function declineOrganization($getPage_connection2)
    if (strlen($_SESSION["action"]) >= 1) {
        if ($_SESSION["action"] == "decline") {
            if ($_SESSION["nation_id"] >= 1) {
                $nationInfoSelect = getNationInfo($getPage_connection2, $_SESSION["nation_id"]);
                if ($_SESSION["org"] >= 1) {
                    $organizationInfoSelect = getOrganizationInfo($getPage_connection2, $_SESSION["org"]);
                    $new_invites = array(0 => 0);
                    $counter = 0;
                    $nationInfoM = getNationInfo($getPage_connection2, $_SESSION["nation_id"]);
                    for ($z = 0; $z < count($nationInfoM["invites"]); $z++) {
                        if ($_SESSION["org"] != $nationInfoM["invites"][$z]) {
                            $new_invites[$counter] = $nationInfoM["invites"][$z];
                        // if
                    // for
                    setNationInfo($getPage_connection2, $nationInfoSelect["id"], $nationInfoSelect["name"], $nationInfoSelect["home"], $nationInfoSelect["formal"], $nationInfoSelect["flag"], $nationInfoSelect["production"], $nationInfoSelect["money"], $nationInfoSelect["debt"], $nationInfoSelect["happiness"], $nationInfoSelect["food"], $nationInfoSelect["authority"], $nationInfoSelect["authorityChanged"], $nationInfoSelect["economy"], $nationInfoSelect["economyChanged"], $nationInfoSelect["organizations"], $new_invites, $nationInfoSelect["goods"], $nationInfoSelect["resources"], $nationInfoSelect["population"], $nationInfoSelect["strike"]);
                    $new_pending = array(0 => 0);
                    $counter = 0;
                    $organizationInfoM = getOrganizationInfo($getPage_connection2, $_SESSION["org"]);
                    for ($z = 0; $z < count($organizationInfoM["pending"]); $z++) {
                        if ($_SESSION["nation_id"] != $organizationInfoM["pending"][$z]) {
                            $new_pending[$counter] = $organizationInfoM["pending"][$z];
                        // if
                    // for
                    setOrganizationInfo($getPage_connection2, $_SESSION["org"], $organizationInfoSelect["name"], $organizationInfoSelect["members"], $organizationInfoSelect["managers"], $new_pending, $organizationInfoSelect["ranking"]);
                    $_SESSION["success_message"] = "Nation has declined organization successfully!";
                } else {
                    $_SESSION["warning_message"] = "Cannot complete action: organization is not valid.";
                // else
            } else {
                $_SESSION["warning_message"] = "Cannot complete action: nation is not valid.";
            // else
        } else {
            $_SESSION["warning_message"] = "Cannot complete action: action is not valid.";
        // else
    } else {
        $_SESSION["warning_message"] = "Cannot complete action: action is not valid.";
    // else
function showPoliciesInfo($getPage_connection2)
    $nationInfo = getNationInfo($getPage_connection2, $_SESSION["nation_id"]);
    $continentInfo = getContinentInfo($getPage_connection2, $nationInfo["home"]);
    $productionInfo = getProductionInfo($getPage_connection2, $_SESSION["nation_id"]);
    $authorityReport = getAuthorityReport($nationInfo["authority"]);
    $economyReport = getEconomyReport($nationInfo["economy"]);
    $rankingInfo = getRankingInfo($getPage_connection2, $_SESSION["nation_id"]);
    echo "        <div class=\"spacing-from-menu well well-lg standard-text\">\n";
    echo "          <div class=\"panel panel-info\">\n";
    echo "            <div data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title=\"View basic govermental policies.\" class=\"panel-heading\">\n";
    echo "              <h3 class=\"panel-title\">Government        <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default btn-md collapsed\" data-toggle=\"collapse\" data-target=\"#collapseGovernment\"><span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-plus\"></span>/<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-minus\"></span></button></h3>\n";
    echo "            </div>\n";
    echo "            <div id=\"collapseGovernment\" class=\"panel-body collapse in\">\n";
    echo "              <div class=\"col-md-8 col-center\">\n";
    echo "                <h3>" . $nationInfo["formal"] . "</h3>\n";
    echo "                <br />\n";
    if (strlen($nationInfo["flag"]) >= 1) {
        echo "                <img class=\"info_flag\" src=\"" . $nationInfo["flag"] . "\" alt=\"Flag of " . $nationInfo["name"] . "\" />\n";
    } else {
        echo "                <img class=\"info_flag\" src=\"images/blank.png\" alt=\"Flag of " . $nationInfo["name"] . "\" />\n";
    // else
    echo "                <br />\n";
    echo "                <br />\n";
    echo "                <br />\n";
    echo "                Home Continent: " . $continentInfo["name"] . " (" . $nationInfo["home"] . ") \n";
    echo "                <br />\n";
    echo "                Authority: " . $nationInfo["authority"] . "/10\n";
    echo "                <br />\n";
    echo "                " . $authorityReport . "\n";
    echo "                <br />\n";
    echo "                Economy: " . $nationInfo["economy"] . "/10\n";
    echo "                <br />\n";
    echo "                " . $economyReport . "\n";
    echo "              </div>\n";
    echo "            </div>\n";
    echo "          </div>\n";
    echo "          <div class=\"panel panel-info\">\n";
    echo "            <div data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title=\"Change basic govermental policies.\" class=\"panel-heading\">\n";
    echo "              <h3 class=\"panel-title\">Change Policies        <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default btn-md collapsed\" data-toggle=\"collapse\" data-target=\"#collapseChange\"><span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-plus\"></span>/<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-minus\"></span></button></h3>\n";
    echo "            </div>\n";
    echo "            <div id=\"collapseChange\" class=\"panel-body collapse in\">\n";
    echo "              <div class=\"col-md-8 col-center\">\n";
    echo "                <label class=\"control-label\">Reform Government:</label> \n";
    echo "                  <form action=\"index.php?page=policies\" method=\"post\">\n";
    echo "                    <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"policies\" />\n";
    if ($nationInfo["authorityChanged"] == 0) {
        echo "                    <div class=\"form-group form-group-sm\">\n";
        if ($nationInfo["authority"] > 0) {
            echo "                      <button onclick=\"loadButton(this)\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title=\"Decrease authority.  This will mean less state control of society.\" value=\"aminus\" name=\"action\" id=\"authority_decrease\" type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-md btn-primary\"><span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-minus\"></span></button>\n";
        // if
        echo "                Authority\n";
        if ($nationInfo["authority"] < 10) {
            echo "                      <button onclick=\"loadButton(this)\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title=\"Increase authority.  This will mean more state control of society.\" value=\"aplus\" name=\"action\" id=\"authority_increase\" type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-md btn-primary\"><span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-plus\"></span></button>\n";
        // if
        echo "                    </div>\n";
    } else {
        echo "                    Authority has already been reformed this turn. <br />\n";
    // else
    if ($nationInfo["economyChanged"] == 0) {
        echo "                    <div class=\"form-group form-group-sm\">\n";
        if ($nationInfo["economy"] > 0) {
            echo "                      <button onclick=\"loadButton(this)\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title=\"Decrease economic control.  This will mean less state intervention in the economy.\" value=\"eminus\" name=\"action\" id=\"economy_decrease\" type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-md btn-primary\"><span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-minus\"></span></button>\n";
        // if
        echo "                        Economy\n";
        if ($nationInfo["economy"] < 10) {
            echo "                      <button onclick=\"loadButton(this)\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title=\"Increase economic control.  This will mean more state intervention in the economy.\" value=\"eplus\" name=\"action\" id=\"economy_increase\" type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-md btn-primary\"><span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-plus\"></span></button>\n";
        // if
        echo "                    </div>\n";
    } else {
        echo "                    Economy has already been reformed this turn. <br />\n";
    // else
    echo "                    <div class=\"form-group form-group-sm\">\n";
    echo "                      <label class=\"control-label\" for=\"formal\">Formal Name:</label>\n";
    echo "                      <input name=\"formalname\" type=\"text\" class=\"form-control input-md\" id=\"formal\" placeholder=\"New Formal Name of Nation\" />\n";
    echo "                      <button onclick=\"loadButton(this)\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title=\"Change long formal name of nation.  This will not affect the regular short name of your nation!\" value=\"formal\" name=\"action\" id=\"formal_change\" type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-md btn-primary\">Change Formal Name</button>\n";
    echo "                    </div>\n";
    echo "                  </form>\n";
    echo "                  <form action=\"index.php?page=policies&amp;action=flag\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">\n";
    echo "                    <div class=\"form-group form-group-sm\">\n";
    echo "                      <label class=\"control-label\" for=\"fileToUpload\">Upload New Flag:</label>\n";
    echo "                      <br />\n";
    echo "                      <span data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title=\"Select an image file from your computer to be your new flag.\" class=\"btn btn-med btn-default btn-file\">\n";
    echo "                        Browse <input type=\"file\" name=\"fileToUpload\" id=\"fileToUpload\" />\n";
    echo "                      </span>\n";
    echo "                      <button onclick=\"loadButton(this)\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title=\"Upload your new flag.\" value=\"flag\" name=\"action\" type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-md btn-primary\">Change Flag</button>\n";
    echo "                    </div>\n";
    echo "                  </form>\n";
    echo "                </div>\n";
    echo "            </div>\n";
    echo "          </div>\n";
    echo "          <div class=\"panel panel-info\">\n";
    echo "            <div data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title=\"Change production expenditure and prioritization.\" class=\"panel-heading\">\n";
    echo "              <h3 class=\"panel-title\">Production        <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default btn-md collapsed\" data-toggle=\"collapse\" data-target=\"#collapseProduction\"><span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-plus\"></span>/<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-minus\"></span></button></h3>\n";
    echo "            </div>\n";
    echo "            <div id=\"collapseProduction\" class=\"panel-body collapse in\">\n";
    echo "              <div class=\"col-md-8 col-center\">\n";
    echo "                <form action=\"index.php?page=policies\" method=\"post\">\n";
    echo "                  <div class=\"form-group form-group-sm\">\n";
    echo "                    <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"policies\" />\n";
    echo "                    <label class=\"control-label\" for=\"slider1\">Production Spending Percentage:</label>\n";
    echo "                    <input data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title=\"Change the amount of production you spend for this turn.  Remember that production does not transfer over to the next turn!\" name=\"prod-percent\" id=\"slider1\" type=\"range\" min=\"0\" max=\"100\" step=\"5\" value=\"" . $productionInfo["spending"] . "\" class=\"\" />\n";
    echo "                    <br />\n";
    $productionInfo1 = getProductionInfo($getPage_connection2, $_SESSION["nation_id"]);
    if ($productionInfo1["id"] >= 1) {
        for ($k = 0; $k < count($productionInfo1["goods"]) + 1; $k++) {
            $new_index = $k + 1;
            $goodsInfo2 = getGoodsInfo($getPage_connection2, $new_index);
            if ($goodsInfo2["id"] >= 1) {
                echo "                    <label class=\"control-label\" for=\"slider_prod-" . $goodsInfo2["name"] . "\">Emphasize " . $goodsInfo2["name"] . ":</label>\n";
                echo "                    " . round($goodsInfo2["productionRequired"], 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP) . " Production, " . round($goodsInfo2["foodRequired"], 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP) . " Food";
                for ($t = 0; $t < count($goodsInfo2["resourceTypesRequired"]); $t++) {
                    if ($goodsInfo2["resourceTypesRequired"][$t] >= 1) {
                        echo ", ";
                        $resourceTypeInfo1 = getResourceTypeInfo($getPage_connection2, $goodsInfo2["resourceTypesRequired"][$t]);
                        echo $goodsInfo2["resourceQuantitiesRequired"][$t] . " " . $resourceTypeInfo1["name"];
                    // if
                // for
                echo "\n";
                $productionType = $goodsInfo2["id"];
                if (strlen($productionType) >= 1) {
                    echo "                    <input data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title=\"Change prioritization of producing this good.\" name=\"prod[" . $k . "]\" id=\"slider_prod-" . $productionType . "\" type=\"range\" min=\"0\" max=\"3\" step=\"1\" value=\"" . $productionInfo1["goods"][$k] . "\" />\n";
                } else {
                    echo "                    <input data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title=\"Change prioritization of producing this good.\" name=\"prod[" . $k . "]\" id=\"slider_prod-" . $productionType . "\" type=\"range\" min=\"0\" max=\"3\" step=\"1\" value=\"0\" />\n";
                // else
            // if
        // for
    // if
    echo "                    <button onclick=\"loadButton(this)\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title=\"Submit changes to production expenditure and prioritization.\" value=\"prod\" name=\"action\" id=\"prod_change\" type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-md btn-primary\">Set Production</button>\n";
    echo "                  </div>\n";
    echo "                </form>\n";
    echo "              </div>\n";
    echo "            </div>\n";
    echo "          </div>\n";
    echo "          <div class=\"panel panel-info\">\n";
    echo "            <div data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title=\"View general information about nation.\" class=\"panel-heading\">\n";
    echo "              <h3 class=\"panel-title\">General        <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default btn-md collapsed\" data-toggle=\"collapse\" data-target=\"#collapseGeneral\"><span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-plus\"></span>/<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-minus\"></span></button></h3>\n";
    echo "            </div>\n";
    echo "            <div id=\"collapseGeneral\" class=\"panel-body collapse in\">\n";
    echo "              <div class=\"col-md-8 col-center\">\n";
    echo "                Production: " . $nationInfo["production"] . ", #" . $rankingInfo["production"] . " in world\n";
    echo "                <br />\n";
    echo "                Money: " . $nationInfo["money"] . ", #" . $rankingInfo["money"] . " in world\n";
    echo "                <br />\n";
    echo "                Debt: " . $nationInfo["debt"] . "\n";
    echo "                <br />\n";
    if ($nationInfo["happiness"] >= 4) {
        echo "                Happiness: <img src=\"images/happiness/4.png\" alt=\"Very Happy\" />" . $nationInfo["happiness"] . ", #" . $rankingInfo["happiness"] . " in world\n";
    } else {
        if ($nationInfo["happiness"] >= 3) {
            echo "                Happiness: <img src=\"images/happiness/3.png\" alt=\"Happy\" />" . $nationInfo["happiness"] . ", #" . $rankingInfo["happiness"] . " in world\n";
        } else {
            if ($nationInfo["happiness"] >= 2) {
                echo "                Happiness: <img src=\"images/happiness/2.png\" alt=\"Neutral\" />" . $nationInfo["happiness"] . ", #" . $rankingInfo["happiness"] . " in world\n";
            } else {
                echo "                Happiness: <img src=\"images/happiness/1.png\" alt=\"Unhappy\" />" . $nationInfo["happiness"] . ", #" . $rankingInfo["happiness"] . " in world\n";
    // else
    echo "                <br />\n";
    echo "                Food: " . round($nationInfo["food"], 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP) . ", #" . $rankingInfo["food"] . " in world\n";
    echo "                <br />\n";
    echo "                Population: " . $nationInfo["population"] . ", #" . $rankingInfo["population"] . " in world\n";
    echo "              </div>\n";
    echo "            </div>\n";
    echo "          </div>\n";
    echo "          <div class=\"panel panel-info\">\n";
    echo "            <div data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title=\"View goods inventory statistics of nation.\" class=\"panel-heading\">\n";
    echo "              <h3 class=\"panel-title\">Goods        <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default btn-md collapsed\" data-toggle=\"collapse\" data-target=\"#collapseGoods\"><span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-plus\"></span>/<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-minus\"></span></button></h3>\n";
    echo "            </div>\n";
    echo "            <div id=\"collapseGoods\" class=\"panel-body collapse in\">\n";
    echo "              <div class=\"col-md-8 col-center\">\n";
    for ($zz = 0; $zz < count($nationInfo["goods"]); $zz++) {
        $goodsInfoK = getGoodsInfo($getPage_connection2, $zz + 1);
        echo "                " . $goodsInfoK["name"] . ": " . $nationInfo["goods"][$zz] . "\n";
        echo "                <br />\n";
    // for
    echo "              </div>\n";
    echo "            </div>\n";
    echo "          </div>\n";
    echo "          <div class=\"panel panel-info\">\n";
    echo "            <div data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title=\"View resources inventory statistics of nation.\" class=\"panel-heading\">\n";
    echo "              <h3 class=\"panel-title\">Resources        <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default btn-md collapsed\" data-toggle=\"collapse\" data-target=\"#collapseResources\"><span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-plus\"></span>/<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-minus\"></span></button></h3>\n";
    echo "            </div>\n";
    echo "            <div id=\"collapseResources\" class=\"panel-body collapse in\">\n";
    echo "              <div class=\"col-md-8 col-center\">\n";
    for ($zz = 0; $zz < count($nationInfo["resources"]); $zz++) {
        $resourceTypeInfoK = getResourceTypeInfo($getPage_connection2, $zz + 1);
        echo "                " . $resourceTypeInfoK["name"] . ": " . $nationInfo["resources"][$zz] . "\n";
        echo "                <br />\n";
    // for
    echo "              </div>\n";
    echo "            </div>\n";
    echo "          </div>\n";
    echo "          <div class=\"panel panel-info\">\n";
    echo "            <div data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title=\"View organizations that nation is currently a member of.\" class=\"panel-heading\">\n";
    echo "              <h3 class=\"panel-title\">Organizations        <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default btn-md collapsed\" data-toggle=\"collapse\" data-target=\"#collapseOrganizations\"><span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-plus\"></span>/<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-minus\"></span></button></h3>\n";
    echo "            </div>\n";
    echo "            <div id=\"collapseOrganizations\" class=\"panel-body collapse in\">\n";
    echo "              <div class=\"col-md-8 col-center\">\n";
    echo "                ";
    $belongstoOrgs = false;
    for ($z = 0; $z < count($nationInfo["organizations"]); $z++) {
        if ($z >= 1 && $nationInfo["organizations"][0] > 0) {
            echo ", ";
        // if
        if ($nationInfo["organizations"][$z] >= 1) {
            $organizationInfo1 = getOrganizationInfo($getPage_connection2, $nationInfo["organizations"][$z]);
            echo "<a href=\"index.php?page=info&amp;section=orgs&amp;info_id=" . $organizationInfo1["id"] . "\">" . $organizationInfo1["name"] . "</a>";
            if (strlen($organizationInfo1["name"]) >= 1) {
                $belongsToOrgs = true;
            // if
        // if
    // for
    echo "                \n";
    echo "              </div>\n";
    echo "            </div>\n";
    echo "          </div>\n";
    echo "        </div>\n";
function showInfoInfo($getPage_connection2)
    echo "        <div class=\"spacing-from-menu well well-lg standard-text\">\n";
    if ($_SESSION["section"] == "nations") {
        $nationInfo = getNationInfo($getPage_connection2, $_SESSION["info_id"]);
        $continentInfo = getContinentInfo($getPage_connection2, $nationInfo["home"]);
        $authorityReport = getAuthorityReport($nationInfo["authority"]);
        $economyReport = getEconomyReport($nationInfo["economy"]);
        $rankingInfo = getRankingInfo($getPage_connection2, $_SESSION["info_id"]);
        echo "          <div class=\"panel panel-info\">\n";
        echo "            <div data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title=\"View basic govermental policies.\" class=\"panel-heading\">\n";
        echo "              <h3 class=\"panel-title\">Government        <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default btn-md collapsed\" data-toggle=\"collapse\" data-target=\"#collapseGovernment\"><span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-plus\"></span>/<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-minus\"></span></button></h3>\n";
        echo "            </div>\n";
        echo "            <div id=\"collapseGovernment\" class=\"panel-body collapse in\">\n";
        echo "              <div class=\"col-md-8 col-center\">\n";
        echo "                <h3>" . $nationInfo["formal"] . "</h3>\n";
        echo "                <br />\n";
        if (strlen($nationInfo["flag"]) >= 1) {
            echo "                <img class=\"info_flag\" src=\"" . $nationInfo["flag"] . "\" alt=\"Flag of " . $nationInfo["name"] . "\" />\n";
        } else {
            echo "                <img class=\"info_flag\" src=\"images/blank.png\" alt=\"Flag of " . $nationInfo["name"] . "\" />\n";
        // else
        echo "                <br />\n";
        echo "                <br />\n";
        echo "                <br />\n";
        echo "                Home Continent: " . $continentInfo["name"] . " (" . $nationInfo["home"] . ") \n";
        echo "                <br />\n";
        echo "                Authority: " . $nationInfo["authority"] . "/10\n";
        echo "                <br />\n";
        echo "                " . $authorityReport . "\n";
        echo "                <br />\n";
        echo "                Economy: " . $nationInfo["economy"] . "/10\n";
        echo "                <br />\n";
        echo "                " . $economyReport . "\n";
        echo "              </div>\n";
        echo "            </div>\n";
        echo "          </div>\n";
        echo "          <div class=\"panel panel-info\">\n";
        echo "            <div data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title=\"View general information about nation.\" class=\"panel-heading\">\n";
        echo "              <h3 class=\"panel-title\">General        <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default btn-md collapsed\" data-toggle=\"collapse\" data-target=\"#collapseGeneral\"><span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-plus\"></span>/<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-minus\"></span></button></h3>\n";
        echo "            </div>\n";
        echo "            <div id=\"collapseGeneral\" class=\"panel-body collapse in\">\n";
        echo "              <div class=\"col-md-8 col-center\">\n";
        echo "                Production: " . $nationInfo["production"] . ", #" . $rankingInfo["production"] . " in world\n";
        echo "                <br />\n";
        echo "                Money: " . $nationInfo["money"] . ", #" . $rankingInfo["money"] . " in world\n";
        echo "                <br />\n";
        echo "                Debt: " . $nationInfo["debt"] . "\n";
        echo "                <br />\n";
        if ($nationInfo["happiness"] >= 4) {
            echo "                Happiness: <img src=\"images/happiness/4.png\" alt=\"Very Happy\" />" . $nationInfo["happiness"] . ", #" . $rankingInfo["happiness"] . " in world\n";
        } else {
            if ($nationInfo["happiness"] >= 3) {
                echo "                Happiness: <img src=\"images/happiness/3.png\" alt=\"Happy\" />" . $nationInfo["happiness"] . ", #" . $rankingInfo["happiness"] . " in world\n";
            } else {
                if ($nationInfo["happiness"] >= 2) {
                    echo "                Happiness: <img src=\"images/happiness/2.png\" alt=\"Neutral\" />" . $nationInfo["happiness"] . ", #" . $rankingInfo["happiness"] . " in world\n";
                } else {
                    echo "                Happiness: <img src=\"images/happiness/1.png\" alt=\"Unhappy\" />" . $nationInfo["happiness"] . ", #" . $rankingInfo["happiness"] . " in world\n";
        // else
        echo "                <br />\n";
        echo "                Food: " . round($nationInfo["food"], 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP) . ", #" . $rankingInfo["food"] . " in world\n";
        echo "                <br />\n";
        echo "                Population: " . $nationInfo["population"] . ", #" . $rankingInfo["population"] . " in world\n";
        echo "              </div>\n";
        echo "            </div>\n";
        echo "          </div>\n";
        echo "          <div class=\"panel panel-info\">\n";
        echo "            <div data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title=\"View organizations that nation is currently a member of.\" class=\"panel-heading\">\n";
        echo "              <h3 class=\"panel-title\">Organizations        <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default btn-md collapsed\" data-toggle=\"collapse\" data-target=\"#collapseOrganizations\"><span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-plus\"></span>/<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-minus\"></span></button></h3>\n";
        echo "            </div>\n";
        echo "            <div id=\"collapseOrganizations\" class=\"panel-body collapse in\">\n";
        echo "              <div class=\"col-md-8 col-center\">\n";
        echo "                ";
        $belongstoOrgs = false;
        for ($z = 0; $z < count($nationInfo["organizations"]); $z++) {
            if ($z >= 1 && $nationInfo["organizations"][0] > 0) {
                echo ", ";
            // if
            if ($nationInfo["organizations"][$z] >= 1) {
                $organizationInfo1 = getOrganizationInfo($getPage_connection2, $nationInfo["organizations"][$z]);
                echo "<a href=\"index.php?page=info&amp;section=orgs&amp;info_id=" . $organizationInfo1["id"] . "\">" . $organizationInfo1["name"] . "</a>";
                if (strlen($organizationInfo1["name"]) >= 1) {
                    $belongsToOrgs = true;
                // if
            // if
        // for
        echo "                \n";
        echo "              </div>\n";
        echo "            </div>\n";
        echo "          </div>\n";
    } else {
        $organizationInfo = getOrganizationInfo($getPage_connection2, $_SESSION["info_id"]);
        echo "          <div class=\"panel panel-info\">\n";
        echo "            <div data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title=\"View general information about organization.\" class=\"panel-heading\">\n";
        echo "              <h3 class=\"panel-title\">General        <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default btn-md collapsed\" data-toggle=\"collapse\" data-target=\"#collapseGeneral\"><span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-plus\"></span>/<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-minus\"></span></button></h3>\n";
        echo "            </div>\n";
        echo "            <div id=\"collapseGeneral\" class=\"panel-body collapse in\">\n";
        echo "              <div class=\"col-md-8 col-center\">\n";
        echo "                <h3>" . $organizationInfo["name"] . "</h3>\n";
        echo "                <br />\n";
        echo "                Ranking: " . $organizationInfo["ranking"] . " \n";
        echo "                <br />\n";
        echo "                <br />\n";
        echo "                Managers: " . count($organizationInfo["managers"]) . "\n";
        echo "                <br />\n";
        for ($z = 0; $z < count($organizationInfo["managers"]); $z++) {
            if ($z >= 1) {
                echo ", ";
            // if
            if ($organizationInfo["managers"][$z] >= 1) {
                $nationInfo1 = getNationInfo($getPage_connection2, $organizationInfo["managers"][$z]);
                echo "<a href=\"index.php?page=info&amp;section=nations&amp;info_id=" . $nationInfo1["id"] . "\">" . $nationInfo1["name"] . "</a>";
            // if
        // for
        echo "                <br />\n";
        echo "                Members: " . count($organizationInfo["members"]) . "\n";
        echo "                <br />\n";
        for ($za = 0; $z < count($organizationInfo["members"]); $za++) {
            if ($za >= 1) {
                echo ", ";
            // if
            if ($organizationInfo["members"][$za] >= 1) {
                $nationInfo1 = getNationInfo($getPage_connection2, $organizationInfo["members"][$za]);
                echo "<a href=\"index.php?page=info&amp;section=nations&amp;info_id=" . $nationInfo1["id"] . "\">" . $nationInfo1["name"] . "</a>";
            // if
        // for
        echo "              </div>\n";
        echo "            </div>\n";
        echo "          </div>\n";
    // else
    echo "        </div>\n";
function processSearch($getPage_connection2, $searchTerms)
    $validSearch = false;
    $foundSomething = false;
    $output = "Results for ";
    for ($a = 0; $a < count($searchTerms); $a++) {
        $output .= " \"{$searchTerms[$a]}\" \n";
    // for
    $output .= "<br /><br />\n";
    $stringSearchTerms = implode(" ", $searchTerms);
    if (strlen($stringSearchTerms) > 5 && strlen($stringSearchTerms) < 75) {
        $validSearch = true;
    } else {
        $validSearch = false;
    // else
    if ($validSearch === true) {
        $stringSearchTerms = strtolower($stringSearchTerms);
        $stringSearchTerms1 = "%" . $stringSearchTerms . "%";
        // nation search
        // go through 4 possibilities
        for ($qa = 0; $qa < 4; $qa++) {
            $offset = $qa;
            $nationSearchInfo1 = array("id" => 0, "name" => "");
            // first, search for exact match
            if ($stmt = $getPage_connection2->prepare("SELECT id FROM nations WHERE LOWER(name) LIKE ? OR LOWER(formal) LIKE ? LIMIT 1 OFFSET ?")) {
                $stmt->bind_param("ssi", $stringSearchTerms, $stringSearchTerms, $offset);
                $nationSearchInfo1["id"] = $r_id;
            } else {
            // else
            // if exact match found,
            if ($nationSearchInfo1["id"] > 0) {
                $foundSomething = true;
                $resultsInfo1 = getNationInfo($getPage_connection2, $nationSearchInfo1["id"]);
                $output .= "Nation: <a href=\"index.php?page=info&amp;section=nations&amp;info_id=" . $resultsInfo1["id"] . "\">" . $resultsInfo1["name"] . "</a> <br />\n";
                // otherwise look for rough match,
            } else {
                // second, search for inclusive match
                if ($stmt = $getPage_connection2->prepare("SELECT id FROM nations WHERE LOWER(name) LIKE ? OR LOWER(formal) LIKE ? LIMIT 1 OFFSET ?")) {
                    $stmt->bind_param("ssi", $stringSearchTerms1, $stringSearchTerms1, $offset);
                    $nationSearchInfo1["id"] = $r_id;
                } else {
                // else
                // if match found,
                if ($nationSearchInfo1["id"] > 0) {
                    $foundSomething = true;
                    $resultsInfo1 = getNationInfo($getPage_connection2, $nationSearchInfo1["id"]);
                    $output .= "Nation: <a href=\"index.php?page=info&amp;section=nations&amp;info_id=" . $resultsInfo1["id"] . "\">" . $resultsInfo1["name"] . "</a> <br />\n";
                } else {
                // else
            // else
        // for
        // organizations search
        // go through 4 possibilities
        for ($qb = 0; $qb < 4; $qb++) {
            $offset = $qb;
            $orgSearchInfo1 = array("id" => 0, "name" => "");
            // first, search for exact match
            if ($stmt = $getPage_connection2->prepare("SELECT id FROM organizations WHERE LOWER(name) LIKE ? LIMIT 1 OFFSET ?")) {
                $stmt->bind_param("si", $stringSearchTerms, $offset);
                $orgSearchInfo1["id"] = $r_id;
            } else {
            // else
            // if exact match found,
            if ($orgSearchInfo1["id"] > 0) {
                $foundSomething = true;
                $resultsInfo2 = getOrganizationInfo($getPage_connection2, $orgSearchInfo1["id"]);
                $output .= "Organization: <a href=\"index.php?page=info&amp;section=nations&amp;info_id=" . $resultsInfo2["id"] . "\">" . $resultsInfo2["name"] . "</a> <br />\n";
                // otherwise look for rough match,
            } else {
                // second, search for inclusive match
                if ($stmt = $getPage_connection2->prepare("SELECT id FROM organizations WHERE LOWER(name) LIKE ? LIMIT 1 OFFSET ?")) {
                    $stmt->bind_param("si", $stringSearchTerms1, $offset);
                    $orgSearchInfo1["id"] = $r_id;
                } else {
                // else
                // if match found,
                if ($orgSearchInfo1["id"] > 0) {
                    $foundSomething = true;
                    $resultsInfo2 = getOrganizationInfo($getPage_connection2, $orgSearchInfo1["id"]);
                    $output .= "Organization: <a href=\"index.php?page=info&amp;section=orgs&amp;info_id=" . $resultsInfo2["id"] . "\">" . $resultsInfo2["name"] . "</a> <br />\n";
                } else {
                // else
            // else
        // for
        if ($foundSomething === false) {
            $output .= "No results found.";
        // if
    } else {
        $output .= "Search length requirements are not met!  Search must be 5-75 characters long.\n";
    // else
    return $output;
Exemple #5
function updateGlobe($getPage_connection2)
    // change requirements of luxury and basic goods
    // set luxurygoods
    $goodsInfoW = getGoodsInfo($getPage_connection2, 5);
    if ($goodsInfoW["productionRequired"] - 2 > 1) {
        $new_productionRequired = mt_rand($goodsInfoW["productionRequired"] - 2, $goodsInfoW["productionRequired"] + 2);
    } else {
        $new_productionRequired = mt_rand(1, $goodsInfoW["productionRequired"] + 2);
    // else
    if ($new_productionRequired < 1) {
        $new_productionRequired = 1;
    // if
    $rand_metals = 2;
    $rand_wood = 1;
    $rand_metals = mt_rand(2, 10);
    $rand_wood = mt_rand(2, 10);
    $new_resourceTypesRequired = array(0 => 0);
    $new_resourceQuantitiesRequired = array(0 => 0);
    if ($rand_wood > 0) {
        $new_resourceTypesRequired[0] = 1;
        $new_resourceQuantitiesRequired[0] = $rand_wood;
    // if
    if ($rand_metals > 0) {
        $new_resourceTypesRequired[1] = 2;
        $new_resourceQuantitiesRequired[1] = $rand_metals;
    // if
    setGoodsInfo($getPage_connection2, $goodsInfoW["id"], $goodsInfoW["name"], $new_productionRequired, $goodsInfoW["foodRequired"], $new_resourceTypesRequired, $new_resourceQuantitiesRequired, $goodsInfoW["improvementTypesRequired"], $goodsInfoW["improvementQuantitiesRequired"], $goodsInfoW["improvementLevelRequired"], $goodsInfoW["buyStrength"], $goodsInfoW["sellStrength"]);
    // set basicgoods
    $goodsInfoW = getGoodsInfo($getPage_connection2, 6);
    if ($goodsInfoW["productionRequired"] - 2 > 1) {
        $new_productionRequired = mt_rand($goodsInfoW["productionRequired"] - 2, $goodsInfoW["productionRequired"] + 2);
    } else {
        $new_productionRequired = mt_rand(0, $goodsInfoW["productionRequired"] + 2);
    // else
    if ($new_productionRequired < 1) {
        $new_productionRequired = 1;
    // if
    $rand_metals = 1;
    $rand_wood = 1;
    $rand_metals = mt_rand(1, 8);
    $rand_wood = mt_rand(1, 8);
    $new_resourceTypesRequired = array(0 => 0);
    $new_resourceQuantitiesRequired = array(0 => 0);
    if ($rand_wood > 0) {
        $new_resourceTypesRequired[0] = 1;
        $new_resourceQuantitiesRequired[0] = $rand_wood;
    // if
    if ($rand_metals > 0) {
        $new_resourceTypesRequired[1] = 2;
        $new_resourceQuantitiesRequired[1] = $rand_metals;
    // if
    setGoodsInfo($getPage_connection2, $goodsInfoW["id"], $goodsInfoW["name"], $new_productionRequired, $goodsInfoW["foodRequired"], $new_resourceTypesRequired, $new_resourceQuantitiesRequired, $goodsInfoW["improvementTypesRequired"], $goodsInfoW["improvementQuantitiesRequired"], $goodsInfoW["improvementLevelRequired"], $goodsInfoW["buyStrength"], $goodsInfoW["sellStrength"]);
    // set new market rates
    if ($stmt = $getPage_connection2->prepare("SELECT id FROM goods ORDER BY id ASC")) {
        while ($stmt->fetch()) {
            $next_goods = $r_result;
            $goodsInfoW = getGoodsInfo($getPage_connection2, $next_goods);
            $marketInfoW = getMarketInfo($getPage_connection2, $next_goods);
            $rate = 0;
            // if buy strength is more, increase rate, otherwise decrease or remain constant
            if ($goodsInfoW["buyStrength"] > $goodsInfoW["sellStrength"]) {
                $randRateBonus = mt_rand(1, 4);
                $rate = $marketInfoW["rate"] + $randRateBonus;
            } else {
                if ($goodsInfoW["buyStrength"] < $goodsInfoW["sellStrength"]) {
                    $randFlux = mt_rand(1, 4);
                    // random drop or rise (75% more likely drop)
                    if ($randFlux == 1) {
                        $randRateBonus = mt_rand(1, 2);
                        $rate = $marketInfoW["rate"] + $randRateBonus;
                    } else {
                        $randRateBonus = mt_rand(1, 4);
                        $rate = $marketInfoW["rate"] - $randRateBonus;
                    // else
                } else {
                    $randFlux = mt_rand(1, 2);
                    // random drop or rise (50/50)
                    if ($randFlux == 1) {
                        $randRateBonus = mt_rand(1, 2);
                        $rate = $marketInfoW["rate"] + $randRateBonus;
                    } else {
                        $randRateBonus = mt_rand(1, 2);
                        $rate = $marketInfoW["rate"] - $randRateBonus;
                    // else
            // else
            if ($rate >= 1) {
                setMarketInfo($getPage_connection2, $next_goods, $marketInfoW["name"], $rate);
            } else {
                setMarketInfo($getPage_connection2, $next_goods, $marketInfoW["name"], 0);
            // else
            // reset strength of good for next turn (no reset for now)
        // while
    } else {
    // else
    // add to turn counter for trade offers
    if ($stmt = $getPage_connection2->prepare("SELECT id FROM offers ORDER BY id ASC")) {
        while ($stmt->fetch()) {
            $next_offers = $r_result;
            $offerInfo1 = getOfferInfo($getPage_connection2, $next_offers);
            $new_counter = $offerInfo1["counter"] + 1;
            setOfferInfo($getPage_connection2, $offerInfo1["id"], $offerInfo1["fromNation"], $offerInfo1["toNation"], $offerInfo1["givingItems"], $offerInfo1["receivingItems"], $offerInfo1["givingQuantities"], $offerInfo1["receivingQuantities"], $offerInfo1["givingTypes"], $offerInfo1["receivingTypes"], $offerInfo1["turns"], $new_counter, $offerInfo1["status"]);
        // while
    } else {
    // else
    // remove empty organizations, automatically appoint new manager if there is no manager (new manager is the oldest joined member)
    if ($stmt = $getPage_connection2->prepare("SELECT id FROM organizations ORDER BY id ASC")) {
        while ($stmt->fetch()) {
            $next_organizations = $r_result;
            $organizationInfo1 = getOrganizationInfo($getPage_connection2, $next_organizations);
            $new_managers = array(0 => 0);
            if (count($organizationInfo1["members"]) == 1) {
                if ($organizationInfo1["members"][0] == 0) {
                    deleteOrganizationInfo($getPage_connection2, $next_organizations);
                // if
            } else {
                if (count($organizationInfo1["members"]) > 1) {
                    if (count($organizationInfo1["managers"]) == 1) {
                        if ($organizationInfo1["managers"][0] == 0) {
                            $new_managers[0] = $organizationInfo1["members"][0];
                            setOrganizationInfo($getPage_connection2, $next_organizations, $organizationInfo1["name"], $organizationInfo1["members"], $new_managers, $organizationInfo1["pending"], $organizationInfo1["ranking"]);
                        // if
                    } else {
                    // else
                } else {
                    deleteOrganizationInfo($getPage_connection2, $next_organizations);
            // else
        // while
    } else {
    // else
    // set rankings
    if ($stmt = $getPage_connection2->prepare("SELECT id FROM nations ORDER BY id ASC")) {
        $offset = 0;
        while ($stmt->fetch()) {
            $next_nations = $r_result;
            $rank = $offset + 1;
            // production
            if ($stmt11 = $getPage_connection2->prepare("SELECT id FROM nations ORDER BY production DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET ?")) {
                $stmt11->bind_param("i", $offset);
                $next_production_nation = $r_result;
            } else {
            // else
            if ($stmt11 = $getPage_connection2->prepare("UPDATE rankings SET production=? WHERE nation=?")) {
                $stmt11->bind_param("ii", $rank, $next_production_nation);
            } else {
            // else
            // money
            if ($stmt11 = $getPage_connection2->prepare("SELECT id FROM nations ORDER BY money DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET ?")) {
                $stmt11->bind_param("i", $offset);
                $next_money_nation = $r_result;
            } else {
            // else
            if ($stmt11 = $getPage_connection2->prepare("UPDATE rankings SET money=? WHERE nation=?")) {
                $stmt11->bind_param("ii", $rank, $next_money_nation);
            } else {
            // else
            // happiness
            if ($stmt11 = $getPage_connection2->prepare("SELECT id FROM nations ORDER BY happiness DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET ?")) {
                $stmt11->bind_param("i", $offset);
                $next_happiness_nation = $r_result;
            } else {
            // else
            if ($stmt11 = $getPage_connection2->prepare("UPDATE rankings SET happiness=? WHERE nation=?")) {
                $stmt11->bind_param("ii", $rank, $next_happiness_nation);
            } else {
            // else
            // food
            if ($stmt11 = $getPage_connection2->prepare("SELECT id FROM nations ORDER BY food DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET ?")) {
                $stmt11->bind_param("i", $offset);
                $next_food_nation = $r_result;
            } else {
            // else
            if ($stmt11 = $getPage_connection2->prepare("UPDATE rankings SET food=? WHERE nation=?")) {
                $stmt11->bind_param("ii", $rank, $next_food_nation);
            } else {
            // else
            // population
            if ($stmt11 = $getPage_connection2->prepare("SELECT id FROM nations ORDER BY population DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET ?")) {
                $stmt11->bind_param("i", $offset);
                $next_population_nation = $r_result;
            } else {
            // else
            if ($stmt11 = $getPage_connection2->prepare("UPDATE rankings SET population=? WHERE nation=?")) {
                $stmt11->bind_param("ii", $rank, $next_population_nation);
            } else {
            // else
        // while
    } else {
        $next_offers = 0;
    // else