {
     $sOutputCode = '';
     $aLanguageKeys = array('by' => _t('_bx_shoutbox_by'), 'visitor' => _t('_Visitor'), 'delete' => _t('_bx_shoutbox_delete_message'), 'sure' => _t('_Are_you_sure'), 'block' => _t('_bx_shoutbox_block_ip'));
     foreach ($aMessages as $iKey => $aItems) {
         $sMemberIcon = '';
         $aProfileInfo = $aItems['OwnerID'] > 0 ? getProfileInfo($aItems['OwnerID']) : array();
         // define some profile's data;
         if ($aProfileInfo) {
             $sNickName = getNickName($aProfileInfo['ID']);
             $sLink = getProfileLink($aItems['OwnerID']);
             $sMemberIcon = $oFunctions->getMemberIcon($aItems['OwnerID']);
         } else {
             $sLink = 'javascript:void(0)';
             $sNickName = $aLanguageKeys['visitor'];
         $aKeys = array('owner_icon' => $sMemberIcon, 'message' => WordWrapStr($aItems['Message']), 'by' => $aLanguageKeys['by'], 'owner_nick' => $sNickName, 'date' => defineTimeInterval($aItems['DateTS'], true, true), 'owner_link' => $sLink, 'bx_if:delete_allowed' => array('condition' => $bDeleteAllowed, 'content' => array('delete_cpt' => bx_html_attribute($aLanguageKeys['delete']), 'sure_cpt' => bx_js_string($aLanguageKeys['sure']), 'message_id' => $aItems['ID'])), 'bx_if:block_allowed' => array('condition' => $bBlockAllowed, 'content' => array('block_cpt' => bx_html_attribute($aLanguageKeys['block']), 'sure_cpt' => bx_js_string($aLanguageKeys['sure']), 'message_id' => $aItems['ID'])));
         $sTemplateName = $aProfileInfo ? 'message.html' : 'visitor_message.html';
         $sOutputCode .= $this->parseHtmlByName($sTemplateName, $aKeys);
     return $sOutputCode;
 function genSiteServiceMenu()
     $bLogged = isLogged();
     $aMenuItem = array();
     $sMenuPopupId = '';
     $sMenuPopupContent = '';
     $bShowVisitor = false;
     $oMenu = new BxTemplMenuService();
     if ($bLogged) {
         $aProfile = getProfileInfo($oMenu->aMenuInfo['memberID']);
         $sThumbSetting = getParam('sys_member_info_thumb_icon');
         $o = BxDolMemberInfo::getObjectInstance($sThumbSetting);
         $sThumbUrl = $o ? $o->get($aProfile) : '';
         $bThumb = !empty($sThumbUrl);
         $o = BxDolMemberInfo::getObjectInstance($sThumbSetting . '_2x');
         $sThumbTwiceUrl = $o ? $o->get($aProfile) : '';
         if (!$sThumbTwiceUrl) {
             $sThumbTwiceUrl = $sThumbUrl;
         $aMenuItem = array('bx_if:show_fu_thumb_image' => array('condition' => $bThumb, 'content' => array('image' => $sThumbUrl, 'image_2x' => $sThumbTwiceUrl)), 'bx_if:show_fu_thumb_icon' => array('condition' => !$bThumb, 'content' => array()), 'title' => getNickName($oMenu->aMenuInfo['memberID']));
         $sMenuPopupId = 'sys-service-menu-' . time();
         $sMenuPopupContent = $this->transBox($oMenu->getCode());
     } else {
         $aItems = $oMenu->getItemsArray();
         if (!empty($aItems)) {
             $bShowVisitor = true;
             $bLoginOnly = $aItems[0]['name'] == 'LoginOnly';
             $aMenuItem = array('caption' => $bLoginOnly ? $aItems[0]['caption'] : _t('_sys_sm_join_or_login'), 'icon' => $bLoginOnly ? $aItems[0]['icon'] : 'user', 'script' => $aItems[0]['script'], 'bx_if:show_fu_thumb_image' => array('condition' => false, 'content' => array()), 'bx_if:show_fu_thumb_icon' => array('condition' => false, 'content' => array()), 'title' => '');
     return $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('extra_service_menu_wrapper.html', array('bx_if:show_for_visitor' => array('condition' => !$bLogged && $bShowVisitor, 'content' => $aMenuItem), 'bx_if:show_for_user' => array('condition' => $bLogged, 'content' => $aMenuItem), 'menu_popup_id' => $sMenuPopupId, 'menu_popup_content' => $sMenuPopupContent));
Exemple #6
function getProfilesMatch($iPID1 = 0, $iPID2 = 0)
    $iPID1 = (int) $iPID1;
    $iPID2 = (int) $iPID2;
    if (!$iPID1 or !$iPID2) {
        return 0;
    if ($iPID1 == $iPID2) {
        return 0;
    $aProf1 = getProfileInfo($iPID1);
    $aProf2 = getProfileInfo($iPID2);
    if (empty($aProf1) || empty($aProf2)) {
        return 0;
    $iMatch = 0;
    $aMathFields = getMatchFields();
    foreach ($aMathFields as $sKey => $aFields) {
        $bRes = false;
        if ($aProf1[$aFields['Name']]) {
            if ($aMathFields[$aFields['MatchField']]['Name'] == 'DateOfBirth') {
                $bRes = age($aProf1['DateOfBirth']) == age($aProf2['DateOfBirth']);
            } else {
                $bRes = $aProf1[$aFields['Name']] == $aProf2[$aMathFields[$aFields['MatchField']]['Name']];
        if ($bRes) {
            $iMatch += (int) $aFields['MatchPercent'];
    return $iMatch;
 function genSiteServiceMenu()
     $bLogged = isLogged();
     $aMenuItem = array();
     $sMenuPopupId = '';
     $sMenuPopupContent = '';
     if ($bLogged) {
         $oMenu = new BxTemplMenuService();
         if ($oMenu->aMenuInfo['memberID'] != 0) {
             $aProfile = getProfileInfo($oMenu->aMenuInfo['memberID']);
         $sThumbSetting = getParam('sys_member_info_thumb_icon');
         $o = BxDolMemberInfo::getObjectInstance($sThumbSetting);
         $sThumbUrl = $o ? $o->get($aProfile) : '';
         $o = BxDolMemberInfo::getObjectInstance($sThumbSetting . '_2x');
         $sThumbTwiceUrl = $o ? $o->get($aProfile) : '';
         if (!$sThumbTwiceUrl) {
             $sThumbTwiceUrl = $sThumbUrl;
         $bThumb = !empty($sThumbUrl);
         $aMenuItem = array('bx_if:show_fu_thumb_image' => array('condition' => $bThumb, 'content' => array('image' => $sThumbUrl, 'image_2x' => $sThumbTwiceUrl)), 'bx_if:show_fu_thumb_icon' => array('condition' => !$bThumb, 'content' => array()), 'thumbnail' => get_member_icon($oMenu->aMenuInfo['memberID']), 'title' => getNickName($oMenu->aMenuInfo['memberID']));
         $sMenuPopupId = 'sys-service-menu-' . time();
         $sMenuPopupContent = $this->transBox($oMenu->getCode());
     return $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('extra_service_menu_wrapper.html', array('bx_if:show_for_visitor' => array('condition' => !$bLogged, 'content' => array()), 'bx_if:show_for_user' => array('condition' => $bLogged, 'content' => $aMenuItem), 'menu_popup_id' => $sMenuPopupId, 'menu_popup_content' => $sMenuPopupContent));
function getProfilesMatch($iPID1 = 0, $iPID2 = 0)
    $iPID1 = (int) $iPID1;
    $iPID2 = (int) $iPID2;
    if (!$iPID1 or !$iPID2) {
        return 0;
    if ($iPID1 == $iPID2) {
        return 0;
    //maybe need to return 100?? :)
    // try to find in cache
    $sQuery = "SELECT `Percent` FROM `ProfilesMatch` WHERE `PID1` = {$iPID1} AND `PID2` = {$iPID2}";
    $aPercent = db_assoc_arr($sQuery);
    if ($aPercent) {
        return (int) $aPercent['Percent'];
    //not found in cache
    $aProf1 = getProfileInfo($iPID1);
    $aProf2 = getProfileInfo($iPID2);
    if (!$aProf1 or !$aProf2) {
        return 0;
    $oPF = new BxDolProfileFields(101);
    //matching area
    $iMatch = $oPF->getProfilesMatch($aProf1, $aProf2);
    //write to cache
    $sQuery = "INSERT INTO `ProfilesMatch` ( `PID1`, `PID2`, `Percent` ) VALUES ( {$iPID1}, {$iPID2}, {$iMatch} )";
    return $iMatch;
Exemple #9
function onPostReply($aTopic, $sPostText, $sUser)
    $oProfile = new BxDolProfile($sUser);
    $iProfileId = $oProfile->getID();
    if (BX_ORCA_INTEGRATION == 'dolphin' && !isAdmin($iProfileId)) {
        $iActionId = BX_FORUM_PUBLIC_POST;
        if (isset($aTopic['forum_type']) && 'private' == $aTopic['forum_type']) {
            $iActionId = BX_FORUM_PRIVATE_POST;
        checkAction($iProfileId, $iActionId, true);
        // perform action
    $aPlusOriginal = array('PosterUrl' => $iProfileId ? getProfileLink($iProfileId) : 'javascript:void(0);', 'PosterNickName' => $iProfileId ? getNickName($iProfileId) : $sUser, 'TopicTitle' => $aTopic['topic_title'], 'ReplyText' => $sPostText);
    $oEmailTemplate = new BxDolEmailTemplates();
    $aTemplate = $oEmailTemplate->getTemplate('bx_forum_notifier');
    $fdb = new DbForum();
    $a = $fdb->getSubscribersToTopic($aTopic['topic_id']);
    foreach ($a as $r) {
        if ($r['user'] == $sUser) {
        $oRecipient = new BxDolProfile($r['user']);
        $aRecipient = getProfileInfo($oRecipient->_iProfileID);
        $aPlus = array_merge(array('Recipient' => ' ' . getNickName($aRecipient['ID'])), $aPlusOriginal);
        sendMail(trim($aRecipient['Email']), $aTemplate['Subject'], $aTemplate['Body'], '', $aPlus);
    forumAlert('reply', $aTopic['topic_id'], $iProfileId);
 * page code function
function PageCompPageMainCode($iID, $sConfCode)
    global $site;
    $ID = (int) $iID;
    $ConfCode = clear_xss($sConfCode);
    $p_arr = getProfileInfo($ID);
    if (!$p_arr) {
        $_page['header'] = _t("_Error");
        $_page['header_text'] = _t("_Profile Not found");
        return MsgBox(_t('_Profile Not found Ex'));
    $aCode = array('message_status' => '', 'message_info' => '', 'bx_if:form' => array('condition' => false, 'content' => array('form' => '')), 'bx_if:next' => array('condtion' => false, 'content' => array('next_url' => '')));
    if ($p_arr['Status'] == 'Unconfirmed') {
        $ConfCodeReal = base64_encode(base64_encode(crypt($p_arr[Email], CRYPT_EXT_DES ? "secret_co" : "se")));
        if (strcmp($ConfCode, $ConfCodeReal) != 0) {
            $aForm = array('form_attrs' => array('action' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'profile_activate.php', 'method' => 'post', 'name' => 'form_change_status'), 'inputs' => array('conf_id' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'ConfID', 'value' => $ID), 'conf_code' => array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'ConfCode', 'value' => '', 'caption' => _t("_Confirmation code")), 'submit' => array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'submit', 'value' => _t("_Submit"))));
            $oForm = new BxTemplFormView($aForm);
            $aCode['message_status'] = _t("_Profile activation failed");
            $aCode['message_info'] = _t("_EMAIL_CONF_FAILED_EX");
            $aCode['bx_if:form']['condition'] = true;
            $aCode['bx_if:form']['content']['form'] = $oForm->getCode();
        } else {
            $aCode['bx_if:next']['condition'] = true;
            $aCode['bx_if:next']['content']['next_url'] = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'member.php';
            $send_act_mail = false;
            if (getParam('autoApproval_ifJoin') == 'on' && !(getParam('sys_dnsbl_enable') && 'approval' == getParam('sys_dnsbl_behaviour') && bx_is_ip_dns_blacklisted('', 'join'))) {
                $status = 'Active';
                $send_act_mail = true;
                $aCode['message_info'] = _t("_PROFILE_CONFIRM");
            } else {
                $status = 'Approval';
                $aCode['message_info'] = _t("_EMAIL_CONF_SUCCEEDED", $site['title']);
            $update = bx_admin_profile_change_status($ID, $status, $send_act_mail);
            // Promotional membership
            if (getParam('enable_promotion_membership') == 'on') {
                $memership_days = getParam('promotion_membership_days');
                setMembership($p_arr['ID'], MEMBERSHIP_ID_PROMOTION, $memership_days, true);
            // check couple profile;
            if ($p_arr['Couple']) {
                $update = bx_admin_profile_change_status($p_arr['Couple'], $status);
                //Promotional membership
                if (getParam('enable_promotion_membership') == 'on') {
                    $memership_days = getParam('promotion_membership_days');
                    setMembership($p_arr['Couple'], MEMBERSHIP_ID_PROMOTION, $memership_days, true);
            if (getParam('newusernotify')) {
                $oEmailTemplates = new BxDolEmailTemplates();
                $aTemplate = $oEmailTemplates->getTemplate('t_UserConfirmed', $p_arr['ID']);
                sendMail($site['email_notify'], $aTemplate['Subject'], $aTemplate['Body'], $p_arr['ID']);
    } else {
        $aCode['message_info'] = _t('_ALREADY_ACTIVATED');
    return $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('profile_activate.html', $aCode);
 function getBaseUrl()
     $aEntry = getProfileInfo($this->getId());
     if (empty($aEntry) || !is_array($aEntry)) {
         return '';
     return getProfileLink($aEntry['ID']);
 function getBlockCode_QuickSearch()
     $aProfile = isLogged() ? getProfileInfo() : array();
     // default params for search form
     $aDefaultParams = array('LookingFor' => !empty($aProfile['Sex']) ? $aProfile['Sex'] : 'male', 'Sex' => !empty($aProfile['LookingFor']) ? $aProfile['LookingFor'] : 'female', 'Country' => !empty($aProfile['Country']) ? $aProfile['Country'] : getParam('default_country'), 'DateOfBirth' => getParam('search_start_age') . '-' . getParam('search_end_age'));
     $oPF = new BxDolProfileFields(10);
     return array($oPF->getFormCode(array('default_params' => $aDefaultParams)), array(), array(), false);
 function BxBaseAccountView($iMember, &$aSite, &$aDir)
     $this->iMember = (int) $iMember;
     $this->aMemberInfo = getProfileInfo($this->iMember);
     $this->aConfSite = $aSite;
     $this->aConfDir = $aDir;
 function __construct($iMember, &$aSite, &$aDir)
     $this->iMember = (int) $iMember;
     $this->aMemberInfo = getProfileInfo($this->iMember);
     $this->aConfSite = $aSite;
     $this->aConfDir = $aDir;
    function getMySubscriptions()
        $aUserInfo = getProfileInfo();
        $aSubscriptions = $this->_oDb->getSubscriptionsByUser((int) $aUserInfo['ID']);
        if (empty($aSubscriptions)) {
            return MsgBox(_t('_Empty'));
        $aForm = array('form_attrs' => array('id' => 'sbs-subscriptions-form', 'name' => 'sbs-subscriptions-form', 'action' => bx_html_attribute($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), 'method' => 'post', 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data'), 'params' => array(), 'inputs' => array());
        $sUnit = '';
        $bCollapsed = true;
        foreach ($aSubscriptions as $aSubscription) {
            if ($sUnit != $aSubscription['unit']) {
                if (!empty($sUnit)) {
                    $aForm['inputs'][$sUnit . '_end'] = array('type' => 'block_end');
                $aForm['inputs'][$aSubscription['unit'] . '_begin'] = array('type' => 'block_header', 'caption' => _t('_sbs_txt_title_' . $aSubscription['unit']), 'collapsable' => true, 'collapsed' => $bCollapsed);
                $sUnit = $aSubscription['unit'];
                $bCollapsed = true;
            $oFunction = create_function('$arg1, $arg2, $arg3', $aSubscription['params']);
            $aParams = $oFunction($aSubscription['unit'], $aSubscription['action'], $aSubscription['object_id']);
            $sName = 'sbs-subscription_' . $aSubscription['entry_id'];
            $aForm['inputs'][$sName] = array('type' => 'custom', 'name' => $sName, 'content' => '<a href="' . $aParams['template']['ViewLink'] . '">' . $aParams['template']['Subscription'] . '</a> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="return unsubscribeConfirm(\'' . $this->_getUnsubscribeLink((int) $aSubscription['entry_id']) . '\');">' . _t('_sys_btn_sbs_unsubscribe') . '</a>', 'colspan' => true);
        //'' .  . ''
        $aForm['inputs'][$sUnit . '_end'] = array('type' => 'block_end');
        $oForm = new BxTemplFormView($aForm);
        $sContent = $oForm->getCode();
            <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
                function unsubscribeConfirm(sUrl){
           	 		if(confirm(_t('_sbs_wrn_unsubscribe'))) {
							sUrl + '&js=1',

								if(oData.code == 0)
									window.location.href = window.location.href; 

						return true;
               	 		return false;
        $sContent .= ob_get_clean();
        return $sContent;
 function blockInfo(&$aEvent)
     if (null == $this->_oMain) {
         $this->_oMain = BxDolModule::getInstance('BxEventsModule');
     $aAuthor = getProfileInfo($aEvent['ResponsibleID']);
     $aVars = array('author_unit' => $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->getMemberThumbnail($aAuthor['ID'], 'none', true), 'date' => getLocaleDate($aEvent['Date'], BX_DOL_LOCALE_DATE_SHORT), 'date_ago' => defineTimeInterval($aEvent['Date'], false), 'cats' => $this->parseCategories($aEvent['Categories']), 'tags' => $this->parseTags($aEvent['Tags']), 'location' => $this->_oMain->_formatLocation($aEvent, true, true), 'fields' => $this->blockFields($aEvent), 'author_username' => $aAuthor ? $aAuthor['NickName'] : _t('_bx_events_admin'), 'author_url' => $aAuthor ? getProfileLink($aAuthor['ID']) : 'javascript:void(0)');
     return $this->parseHtmlByName('block_info', $aVars);
Exemple #17
 function getBlockCode_People()
     global $logged;
     $aProfile = $logged['member'] ? getProfileInfo((int) $_COOKIE['memberID']) : array();
     // default params for search form
     $aDefaultParams = array('LookingFor' => $aProfile['Sex'] ? $aProfile['Sex'] : 'male', 'Sex' => $aProfile['LookingFor'] ? $aProfile['LookingFor'] : 'female', 'Country' => $aProfile['Country'] ? $aProfile['Country'] : getParam('default_country'), 'DateOfBirth' => getParam('search_start_age') . '-' . getParam('search_end_age'));
     $oPF = new BxDolProfileFields(9);
     $a = array('default_params' => $aDefaultParams);
     return $oPF->getFormCode($a);
 * page code function
function PageCompPageMainCode()
    $memberID = getLoggedId();
    $p_arr = getProfileInfo($memberID);
    //db_assoc_arr( "SELECT `Status` FROM `Profiles` WHERE `ID` = '$memberID'" );
    if ($p_arr['Status'] != 'Unconfirmed') {
        return _t("_NO_NEED_TO_CONFIRM_EMAIL");
    } else {
        return activation_mail($memberID);
 function getBlockCode_People()
     $iMemberId = getLoggedId();
     $aProfile = $iMemberId ? getProfileInfo($iMemberId) : array();
     // default params for search form
     $aDefaultParams = array('LookingFor' => $aProfile['Sex'] ? $aProfile['Sex'] : 'male', 'Sex' => $aProfile['LookingFor'] ? $aProfile['LookingFor'] : 'female', 'Country' => $aProfile['Country'] ? $aProfile['Country'] : getParam('default_country'), 'DateOfBirth' => getParam('search_start_age') . '-' . getParam('search_end_age'));
     $oPF = new BxDolProfileFields(9);
     $a = array('default_params' => $aDefaultParams);
     return array($oPF->getFormCode($a), array(), array(), false);
 function login4($sUser, $sPwdClear)
     $iId = 0;
     $aProfileInfo = getProfileInfo(getID($sUser));
     if ($aProfileInfo && ((32 == strlen($sPwdClear) || 40 == strlen($sPwdClear)) && BxDolXMLRPCUtil::checkLogin($sUser, $sPwdClear))) {
         $iId = $aProfileInfo['ID'];
     } elseif ($aProfileInfo && getParam('enable_dolphin_footer') != 'on' && check_password($aProfileInfo['ID'], $sPwdClear, BX_DOL_ROLE_MEMBER, false)) {
         $iId = $aProfileInfo['ID'];
     return new xmlrpcresp(new xmlrpcval(array('member_id' => new xmlrpcval($iId, "int"), 'member_pwd_hash' => new xmlrpcval($iId ? $aProfileInfo['Password'] : ""), 'member_username' => new xmlrpcval($iId ? getUsername($iId) : ""), 'protocol_ver' => new xmlrpcval(BX_XMLRPC_PROTOCOL_VER, "int")), "struct"));
 function parseContent($sContent, $aKeys, $iMemberId = 0)
     $aResultKeys = $this->getDefaultKeys();
     if ($iMemberId != 0) {
         $aProfile = getProfileInfo($iMemberId);
         $aResultKeys = array_merge($aResultKeys, array('recipientID' => $aProfile['ID'], 'RealName' => getNickName($aProfile['ID']), 'NickName' => getNickName($aProfile['ID']), 'RecipientUrl' => getProfileLink($aProfile['ID']), 'Email' => $aProfile['Email'], 'Password' => $aProfile['Password'], 'SiteName' => getParam('site_title')));
     if (is_array($aKeys)) {
         $aResultKeys = array_merge($aResultKeys, $aKeys);
     return $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->parseHtmlByContent($sContent, $aResultKeys, array('<', '>'));
  * Constructor
 public function __construct($iProfileID = 0)
     $sKey = getParam('sys_akismet_api_key');
     if ($sKey) {
         require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_PLUGINS . 'akismet/Akismet.class.php';
         $this->oAkismet = new Akismet(BX_DOL_URL_ROOT, $sKey);
         $aProfile = getProfileInfo($iProfileID);
         if ($aProfile) {
 function getBlockCode_UpcomingPhoto()
     $aEvent = $this->oDb->getUpcomingEvent(getParam('bx_events_main_upcoming_event_from_featured_only') ? true : false);
     if (!$aEvent) {
         return MsgBox(_t('_Empty'));
     $aAuthor = getProfileInfo($aEvent['ResponsibleID']);
     $a = array('ID' => $aEvent['ResponsibleID'], 'Avatar' => $aEvent['PrimPhoto']);
     $aImage = BxDolService::call('photos', 'get_image', array($a, 'file'), 'Search');
     $oRating = new BxEventsVoting('bx_events', (int) $aEvent['ID']);
     $aVars = array('image_url' => !$aImage['no_image'] && $aImage['file'] ? $aImage['file'] : $this->oTemplate->getIconUrl('no-photo-110.png'), 'image_title' => !$aImage['no_image'] && $aImage['title'] ? $aImage['title'] : '', 'event_url' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->oConfig->getBaseUri() . 'view/' . $aEvent['EntryUri'], 'event_title' => $aEvent['Title'], 'event_start' => getLocaleDate($aEvent['EventStart']), 'event_start_in' => defineTimeInterval($aEvent['EventStart']), 'author_title' => _t('_From'), 'author_username' => $aAuthor['NickName'], 'author_url' => getProfileLink($aAuthor['ID']), 'rating' => $oRating->isEnabled() ? $oRating->getJustVotingElement(true, $aEvent['ID']) : '', 'participants' => $aEvent['FansCount'], 'country_city' => '<a href="' . $this->oConfig->getBaseUri() . 'browse/country/' . strtolower($aEvent['Country']) . '">' . _t($GLOBALS['aPreValues']['Country'][$aEvent['Country']]['LKey']) . '</a>' . (trim($aEvent['City']) ? ', ' . $aEvent['City'] : ''), 'place' => $aEvent['Place'], 'flag_image' => genFlag($aEvent['Country']));
     return $this->oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('main_event', $aVars);
 public static function getMainMenuLink($sUrl)
     if (substr($sUrl, 0, 11) == 'javascript:') {
         $sLink = 'javascript:void(0);';
         $sOnClick = 'onclick="' . $sUrl . '"';
     } else {
         $sLink = $sUrl;
         $sOnClick = '';
     $aAdminProfile = getProfileInfo();
     $aVariables = array('adminLogin' => $aAdminProfile['NickName'], 'adminPass' => $aAdminProfile['Password']);
     $sLink = $GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']->parseHtmlByContent($sLink, $aVariables, array('{', '}'));
     $sOnClick = $GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']->parseHtmlByContent($sOnClick, $aVariables, array('{', '}'));
     return array($sLink, $sOnClick);
 function displaySearchUnit($aData, $aExtendedCss = array())
     $sCode = '';
     $sOutputMode = isset($_GET['search_result_mode']) && $_GET['search_result_mode'] == 'ext' ? 'ext' : 'sim';
     $sTemplateName = $sOutputMode == 'ext' ? 'search_profiles_ext.html' : 'search_profiles_sim.html';
     if ($sTemplateName) {
         if ($aData['Couple'] > 0) {
             $aProfileInfoC = getProfileInfo($aData['Couple']);
             $sCode .= $this->PrintSearhResult($aData, $aProfileInfoC, $aExtendedCss, $sTemplateName);
         } else {
             $sCode .= $this->PrintSearhResult($aData, array(), $aExtendedCss, $sTemplateName);
     return $sCode;
 function getBlockCode_UpcomingPhoto()
     $aEvent = $this->oDb->getUpcomingEvent(getParam('bx_events_main_upcoming_event_from_featured_only') ? true : false);
     if (!$aEvent) {
         return false;
     $aAuthor = getProfileInfo($aEvent['ResponsibleID']);
     $a = array('ID' => $aEvent['ResponsibleID'], 'Avatar' => $aEvent['PrimPhoto']);
     $aImage = BxDolService::call('photos', 'get_image', array($a, 'file'), 'Search');
     $oRating = new BxEventsVoting('bx_events', (int) $aEvent['ID']);
     $sEventUrl = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->oConfig->getBaseUri() . 'view/' . $aEvent['EntryUri'];
     $aVars = array('bx_if:image' => array('condition' => !$aImage['no_image'] && $aImage['file'], 'content' => array('image_url' => !$aImage['no_image'] && $aImage['file'] ? $aImage['file'] : '', 'image_title' => !$aImage['no_image'] && $aImage['title'] ? $aImage['title'] : '', 'event_url' => $sEventUrl)), 'event_url' => $sEventUrl, 'event_title' => $aEvent['Title'], 'event_start_in' => $this->oMain->_formatDateInBrowse($aEvent), 'author_title' => _t('_From'), 'author_username' => getNickName($aAuthor['ID']), 'author_url' => getProfileLink($aAuthor['ID']), 'rating' => $oRating->isEnabled() ? $oRating->getJustVotingElement(true, $aEvent['ID']) : '', 'participants' => $aEvent['FansCount'], 'country_city' => $this->oMain->_formatLocation($aEvent, true, true), 'place' => $aEvent['Place']);
     return $this->oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('main_event', $aVars);
 function getBlockCode_LatestFeaturedGroup()
     $aDataEntry = $this->oDb->getLatestFeaturedItem();
     if (!$aDataEntry) {
         return MsgBox(_t('_Empty'));
     $aAuthor = getProfileInfo($aDataEntry['author_id']);
     $sImageUrl = '';
     $sImageTitle = '';
     $a = array('ID' => $aDataEntry['author_id'], 'Avatar' => $aDataEntry['thumb']);
     $aImage = BxDolService::call('photos', 'get_image', array($a, 'file'), 'Search');
     $oRating = new BxGroupsVoting('bx_groups', $aDataEntry['id']);
     $aVars = array('image_url' => !$aImage['no_image'] && $aImage['file'] ? $aImage['file'] : $this->oTemplate->getIconUrl('no-photo-110.png'), 'image_title' => !$aImage['no_image'] && $aImage['title'] ? $aImage['title'] : '', 'group_url' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->oConfig->getBaseUri() . 'view/' . $aDataEntry['uri'], 'group_title' => $aDataEntry['title'], 'author_title' => _t('_From'), 'author_username' => $aAuthor['NickName'], 'author_url' => getProfileLink($aAuthor['ID']), 'rating' => $oRating->isEnabled() ? $oRating->getJustVotingElement(true, $aDataEntry['id']) : '');
     return $this->oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('latest_featured_group', $aVars);
 function getBlockCode_LatestFeaturedProduct()
     $aDataEntry = $this->oDb->getLatestFeaturedItem();
     if (!$aDataEntry) {
         return false;
     $aAuthor = getProfileInfo($aDataEntry['author_id']);
     $sImageUrl = '';
     $sImageTitle = '';
     $a = array('ID' => $aDataEntry['author_id'], 'Avatar' => $aDataEntry['thumb']);
     $aImage = BxDolService::call('photos', 'get_image', array($a, 'file'), 'Search');
     $oRating = new BxStoreVoting('bx_store', $aDataEntry['id']);
     $aVars = array('bx_if:image' => array('condition' => !$aImage['no_image'] && $aImage['file'], 'content' => array('image_url' => !$aImage['no_image'] && $aImage['file'] ? $aImage['file'] : '', 'image_title' => !$aImage['no_image'] && $aImage['title'] ? $aImage['title'] : '', 'product_url' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->oConfig->getBaseUri() . 'view/' . $aDataEntry['uri'])), 'product_url' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->oConfig->getBaseUri() . 'view/' . $aDataEntry['uri'], 'product_title' => $aDataEntry['title'], 'author_title' => _t('_From'), 'author_username' => getNickName($aAuthor['ID']), 'author_url' => getProfileLink($aAuthor['ID']), 'rating' => $oRating->isEnabled() ? $oRating->getJustVotingElement(true, $aDataEntry['id']) : '', 'created' => defineTimeInterval($aDataEntry['created']), 'price_range' => $this->oMain->_formatPriceRange($aDataEntry));
     return $this->oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('latest_featured_product', $aVars);
 function getBlockCode_LatestFeaturedGroup()
     $aDataEntry = $this->oDb->getLatestFeaturedItem();
     if (!$aDataEntry) {
         return false;
     $aAuthor = getProfileInfo($aDataEntry['author_id']);
     $sImageUrl = '';
     $sImageTitle = '';
     $a = array('ID' => $aDataEntry['author_id'], 'Avatar' => $aDataEntry['thumb']);
     $aImage = BxDolService::call('photos', 'get_image', array($a, 'file'), 'Search');
     $oRating = new MlClonetwoVoting('ml_clonetwo', $aDataEntry['id']);
     $aVars = array('bx_if:image' => array('condition' => !$aImage['no_image'] && $aImage['file'], 'content' => array('image_url' => !$aImage['no_image'] && $aImage['file'] ? $aImage['file'] : '', 'image_title' => !$aImage['no_image'] && $aImage['title'] ? $aImage['title'] : '', 'group_url' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->oConfig->getBaseUri() . 'view/' . $aDataEntry['uri'])), 'group_url' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->oConfig->getBaseUri() . 'view/' . $aDataEntry['uri'], 'group_title' => $aDataEntry['title'], 'author_title' => _t('_From'), 'author_username' => getNickName($aAuthor['ID']), 'author_url' => getProfileLink($aAuthor['ID']), 'rating' => $oRating->isEnabled() ? $oRating->getJustVotingElement(true, $aDataEntry['id']) : '', 'fans_count' => $aDataEntry['fans_count'], 'country_city' => $this->oMain->_formatLocation($aDataEntry, false, true));
     return $this->oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('latest_featured_group', $aVars);
 * page code function
function PageCompPageMainCode($iLoggedID)
    $member['ID'] = (int) $iLoggedID;
    $p_arr = getProfileInfo($member['ID']);
    if ($_POST['CHANGE_STATUS']) {
        $sStatus = "";
        switch ($_POST['CHANGE_STATUS']) {
            case 'SUSPEND':
                if ($p_arr['Status'] == 'Active') {
                    $sStatus = "Suspended";
            case 'ACTIVATE':
                if ($p_arr['Status'] == 'Suspended') {
                    $sStatus = "Active";
        if (!empty($sStatus)) {
            bx_admin_profile_change_status($member['ID'], $sStatus);
        $p_arr = getProfileInfo($member['ID']);
    $aData = array('profile_status_caption' => _t("_Profile status"), 'status' => $p_arr['Status'], 'status_lang_key' => _t('__' . $p_arr['Status']));
    $aForm = array('form_attrs' => array('action' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'change_status.php', 'method' => 'post', 'name' => 'form_change_status'), 'inputs' => array('status' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'CHANGE_STATUS', 'value' => ''), 'subscribe' => array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'subscribe', 'value' => '')));
    switch ($p_arr['Status']) {
        case 'Active':
            $aForm['inputs']['status']['value'] = 'SUSPEND';
            $aForm['inputs']['subscribe']['value'] = _t('_Suspend account');
            $oForm = new BxTemplFormView($aForm);
            $aData['form'] = $oForm->getCode();
            $aData['message'] = _t("_PROFILE_CAN_SUSPEND");
        case 'Suspended':
            $aForm['inputs']['status']['value'] = 'ACTIVATE';
            $aForm['inputs']['subscribe']['value'] = _t('_Activate account');
            $oForm = new BxTemplFormView($aForm);
            $aData['form'] = $oForm->getCode();
            $aData['message'] = _t("_PROFILE_CAN_ACTIVATE");
            $aData['message'] = _t("_PROFILE_CANT_ACTIVATE/SUSPEND");
            $aData['form'] = '';
    return $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('change_status.html', $aData);