function include_raze_army_text()
    $objUser =& $GLOBALS["objSrcUser"];
    $arrUsers = $objUser->get_user_infos();
    $arrArmys = $objUser->get_armys();
    $objRace = $objUser->get_race();
    $arrUnitVariables = $objRace->getUnitVariables();
    $arrUnitNames = $objRace->getUnitNames();
    $arrUnitCost = $objRace->getUnitCosts();
    $arrUnitOffence = $objRace->getUnitOffences();
    $arrUnitDefence = $objRace->getUnitDefences();
    // At the end of a lifespan you can't train or release military
    if ($arrUsers[HOURS] > $objRace->getLifespan()) {
        echo $strReport = '<div id="textMedium">' . '<p>' . "Your general is nowhere in sight! And your captains seem to " . "be doubting your capability to judge properly what to release " . "or not." . "</p>" . '</div>';
    // M: Error Messages =======================================================
    // Keep these short
    if (isset($_GET['error']) && $_GET['error'] == "empty") {
        echo '<div class="center">' . "I'm sorry leader, you did not release anything." . "</div><br />";
    } elseif (isset($_GET['error']) && $_GET['error'] == "too_old") {
        echo '<div class="center">' . "Your general is nowhere in sight and your captains seem to be<br />doubting " . "your capability to judge properly what to release or not." . "</div><br />";
    $advisorLinks = '<div class="tableLinkMedium">' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&amp;page=army">Back to Military Training</a>' . '</div>';
    echo $advisorLinks;
    $j = 2;
    // for unit array, we start at location #2 (basics == unit1)
    $strCurrent = $arrUnitVariables[$j];
    // UNIT1 = 'unit1'
    // Maximum military trainable
    $arrMax = getMaxRelease($objUser);
    // Show basic military already in training
    $strInTraining = '';
    if ($arrArmys[$strCurrent . '_t4'] > 0) {
        $strInTraining = '<span style="font-size: 0.8em;">' . '(' . number_format($arrArmys[$strCurrent . '_t4']) . ')</span>&nbsp;';
    $strBasicsTable = '<form id="center" action="main.php?cat=game&amp;page=raze_army2" method="post">' . '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="medium">' . '<tr class="header">' . '<th colspan="6">Basic</th>' . '</tr>' . '<tr class="subheader">' . '<th width="40%">Class</th>' . '<td class="right" width="25%">Owned</td>' . '<td class="right">Max</td>' . '<td class="right">Release</td>' . '</tr>' . '<tr class="data">' . '<th>' . $arrUnitNames[$j] . 's <span class="militstats">(' . $arrUnitOffence[$j] . '/' . $arrUnitDefence[$j] . ')</span>' . '</th>' . '<td class="right">' . $strInTraining . '<strong>' . number_format($arrArmys[$strCurrent]) . '</strong>' . '</td>' . '<td align="right">' . number_format($arrMax[$strCurrent]) . '</td>' . '<td class="right">' . '<input name="released[' . $strCurrent . ']" size="8" maxlength="8" />' . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '</table>';
    echo $strBasicsTable;
    echo '<br />';
    echo $strAdvancedTable = '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="medium">' . '<tr class="header">' . '<th colspan="6">Advanced</th>' . '</tr>' . '<tr class="subheader">' . '<th width="40%">Class</th>' . '<td class="right" width="25%">Owned</td>' . '<td class="right">Max</td>' . '<td class="right">Release</td>' . '</tr>';
    // for unit arrays, we start at location #3 (off spec)
    foreach ($arrUnitCost as $doesntmatter) {
        // We can only train units that cost money, so only show those
        if (isset($arrUnitCost[$j]) && $arrUnitCost[$j] > 0) {
            $strCurrent = $arrUnitVariables[$j];
            // unit2, unit3.. etc
            $plural = 's';
            if ($arrUnitNames[$j] == 'Swordmen') {
                $plural = '';
            if ($arrUnitNames[$j] == 'Pikemen') {
                $plural = '';
            if ($arrUnitNames[$j] == 'Crossbowmen') {
                $plural = '';
            if ($arrUnitNames[$j] == 'Longbowmen') {
                $plural = '';
            if ($arrUnitNames[$j] == 'Thief') {
                $arrUnitNames[$j] = 'Thieve';
            if ($arrUnitNames[$j] == 'Priestess') {
                $plural = 'es';
            if ($arrUnitNames[$j] == 'Mummy') {
                $arrUnitNames[$j] = 'Mummie';
            if ($arrUnitNames[$j] == 'Harpy') {
                $arrUnitNames[$j] = 'Harpie';
            // Show military units already being trained
            $strInTraining = '';
            if ($arrArmys[$strCurrent . '_t4'] > 0) {
                $strInTraining = '<span style="font-size: 0.8em;">' . '(' . number_format($arrArmys[$strCurrent . '_t4']) . ')' . '</span>&nbsp;';
            echo '<tr class="data">' . '<th>' . $arrUnitNames[$j] . $plural . ' <span class="militstats">(' . $arrUnitOffence[$j] . '/' . $arrUnitDefence[$j] . ')</span>' . '</th>' . '<td class="right">' . $strInTraining . '<strong>' . number_format($arrArmys[$strCurrent]) . '</strong>' . '</td>' . '<td align="right">' . number_format($arrMax[$strCurrent]) . '</td>' . '<td class="right">' . '<input name="released[' . $strCurrent . ']" size="8" maxlength="8" />' . '</td>' . '</tr>';
    echo '</table>' . '<br />' . '<input type="submit" name="release" value="Release Into Basics" /> ' . '<input type="submit" name="citizens" value="Release Into Citizens" />' . '</form>';
    if ($objRace->getRaceName() == "Oleg Hai") {
        echo $strOlegText = '<div id="textMedium">' . '<p>' . '<strong>' . ucfirst($arrUnitNames[5]) . 's</strong> are ' . 'mercenary soldiers living amongst your ' . strtolower($arrUnitNames[1]) . 's. They can only be released ' . 'into ' . strtolower($arrUnitNames[1]) . 's.' . '</p>' . '</div>';
function include_raze_army2_text()
    // M: Secure / Validate Input
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST' || !isset($_POST['released'])) {
        require_once 'inc/pages/';
    $objUser =& $GLOBALS["objSrcUser"];
    $arrArmys = $objUser->get_armys();
    $arrUsers = $objUser->get_user_infos();
    $objRace = $objUser->get_race();
    $arrUnitVariables = $objRace->getUnitVariables();
    $arrUnitNames = $objRace->getUnitNames();
    $arrToRelease = $_POST['released'];
    $arrToRelease[UNIT1] = max(0, floor(intval($arrToRelease[UNIT1])));
    $arrToRelease[UNIT2] = max(0, floor(intval($arrToRelease[UNIT2])));
    $arrToRelease[UNIT3] = max(0, floor(intval($arrToRelease[UNIT3])));
    $arrToRelease[UNIT4] = max(0, floor(intval($arrToRelease[UNIT4])));
    $arrToRelease[UNIT5] = max(0, floor(intval($arrToRelease[UNIT5])));
    //     $arrToRelease[UNIT6] = max(0, floor(intval($arrToRelease[UNIT6])));
    // Maximum military releasable
    $arrMax = getMaxRelease($objUser);
    foreach ($arrToRelease as $unitx => $doesntmatter) {
        if ($arrToRelease[$unitx] > $arrMax[$unitx]) {
            $arrToRelease[$unitx] = $arrMax[$unitx];
    if ($objRace->getRaceName() != "Oleg Hai") {
        $iSumRelease = array_sum($arrToRelease);
        $iToCitizens = $arrToRelease[UNIT1];
        $iToBasics = $iSumRelease - $iToCitizens;
    } else {
        $iSumRelease = array_sum($arrToRelease);
        $iToCitizens = $arrToRelease[UNIT1] + $arrToRelease[UNIT4];
        $iToBasics = $iSumRelease - $iToCitizens;
    // Release all into citizens option
    if (isset($_POST['citizens'])) {
        $iSumRelease = array_sum($arrToRelease);
        $iToCitizens = $iSumRelease;
        $iToBasics = 0;
    if ($iSumRelease <= 0) {
        header('location: main.php?cat=game&page=raze_army&error=empty');
    } elseif ($arrUsers[HOURS] > $objRace->getLifespan()) {
        header('location: main.php?cat=game&page=raze_army&error=too_old');
    // Save to DB (Update Military)
    foreach ($arrToRelease as $unitx => $iToRelease) {
        if ($iToRelease > 0) {
            // Release "in training 4 hours" BEFORE releasing "trained military"
            if ($arrArmys[$unitx . '_t4'] > 0) {
                // New value for incoming_t4
                $arrArmys[$unitx . '_t4'] -= $iToRelease;
                // Save left-overs to remove from army "at home"
                if ($arrArmys[$unitx . '_t4'] <= 0) {
                    $iToRelease = abs($arrArmys[$unitx . '_t4']);
                    $arrArmys[$unitx . '_t4'] = 0;
                } else {
                    $iToRelease = 0;
            $arrArmys[$unitx] -= $iToRelease;
            $arrArmys[$unitx] = max(0, $arrArmys[$unitx]);
    // Add units that were "degraded" to basics
    $arrArmys[UNIT1] += $iToBasics;
    // Update military
    // Update Oleg Hai Mercs (M: Reused and modified old code, can be improved.)
    if ($objRace->getRaceName() == "Oleg Hai" && $arrToRelease[UNIT4] > 0) {
        $arrArmyMercs = $objUser->get_army_mercs();
        $iMercsToRelease = $arrToRelease[UNIT4];
        if ($iMercsToRelease > $arrArmyMercs[MERC_T1]) {
            $iMercsToRelease -= $arrArmyMercs[MERC_T1];
            if ($iMercsToRelease > $arrArmyMercs[MERC_T2]) {
                $iMercsToRelease -= $arrArmyMercs[MERC_T2];
                if ($iMercsToRelease > $arrArmyMercs[MERC_T3]) {
                    $iMercsToRelease -= $arrArmyMercs[MERC_T3];
                    $arrArmyMercs[MERC_T3] -= $iMercsToRelease;
                    $arrArmyMercs[MERC_T3] = max(0, $arrArmyMercs[MERC_T3]);
                $arrArmyMercs[MERC_T2] -= $iMercsToRelease;
                $arrArmyMercs[MERC_T2] = max(0, $arrArmyMercs[MERC_T2]);
            $arrArmyMercs[MERC_T1] -= $iMercsToRelease;
            $arrArmyMercs[MERC_T1] = max(0, $arrArmyMercs[MERC_T1]);
        $arrArmyMercs[MERC_T0] -= $iMercsToRelease;
        $arrArmyMercs[MERC_T0] = max(0, $arrArmyMercs[MERC_T0]);
    // Update citizens
    $iOldCitizens = $objUser->get_pop(CITIZENS);
    $iNewCitizens = max(200, $iOldCitizens + $iToCitizens);
    $objUser->set_pop(CITIZENS, $iNewCitizens);
    // Create list with units released
    $strUnitList = '<ul>';
    $j = 1;
    foreach ($arrUnitVariables as $unitx) {
        if (isset($arrToRelease[$unitx]) && ($iTrained = $arrToRelease[$unitx]) > 0) {
            $strUnitName = $arrUnitNames[$j];
            $plural = 's';
            if ($strUnitName == 'Swordmen') {
                $plural = '';
            if ($strUnitName == 'Pikemen') {
                $plural = '';
            if ($strUnitName == 'Crossbowmen') {
                $plural = '';
            if ($strUnitName == 'Longbowmen') {
                $plural = '';
            if ($strUnitName == 'Thief') {
                $strUnitName = 'Thieve';
            if ($strUnitName == 'Priestess') {
                $plural = 'es';
            if ($strUnitName == 'Mummy') {
                $strUnitName = 'Mummie';
            if ($strUnitName == 'Harpy') {
                $strUnitName = 'Harpie';
            if ($iTrained == 1) {
                $plural = '';
            $strUnitList .= '<li>' . number_format($iTrained) . ' ' . $strUnitName . $plural . '</li>';
    $strUnitList .= '</ul>';
    $strHarpyText = '';
    if ($objRace->getRaceName() == "Oleg Hai" && $arrToRelease[UNIT4] > 0) {
        $strHarpyText = '<p>' . number_format($arrToRelease[UNIT4]) . ' harpy mercenaries have left our army camp.</p>';
    $strReport = '<div id="textMedium">' . '<h2>Training Report</h2>' . '<p>The following military have been released from their duties.</p>' . $strUnitList . '<p>' . 'You have released <strong>' . number_format($iSumRelease) . ' ' . 'units.</strong> These units have been degraded to: <strong>' . number_format($iToCitizens) . ' ' . $arrUnitNames[1] . 's</strong> and <strong>' . number_format($iToBasics) . ' ' . $arrUnitNames[2] . 's</strong>.' . '</p>' . $strHarpyText . '<p>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&amp;page=raze_army">Back To Releasing</a>' . '</p>' . '</div>';
    echo $strReport;