Exemple #1
 function compareGames($sid1, $sid2)
     $array1 = getGames($sid1);
     echo "<br>";
     echo "<br>";
     $array2 = getGames($sid2);
     $difference = array_intersect($array1, $array2);
     echo "<br>";
     echo "<br>";
     return $difference;
 public function load()
     if (!isset($_GET['mode']) || empty($_GET['mode'])) {
         $mode = 'joinable';
     } else {
         $mode = $_GET['mode'];
     //No cache for Game List
     header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
     // HTTP/1.1
     header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
     // Date in the past
     $max_game = $this->config->item('max_game');
     if ($mode == 'friends') {
         $config = array('appId' => $this->config->item('fb_appid'), 'secret' => $this->config->item('fb_appsecret'), 'cookie' => $this->config->item('fb_cookie'), 'domain' => $this->config->item('fb_domain'));
         $query = getGames($this->db, $max_game, $this->config->item('max_player'), $mode, $this->session->userdata('fid'), $this->facebook);
     } else {
         $query = getGames($this->db, $max_game, $this->config->item('max_player'), $mode);
     $games = array();
     foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) {
         $game = array();
         $game['id'] = $row['gid'];
         $game['state'] = $row['state'];
         $game['players'] = getPlayersFromGid($this->db, $row['gid']);
         $games[] = $game;
     $rows = array();
     if ($query->num_rows() < $max_game && $mode == 'joinable') {
         $rows = createGames($this->db, $max_game - $query->num_rows());
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $game = array();
             $game['id'] = $row['gid'];
             $game['state'] = 0;
             $game['players'] = array();
             $games[] = $game;
     $this->load->view('game_list_ajax', array("games" => $games, "appId" => $this->config->item('fb_appid'), "mode" => $mode));
Exemple #3
$request = json_decode($postData);
$method = $request->method;
$username = $request->username;
if ($method == "save") {
    $title = $request->title;
    $hint = $request->hint;
    $wordFinal = $request->wordFinal;
    $wordTemp = $request->wordTemp;
    $wordLength = $request->wordLength;
    $correct = $request->correct;
    $clickedString = $request->clickedString;
    $bad = $request->bad;
    saveGame($username, $title, $hint, $wordFinal, $wordTemp, $wordLength, $correct, $bad, $clickedString);
} else {
    if ($method == "retrieve") {
    } else {
        if ($method == "delete") {
            $title = $request->title;
            deleteGame($username, $title);
/*Table: ID, Username, Title, wordFinal, wordTemp, wordLength, correct, bad*/
function saveGame($username, $title, $hint, $wordFinal, $wordTemp, $wordLength, $correct, $bad, $clickedString)
    $data = array();
    $connection = pdo_connect();
    if (doesTitleExist($username, $title)) {
        $query = <<<SQL

$root = "/home/football/www/";
include $root . 'dbconnect_live_scores.php';
require_once $root . 'api/v1/api_functions.php';
include $root . 'dbconnect_new.php';
//require_once $root.'api/v2/app_functions.php';
global $dbconn_mysql;
function getGames($lid)
    global $dbconn_mysql;
    global $dbconn;
    $array = array();
    $query3 = $dbconn_mysql->prepare("SELECT lm.*, ls.type AS score, ls.score AS type, t.name AS team_home_name, t2.name AS team_away_name\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM teams t, teams t2, live_match lm\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT OUTER JOIN live_scores ls ON (ls.match_id=lm.id AND ls.score='CURRENT')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE lm.game_status!='Canc'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND lm.team_home_id=t.id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND lm.team_away_id=t2.id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY lm.status_type='live' DESC");
    $rows = $query3->fetchAll();
    $array['match_data'] = $row;
Exemple #5
     // echo "<!-- Send the transaction and unlock the database. -->\n";
     header("location: /app/");
     // Reviews.
 // Reviews.
 case "review":
     require 'model/audiences.php';
     $ages = getAges();
     require 'model/genres.php';
     $genres = getGenres();
     require 'model/games.php';
     $games = getGames();
     $title = "Comparative Review - Review";
     $active = "app";
     include '../view/head.php';
     include '../view/header.php';
     include 'content/video_game_review.php';
 case "submit_review":
     // echo "<!-- Get the different answers from the form. -->\n";
     $review["age_id"] = filter_input(INPUT_POST, "age", FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
     $review["like"] = trim(filter_input(INPUT_POST, "like", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
     $review["game"] = trim(filter_input(INPUT_POST, "game", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
     $review["genre"] = trim(filter_input(INPUT_POST, "genre", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
     $review["gender"] = trim(filter_input(INPUT_POST, "gender", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
     $review["comments"] = trim(filter_input(INPUT_POST, "comments", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
     $review["why_like"] = trim(filter_input(INPUT_POST, "why_like", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
        foreach ($seasoning as $season) {
            $response = file_get_contents("https://api.fantasydata.net/{$league}/v2/JSON/Games/{$season}", false, $context);
            $data = json_decode($response);
            foreach ($data as $game) {
                $badDate = str_replace("T", " ", $game->DateTime);
                if (empty($badDate) === false) {
                    $teamChavez = Team::getTeamByTeamApiId($pdo, $game->AwayTeamID);
                    $teamPaul = Team::getTeamByTeamApiId($pdo, $game->HomeTeamID);
                    if ($teamChavez !== null && $teamPaul !== null) {
                        $gameToInsert = new Game(null, $teamChavez->getTeamId(), $teamPaul->getTeamId(), $badDate);
                    } else {
                        echo "<p>* * * SIX OF THIRTEEN SKIPPED THIS GAME * * *</p>" . PHP_EOL;
    } catch (Exception $exception) {
        echo "Something went wrong: " . $exception->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
    } catch (TypeError $typeError) {
        echo "Something went wrong: " . $typeError->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
$sportLeagues = ["NHL", "NBA", "MLB"];
$pdo = connectToEncryptedMySQL("/etc/apache2/capstone-mysql/sprots.ini");
foreach ($sportLeagues as $sportLeague) {
    $sport = Sport::getSportBySportLeague($pdo, $sportLeague);
    getTeams($sportLeague, $sport->getSportId());

require_once "../../../include/config.php";
require_once $basedir . "/admin/include/functions.php";
include $basedir . '/admin/include/isadmin.php';
$cats = getCategories();
$cats = getGames($cats, 'categories');
// get how many games are active for this category
$gamemenu = 'active';
$datatables = 'active';
<!DOCTYPE html>
include $basedir . '/admin/include/header.php';

	<body class="skin-blue">
	<!-- header logo: style can be found in header.less -->
	<header class="header">
include $basedir . '/admin/include/header_menu.php';
	</header><!-- ./header -->
	<div class="wrapper row-offcanvas row-offcanvas-left">

		<!-- Left side column. -->
		<aside class="left-side sidebar-offcanvas">                
 public function ticket($id, $nbMatch)
     $tickets = TableRegistry::get('Tickets');
     $prognostics = TableRegistry::get('Prognostics');
     //The ticket focus
     $ticket = $tickets->find()->where(['id' => $id])->first();
     if (!isset($ticket)) {
         return $this->redirect(['controller' => 'Pages', 'action' => 'page404']);
     //List ticket's matchs today
     $matchs = $prognostics->find()->where(['n_ticket' => $ticket->id])->order(['date_match' => 'ASC']);
     $matchSelected = substr($nbMatch, 5);
     //Match Selected
     foreach ($matchs as $key => $ticketMatch) {
         if ($key == 0) {
             $firstMatch = $ticketMatch;
         if ($key == $matchSelected - 1) {
             $match = $ticketMatch;
     if (!isset($match)) {
         return $this->redirect(['controller' => 'Pages', 'action' => 'page404']);
     //All championship
     $allChampionship = getChampionships();
     //$championship of the match
     foreach ($allChampionship as $championship) {
         if ($championship['caption'] == $match['competition']) {
             $thisChampionship = $championship;
     //All matchs championship
     $allMatchsChampionship = getGames($thisChampionship['fixtures']);
     //Match's stats between the teams
     foreach ($allMatchsChampionship as $matchChampionship) {
         if ($matchChampionship['homeTeamName'] == $match['home_team'] && $matchChampionship['awayTeamName'] == $match['away_team']) {
             $matchStats = $matchChampionship['showdown'];
     //Last match between the teams
     $lastMatchs = getStatsMatch($matchStats);
     //All teams championship
     $allTeamsChampionship = getTeams($thisChampionship['teams']);
     //Team's stats
     foreach ($allTeamsChampionship as $teamChampionship) {
         if ($teamChampionship['name'] == $match['home_team']) {
             $homeTeamStats = $teamChampionship;
         if ($teamChampionship['name'] == $match['away_team']) {
             $awayTeamStats = $teamChampionship;
     //Ranking of the match
     $ranking = getRanking($thisChampionship['leagueTable'], $thisChampionship['teams'], $thisChampionship['fixtures']);
     if (!empty($ranking)) {
         foreach ($ranking as $team) {
             if (!is_array($team)) {
                 if (!empty($homeTeamStats['fixtures'])) {
                     //Home last matchs
                     $homeLastMatchs = getLastMatchs($homeTeamStats['fixtures'], $thisChampionship['championship'], $team, $thisChampionship['teams']);
                     $this->set('homeLastMatchs', $homeLastMatchs);
                 if (!empty($awayTeamStats['fixtures'])) {
                     //Home last matchs
                     $awayLastMatchs = getLastMatchs($awayTeamStats['fixtures'], $thisChampionship['championship'], $team, $thisChampionship['teams']);
                     $this->set('awayLastMatchs', $awayLastMatchs);
         $this->set('ranking', $ranking);
     $this->set('firstMatch', $firstMatch);
     $this->set('match', $match);
     $this->set('lastMatchs', $lastMatchs);
     $this->set('homeTeamStats', $homeTeamStats);
     $this->set('awayTeamStats', $awayTeamStats);
     $this->set('matchs', $matchs);
     $this->set('ticket', $ticket);

$root = "/home/football/www/";
include $root . 'dbconnect_live_scores.php';
require_once $root . 'api/v1/api_functions.php';
include $root . 'dbconnect_new.php';
//require_once $root.'api/v2/app_functions.php';
global $dbconn_mysql;
$type = isset($_REQUEST['type']) && $_REQUEST['type'] != '' ? $_REQUEST['type'] : false;
$match_id = isset($_REQUEST['match_id']) && $_REQUEST['match_id'] != '' ? $_REQUEST['match_id'] : false;
$league_id = isset($_REQUEST['league_id']) && $_REQUEST['league_id'] != '' ? $_REQUEST['league_id'] : false;
$should_show_no_results_as_success = isset($_REQUEST['should_show_no_results_as_success']) && $_REQUEST['should_show_no_results_as_success'] != '' ? $_REQUEST['should_show_no_results_as_success'] : false;
//league_id for GET_GAMES is actually country_id
//Sorry, haven't got around to changing yet.
if ($type == 'GET_GAMES') {
    getGames($league_id, $should_show_no_results_as_success);
} else {
    if ($type == 'GET_GAME_DATA') {
function getGames($lid, $should_show_no_results_as_success)
    global $dbconn_mysql;
    global $dbconn;
    $query = $dbconn->prepare("SELECT * FROM league WHERE country_id={$lid} ORDER BY SORT ASC");
    $rowco = $query->fetchAll();
    if (count($rowco) == 0) {
        error("Sorry, we couldn't find any leagues associated with this country");
    } else {

require_once "../../../include/config.php";
require_once $basedir . "/admin/include/functions.php";
include $basedir . '/admin/include/isadmin.php';
$tags = getTags();
$tags = getGames($tags, 'tags');
// get how many games are active for this tags
$gamemenu = 'active';
$datatables = 'active';
<!DOCTYPE html>
include $basedir . '/admin/include/header.php';

	<body class="skin-blue">
	<!-- header logo: style can be found in header.less -->
	<header class="header">
include $basedir . '/admin/include/header_menu.php';
	</header><!-- ./header -->
	<div class="wrapper row-offcanvas row-offcanvas-left">

		<!-- Left side column. -->
		<aside class="left-side sidebar-offcanvas">