  * DIY用户账号信息修改提交处理.
  * @access public
  * @return void
  * @author Liuping <*****@*****.**>
 public function accInfoAction()
     $userId = intval(I('post.id', ''));
     if ($userId < 1) {
     $_post = I('post.');
     $where = "user_type=0 AND is_active>=2 AND id=:id";
     // 只能是普通用户
     $binds = [':id' => $userId];
     $model = M('User');
     $userInfo = $model->where($where)->bind($binds)->find();
     // 检查该用户是否有效
     if (NULL === $userInfo || FALSE === $userInfo) {
     // 执行验证规则
     $newSaveData = $model->validate($this->_userRules)->create($_post);
     if (!$newSaveData) {
         // 验证失败
     // 检查用户邮箱和手机号是否已存在, 排除本身
     $res = $this->checkExistEmail($userId, $_post['email']);
     if ($res) {
     $res = $this->checkExistTel($userId, $_post['telephone']);
     if ($res) {
     // 有重置密码
     if (isset($newSaveData['passwd'])) {
         $newSaveData['passwd'] = getMyMd5($newSaveData['passwd'], $userInfo['salt']);
     // 都验证过了, 执行修改
     $res = $model->where('id=:id')->bind(':id', $userId)->save($newSaveData);
     if (FALSE === $res) {
     } else {
         $_mark = session('adminUser') . '在' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ', 编辑了一个用户 : ' . $userInfo['username'];
         system_log($_mark, $model->getTableName(), $userId, 'e', $_post, $userInfo, 0);
Exemple #2
  * 注册处理
  * @access public
  * @return void
  * @author Liuping <*****@*****.**>
 public function registerAction()
     // 用于接收 post
     $postData = $result = array();
     $postData['username'] = I('post.username', '');
     $postData['passwd'] = I('post.password', '');
     $postData['confirmPwd'] = I('post.reenter', '');
     $postData['email'] = I('post.email', '');
     $phone = I('post.mb', '');
     $phoneCode = I('post.yz', '');
     $prefix = I('post.mobilePrefix', '');
     // 手机号连接上国家代码
     $newphone = $this->processMobile($prefix, $phone);
     $modelUserCap = new UserCaptchaModel();
     // 实例化 UserModel
     $modelUser = new UserModel();
     $postData['region'] = $prefix;
     $postData['telephone'] = $phone;
     if (!$modelUserCap->checkPhoneCode($newphone, $phoneCode)) {
         $result['status'] = 0;
         $result['msg'] = L('CONTROLLER_MSG27');
     } elseif ($modelUser->checkExistTel($prefix, $phone)) {
         $result['status'] = 0;
         $result['msg'] = L('CONTROLLER_MSG10');
     } else {
         if ($modelUser->create($postData)) {
             // 验证表单数据成功
             // 获取随机加密盐值
             $salt = $this->getRandSalt();
             // 用户注册时默认的配置项
             $conf = C('DEFAULT_USER_REGISTER');
             // 注册时默认的用户组 id
             $modelUser->gid = $conf['groupId'];
             $modelUser->passwd = getMyMd5($modelUser->passwd, $salt);
             $modelUser->region = $prefix;
             $modelUser->telephone = $phone;
             $modelUser->regip = get_client_ip(0, TRUE);
             $modelUser->regdate = time();
             $modelUser->salt = $salt;
             $modelUser->user_type = $conf['userType'];
             $modelUser->is_active = $conf['isActive'];
             $res = $modelUser->add();
             // 注册成功
             if (FALSE !== $res) {
                 $result['status'] = 1;
                 $result['msg'] = L('CONTROLLER_MSG46');
                 $result['url'] = U('emailActive');
                 // 获取用户信息写入 session
                 $info = $modelUser->find($res);
                 $popToken = cookie('popToken');
                 if (!empty($popToken)) {
                     $uid = encrypt($popToken, "D", C('AUTH_KEY'));
                     if (!empty($uid)) {
                         $model = M('market_stats');
                         $data = ['uid' => $uid, 'type' => '1', 'fuid' => $info['id'], 'time' => time()];
                 // 注册成功给用户发送激活邮件
                 // $this->sendActiveEmail($postData['username'], $postData['email']);
             } else {
                 // 注册失败
                 $result['status'] = 0;
                 $result['msg'] = L('CONTROLLER_MSG45');
         } else {
             // 验证表单失败
             $result['status'] = 0;
             $result['msg'] = $modelUser->getError();
     // ajax 请求输出 json
     if (IS_AJAX) {
         $this->ajaxReturn($result, 'json');
     } elseif ($result['status']) {
         // 注册成功跳转到登录页面
         // $this->success($result['msg'], $result['url']);
     } else {
         // 注册失败跳转到注册页面
         $this->error($result['msg'], U('register'));
Exemple #3
  * 验证用户登录信息是否正确
  * @access public
  * @param string $userName            
  * @param string $passwd   原密文
  * @return mixed FALSE 表示验证失败, 成功返回用户信息一维数组
  * @author Liuping <*****@*****.**>
  * @modify 增加中介信息(agent_pid, agent_name, agent_partid, allow_apply_num)
 public function checkLogin($userName, $passwd)
     $field = 'a.*, b.fid AS agent_pid, b.name AS agent_name, b.partID AS agent_partid, b.num AS allow_apply_num';
     $join = 'LEFT JOIN __USER_AGENT__ AS b ON a.id=b.uid';
     $where = "(a.username=:username || a.email=:username || a.telephone=:username) AND is_active>=1";
     $info = $this->alias('a')->field($field)->join($join)->where($where)->bind(':username', $userName)->find();
     // 没有查到此用户
     if (NULL === $info || FALSE === $info) {
         return FALSE;
     // 查到此用户做继续做验证处理
     // 加密后的密文
     $encryptPwd = getMyMd5($passwd, $info['salt']);
     if (strcmp($info['passwd'], $encryptPwd) !== 0) {
         return FALSE;
     return $info;