  * Representative h-card
  * Given the microformats on a page representing a person or organisation (h-card), find the single h-card which is
  * representative of the page, or null if none is found.
  * @see http://microformats.org/wiki/representative-h-card-parsing
  * @param array  $mfs The parsed microformats of a page to search for a representative h-card
  * @param string $url The URL the microformats were fetched from
  * @return array|null Either a single h-card array structure, or null if none was found
 public static function getRepresentativeHCard(array $mfs, $url)
     $hCardsMatchingUidUrlPageUrl = findMicroformatsByCallable($mfs, function ($hCard) use($url) {
         return hasProp($hCard, 'uid') and hasProp($hCard, 'url') and urlsMatch(getPlaintext($hCard, 'uid'), $url) and count(array_filter($hCard['properties']['url'], function ($u) use($url) {
             return urlsMatch($u, $url);
         })) > 0;
     if (!empty($hCardsMatchingUidUrlPageUrl)) {
         return $hCardsMatchingUidUrlPageUrl[0];
     if (!empty($mfs['rels']['me'])) {
         $hCardsMatchingUrlRelMe = self::findMicroformatsByCallable($mfs, function ($hCard) use($mfs) {
             if (hasProp($hCard, 'url')) {
                 foreach ($mfs['rels']['me'] as $relUrl) {
                     foreach ($hCard['properties']['url'] as $url) {
                         if (urlsMatch($url, $relUrl)) {
                             return true;
             return false;
         if (!empty($hCardsMatchingUrlRelMe)) {
             return $hCardsMatchingUrlRelMe[0];
     $hCardsMatchingUrlPageUrl = findMicroformatsByCallable($mfs, function ($hCard) use($url) {
         return hasProp($hCard, 'url') and count(array_filter($hCard['properties']['url'], function ($u) use($url) {
             return urlsMatch($u, $url);
         })) > 0;
     if (count($hCardsMatchingUrlPageUrl) === 1) {
         return $hCardsMatchingUrlPageUrl[0];
     // Otherwise, no representative h-card could be found.
     return null;
function getRec($newsurl, $debug = false)
    global $analyshus;
    global $companys;
    if (substr($newsurl, 0, 5) != "http:") {
        $newsurl = "http://di.se" . $newsurl;
    $html = scraperWiki::scrape($newsurl);
    $dom = new simple_html_dom();
    $arr = array();
    // bolag
    $rub_el = $dom->find("h1", 0);
    if (is_null($rub_el)) {
        throw new Exception("Hittade inte rubrikelementet " . $newsurl);
    $rub = preg_replace("/[\n\r]/", "", getPlaintext($rub_el));
    $i = 0;
    if (preg_match("/([\\wåäöÅÄÖ& ]+)\\s*:\\s*(.+)/i", $rub, $matches)) {
        $stock = strtolower_utf8(trim($matches[1]));
        $hus = trim($matches[2]);
        array_push($arr, array("stock" => $stock, "rek" => "", "to" => -1, "by" => "", "rub" => $rub, "url" => $newsurl, "text" => "", "date" => "", "currency" => ""));
        foreach ($analyshus as $key => $value) {
            if (stripos($hus, $key) > -1) {
                $arr[0]["by"] = $value;
        //print_r($arr[0]["by"] . ", l:" . count(trim($arr[0]["by"])));
        if (strlen($arr[0]["by"]) == 0) {
            throw new Exception("'{$hus}' är inte en mäklare, rub: " . $rub . " " . $newsurl);
    } else {
        throw new Exception("Ingen matchande rubrik hittades: " . $newsurl . " " . getPlaintext($dom->find("#articleBody", 0)));
    if ($arr[0]["by"] == "") {
        throw new Exception("Hittade inte mäklare: " . $rub);
    // kolla om bolaget finns
    // först kollas om nyckeln finns i arrayen, sen om ej fanns så söks arrayen igenom och om strängen finns i början av nyckel
    $stockname = null;
    if (array_key_exists(strtolower($stock), $companys)) {
        $stockname = $companys[strtolower($stock)];
    if (is_null($stockname)) {
        $stockname = getitem_array_in_string($companys, strtolower($stock));
    if (is_null($stockname)) {
        $stockname = getitem_array_in_string($companys, str_replace(" ", "", strtolower($stock)));
    if (is_null($stockname)) {
        throw new Exception("{$stock} är inte en aktie " . $newsurl);
    $arr[0]["stock"] = $stockname;
    // datum
    $datebox = $dom->find("#phArticle .date", 0);
    if (!is_null($datebox)) {
        $arr[0]["date"] = trim(str_replace("Uppdaterad ", "", getPlaintext($datebox)));
    if ($arr[0]["date"] == "") {
        throw new Exception("Inget datum " . $newsurl);
    // riktkurs
    $to = -1;
    $intro = $dom->find("#articleIntro", 0);
    $arttext = $dom->find("#articleBody", 0);
    $text = "";
    if (!is_null($intro) && strlen(getPlaintext($intro)) > 0) {
        $text = getPlaintext($intro) . utf8_encode(". ");
    if (!is_null($arttext)) {
        $text = $text . getPlaintext($arttext);
    array_merge($arr[0], getRiktkursAndCurrency($text));
    //$text = iconv("UTF-8","UTF-8//IGNORE",$text);
    $arr[0]["text"] = preg_replace("/[\n\r]/", "", $text);
    //preg_replace('/[^(\x20-\xFF)]*/','', $text);
    $rek = "";
    // rekommendation
    $rekindex = iarray_in_string(array("rekommendation", "höjer", "sänker"), $text);
    if ($rekindex > -1) {
        $words = explode(" ", strtolower(preg_replace("/[!\\.,]/", "", substr($text, $rekindex))));
        $starkt = false;
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($words); $i++) {
            switch ($words[$i]) {
                case "starkt":
                    $starkt = true;
                case "köp":
                case "övervikt":
                case "öka":
                case "köprekommendation":
                case "outperform":
                    $rek = "+";
                case "buy":
                    $rek = "+";
                    if ($i > 0 && strtolower($words[$i - 1]) == "conviction") {
                        $rek = "++";
                case "perform":
                    if ($i > 0 && strtolower($words[$i - 1]) == "sector") {
                        $rek = "-";
                case "minska":
                case "undervikt":
                case "sälj":
                case "säljrekommendation":
                case "underperform":
                    $rek = "-";
                case "neutral":
                case "jämvikt":
                case "behåll":
                case "behållrekommendation":
                    $rek = "0";
            //print $words[$i] . " => " . $rek;
            if (strlen($rek) > 0) {
                if ($rek != "0" && $starkt) {
                    $rek = $rek . $rek;
                // else nått konstigt om else inträffar här
        if (strlen($rek) > 0) {
            $arr[0]["rek"] = $rek;
    if ($rek == "") {
        if (stripos($text, "köprekommendation") > -1) {
            $rek = "+";
        if (iarray_in_string(array("säljrekommendation", "säljlista"), $text) > -1) {
            $rek = "-";
        if (stripos($text, "behållrekommendation") > -1) {
            $rek = "0";
        if (strlen($rek) > 0) {
            $arr[0]["rek"] = $rek;
    if ($debug) {
    return $arr;