function post($sTable, $sId, $sAuthor, $sParent, $sMood, $sFileId)
    global $sIncPath;
    global $sModule;
    global $sHomeUrl;
    require $sIncPath . "";
    $sText = getEmbedCode($sModule, "player", array('id' => $sFileId, 'file' => TRUE_VAL));
    $sText = str_replace($sHomeUrl, "[ray_url]", $sText);
    $sSql = "INSERT INTO `" . $sTable . "`(`cmt_parent_id`, `cmt_object_id`, `cmt_author_id`, `cmt_text`, `cmt_mood`, `cmt_time`) VALUES('" . $sParent . "', '" . $sId . "', '" . $sAuthor . "', '" . $sText . "', '" . $sMood . "', NOW())";
    return getLastInsertId();
function post($sTable, $sId, $sAuthor, $sParent, $sMood, $sFileId)
    global $sIncPath;
    global $sModule;
    global $sHomeUrl;
    $sText = getEmbedCode($sModule, "player", array('id' => $sFileId));
    $sText = str_replace($sHomeUrl, "[ray_url]", $sText);
    $sSql = "INSERT INTO `" . $sTable . "`(`cmt_parent_id`, `cmt_object_id`, `cmt_author_id`, `cmt_text`, `cmt_mood`, `cmt_time`) VALUES('" . $sParent . "', '" . $sId . "', '" . $sAuthor . "', '" . $sText . "', '" . $sMood . "', NOW())";
    $iCommentId = getLastInsertId();
    getResult("UPDATE `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "Files` SET `Description`='" . $iCommentId . "' WHERE `ID`='" . $sFileId . "'");
    return $iCommentId;
function publishRecordedVideoFile($sUserId)
    global $sModule;
    global $sFilesPath;
    $sPlayFile = $sFilesPath . $sUserId . VC_TEMP_FILE_NAME . VC_FLV_EXTENSION;
    if (file_exists($sPlayFile) && filesize($sPlayFile) > 0) {
        $sDBModule = DB_PREFIX . ucfirst($sModule);
        getResult("INSERT INTO `" . $sDBModule . "Files` SET `Date`='" . time() . "', `Owner`='" . $sUserId . "', `Status`='" . VC_STATUS_PENDING . "'");
        $sFileId = getLastInsertId();
        rename($sPlayFile, $sFilesPath . $sFileId);
        @rename($sFilesPath . $sUserId . VC_TEMP_FILE_NAME . VC_IMAGE_EXTENSION, $sFilesPath . $sFileId . VC_IMAGE_EXTENSION);
        @rename($sFilesPath . $sUserId . VC_TEMP_FILE_NAME . VC_THUMB_FILE_NAME . VC_IMAGE_EXTENSION, $sFilesPath . $sFileId . VC_THUMB_FILE_NAME . VC_IMAGE_EXTENSION);
        return $sFileId;
    } else {
        return false;
function publishRecordedFile($sUserId, $sTitle, $sCategory, $sTags, $sDesc)
    global $sModule;
    global $sFilesPathMp3;
    $sTempFile = $sFilesPathMp3 . $sUserId . TEMP_FILE_NAME;
    $sPlayFile = $sTempFile . MP3_EXTENSION;
    if (file_exists($sPlayFile) && filesize($sPlayFile) > 0) {
        $sDBModule = DB_PREFIX . ucfirst($sModule);
        $sUri = mp3_genUri($sTitle);
        $sUriPart = empty($sUri) ? "" : "`Uri`='" . $sUri . "', ";
        $sAutoApprove = getSettingValue($sModule, "autoApprove") == TRUE_VAL ? STATUS_APPROVED : STATUS_DISAPPROVED;
        getResult("INSERT INTO `" . $sDBModule . "Files` SET `Categories`='" . $sCategory . "', `Title`='" . $sTitle . "', " . $sUriPart . "`Tags`='" . $sTags . "', `Description`='" . $sDesc . "', `Date`='" . time() . "', `Owner`='" . $sUserId . "', `Status`='" . $sAutoApprove . "'");
        $sFileId = getLastInsertId();
        rename($sPlayFile, $sFilesPathMp3 . $sFileId . MP3_EXTENSION);
        @rename($sTempFile . SCREENSHOT_EXT, $sFilesPathMp3 . $sFileId . SCREENSHOT_EXT);
        return $sFileId;
    } else {
        return false;
function publishRecordedFile($sUserId, $sTitle, $sCategory, $sTags, $sDesc)
    global $sModule;
    global $sFilesPathMp3;
    $sTempFile = $sFilesPathMp3 . $sUserId . TEMP_FILE_NAME;
    $sPlayFile = $sTempFile . MP3_EXTENSION;
    if (file_exists($sPlayFile) && filesize($sPlayFile) > 0) {
        $sDBModule = DB_PREFIX . ucfirst($sModule);
        $sUri = mp3_genUri($sTitle);
        $sUriPart = empty($sUri) ? "" : "`Uri`='" . $sUri . "', ";
        $sAutoApprove = getSettingValue($sModule, "autoApprove") == TRUE_VAL ? STATUS_APPROVED : STATUS_DISAPPROVED;
        getResult("INSERT INTO `" . $sDBModule . "Files` SET `Categories`='" . $sCategory . "', `Title`='" . $sTitle . "', " . $sUriPart . "`Tags`='" . $sTags . "', `Description`='" . $sDesc . "', `Date`='" . time() . "', `Owner`='" . $sUserId . "', `Status`='" . $sAutoApprove . "'");
        $sFileId = getLastInsertId();
        rename($sPlayFile, $sFilesPathMp3 . $sFileId . MP3_EXTENSION);
        $aFilesConfig = BxDolService::call('sounds', 'get_files_config');
        foreach ($aFilesConfig as $a) {
            if (isset($a['image']) && $a['image']) {
                @rename($sTempFile . $a['postfix'], $sFilesPathMp3 . $sFileId . $a['postfix']);
        return $sFileId;
    return false;
Exemple #6
function getAttributes($resource, $readConnection, $writeConnection, $username, $password, $service_url)
    $service_urlPost = $service_url . "/user/token";
    $curlPost = curl_init($service_urlPost);
    $headersPost = array('Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8', 'Content-Length: 0', 'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($username . ":" . $password));
    curl_setopt($curlPost, CURLOPT_POST, true);
    // indico che la richiesta è di tipo POST
    curl_setopt($curlPost, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_ANY);
    curl_setopt($curlPost, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
    // disabilito la verifica del certificato SSL; è necessario perchè altrimenti non esegue la chiamata rest
    curl_setopt($curlPost, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($curlPost, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
    curl_setopt($curlPost, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headersPost);
    $curl_responsePost = curl_exec($curlPost);
    if ($curl_responsePost === false) {
        $infoPost = curl_getinfo($curlPost);
        return false;
    } else {
        $decodedPost = json_decode($curl_responsePost);
        if (is_object($decodedPost)) {
            $arrayPost = get_object_vars($decodedPost);
        $aToken = $arrayPost["access_token"];
        $headersGet = array('Authorization: Bearer ' . $aToken);
        // recupero solo l'header della richiesta
        $service_urlGet = $service_url . "/attributes?&limit=100";
        $curlGet = curl_init($service_urlGet);
        curl_setopt($curlGet, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_ANY);
        // accetto ogni autenticazione. Il sitema utilizzerà la migliore
        curl_setopt($curlGet, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
        // disabilito la verifica del certificato SSL; è necessario perchè altrimenti non esegue la chiamata rest
        curl_setopt($curlGet, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        // salvo l'output della richiesta in una variabile
        curl_setopt($curlGet, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
        curl_setopt($curlGet, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
        curl_setopt($curlGet, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true);
        curl_setopt($curlGet, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headersGet);
        // setto l'header della richiesta
        $header = curl_exec($curlGet);
        if ($header === false) {
            $infoGet = curl_getinfo($curlGet);
            return false;
        } else {
            // costrusico un array dell'header e recupero il totale delle pagine
            $myarray = array();
            $data = explode("\n", $header);
            $myarray['status'] = $data[0];
            foreach ($data as $part) {
                $middle = explode(":", $part);
                if (isset($middle[1])) {
                    $myarray[trim($middle[0])] = trim($middle[1]);
            $pagine = $myarray["X-Count-Pages"];
            // effettuo una chiamata al web service per ogni pagina
            for ($p = 1; $p <= $pagine; $p++) {
                $service_urlPost = $service_url . "/user/token";
                $curlPost = curl_init($service_urlPost);
                $headersPost = array('Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8', 'Content-Length: 0', 'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($username . ":" . $password));
                curl_setopt($curlPost, CURLOPT_POST, true);
                // indico che la richiesta è di tipo POST
                curl_setopt($curlPost, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_ANY);
                curl_setopt($curlPost, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
                // disabilito la verifica del certificato SSL; è necessario perchè altrimenti non esegue la chiamata rest
                curl_setopt($curlPost, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
                curl_setopt($curlPost, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
                curl_setopt($curlPost, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headersPost);
                $curl_responsePost = curl_exec($curlPost);
                if ($curl_responsePost === false) {
                    $infoPost = curl_getinfo($curlPost);
                    return false;
                } else {
                    $decodedPost = json_decode($curl_responsePost);
                    if (is_object($decodedPost)) {
                        $arrayPost = get_object_vars($decodedPost);
                    $aToken = $arrayPost["access_token"];
                    $headersGet = array('Authorization: Bearer ' . $aToken);
                    $service_urlGet = $service_url . "/attributes?limit=100&page=" . $p;
                    $curlGet = curl_init($service_urlGet);
                    curl_setopt($curlGet, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_ANY);
                    // accetto ogni autenticazione. Il sitema utilizzerà la migliore
                    curl_setopt($curlGet, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
                    // disabilito la verifica del certificato SSL; è necessario perchè altrimenti non esegue la chiamata rest
                    curl_setopt($curlGet, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
                    // salvo l'output della richiesta in una variabile
                    curl_setopt($curlGet, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headersGet);
                    // setto l'header della richiesta
                    curl_setopt($curlGet, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
                    $curl_responseGet = curl_exec($curlGet);
                    if ($curl_responseGet === false) {
                        $infoGet = curl_getinfo($curlGet);
                        return false;
                    } else {
                        // parse del contenuto
                        $decodedGet = json_decode($curl_responseGet);
                        $countP = 0;
                        $array_sku = array("");
                        if (is_object($decodedGet)) {
                            $decodedGet = get_object_vars($decodedGet);
                        $l = 1;
                        foreach ($decodedGet as $key => $value) {
                            $l = $l + 1;
                            $id_attributo = $key;
                            $valoreProdotti = $value;
                            $description = null;
                            $valoriAttributi = null;
                            foreach ($valoreProdotti as $key => $value) {
                                // recupero campi prodotto
                                if ($key == "description") {
                                    $nome_attributo = $value;
                                    if (is_object($nome_attributo)) {
                                        $nome_attributo = get_object_vars($nome_attributo);
                                if ($key == "values") {
                                    $subattributes = $value;
                                    if (is_object($subattributes)) {
                                        $subattributes = get_object_vars($subattributes);
                            // controllo esistenza dell'attributo in magento
                            $stringQuery = "select id_magento from " . $resource->getTableName('wsca_attributes') . " where id_ws='" . $id_attributo . "'";
                            $id_attributoMage = $readConnection->fetchOne($stringQuery);
                            if ($id_attributoMage == null) {
                                $model = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_setup', 'core_setup');
                                if (count($subattributes) == 0) {
                                    $input = "text";
                                    $dbInput = "testo";
                                } else {
                                    $input = "multiselect";
                                    $dbInput = "select";
                                $data = array('global' => Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Attribute::SCOPE_WEBSITE, 'group' => 'General', 'type' => 'varchar', 'backend' => '', 'frontend' => '', 'label' => ucfirst(strtolower(replace_accents($nome_attributo))), 'input' => $input, 'unique' => false, 'required' => false, 'is_configurable' => false, 'searchable' => false, 'visible_in_advanced_search' => false, 'comparable' => false, 'filterable' => false, 'filterable_in_search' => false, 'used_for_promo_rules' => false, 'visible_on_front' => false, 'used_in_product_listing' => false, 'used_for_sort_by' => false, 'user_defined' => true);
                                $nome_attributoMage = substr("ca_" . $id_attributo, 0, 30);
                                $model->addAttribute('catalog_product', $nome_attributoMage, $data);
                                $setup = new Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup('core_setup');
                                $optionTable = $setup->getTable('eav/attribute');
                                $id_attributoMage = getLastInsertId($optionTable, 'attribute_id');
                                $query = "insert into " . $resource->getTableName('wsca_attributes') . " (id_magento,id_ws,tipo) values('" . $id_attributoMage . "','" . $id_attributo . "','" . $dbInput . "')";
                            } else {
                                $nome_attributoMage = substr("ca_" . $id_attributo, 0, 30);
                            // se l'attributo è il supercolore utilizzo anche l'attributo colore
                            if ($nome_attributo == "Supercolore") {
                            } else {
                                foreach ($subattributes as $key => $value) {
                                    $id_valoreattributo = $key;
                                    $nome_valoreattributo = $value;
                                    // controllo esistenza opzione in magento per l'attributo in questione
                                    $stringQuery = "select id_magento from " . $resource->getTableName('wsca_subattributes') . " where id_ws='" . $id_valoreattributo . "' and id_attributes='" . $id_attributo . "'";
                                    $id_valoreattributoMage = $readConnection->fetchOne($stringQuery);
                                    if ($id_valoreattributoMage == null) {
                                        if ($nome_valoreattributo == "" || $nome_valoreattributo == null) {
                                        } else {
                                            $attribute_model = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute');
                                            $attribute_options_model = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute_source_table');
                                            $attribute_code = $attribute_model->getIdByCode('catalog_product', $nome_attributoMage);
                                            $attribute = $attribute_model->load($attribute_code);
                                            $attribute->setData('option', array('value' => array('option' => array(ucfirst(strtolower($nome_valoreattributo)), ucfirst(strtolower($nome_valoreattributo))))));
                                            $setup = new Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup('core_setup');
                                            $optionTable = $setup->getTable('eav/attribute_option');
                                            $id_valoreattributoMage = getLastInsertId($optionTable, 'option_id');
                                            $query = "insert into " . $resource->getTableName('wsca_subattributes') . " (id_magento,id_ws, id_attributes) values('" . $id_valoreattributoMage . "','" . $id_valoreattributo . "','" . $id_attributo . "')";
                                    } else {
                                        $attr = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getResource()->getAttribute($nome_attributoMage);
                                        if ($attr->usesSource()) {
                                            $nomeValoreAttributoMage = $attr->getSource()->getOptionText($id_valoreattributoMage);
                                            if (strtolower($nomeValoreAttributoMage) != strtolower($nome_valoreattributo)) {
                                                $attribute_model = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute');
                                                $attribute_options_model = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute_source_table');
                                                $attribute_code = $attribute_model->getIdByCode('catalog_product', $nome_attributoMage);
                                                $attribute = $attribute_model->load($attribute_code);
                                                // modifica della stagione su magento (nome dell'opzione)
                                                $data = array();
                                                $values = array($id_valoreattributoMage => array(0 => ucfirst(strtolower($nome_valoreattributo)), 1 => ucfirst(strtolower($nome_valoreattributo))));
                                                $data['option']['value'] = $values;
    return true;
 * Actions with specified room
function doRoom($sSwitch, $iUserId = 0, $iRoomId = 0, $sRoom = "")
    switch ($sSwitch) {
        case 'insert':
            $aCurRoom = getArray("SELECT `ID`, `Status` FROM `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "Rooms` WHERE `Name`='" . $sRoom . "'");
            if (!empty($aCurRoom['ID']) && $aCurRoom['Status'] == ROOM_STATUS_DELETE) {
                getResult("UPDATE `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "Rooms` SET `OwnerID`='" . $iUserId . "', `When`=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), `Status`='" . ROOM_STATUS_NORMAL . "' WHERE `ID`='" . $aCurRoom['ID'] . "'");
                return $aCurRoom['ID'];
            } else {
                if (empty($aCurRoom['ID'])) {
                    getResult("INSERT INTO `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "Rooms` (`ID`, `Name`, `OwnerID`, `When`, `Status`) VALUES ('" . $iRoomId . "', '" . addslashes($sRoom) . "', '" . $iUserId . "', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), '" . ROOM_STATUS_NORMAL . "')");
                    return getLastInsertId();
                } else {
                    return 0;
        case 'delete':
            $sQuery = "UPDATE `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "Rooms` SET `When`=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), `Status`='" . ROOM_STATUS_DELETE . "' WHERE `ID` = '" . $iRoomId . "'";
 case 'initFile':
     $sContents = parseXml($aXmlTemplates['result'], "msgErrorUpload", FAILED_VAL);
     $sTempFileName = $sFilesPath . $sId . TEMP_FILE_NAME;
     if (!file_exists($sTempFileName)) {
     $sConvert = isset($_REQUEST['convert']) ? $_REQUEST['convert'] : TRUE_VAL;
     $bJustRename = $sConvert != TRUE_VAL;
     if (!convert($sId, $bJustRename)) {
     $sAutoApprove = $bAdmin ? TRUE_VAL : getSettingValue($sModule, "autoApprove");
     $sUri = genUri($sTitle);
     getResult("INSERT INTO `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "Files`(`CategoryId`, `Title`, `Uri`, `Tags`, `Description`, `Date`, `Owner`, `Approved`) VALUES ('" . $sCategory . "', '" . $sTitle . "', '" . $sUri . "', '" . $sTags . "', '" . $sDesc . "', '" . time() . "', '" . $sId . "', '" . $sAutoApprove . "')");
     $sFileId = getLastInsertId();
     if (!renameFile($sId, $sFileId)) {
         getResult("DELETE FROM `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "Files` WHERE `ID`='" . $sFileId . "' LIMIT 1");
     $sNewFileName = $sFileId . MP3_EXTENSION;
     deleteTempFiles($sId, true);
     if ($sId != "0") {
         getResult("UPDATE `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "PlayLists` SET `Order`=`Order`+1 WHERE `Owner` = '" . $sId . "'");
         getResult("INSERT INTO `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "PlayLists` VALUES('" . $sFileId . "', '" . $sId . "', '1')");
     $sContents = parseXml($aXmlTemplates['result'], "", SUCCESS_VAL);
     $sContents .= parseXml($aXmlTemplates['file'], $sFileId, $sNewFileName);
function publishRecordedVideo($sUserId, $sTitle, $sCategory, $sTags, $sDesc, $aFilesConfig = array())
    global $sModule;
    global $sFilesPath;
    $sPlayFile = $sFilesPath . $sUserId . TEMP_FILE_NAME . FLV_EXTENSION;
    if (file_exists($sPlayFile) && filesize($sPlayFile) > 0) {
        if (!$aFilesConfig) {
            $aFilesConfig = BxDolService::call('videos', 'get_files_config');
        $sDBModule = DB_PREFIX . ucfirst($sModule);
        $sUri = video_genUri($sTitle);
        $sUriPart = empty($sUri) ? "" : "`Uri`='" . $sUri . "', ";
        getResult("INSERT INTO `" . $sDBModule . "Files` SET `Categories`='" . $sCategory . "', `Title`='" . $sTitle . "', " . $sUriPart . "`Tags`='" . $sTags . "', `Description`='" . $sDesc . "', `Date`='" . time() . "', `Owner`='" . $sUserId . "', `Status`='" . STATUS_PENDING . "'");
        $sFileId = getLastInsertId();
        rename($sPlayFile, $sFilesPath . $sFileId);
        foreach ($aFilesConfig as $a) {
            if (isset($a['image']) && $a['image']) {
                @rename($sFilesPath . $sUserId . TEMP_FILE_NAME . $a['postfix'], $sFilesPath . $sFileId . $a['postfix']);
        return $sFileId;
    return false;
 $nome_valoreattributo = $value;
 // controllo esistenza opzione in magento per l'attributo in questione
 $stringQuery = "select id_magento from " . $resource->getTableName('wsca_subattributes') . " where id_ws='" . $id_valoreattributo . "' and id_attributes='" . $id_attributo . "'";
 $id_valoreattributoMage = $readConnection->fetchOne($stringQuery);
 if ($id_valoreattributoMage == null) {
     if ($nome_valoreattributo == "" || $nome_valoreattributo == null) {
     } else {
         $attribute_model = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute');
         $attribute_options_model = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute_source_table');
         $attribute_code = $attribute_model->getIdByCode('catalog_product', $nome_attributoMage);
         $attribute = $attribute_model->load($attribute_code);
         $attribute->setData('option', array('value' => array('option' => array(ucfirst(strtolower($nome_valoreattributo)), ucfirst(strtolower($nome_valoreattributo))))));
         $setup = new Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup('core_setup');
         $optionTable = $setup->getTable('eav/attribute_option');
         $id_valoreattributoMage = getLastInsertId($optionTable, 'option_id');
         $query = "insert into " . $resource->getTableName('wsca_subattributes') . " (id_magento,id_ws, id_attributes) values('" . $id_valoreattributoMage . "','" . $id_valoreattributo . "','" . $id_attributo . "')";
 } else {
     $attr = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getResource()->getAttribute($nome_attributoMage);
     if ($attr->usesSource()) {
         $nomeValoreAttributoMage = $attr->getSource()->getOptionText($id_valoreattributoMage);
         if (strtolower($nomeValoreAttributoMage) != strtolower($nome_valoreattributo)) {
             $attribute_model = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute');
             $attribute_options_model = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute_source_table');
             $attribute_code = $attribute_model->getIdByCode('catalog_product', $nome_attributoMage);
             $attribute = $attribute_model->load($attribute_code);
             // modifica della stagione su magento (nome dell'opzione)
             $data = array();
             $values = array($id_valoreattributoMage => array(0 => ucfirst(strtolower($nome_valoreattributo)), 1 => ucfirst(strtolower($nome_valoreattributo))));
         move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], $sFilePath);
         @chmod($sFilePath, 0644);
 case 'initFile':
     $sFilePath = $sFilesPath . $sSndId . "to" . $sRspId . ".temp";
     $sContents = parseXml($aXmlTemplates['result'], "msgErrorUpload", FAILED_VAL);
     $sContactId = getContactId($sSndId, $sRspId);
     if (!file_exists($sFilePath) || filesize($sFilePath) == 0) {
     if (empty($sContactId)) {
         $sFileName = time();
     } else {
         getResult("INSERT INTO `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "Messages`(`ContactID`, `Message`, `Type`, `When`) VALUES('" . $sContactId . "', '" . $sMessage . "', 'file', '" . time() . "')");
         $sFileName = getLastInsertId();
     $sFileName .= ".file";
     if (!@rename($sFilePath, $sFilesPath . $sFileName)) {
     $sContents = parseXml($aXmlTemplates['result'], $sFileName, SUCCESS_VAL);
 case 'removeFile':
     $sId = str_replace(".file", "", $sId);
      * >>> ACTIONS FOR INVITE <<<
      * Check for pending messages for given user
Exemple #12
function publishRecordedVideo($sUserId, $sTitle, $sCategory, $sTags, $sDesc)
    global $sModule;
    global $sFilesPath;
    $sPlayFile = $sFilesPath . $sUserId . TEMP_FILE_NAME . FLV_EXTENSION;
    if (file_exists($sPlayFile) && filesize($sPlayFile) > 0) {
        $sDBModule = DB_PREFIX . ucfirst($sModule);
        $sUri = video_genUri($sTitle);
        $sUriPart = empty($sUri) ? "" : "`Uri`='" . $sUri . "', ";
        getResult("INSERT INTO `" . $sDBModule . "Files` SET `Categories`='" . $sCategory . "', `Title`='" . $sTitle . "', " . $sUriPart . "`Tags`='" . $sTags . "', `Description`='" . $sDesc . "', `Date`='" . time() . "', `Owner`='" . $sUserId . "', `Status`='" . STATUS_PENDING . "'");
        $sFileId = getLastInsertId();
        rename($sPlayFile, $sFilesPath . $sFileId);
        @rename($sFilesPath . $sUserId . TEMP_FILE_NAME . IMAGE_EXTENSION, $sFilesPath . $sFileId . IMAGE_EXTENSION);
        @rename($sFilesPath . $sUserId . TEMP_FILE_NAME . THUMB_FILE_NAME . IMAGE_EXTENSION, $sFilesPath . $sFileId . THUMB_FILE_NAME . IMAGE_EXTENSION);
        return $sFileId;
    } else {
        return false;
      * Create new Board
      * param - boardId
      * param - title
 //--- Actions for LITE Version Only ---//
  * Create new Board
  * param - boardId
  * param - title
 case 'create':
     getResult("INSERT INTO `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "Boards`(`UserID`, `Title`, `Track`) VALUES('" . $sUserId . "', '" . $sTitle . "', '" . time() . "')");
     $iBoardId = (int) getLastInsertId();
     if (!empty($iBoardId)) {
         $sContents = parseXml($aXmlTemplates['result'], $iBoardId, SUCCESS_VAL);
     } else {
         $sContents = parseXml($aXmlTemplates['result'], 'msgErrorDB', FAILED_VAL);
      * Destroy specified Board.
      * param - boardId
  * Destroy specified Board.
  * param - boardId
 case 'destroy':
     $j = $j + 1;
 $id_attributo = "000001";
 // controllo esistenza opzione in magento per l'attributo in questione
 $stringQuery = "select id_magento from " . $resource->getTableName('wsca_subattributes') . " where id_ws='" . $stringaIdAttributo . "' and id_attributes='" . $id_attributo . "'";
 $idSuperColore = $readConnection->fetchOne($stringQuery);
 if ($idSuperColore == null) {
     $attribute_model = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute');
     $attribute_options_model = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute_source_table');
     $attribute_code = $attribute_model->getIdByCode('catalog_product', "ca_000001");
     $attribute = $attribute_model->load($attribute_code);
     $attribute->setData('option', array('value' => array('option' => array(ucfirst(strtolower($stringaValoreAttributo)), ucfirst(strtolower($stringaValoreAttributo))))));
     $setup = new Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup('core_setup');
     $optionTable = $setup->getTable('eav/attribute_option');
     $idSuperColore = getLastInsertId($optionTable, 'option_id');
     $query = "insert into " . $resource->getTableName('wsca_subattributes') . " (id_magento,id_ws, id_attributes) values('" . $idSuperColore . "','" . $stringaIdAttributo . "','" . $id_attributo . "')";
 if (count($supercolore) == 1) {
     // recupero il nome della stagione
     $entityType = Mage::getModel('eav/config')->getEntityType('catalog_product');
     $attributeModel = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute')->loadByCode($entityType, "ca_colore");
     $_collection = Mage::getResourceModel('eav/entity_attribute_option_collection')->setAttributeFilter($attributeModel->getId())->setStoreFilter(3)->load();
     foreach ($_collection->toOptionArray() as $option) {
         if ($option['value'] == $id_valoreattributoMage) {
             $nome_colore = $option['label'];
     $stringQuery = "select id_magento from " . $resource->getTableName('wsca_filtraggio_colore') . " where id_ws='" . $id_valoreattributo . "'";
 foreach ($varianti as $key => $value) {
     $scalare = $key;
     $misura = $value;
     // controllo esistenza opzione in magento per l'attributo in questione
     $stringQuery = "select id_magento from " . $resource->getTableName('wsca_misura') . " where LOWER(misura)='" . strtolower($misura) . "'";
     $id_misuraMage = $readConnection->fetchOne($stringQuery);
     if ($id_misuraMage == null) {
         $attribute_model = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute');
         $attribute_options_model = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute_source_table');
         $attribute_code = $attribute_model->getIdByCode('catalog_product', "ca_misura");
         $attribute = $attribute_model->load($attribute_code);
         $attribute->setData('option', array('value' => array('option' => array(ucfirst(strtolower($misura)), ucfirst(strtolower($misura))))));
         $setup = new Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup('core_setup');
         $optionTable = $setup->getTable('eav/attribute_option');
         $id_misuraMage = getLastInsertId($optionTable, 'option_id');
         $query = "insert into " . $resource->getTableName('wsca_misura') . " (id_magento,misura) values('" . $id_misuraMage . "','" . strtolower($misura) . "')";
     } else {
         $attr = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getResource()->getAttribute("ca_misura");
         if ($attr->usesSource()) {
             $nomeMisuraMage = $attr->getSource()->getOptionText($id_misuraMage);
             if (strtolower($nomeMisuraMage) != strtolower($misura)) {
                 $attribute_model = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute');
                 $attribute_options_model = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute_source_table');
                 $attribute_code = $attribute_model->getIdByCode('catalog_product', "ca_misura");
                 $attribute = $attribute_model->load($attribute_code);
                 // modifica della stagione su magento (nome dell'opzione)
                 $data = array();
                 $values = array($id_misuraMage => array(0 => ucfirst(strtolower($misura)), 1 => ucfirst(strtolower($misura))));
                 $data['option']['value'] = $values;
 * Actions with specified room
function doRoom($sSwitch, $sUserId = "", $iRoomId = 0, $sTitle = "", $sPassword = "", $sDesc = "", $bTemp = false)
    $iCurrentTime = time();
    switch ($sSwitch) {
        case 'insert':
            $aCurRoom = getArray("SELECT * FROM `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "Rooms` WHERE `Name`='" . $sTitle . "'");
            $sStatus = $bTemp ? ROOM_STATUS_DELETE : ROOM_STATUS_NORMAL;
            if (!empty($aCurRoom['ID']) && $sUserId == $aCurRoom['OwnerID']) {
                getResult("UPDATE `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "Rooms` SET `Name`='" . $sTitle . "', `Password`='" . $sPassword . "', `Desc`='" . $sDesc . "', `OwnerID`='" . $sUserId . "', `When`='" . $iCurrentTime . "', `Status`='" . $sStatus . "' WHERE `ID`='" . $aCurRoom['ID'] . "'");
                return $aCurRoom['ID'];
            } else {
                if (empty($aCurRoom['ID'])) {
                    getResult("INSERT INTO `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "Rooms` (`ID`, `Name`, `Password`, `Desc`, `OwnerID`, `When`, `Status`) VALUES ('" . $iRoomId . "', '" . $sTitle . "', '" . $sPassword . "', '" . $sDesc . "', '" . $sUserId . "', '" . $iCurrentTime . "', '" . $sStatus . "')");
                    return getLastInsertId();
                } else {
                    return 0;
        case 'update':
            getResult("UPDATE `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "Rooms` SET `Name`='" . $sTitle . "', `Password`='" . $sPassword . "', `Desc`='" . $sDesc . "', `When`='" . $iCurrentTime . "', `Status`='" . ROOM_STATUS_NORMAL . "' WHERE `ID`='" . $iRoomId . "'");
        case 'delete':
            $sSql = "UPDATE `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "Rooms` SET `When`='" . $iCurrentTime . "', `Status`='" . ROOM_STATUS_DELETE . "' WHERE `ID` = '" . $iRoomId . "'";
        case 'enter':
            $sId = getValue("SELECT `ID` FROM `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "RoomsUsers` WHERE `Room`='" . $iRoomId . "' AND `User`='" . $sUserId . "' LIMIT 1");
            if (empty($sId)) {
                getResult("INSERT INTO `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "RoomsUsers`(`Room`, `User`, `When`) VALUES('" . $iRoomId . "', '" . $sUserId . "', '" . $iCurrentTime . "')");
            } else {
                getResult("UPDATE `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "RoomsUsers` SET `When`='" . $iCurrentTime . "', `Status`='" . ROOM_STATUS_NORMAL . "' WHERE `ID`='" . $sId . "'");
        case 'exit':
            getResult("UPDATE `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "RoomsUsers` SET `When`='" . $iCurrentTime . "', `Status`='" . ROOM_STATUS_DELETE . "' WHERE `Room`='" . $iRoomId . "' AND `User`='" . $sUserId . "' LIMIT 1");
        case 'deleteTemp':
            if (useServer()) {
                getResult("DELETE FROM `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "Rooms` WHERE `Status`='" . ROOM_STATUS_DELETE . "' AND `When`<" . ($iCurrentTime - 24 * 60 * 60));
     if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'])) {
         $sFilePath = $sFilesPath . $sSender . ".temp";
         move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], $sFilePath);
         @chmod($sFilePath, 0644);
 case 'initFile':
     $sFilePath = $sFilesPath . $sSender . ".temp";
     $sContents = parseXml($aXmlTemplates['result'], "msgErrorUpload", FAILED_VAL);
     if (empty($sSender) || !file_exists($sFilePath) || filesize($sFilePath) == 0) {
     getResult("INSERT INTO `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "Messages`(`Sender`, `Recipient`, `Message`, `Type`, `When`) VALUES('" . $sSender . "', '" . $sRcp . "', '" . $sMessage . "', 'file', '" . time() . "')");
     $sFileName = getLastInsertId() . ".file";
     if (!@rename($sFilePath, $sFilesPath . $sFileName)) {
     $sContents = parseXml($aXmlTemplates['result'], $sFileName, SUCCESS_VAL);
 case 'removeFile':
     $sId = str_replace(".file", "", $sId);
 case 'help':
     $sApp = isset($_REQUEST['app']) ? $_REQUEST['app'] : "user";
     $sContents = makeGroup("", "topics");
     $sFileName = $sModulesPath . $sModule . "/help/" . $sApp . ".xml";
     if (file_exists($sFileName)) {
         $rHandle = @fopen($sFileName, "rt");
Exemple #18
 * Actions with specified room
function doBoard($sSwitch, $sUserId = "", $iBoardId = 0, $sTitle = "", $sPassword = "")
    $iCurrentTime = time();
    switch ($sSwitch) {
        case 'insert':
            $iBoardId = getValue("SELECT `ID` FROM `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "Boards` WHERE `Name`='" . $sTitle . "' AND `OwnerID`='" . $sUserId . "'");
            if (empty($iBoardId)) {
                getResult("INSERT INTO `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "Boards` (`ID`, `Name`, `Password`, `OwnerID`, `When`) VALUES ('" . $iBoardId . "', '" . $sTitle . "', '" . $sPassword . "', '" . $sUserId . "', '" . $iCurrentTime . "')");
                $iBoardId = getLastInsertId();
            return $iBoardId;
        case 'update':
            getResult("UPDATE `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "Boards` SET `Name`='" . $sTitle . "', `Password`='" . $sPassword . "', `When`='" . $iCurrentTime . "', `Status`='" . BOARD_STATUS_NEW . "' WHERE `ID`='" . $iBoardId . "'");
        case 'delete':
            getResult("UPDATE `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "Boards` SET `When`='" . $iCurrentTime . "', `Status`='" . BOARD_STATUS_DELETE . "' WHERE `ID` = '" . $iBoardId . "'");
        case 'enter':
            $sId = getValue("SELECT `ID` FROM `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "Users` WHERE `Board`='" . $iBoardId . "' AND `User`='" . $sUserId . "' LIMIT 1");
            if (empty($sId)) {
                getResult("INSERT INTO `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "Users`(`Board`, `User`, `When`) VALUES('" . $iBoardId . "', '" . $sUserId . "', '" . $iCurrentTime . "')");
            } else {
                getResult("UPDATE `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "Users` SET `When`='" . $iCurrentTime . "', `Status`='" . BOARD_STATUS_NORMAL . "' WHERE `ID`='" . $sId . "'");
        case 'exit':
            getResult("UPDATE `" . MODULE_DB_PREFIX . "Users` SET `When`='" . $iCurrentTime . "', `Status`='" . BOARD_STATUS_DELETE . "' WHERE `Board`='" . $iBoardId . "' AND `User`='" . $sUserId . "' LIMIT 1");
                     $filtraggio_colori = explode("/", $stringaIdAttributo);
                     $filtraggio_coloriName = explode("/", $stringaValoreAttributo);
                     for ($u = 0; $u < count($filtraggio_colori); $u++) {
                         $stringQuery = "select id_magento from " . $resource->getTableName('wsca_filtraggio_colore') . " where id_ws='" . $filtraggio_colori[$u] . "'";
                         $id_filtraggioColoreMage = $readConnection->fetchOne($stringQuery);
                         if ($id_filtraggioColoreMage == null) {
                             // Colori misti non esiste
                             $attribute_model = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute');
                             $attribute_options_model = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute_source_table');
                             $attribute_code = $attribute_model->getIdByCode('catalog_product', 'ca_filtraggio_colore');
                             $attribute = $attribute_model->load($attribute_code);
                             $attribute->setData('option', array('value' => array('option' => array($filtraggio_coloriName[$u], $filtraggio_coloriName[$u]))));
                             $setup = new Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup('core_setup');
                             $optionTable = $setup->getTable('eav/attribute_option');
                             $id_filtraggioColoreMage = getLastInsertId($optionTable, 'option_id');
                             $query = "insert into " . $resource->getTableName('wsca_filtraggio_colore') . " (id_magento,id_ws) values('" . $id_filtraggioColoreMage . "','" . $filtraggio_colori[$u] . "')";
 // recupero varianti
 foreach ($varianti as $key => $value) {
     $scalare = $key;
     $misura = $value;
     // inserimento prodotto semplice
     $sku_semplice = $id . "-" . strtolower($misura);
Exemple #20
  * @funcionalidad enviamos un mensaje de bienvenida al usuario al registrarse
  * valores para c_met_welcome
  * guardará la acción a realizar al registrarse el usuario (si manda y como el mensaje de bienvenida)
  * c_met_welcome = 0 -> no se da bienvenida
  * c_met_welcome = 1 -> se da la bienvenida en el muro
  * c_met_welcome = 2 -> se da la bienvenida por mensaje privado
  * c_met_welcome = 3 -> se da la bienvenida por aviso
  * @param type $psCore variable global de la clase psCore
  * @param type $psDatos pasamos un array con los datos necesarios
 public function darBienvenida($psCore, $psDatos, $psDb)
     $bienvenido = $psCore->settings['c_met_welcome'];
     if ($bienvenido > 0 && $bienvenido < 4) {
         $mensaje = $psCore->settings['c_message_welcome'];
         $sexo = "Bienvenid" . ($psDatos['user_sexo'] == 1 ? "o" : "a");
         $men_bienvenido = $sexo . $psDatos['user_nick'] . " a " . $psCore->settings['titulo'];
         switch ($bienvenido) {
             case 1:
                 $valores = ['user_id' => $psDatos['user_id'], 'date' => date(), 'mensaje' => $men_bienvenido];
                 $psDb->db_execute("INSERT INTO u_muro (p_user,p_user_pub,p_date,p_body,p_type) VALUES (:user_id,\\'1\\',:date,:mensaje,\\'1\\')", $valores);
                 $id = getLastInsertId();
                 $valores2 = ['user_id' => $psDatos['user_id'], 'id' => $id];
                 $psDb->db_execute("INSERT INTO u_monitor (user_id,obj_user,obj_uno,not_type,not_total,not_menubar,not_monitor) VALUES (:user_id, \\'1\\' :id, \\'12\\',\\'1\\',\\'1\\',\\'1\\',\\'1\\')", $valores2);
             case 2:
                 $valores3 = ['user_id' => $psDatos['user_id'], 'sexo' => $sexo . " a " . $psCore->settings['titulo'], 'preview' => $men_bienvenido, 'time' => time()];
                 $consulta = "INSERT INTO u_mensajes (mp_to, mp_from, mp_subject, mp_preview, mp_date) VALUES (:user_id, \\'1\\', :sexo, :preview , :time)";
                 if ($psDb->db_execute($consulta, $valores3)) {
                     $id = getLastInsertId();
                     $valores4 = ['id' => $id, 'mensaje' => $men_bienvenido, 'addr' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'time' => time()];
                     $psDb->db_execute("INSERT INTO u_respuestas (mp_id, mr_from, mr_body, mr_ip, mr_date) VALUES (id, \\'1\\', :mensaje, :addr, :time)", $valores4);
             case 3:
                 $valores5 = ['user_id' => $psDatos['user_id'], 'sexo' => $sexo . " a " . $psCore->settings['titulo'], 'mensaje' => $men_bienvenido, 'time' => time()];
                 $psDb->db_execute("INSERT INTO u_avisos (user_id, av_subject, av_body, av_date, av_type) VALUES (:user_id, :sexo, :mensaje, :time, \\'3\\')", $valores5);