<?php include "./findconfig.php"; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . $ROOTPATH . "/Includes/Top.php"; ?> <?php $DB = new conn(); $DB->connect(); $active_user = getLoggedUser($DB); ?> <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript"> var locations = <?php echo json_encode($locations); ?> ; <?php if ($AgencyParams["EnableDTOffices"]) { ?> var DTOffices = <?php echo json_encode($AgencyParams["DTOffices"]); ?> ; <?php } ?> </SCRIPT>
case 'delUser': global $userName; if (strlen($userName)) { $newSession = new SessionSwitcher("AjaXplorer"); AuthService::deleteUser($userName); $result = TRUE; } break; case 'updateUser': global $user; if (is_array($user)) { $newSession = new SessionSwitcher("AjaXplorer"); if (AuthService::updatePassword($user["name"], $user["password"])) { //@TODO Change this to match your CMS code if ($user["right"] == "admin") { $userObj = getLoggedUser(); if ($user["name"] == $userObj->getId()) { AuthService::updateAdminRights($userObj); } } $result = TRUE; } else { $result = FALSE; } } break; case 'installDB': global $user, $reset; $result = TRUE; break; default:
if ($user["dtoffice"] == "" || $user["dtoffice"] == "_" || in_array($user["dtoffice"], $dts)) { $retArray[] = $row; } } } $output = $retArray; //$output = $sql; $DB->close(); } if ($id == "getNewInventoryTable") { if (!UserMay("ViewInventory")) { AccessDenied(); } $DB = new conn(); $DB->connect(); $user = getLoggedUser($DB); $sql = <<<SQLEND \t\t\tselect inventory.inventory_id, inventory.product_id, inventory.invoice, inventory.dtoffice, products.product_model, products.product_name, inventory.serial, inventory.status, inventory.status_date, inventory.status_data, inventory.storagelocation_id, sl.storagelocation_name as slname, inventory_status.status_name, inventory_status.preposition, inventory.status_data_text, inventory.DateAdded, inventory.DateReceived, users.username AS AddedByName \t\t\tfrom inventory \t\t\tjoin products on inventory.product_id = products.product_id \t\t\tjoin storagelocations sl on inventory.storagelocation_id = sl.storagelocation_id \t\t\tjoin inventory_status on inventory.status = inventory_status.status_id \t\t\tjoin users on inventory.AddedBy = users.User_ID SQLEND; $and = false; if (isset($_POST["productID"])) { $product_id = $DB->sanitize($_POST["productID"]); if ($and) { $sql = $sql . " AND "; } else { $sql = $sql . " WHERE ";