// This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.
// $Id: GUI_group_admin.php,v 1.10 2010/03/14 20:56:11 manolis Exp $
if (!L_auth::isAdmin($userID)) {
    echo "go away";
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/CL_area.php';
$areaID = makeSane($_GET['areaID'], 1);
$pilotsList = array();
$pilotsID = array();
list($pilotsList, $pilotsID) = getPilotList();
list($takeoffs, $takeoffsID) = getTakeoffList();
list($countriesCodes, $countriesNames) = getCountriesList();
if ($_REQUEST["addTakeoffForm"]) {
    // form submitted
    $takeoffToAdd = $_POST['takeoff_select'] + 0;
    $query = "INSERT INTO {$areasTakeoffsTable}\t(areaID,takeoffID) VALUES ({$areaID},{$takeoffToAdd})";
    // echo $query;
    $res = $db->sql_query($query);
    if ($res <= 0) {
        echo "Problem in inserting takeoff to area";
    } else {
        echo "Takeoff added to area<br>";
} else {
    // form not submitted
        <input name="add_pilot_id" type="text" id="add_pilot_id" />
      pilotID to add </p>
        <input name="Add pilot" type="button" id="Add pilot" value="Add pilot" onclick="javascript:addClubPilot();"/>
      <p><strong>Pilots in the club </strong></p>
//echo "<BR>";
//open_inner_table("Administer CLub/League",730,"icon_home.gif"); echo "<tr><td>";
list($pilots, $pilotsID) = getPilotList($clubID);
$i = 0;
foreach ($pilots as $pilotName) {
    $pilotID = $pilotsID[$i++];
    echo "<div id='pl_{$pilotID}'>{$pilotName} ({$pilotID}) : <a href='javascript:removeClubPilot(\"{$pilotID}\");'>Remove pilot</a></div>";
    </p>      </td>