function updateProductionCost($jobcard_id, $jobitem_id, $machine_id, $user_id, $minutes, $qty)
    $operation = getOperation($jobitem_id);
    $cost = getMachineCost($machine_id, $minutes);
    $suspense_acc = qryAccountsName("Production Suspense");
    $suspense_acc = $suspense_acc["accid"];
    $recovery_acc = qryAccountsName("Production Recovery");
    $recovery_acc = $recovery_acc["accid"];
    $refnum = getRefnum();
    $sysdate = date("Y-m-d");
    $details = "Production cost for job number: {$jobcard_id} Step: {$operation}";
    writetrans($suspense_acc, $recovery_acc, $sysdate, $refnum, $cost, $details);
    // Update job costs
    $sql = "\n\t\tINSERT INTO manufact.job_costs (\n\t\t\tjobcard_id, jobitem_id, machine_id, user_id, \n\t\t\tcost, total_time, qty\n\t\t) VALUES (\n\t\t\t'{$jobcard_id}', '{$jobitem_id}', '{$machine_id}', '{$user_id}', \n\t\t\t'{$cost}', '{$minutes}', '{$qty}'\n\t\t)";
    db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to update job costs.");
    $sql = "\n\t\tSELECT (cost_per_hour / 60) AS cost_per_minute, labour_type\n\t\tFROM manufact.jobcard_items\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN manufact.labour_types ON\n\t\tWHERE'{$jobitem_id}'";
    $cost_rslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve labour cost.");
    list($labour_cost, $labour_type) = pg_fetch_array($cost_rslt);
    $labour_cost *= $minutes;
    $sql = "\n\tINSERT INTO manufact.labour_cost (jobcard_id, jobitem_id, user_id, cost, total_time, labour_type)\n\tVALUES ('{$jobcard_id}', '{$jobitem_id}', '{$user_id}', '{$labour_cost}', '{$minutes}', '{$labour_type}')";
    db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to update labour cost.");
    return 1;

// Handle some very basic initalization functions... make sure everything
// is in place, do requires, and such. Also set up global constants
// such as DSN.
require_once "Init.php";
require_once "ControllerFunctions.php";
// We do includes based on rInfo; ensure that the only way to set it
// is internally.
$rInfo['renderer'] = '';
$rInfo['content'] = '';
// This will be used to find out our intended action
$opMap = buildOpMap();
$operation = getOperation($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
// Get the Action for this operation, or a PageNotFoundAction if there's
// no match.
$action = new PageErrorAction();
if (isset($opMap[$operation])) {
    $action = $opMap[$operation];
// Defined in Init.php
if (SITE_MAINTANENCE && getRemoteIp() != DEBUG_IP) {
    $action = new SiteMaintanenceAction();
// There's one special case to worry about: the action requires
// authentication, and we're not logged in. Handle that and perform the
// Action.
if ($action->isAuthenticationRequired() && !isLoggedIn()) {
    $action = new LoginFormAction();
if ($action->isAdminRequired() && !isAdmin()) {