Exemple #1
            <h4>Riwayat Jabatan</h4>
            <table border="1">
    $jabatans = getJabatan($nip_peg);
    $n = 0;
    foreach ($jabatans as $jab) {
        echo $n;
        if (isset($_SESSION['username'])) {
<a href="<?php 
            echo $base_url;
Exemple #2
function listTembusan($dbh, $string)
    if ($string != "") {
        $arr = explode("@+id/", $string);
        $tempArr = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++) {
            if (!empty($arr[$i])) {
                array_push($tempArr, getJabatan($dbh, $arr[$i]));
        $join = implode(", ", $tempArr);
    } else {
        $join = "Tidak Ada";
    return $join;
Exemple #3
function viewSurat($id, $token)
    global $app;
    $app->response->headers->set("Content-Type", "application/pdf");
    //include header
    include 'headerpdf.php';
    $req = json_decode($app->request->getBody(), true);
    //    $token = $req['token']; Jika menggunakan method POST
    //    $id = $req['id'];
    $decode = JWT::decode($token, TK);
    $account = $decode->account;
    $id_jabatan = $decode->id_jabatan;
    $dbh = getDB();
    //    setReads($dbh, $id);
    $query = "SELECT surat.*, surat_terdistribusi.penerima, surat_kode_hal.deskripsi, users.nama, jabatan.jabatan from surat, surat_terdistribusi, surat_kode_hal, users, jabatan WHERE surat_terdistribusi.id=:id_surat AND surat_terdistribusi.id_surat = surat.id_surat AND (surat_terdistribusi.penerima = :id_jabatan OR surat_terdistribusi.penerima = :account) AND surat.kode_hal = surat_kode_hal.kode_hal AND ((surat_terdistribusi.penerima = users.account) OR (surat_terdistribusi.penerima = users.id_jabatan AND users.id_jabatan = jabatan.id_jabatan))";
    $stmt = $dbh->prepare($query);
    $stmt->bindValue(':id_surat', (int) $id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
    $stmt->bindValue(':id_jabatan', $id_jabatan);
    $stmt->bindValue(':account', $account);
    try {
        $row = $stmt->fetch();
        $hal = $row['deskripsi'];
        // Mendapatkan deskripsi dari HAL
        $input = $row['isi'];
        // Mendapatkan isi dari surat
        //        $tjb = $row['jabatan'];
        //        $nama_pejabat = $row['nama'];
        $nosurat = $row['no_surat'];
        $lam = $row['lampiran'];
        $tanggal = convertDate($row['tanggal_surat']);
        $tjb = getJabatan($dbh, $row['penandatangan']);
        $nama_pejabat = getAccountName($dbh, $row['penandatangan']);
        $tembusan = explode("@+id/", $row['tembusan']);
        // Cari nama user berdasarkan jabatan parameter 'tujuan' //
        $query2 = "SELECT users.nama FROM users WHERE users.id_jabatan = :tujuan OR users.account = :tujuan";
        $stmt2 = $dbh->prepare($query2);
        $stmt2->bindValue(":tujuan", $row['penerima']);
        try {
            if ($stmt2->rowCount() > 0) {
                // Jika ditemukan
                $row2 = $stmt2->fetch();
                $tujuan2 = $row2['nama'];
            } else {
                // Jika tidak ditemukan, berarti suratnya ditujukan kepada pejabat. Cari di tabel pejabat
                $tujuan2 = getJabatan($dbh, $row['penerima']);
        } catch (PDOException $ex) {
            echo $ex->getMessage();
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        echo $e->getMessage();
    // add a page
    //content PDF
    setlocale(LC_ALL, 'IND');
    //$nosurat = '999/UN.39.18/TU/15';
    //$tanggal = strftime("%d %B %Y");
    $lam = '2';
    //$hal = 'Pengajuan Peminjaman Scanner';
    $tujuan = 'KEPALA BIRO ADM. UMUM dan KEUANGAN (BAUK)';
    $tujuan3 = 'KA. UPT PERPUSTAKAAN';
    //$tjb = 'Ka. Pustikom';
    $nip = '197408242005011001';
    //$nama_pejabat = 'Hamidillah Adjie, ST';
    //a. first
    //$pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'Nomor                 :  '.$tes.'                                                                    '.$tanggal.'', 0, false, 'L', 0, '', 0, false, 'M', 'M');
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    //25 : margin dari kiri 53: margin dari atas
    $pdf->MultiCell(0, 0, ':', 0, 'L', 0, 0, 50, 53, true, 0, false, true, 0, 'M', true);
    $pdf->MultiCell(0, 0, 'Lampiran', 0, 'L', 0, 0, 25, 61, true, 0, false, true, 0, 'M', true);
    $pdf->MultiCell(0, 0, ':', 0, 'L', 0, 0, 50, 61, true, 0, false, true, 0, 'M', true);
    $pdf->MultiCell(0, 0, 'Hal', 0, 'L', 0, 0, 25, 69, true, 0, false, true, 0, 'M', true);
    $pdf->MultiCell(0, 0, ':', 0, 'L', 0, 0, 50, 69, true, 0, false, true, 0, 'M', true);
    $pdf->MultiCell(0, 0, '' . $nosurat . '', 0, 'L', 0, 0, 53, 53, true, 0, false, true, 0, 'M', true);
    $pdf->MultiCell(0, 0, '' . $lam . '', 0, 'L', 0, 0, 53, 61, true, 0, false, true, 0, 'M', true);
    $pdf->MultiCell(90, 17, '' . $hal . '', 0, 'L', 0, 0, 53, 69, true, 0, false, true, 0, 'T', true);
    $pdf->MultiCell(0, 0, 'Yth.', 0, 'L', 0, 0, 25, 88, true, 0, false, true, 0, 'M', true);
    $pdf->MultiCell(90, 6, '' . $tujuan2 . '', 0, 'L', 0, 0, 33, 88, true, 0, false, true, 0, 'M', true);
    $pdf->MultiCell(90, 6, 'Universitas Negeri Jakarta', 0, 'L', 0, 0, 33, 93, true, 0, false, true, 0, 'M', true);
    //$input = str_replace('<br />', '\n', $_POST['isi']);
    $html = $input;
    $pdf->MultiCell(170, 0, '' . $input . '' . "\n", 0, 'J', 0, 1, 25, 105, true, 0, true, true, 0, 'T', true);
    //nilai 1 setelah J adalah posisi cell default berada dibawah
    //$pdf->MultiCell($w, $h, $txt, $border, $align, $fill, $ln, $x, $y, $reseth, $stretch, $ishtml, $autopadding, $maxh);
    $pdf->setCellMargins(0, 7, 0, 0);
    $pdf->MultiCell(170, 0, '' . $tjb . '', 0, 'L', 0, 1, 140, '', true, 0, false, true, 0, 'T', true);
    $pdf->setCellMargins(0, 23, 0, 0);
    $pdf->MultiCell(170, 0, '' . $nama_pejabat . '', 0, 'L', 0, 1, 140, '', true, 0, false, true, 0, 'T', true);
    $pdf->setCellMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
    $pdf->MultiCell(170, 0, 'NIP' . ".{$nip}.", 0, 'L', 0, 1, 140, '', true, 0, false, true, 0, 'T', true);
    $pdf->setCellMargins(0, 10, 0, 0);
    $pdf->MultiCell(170, 0, 'Tembusan :', 0, 'L', 0, 1, 25, '', true, 0, false, true, 0, 'T', true);
    $pdf->setCellMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($tembusan); $i++) {
        if ($tembusan[$i] != '') {
            $pdf->MultiCell(170, 0, $i + 1 . '. ' . getJabatan($dbh, $tembusan[$i]), 0, 'L', 0, 1, 25, '', true, 0, false, true, 0, 'T', true);
    // create some HTMNomor                 : L content
    //$html = '<span style="text-align:justify;">a <u>abc</u> abcdefghijkl (abcdef) abcdefg <b>abcdefghi</b> a ((abc)) abcd <img src="images/logo_example.png" border="0" height="41" width="41" /> <img src="images/tcpdf_box.svg" alt="test alt attribute" width="80" height="60" border="0" /> abcdef abcdefg <b>abcdefghi</b> a abc abcd abcdef abcdefg <b>abcdefghi</b> a abc abcd abcdef abcdefg <b>abcdefghi</b> a <u>abc</u> abcd abcdef abcdefg <b>abcdefghi</b> a abc \(abcd\) abcdef abcdefg <b>abcdefghi</b> a abc \\\(abcd\\\) abcdef abcdefg <b>abcdefghi</b> a abc abcd abcdef abcdefg <b>abcdefghi</b> a abc abcd abcdef abcdefg <b>abcdefghi</b> a abc abcd abcdef abcdefg abcdefghi a abc abcd <a href="http://tcpdf.org">abcdef abcdefg</a> start a abc before <span style="background-color:yellow">yellow color</span> after a abc abcd abcdef abcdefg abcdefghi a abc abcd end abcdefg abcdefghi a abc abcd abcdef abcdefg abcdefghi a abc abcd abcdef abcdefg abcdefghi a abc abcd abcdef abcdefg abcdefghi a abc abcd abcdef abcdefg abcdefghi a abc abcd abcdef abcdefg abcdefghi a abc abcd abcdef abcdefg abcdefghi a abc abcd abcdef abcdefg abcdefghi<br />abcd abcdef abcdefg abcdefghi<br />abcd abcde abcdef</span>';
    //$html = "<span>Much playing will only make you happy temporarily</span>";
    //$input = $_POST['isi'];
    // set core font
    $pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 10);
    // output the HTML content
    //$pdf->writeHTML($html, true, 0, true, true);
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    $pdf->SetFont('dejavusans', '', 10);
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    //Close and output PDF document
    $nama_pengirim = $_POST['sender'];
    $nama_file = $nosurat . '.pdf';
    $output = $pdf->Output('', 'S');
    $savePdf = addslashes($output);
    $pdf->Output($nama_file, 'I');
Exemple #4
include "sidebar.php";
<div class="col-md-9">
$search = $_GET['search'];
$pegawais = getSearchPegawai($search);
foreach ($pegawais as $row) {
    $jabatandisplays = getJabatanDisplay($row['nip_peg']);
    $pangkatdisplays = getKepangkatanDisplay($row['nip_peg']);
    $pendidikandisplays = getPendidikanDisplay($row['nip_peg']);
    $diks = getDiklat($row['nip_peg']);
    $kepangkatans = getKepangkatan($row['nip_peg']);
    $jabatans = getJabatan($row['nip_peg']);
    $pendidikans = getPendidikan($row['nip_peg']);
    $keluargas = getKeluargaPegawai($row['nip_peg']);
    // var_dump($row);
        <h4>IDENTITAS PEGAWAI</h4>
        <div class="tbl-no-border data-diri" style="width:450px;">
            <table id="left" border="0">
                    <td>Nama </td>
    if (isset($_SESSION['username'])) {