function createXexecRedemptionExport($post) { global $db; setMyCookie($post, 'crukRed'); $CSVMaster = "<table>"; $sqlWhere = getRedeemSQL($post["EmpNum"]); $dateSQL = getRedeemDates($post, "bo."); $sql = "SELECT *\n \t\t\tFROM tblbasket b, tblbasketorders bo, tblempall a\n \t\t\tWHERE b.orderID IS NOT NULL \n\t\t\tAND b.orderID = \n\t\t\tAND b.EmpNum = a.EmpNum \n\t\t\t" . $sqlWhere . $dateSQL . " ORDER BY DESC"; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); $CSVLine .= "<tr>"; if ($post["NomineeID"] == "yes") { $CSVLine .= "<td>Nominee ID</td>"; } if ($post["Nominee"] == "yes") { $CSVLine .= "<td>Nominee</td>"; } if ($post["Department"] == "yes") { $CSVLine .= "<td>Department</td>"; } if ($post["NomGrade"] == "yes") { $CSVLine .= "<td>Grade</td>"; } if ($post["RedeemDate"] == "yes") { $CSVLine .= "<td>Redeem Date</td>"; } if ($post["TransCode"] == "yes") { $CSVLine .= "<td>Order Ref</td>"; } if ($post["ProdCat"] == "yes") { $CSVLine .= "<td>Product Category</td>"; } if ($post["Product"] == "yes") { $CSVLine .= "<td>Product</td>"; } if ($post["AmountSpent"] == "yes") { $CSVLine .= "<td>Amount Spent</td>"; } if ($post["CurrentBalance"] == "yes") { $CSVLine .= "<td>Current Balance</td>"; } $CSVLine .= "<td>Address 1</td>"; $CSVLine .= "<td>Address 2</td>"; $CSVLine .= "<td>Town</td>"; $CSVLine .= "<td>Postcode</td>"; $CSVLine .= "</tr>"; $CSVMaster .= $CSVLine; while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $CSVLine = "<tr>"; $dbline = $row; $Nominee = getUser($dbline["EmpNum"]); $EmpAwards = getAvailable($dbline["EmpNum"]); $ProdData = getProductByID($dbline["prID"]); $CCTrans = getCCTransaction($dbline["orderID"]); $prodCat = getProductCategory($ProdData["subID"]); // We check each field and then add it to the CSV if ($post["NomineeID"] == "yes") { $CSVLine .= "<td>" . $dbline["EmpNum"] . "</td>"; } if ($post["Nominee"] == "yes") { $CSVLine .= "<td>" . Trim($Nominee->Fname) . " " . Trim($Nominee->Sname) . "</td>"; } if ($post["Department"] == "yes") { $CSVLine .= "<td>" . Trim($Nominee->Department) . "</td>"; } if ($post["NomGrade"] == "yes") { $CSVLine .= "<td>" . Trim($Nominee->Grade) . "</td>"; } if ($post["RedeemDate"] == "yes") { $CSVLine .= "<td>" . $dbline["date"] . "</td>"; } if ($post["TransCode"] == "yes") { $CSVLine .= "<td>CR" . $dbline["orderID"] . "</td>"; } if ($post["ProdCat"] == "yes") { $CSVLine .= "<td>" . Trim($prodCat["label"]) . "</td>"; } if ($post["Product"] == "yes") { $CSVLine .= "<td>" . Trim($ProdData["aTitle"]) . "</td>"; } $totalprice = floatval($dbline["totalPrice"]) + floatval($CCTrans->Amount); if ($post["AmountSpent"] == "yes") { $CSVLine .= "<td>" . Trim($totalprice) . "</td>"; } if ($post["CurrentBalance"] == "yes") { $CSVLine .= "<td>" . $EmpAwards . "</td>"; } $CSVLine .= "<td>" . Trim($dbline["address1"]) . "</td>"; $CSVLine .= "<td>" . Trim($dbline["address2"]) . "</td>"; $CSVLine .= "<td>" . Trim($dbline["town"]) . "</td>"; $CSVLine .= "<td>" . Trim($dbline["postcode"]) . "</td>"; $CSVLine .= "</tr>"; $CSVMaster .= $CSVLine; } $CSVMaster .= $CSVLine . "</table>"; return $CSVMaster; }
<?php include 'database.php'; header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8'); if (isset($_POST['sale_order_id'])) { $sale_order_id = $_POST['sale_order_id']; } if (isset($_POST['sale_order_line_id'])) { $sale_order_line_id = $_POST['sale_order_line_id']; $req = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM uc_order_products WHERE order_product_id={$sale_order_line_id} ") or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($req) > 0) { $res = mysql_fetch_array($req); $product_id = $res["nid"]; $category_list = getProductCategory($product_id); $sql = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($category_list); $i++) { $categories = split("/", $category_list[$i]); $name = $categories[count($categories) - 1]; $sql .= "SELECT '" . $category_list[$i] . "' as category , tn.tid as distinction "; $sql .= "FROM term_node tn "; $sql .= "LEFT OUTER JOIN term_data td ON tn.tid = td.tid "; $sql .= " where'{$name}' "; if (isset($product_id)) { $sql .= " AND nid=" . $product_id . " "; } if ($i < count($category_list) - 1) { $sql .= " UNION "; } } if (!empty($sql)) { echo executeSQL($sql);