function saveAveragePrices($start_date, $end_date)
    global $db;
    global $db2;
    $prev_end_date = getNextDate($end_date, -1);
    $sql = "SELECT rooms, ROUND(AVG(price)) price_avr, ROUND(AVG(total_area),1) area_avr, \n\t\tROUND(AVG(price_m),1) price_m_avr \n\t\tFROM flat f, tenement t WHERE f.updated_on>='{$start_date}' \n\t\t\tAND f.updated_on<'{$end_date}' AND total_area > 29 AND total_area < 400\n\t\t\tAND f.price>1000000 AND f.price < 6000000 AND\n\t\t\tAND f.status IN (2,6)\n\t\t\tAND t.city_id=0 \n\t\tGROUP BY rooms";
    while ($row = $db->fetchRow()) {
        $sql2 = "INSERT INTO average_flat_price VALUES \n\t\t('{$prev_end_date}','{$row['rooms']}','{$row['price_avr']}','{$row['area_avr']}','{$row['price_m_avr']}')";
Exemple #2
function map($s) {
	$ids = '';	
	$rooms = '';
	$prices = '';
	$prices_m = '';
	$areas = '';
	$addresses = '';
	$storeys = '';
	$dates = '';
	$types = '';
	$lons = '';
	$lats = '';
	$photos = '';
	$icons = '';
	if (!isset($_REQUEST['act']) || $_REQUEST['act']=='sales') {
	else {
	$res = _filter($status);
	$add_sql = "f.updated_on>'".getNextDate(date('Y-m-d'),-30)."' AND t.status=".REALTY_STATUS_ACTIVE.' AND '.$res['sql'];
	$db_res = Land::getFullListLink($add_sql);
	while ($row = $db_res->fetchRow()) {
		$ids .= $row['id'].',';
		$rooms .= $row['rooms'].',';
		$prices .= "'".number_format($row['price'],0)."',";
		$prices_m .= "'".number_format($row['price_m'],0)."',";
		$areas .= "'".$row['total_area']."',";
		$addr = "{$row['street']}, {$row['tnum']}";
		$addresses .= "'".$addr."',";
		$date = explode(' ',$row['updated_on']);
		$ds = explode('-',$date[0]);
		$date = $ds[2].'.'.$ds[1].'.'.$ds[0];		
		$dates .= "'".$date."',";
		$storeys .= "'".$row['storey']."/".$row['storeys']."',";
		$types .= "'".Tenement::$TYPE[$row['ttype']]."',";		
		$lons .= "'".$row['lon']."',";
		$lats .= "'".$row['lat']."',";
		$photo = ($row['photo_tenement']!='') ? $row['tenement_id']."/".$row['photo_tenement']."_prev" : '';
		$photos .= "'".$photo."',";
		if ($row['price_m']<30000) {
			$color = 'a';				
		else if ($row['price_m']<40000) {
			$color = 'b';				
		else {
			$color = 'c';	
		$ri = ($row['rooms']<4) ? $row['rooms'] : 3;
		$icons .= "'".$ri."k".$color."',";
	$block_html = Html::getBlock('Квартиры на продажу на карте Йошкар-Олы',Html::pagelandMap());
Exemple #3
insertQVar(2, 2, 1, 1);
insertQVar(3, 2, 2, 2);
insertStatistic(3, 'Not so interesting (1D)...', 1, 1, $dates[3]);
insertUVar(3, 3, 'AGE', 0);
insertTracking(1, 2, true, $dates[1]);
insertTracking(1, 3, false, getNextDate($phpdate));
insertTracking(2, 1, true, getNextDate($phpdate));
insertTracking(2, 3, false, getNextDate($phpdate));
insertTracking(3, 4, true, getNextDate($phpdate));
insertTracking(4, 5, true, getNextDate($phpdate));
insertTracking(5, 4, true, getNextDate($phpdate));
insertTracking(6, 5, true, getNextDate($phpdate));
insertTracking(5, 6, true, getNextDate($phpdate));
insertTracking(8, 9, true, getNextDate($phpdate));
insertTracking(7, 9, true, getNextDate($phpdate));
insertTracking(10, 9, true, getNextDate($phpdate));
function insertStatistic($id, $title, $uid, $qid, $date)
    $queries = "INSERT INTO statistics (id,title, FK_users, FK_queries, date) VALUES ({$id}, '{$title}', {$uid}, {$qid}, '{$date}');";
    mysql_query($queries) or die("Error in query: {$queries}. " . mysql_error());
function insertUVar($id, $sid, $property, $var)
    $queries = "INSERT INTO user_variable (id,FK_statistics, property, var) VALUES ({$id}, {$sid}, '{$property}', {$var});";
    mysql_query($queries) or die("Error in query: {$queries}. " . mysql_error());
function insertQVar($id, $sid, $qid, $var)
    $queries = "INSERT INTO question_variable (id,FK_statistics, FK_question, var) VALUES ({$id}, {$sid},{$qid}, {$var});";
    mysql_query($queries) or die("Error in query: {$queries}. " . mysql_error());
$end_date = '2011-10-30';
$start_date = getNextDate($end_date, -6);
//$prev_end_date = getNextDate($end_date,-1);
$i = 0;
while ($end_date < date("Y-m-d") && $i < 1000) {
    saveAveragePrices($start_date, $end_date);
    $start_date = getNextDate($start_date, 7);
    $end_date = getNextDate($start_date, 6);
if (dateDiff('now', $start_date) > 0) {
    saveAveragePrices(getNextDate($start_date, 1), date("Y-m-d"));
header("Content-type: application/csv");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=download.csv");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Expires: 0");
echo $query = "SELECT * FROM _tmp_prices2";
$export = $db->query($query) or die("Sql error : " . mysql_error());
$fields = mysql_num_fields($export);
$fp = fopen('php://output', 'w');
$header = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $fields; $i++) {
    $header[] = mysql_field_name($export, $i);
fputcsv($fp, $header);
Exemple #5
} else {
    $DOMAIN_ARR = explode('.', $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]);
    $domain = $DOMAIN_ARR[0];
    $company = Company::getInfoByDomain($domain);
    if ($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] == '/index.php') {
        $photos = Company::getPhotosStatic($company['id']);
        $photo_path = Company::getPhotoWebPathStatic($company['id']);
        $gallery = Html::getPhotosGallery($photos, $photo_path);
        $logo = Company::getLogoURL($company['id']);
        $sort_by = 'updated_on';
        $direction = 'DESC';
        $sql_flats = "t.status='" . REALTY_STATUS_ACTIVE . "' AND f.status='" . REALTY_STATUS_SALE . "'";
        $sql_company = " AND f.user_id IN (SELECT id FROM user WHERE company_id={$company['id']})";
        //Объявления не старше месяца
        $sql_date = " AND f.updated_on>'" . getNextDate(date('Y-m-d'), -61) . "'";
        $flats = Html::getFlatList($sql_flats . $sql_company . $sql_date, $sort_by, $direction, 100, 1, 'sales');
        $sql_flats = "t.status='" . REALTY_STATUS_ACTIVE . "' AND f.status='" . REALTY_STATUS_RENT . "'";
        $flats_rent = Html::getFlatList($sql_flats . $sql_company . $sql_date, $sort_by, $direction, 100, 1, 'rent');
        $sql_houses = "f.status='" . REALTY_STATUS_SALE . "'";
        $houses = Html::getHouseList($sql_houses . $sql_company . $sql_date, $sort_by, $direction, 100, 1, 'sales');
        $sql_lands = "f.status='" . REALTY_STATUS_SALE . "'";
        $lands = Html::getLandList($sql_lands . $sql_company . $sql_date, $sort_by, $direction, 100, 1, 'sales');
        $sql_commercial_sale = "f.status='" . REALTY_STATUS_SALE . "'";
        $commercial = Html::getCommercialList($sql_commercial_sale . $sql_company . $sql_date, $sort_by, $direction, 100, 1, 'sales');
        $sql_commercial_rent = "f.status='" . REALTY_STATUS_RENT . "'";
        $commercial_rent = Html::getCommercialList($sql_commercial_rent . $sql_company . $sql_date, $sort_by, $direction, 100, 1, 'rent');
        $s->assign("title", $company['name']);
        $s->assign("logo", $logo);
        $s->assign("subdomain", $domain);
        $s->assign("HOST", $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]);
    	AND price_m <90000
    	AND price_m >20000 
    	AND total_area>30 
    //трешки кирпич
    $sql = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT( f.created_on,  '%Y-%m-%d' ) date, f.rooms,  \n\t\tROUND( AVG( price ) ) price_avr, ROUND( AVG( price_m ) ) price_m_avr, \n\t\tROUND( AVG( total_area ) ) area_avr\n\t\tFROM flat f, tenement t \n\t\tWHERE \n\t\ AND \n\t\tt.city_id=0 AND \n\t\t((f.created_on>='{$start_date}' AND f.created_on<='{$end_date}') \n\t\tOR (f.created_on<='{$end_date}' AND f.updated_on>='{$end_date}'))\n\t\tAND t.type_id=0\n\t\tAND rooms =3 \n\t\tAND is_new =0\n\t\tAND price >1400000\n\t\tAND price_m <90000\n\t\tAND price_m >20000 \n\t\tAND total_area>40 \n\t\t";
    //кв. м. 3-шки новостройки
    $sql = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT( f.created_on,  '%Y-%m-%d' ) date, f.rooms,  \n\t\tROUND( AVG( price ) ) price_avr, ROUND( AVG( price_m ) ) price_m_avr, \n\t\tROUND( AVG( total_area ) ) area_avr\n\t\tFROM flat f, tenement t \n\t\tWHERE \n\t\ AND \n\t\tt.city_id=0 AND \n\t\t((f.created_on>='{$start_date}' AND f.created_on<='{$end_date}') \n\t\tOR (f.created_on<='{$end_date}' AND f.updated_on>='{$end_date}'))\n\t\tAND ((t.birthday>= IF (YEAR(f.created_on)=2012,2012,2011)) OR is_new=1)\n\t\tAND rooms = 3\t\t\n\t\tAND price > 1500000\n\t\tAND price < 8000000\n\t\tAND price_m <90000\n\t\tAND price_m >20000 \n\t\tAND total_area>40 \n\t\t";
    while ($row = $db->fetchRow()) {
        $sql2 = "INSERT INTO _tmp_prices VALUES \n\t\t('{$end_date}','{$row['rooms']}','{$row['price_avr']}','{$row['area_avr']}','{$row['price_m_avr']}','{$row['count_flats']}')";
$db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE _tmp_prices");
//$end_date = date('Y-m-d');
$end_date = '2011-10-30';
$start_date = getNextDate($end_date, -6);
//$prev_end_date = getNextDate($end_date,-1);
$i = 0;
while ($end_date < date("Y-m-d") && $i < 1000) {
    saveAveragePrices($start_date, $end_date);
    $start_date = getNextDate($start_date, 7);
    $end_date = getNextDate($start_date, 6);