Exemple #1

// force UTF-8// Ø
list($album, $image) = rewrite_get_album_image('album', 'image');
$folders = explode('/', $album);
if (array_key_exists(0, $folders) && $folders[0] == CACHEFOLDER) {
    // a failed reference to a cached image?
    require_once SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/admin-functions.php';
    require_once SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/cacheManager/functions.php';
    list($image, $args) = getImageProcessorURIFromCacheName(implode('/', $folders) . '/' . $image, getWatermarks());
    if (file_exists(getAlbumFolder() . $image)) {
        $uri = getImageURI($args, dirname($image), basename($image), NULL);
        header("HTTP/1.0 302 Found");
        header("Status: 302 Found");
        header('Location: ' . $uri);
if (isset($_GET['fromlogout'])) {
    header("HTTP/1.0 302 Found");
    header("Status: 302 Found");
    header('Location: ' . WEBPATH . '/index.php');
$obj = @$_zp_gallery_page;
$_zp_gallery_page = '404.php';
if (isset($_index_theme)) {
    $_zp_script = SERVERPATH . "/" . THEMEFOLDER . '/' . internalToFilesystem($_index_theme) . '/404.php';
} else {
    $_zp_script = NULL;
 $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . prefix($table) . ' WHERE `' . $field . '` REGEXP "<img.*src\\s*=\\s*\\".*' . CACHEFOLDER . '((\\.|[^\\"])*)"';
 $result = query($sql);
 if ($result) {
     while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
         preg_match_all('~\\<img.*src\\s*=\\s*"((\\.|[^"])*)~', $row[$field], $matches);
         foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $match) {
             $updated = false;
             if (preg_match('~/' . CACHEFOLDER . '/~', $match)) {
                 list($image, $args) = getImageProcessorURIFromCacheName($match, $watermarks);
                 $try = $_zp_supported_images;
                 $base = stripSuffix($image);
                 $prime = getSuffix($image);
                 array_unshift($try, $prime);
                 $try = array_unique($try);
                 $missing = true;
                 //see if we can match the cache name to an image in the album.
                 //Note that the cache suffix may not match the image suffix
                 foreach ($try as $suffix) {
                     if (file_exists(getAlbumFolder() . $base . '.' . $suffix)) {
                         $missing = false;
                         $image = $base . '.' . $suffix;
                         $uri = getImageURI($args, dirname($image), basename($image), NULL);
                         if (strpos($uri, 'i.php?') !== false) {