if (getGPC($_POST, 'plannedTransactionsBox', 'checkbox')) { $showPlannedTransactions = 1; } else { $showPlannedTransactions = 0; } if (getGPC($_POST, 'savingTargetBox', 'checkbox')) { $showSavingTarget = 1; } else { $showSavingTarget = 0; } if (getGPC($_POST, 'pocketMoney1Box', 'checkbox')) { $showPocketMoney1 = 1; } else { $showPocketMoney1 = 0; } if (getGPC($_POST, 'pocketMoney2Box', 'checkbox')) { $showPocketMoney2 = 1; } else { $showPocketMoney2 = 0; } if (count($errors) != 0) { echo '<errors>'; foreach ($errors as $error) { echo "<error>{$error}</error>"; } echo '</errors>'; } //create the chart $insertChart = InsertChart(BADGER_ROOT . "/includes/charts/charts.swf", BADGER_ROOT . "/includes/charts/charts_library", BADGER_ROOT . "/modules/forecast/forecastChart.php?endDate={$endDate}&account={$account}&savingTarget={$savingTarget}&pocketMoney1={$pocketMoney1}&pocketMoney2={$pocketMoney2}&showLowerLimit={$showLowerLimit}&showUpperLimit={$showUpperLimit}&showPlannedTransactions={$showPlannedTransactions}&showSavingTarget={$showSavingTarget}&showPocketMoney1={$showPocketMoney1}&showPocketMoney2={$showPocketMoney2}", 800, 400, "ECE9D8", true); $am = new AccountManager($badgerDb); $totals = array();
**/ define("BADGER_ROOT", "../.."); require_once BADGER_ROOT . '/includes/fileHeaderBackEnd.inc.php'; require_once BADGER_ROOT . '/core/pageSettings/PageSettings.class.php'; require_once BADGER_ROOT . '/core/pageSettings/JSON.php'; $logger->log('getPageSetting: REQUEST_URI: ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $pageSettings = new PageSettings($badgerDb); $page = getGPC($_REQUEST, 'page'); switch (getGPC($_REQUEST, 'action')) { case 'getSettingNamesList': $json = new Services_JSON(); echo $json->encode($pageSettings->getSettingNamesList($page)); break; case 'getSettingRaw': echo $pageSettings->getSettingRaw($page, getGPC($_REQUEST, 'settingName')); break; case 'setSettingRaw': $pageSettings->setSettingRaw($page, getGPC($_REQUEST, 'settingName'), getGPC($_REQUEST, 'setting')); break; case 'getSettingSer': $json = new Services_JSON(); echo $json->encode($pageSettings->getSettingSer($page, getGPC($_REQUEST, 'settingName'))); break; case 'setSettingSer': $json = new Services_JSON(); $pageSettings->setSettingSer($page, getGPC($_REQUEST, 'settingName'), $json->decode(getGPC($_REQUEST, 'setting'))); break; case 'deleteSetting': $pageSettings->deleteSetting($page, getGPC($_REQUEST, 'settingName')); break; }
*| _ \ /\ | __ \ / ____| ____| __ \ *| |_) | / \ | | | | | __| |__ | |__) | *| _ < / /\ \ | | | | | |_ | __| | _ / *| |_) / ____ \| |__| | |__| | |____| | \ \ *|____/_/ \_\_____/ \_____|______|_| \_\ * Open Source Financial Management * Visit http://www.badger-finance.org * **/ define("BADGER_ROOT", "../.."); require_once BADGER_ROOT . "/includes/fileHeaderFrontEnd.inc.php"; require_once BADGER_ROOT . "/core/widgets/DataGrid.class.php"; require_once BADGER_ROOT . '/modules/account/AccountManager.class.php'; require_once BADGER_ROOT . '/modules/account/accountCommon.php'; if (isset($_GET['accountID'])) { $accountID = getGPC($_GET, 'accountID', 'integer'); } else { throw new badgerException('accountOverview', 'noAccountID', ''); } $am = new AccountManager($badgerDb); $account = $am->getAccountById($accountID); $pageTitle = getBadgerTranslation2('accountOverview', 'pageTitle'); $pageTitle .= ": " . $account->getTitle(); $widgets = new WidgetEngine($tpl); $widgets->addToolTipJS(); $widgets->addCalendarJS(); $widgets->addTwistieSectionJS(); $dataGrid = new DataGrid($tpl, "Account{$accountID}"); $dataGrid->sourceXML = BADGER_ROOT . "/core/XML/getDataGridXML.php?q=Account&qp={$accountID}"; $dataGrid->headerName = array(getBadgerTranslation2('accountOverview', 'colValutaDate'), getBadgerTranslation2('accountOverview', 'colTitle'), getBadgerTranslation2('accountOverview', 'colType'), getBadgerTranslation2('accountOverview', 'colAmount'), getBadgerTranslation2('accountOverview', 'colBalance'), getBadgerTranslation2('accountOverview', 'colCategoryTitle')); $dataGrid->columnOrder = array("valutaDate", "title", "type", "amount", "balance", "concatCategoryTitle");
$showLowerLimit = getGPC($_GET, 'showLowerLimit', 'boolean'); } if (isset($_GET['showUpperLimit'])) { $showUpperLimit = getGPC($_GET, 'showUpperLimit', 'boolean'); } if (isset($_GET['showPlannedTransactions'])) { $showPlannedTransactions = getGPC($_GET, 'showPlannedTransactions', 'boolean'); } if (isset($_GET['showSavingTarget'])) { $showSavingTarget = getGPC($_GET, 'showSavingTarget', 'boolean'); } if (isset($_GET['showPocketMoney1'])) { $showPocketMoney1 = getGPC($_GET, 'showPocketMoney1', 'boolean'); } if (isset($_GET['pocketMoney2'])) { $showPocketMoney2 = getGPC($_GET, 'showPocketMoney2', 'boolean'); } //get daily amounts from db $am = new AccountManager($badgerDb); $totals = array(); $currentAccount = $am->getAccountById($accountId); //get LowerLimit for account from db #$currentAccount->SetLowerLimit(NULL); if (!is_null($currentAccount->getLowerLimit()->get())) { $lowerLimit = $currentAccount->getLowerLimit(); } #$currentAccount->SetUpperLimit(NULL); if (!is_null($currentAccount->getUpperLimit()->get())) { $upperLimit = $currentAccount->getUpperLimit(); } //calculate every days balance
/** * This file is called by StandardNavigation. It externalizes the CSS and JS code of * StandardNavigation, assuming it does not change for each side. This saves some * bandwith, as this file should be cached. * * @author Eni Kao */ define('BADGER_ROOT', '../..'); require_once BADGER_ROOT . '/includes/fileHeaderBackEnd.inc.php'; require_once BADGER_ROOT . '/core/navi/StandardNavigation.class.php'; require_once BADGER_ROOT . '/core/navi/NavigationFromDB.class.php'; //require_once(BADGER_ROOT . '/core/UserSettings.class.php'); // sollte das nicht auch in die Includes?? if (isset($_GET['part'])) { $callerBadgerRoot = isset($_GET['badger_root']) ? getGPC($_GET, 'badger_root') : ""; $navi = NavigationFromDB::getNavigation($callerBadgerRoot); $naviObj = new StandardNavigation(); $naviObj->setStructure($navi); //We do our best to get this cached //header('Cache-Control: public'); //header('Expires: ' . date('r', time() + 24 * 60 * 60)); switch (getGPC($_GET, 'part')) { case 'css': header('Content-Type: text/css'); echo $naviObj->getCSS(); break; case 'js': header('Content-Type: text/javascript'); echo "function loadNavigation() {\n" . $naviObj->getJS() . "\n}"; break; } }
<?php /* * ____ _____ _____ ______ _____ *| _ \ /\ | __ \ / ____| ____| __ \ *| |_) | / \ | | | | | __| |__ | |__) | *| _ < / /\ \ | | | | | |_ | __| | _ / *| |_) / ____ \| |__| | |__| | |____| | \ \ *|____/_/ \_\_____/ \_____|______|_| \_\ * Open Source Financial Management * Visit http://badger.berlios.org * **/ define('BADGER_ROOT', '../..'); require_once BADGER_ROOT . '/includes/fileHeaderBackEnd.inc.php'; require_once BADGER_ROOT . '/modules/account/accountCommon.php'; //help functions for automatical calculation of pocket money from the finished transactions $startSpendingDate = getGPC($_POST, 'startDate', 'DateFormatted'); $accountId = getGPC($_POST, 'selectedAccount', 'int'); $spendingMoney = getSpendingMoney($accountId, $startSpendingDate); $spendingMoney->mul(-1); $calculatedPocketMoney = $spendingMoney->getFormatted(); echo $calculatedPocketMoney; require_once BADGER_ROOT . "/includes/fileFooter.php";
function updatePreselection() { global $us; $accountIds = getGPC($_GET, 'accounts', 'integerList'); $us->setProperty('statisticsPreselectedAccounts', $accountIds); }
$us->setProperty('badgerThousandSeparator', ","); } if ($change_password == true) { $us->setProperty('badgerPassword', md5(getGPC($_POST, 'NewPassword'))); //set new valid session, with new password set_session_var('password', md5(getGPC($_POST, 'NewPassword'))); } if (isset($_POST['futureCalcSpan'])) { $us->setProperty('amountFutureCalcSpan', getGPC($_POST, 'futureCalcSpan', 'integer')); } if (isset($_POST['autoExpandPlannedTransactions'])) { $us->setProperty('autoExpandPlannedTransactions', getGPC($_POST, 'autoExpandPlannedTransactions', 'checkbox')); } $us->setProperty('matchingDateDelta', getGPC($_POST, 'matchingDateDelta', 'integer')); $us->setProperty('matchingAmountDelta', getGPC($_POST, 'matchingAmountDelta', 'integer') / 100); $us->setProperty('matchingTextSimilarity', getGPC($_POST, 'matchingTextSimilarity', 'integer') / 100); } } else { $change_password = false; } // Re-Initialization of the tpl-engine after tpl change $tpl = new TemplateEngine($us, BADGER_ROOT); $tpl->addCSS("style.css", "print, screen"); $tpl->addCSS("print.css", "print"); $tpl->addJavaScript("js/jsval.js"); $widgets = new WidgetEngine($tpl); $widgets->addJSValMessages(); $widgets->addToolTipJS(); $widgets->addNavigationHead(); $pageHeading = getBadgerTranslation2('UserSettingsAdmin', 'title'); echo $tpl->getHeader($pageHeading);
function updateRecord() { global $redirectPageAfterSave; global $cm; switch (getGPC($_POST, 'hiddenID')) { case 'new': //add new record //check if $_POST['symbol'], $_POST['longName'] is set????? $ID = $cm->addCurrency(getGPC($_POST, 'symbol'), getGPC($_POST, 'longname')); break; default: //update record $currency = $cm->getCurrencyById(getGPC($_POST, 'hiddenID', 'integer')); $currency->setSymbol(getGPC($_POST, 'symbol')); $currency->setLongName(getGPC($_POST, 'longname')); //$ID = $currency->getId(); } //REDIRECT header("Location: {$redirectPageAfterSave}"); }
private function __construct() { self::$_sessionid = getGPC('sessionid', 'cookie'); if (empty(self::$_sessionid)) { self::$_sessionid = uniqid('session_', true); setGPC('sessionid', self::$_sessionid); } else { self::$_sessionData = GilCache::get(self::$_sessionid); } }
/* * ____ _____ _____ ______ _____ *| _ \ /\ | __ \ / ____| ____| __ \ *| |_) | / \ | | | | | __| |__ | |__) | *| _ < / /\ \ | | | | | |_ | __| | _ / *| |_) / ____ \| |__| | |__| | |____| | \ \ *|____/_/ \_\_____/ \_____|______|_| \_\ * Open Source Financial Management * Visit http://www.badger-finance.org * **/ define("BADGER_ROOT", ".."); require_once BADGER_ROOT . "/includes/fileHeaderBackEnd.inc.php"; //require_once(BADGER_ROOT . "/core/UserSettings.class.php"); // sollte das nicht auch in die Includes?? header('Content-Type: text/javascript'); $badgerRoot = getGPC($_GET, 'badgerRoot'); //we need this bagerRoot for images path $settings = new UserSettings($badgerDb); $badgerTemplate = $settings->getProperty("badgerTemplate"); //We do our best to get this cached //header('Cache-Control: public'); //header('Expires: ' . date('r', time() + 24 * 60 * 60)); ?> // written by Tan Ling Wee // last updated 28 July 2003 // email : info@sparrowscripts.com // modified by ALQUANTO 30 July 2003 - german language included. // - modified languageLogic with the ISO-2letter-strings // - changes in in showCalendar: defaultLanguage is already set... // - js and html corrected... more xhtml-compliant... simplier css
define('MAX_LABELS', 8); $graph = new Graph(800, 400); $graph->setScale('textlin'); $accountIds = getGPC($_GET, 'accounts', 'integerList'); $accountManager = new AccountManager($badgerDb); $totals = array(); $labels = array(); $values = array(); $orderMin = array(array('key' => 'valutaDate', 'dir' => 'asc')); $orderMax = array(array('key' => 'valutaDate', 'dir' => 'desc')); if (getGPC($_GET, 'start') !== 'b') { $startWithBalance = false; } else { $startWithBalance = true; } if (getGPC($_GET, 'ticks') !== 's') { $showTickMarks = false; } else { $showTickMarks = true; } $displayStartDate = null; $displayEndDate = null; $displayStartDateFound = false; $displayEndDateFound = false; $valutaDateFilterAnalysed = false; foreach ($accountIds as $currentAccountId) { $currentAccount = $accountManager->getAccountById($currentAccountId); $labels[$currentAccount->getId()] = $currentAccount->getTitle(); $filter = getDataGridFilter($currentAccount); if (!$valutaDateFilterAnalysed) { foreach ($filter as $currentFilter) {
} elseif (method_exists($control, '_call')) { $data = $control->_call('on' . $action, ''); } else { exit('Action not found!'); } if (method_exists($control, 'on_afterhandler')) { $m = 'on_afterhandler'; $control->{$m}(); } if (isset($data)) { //ob_clean(); header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8'); $ret = json_encode($data); } else { header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); } } catch (Exception $e) { $error_msg = $e->__toString(); $ret = json_encode(array('status' => 'ERROR', 'error_code' => $e->getCode(), 'error_msg' => $e->getMessage())); } $callback = getGPC('callback', 'string'); if (!empty($callback)) { $ret = "{$callback}({$ret});"; } if (!empty($ret)) { die($ret); } if (!empty($view_datas)) { extract($view_datas, EXTR_SKIP); } @(include renderTemplate($module, $action));
* ____ _____ _____ ______ _____ *| _ \ /\ | __ \ / ____| ____| __ \ *| |_) | / \ | | | | | __| |__ | |__) | *| _ < / /\ \ | | | | | |_ | __| | _ / *| |_) / ____ \| |__| | |__| | |____| | \ \ *|____/_/ \_\_____/ \_____|______|_| \_\ * Open Source Financial Management * Visit http://badger.berlios.org * **/ define('BADGER_ROOT', '../..'); require_once BADGER_ROOT . '/includes/fileHeaderFrontEnd.inc.php'; require_once BADGER_ROOT . '/modules/importExport/exportLogic.php'; require_once BADGER_ROOT . '/modules/account/Account.class.php'; if (isset($_GET['mode'])) { $action = getGPC($_GET, 'mode'); } else { $action = 'displayProcedure'; } switch ($action) { case 'backupDatabase': backupDatabase(); break; case 'update': update(); break; case 'displayProcedure': default: displayProcedure(); break; }
require_once BADGER_ROOT . '/core/XML/dataGridCommon.php'; require_once BADGER_ROOT . '/includes/jpGraph/src/jpgraph.php'; require_once BADGER_ROOT . '/includes/jpGraph/src/jpgraph_pie.php'; require_once BADGER_ROOT . '/includes/jpGraph/src/jpgraph_pie3d.php'; require_once BADGER_ROOT . '/modules/account/AccountManager.class.php'; require_once BADGER_ROOT . '/modules/statistics2/colors.php'; define('MAX_CATEGORIES', 12); define('MIN_PERCENTAGE', 0.02); $graph = new PieGraph(800, 400); $accountIds = getGPC($_GET, 'accounts', 'integerList'); $accountManager = new AccountManager($badgerDb); $type = getGPC($_GET, 'type'); if ($type !== 'o') { $type = 'i'; } if (getGPC($_GET, 'summarize') !== 't') { $summarize = false; } else { $summarize = true; } $amounts = array(); $amounts['none'] = new Amount(0); $labels = array(); $labels['none'] = getBadgerTranslation2('statistics', 'noCategoryAssigned'); foreach ($accountIds as $currentAccountId) { $currentAccount = $accountManager->getAccountById($currentAccountId); $filter = getDataGridFilter($currentAccount); $currentAccount->setFilter($filter); while ($currentTransaction = $currentAccount->getNextTransaction()) { if ($type == 'i') { if ($currentTransaction->getAmount()->compare(0) < 0) {
$account3 = $am3->getAccountById(getGPC($_POST, 'account2Select' . $selectedTransactionNumber, 'integer')); $targetAccounts['x' . $account3->getId()] = $account3; $transactionCategory = NULL; if (!getGPC($_POST, 'categorySelect' . $selectedTransactionNumber) == NULL) { if (getGPC($_POST, 'categorySelect' . $selectedTransactionNumber) != "NULL") { $transactionCategory = $cm1->getCategoryById(getGPC($_POST, 'categorySelect' . $selectedTransactionNumber, 'integer')); } } $account3->addFinishedTransaction(getGPC($_POST, 'amount' . $selectedTransactionNumber, 'AmountFormatted'), getGPC($_POST, 'title' . $selectedTransactionNumber), getGPC($_POST, 'description' . $selectedTransactionNumber), getGPC($_POST, 'valutaDate' . $selectedTransactionNumber, 'DateFormatted'), getGPC($_POST, 'transactionPartner' . $selectedTransactionNumber), $transactionCategory, getGPC($_POST, "outside" . $selectedTransactionNumber, 'checkbox'), getGPC($_POST, "exceptional" . $selectedTransactionNumber, 'checkbox'), getGPC($_POST, 'periodical' . $selectedTransactionNumber, 'checkbox')); } else { //Update existing transaction $transaction = $baseAccount->getFinishedTransactionById(getGPC($_POST, 'matchingTransactionSelect' . $selectedTransactionNumber, 'integer')); $transaction->setTitle($transaction->getTitle() . ' - ' . getGPC($_POST, 'title' . $selectedTransactionNumber)); $transaction->setDescription($transaction->getDescription() . "\n" . getGPC($_POST, 'description' . $selectedTransactionNumber) . "\n" . getBadgerTranslation2('importCsv', 'descriptionFieldImportedPartner') . getGPC($_POST, 'transactionPartner' . $selectedTransactionNumber) . "\n" . getBadgerTranslation2('importCsv', 'descriptionFieldOrigValutaDate') . $transaction->getValutaDate()->getFormatted() . "\n" . getBadgerTranslation2('importCsv', 'descriptionFieldOrigAmount') . $transaction->getAmount()->getFormatted()); $transaction->setValutaDate(getGPC($_POST, 'valutaDate' . $selectedTransactionNumber, 'DateFormatted')); $transaction->setAmount(getGPC($_POST, 'amount' . $selectedTransactionNumber, 'AmountFormatted')); if (strpos($transaction->getType(), 'Planned') !== false) { $transaction->setPlannedTransaction(null); } } } } $submitTitle = getBadgerTranslation2('importCsv', 'submitTitle'); echo "<h1>{$submitTitle}</h1>\n"; if ($selectedTransactionNumber > 0) { // echo success message & number of written transactions echo $selectedTransactionNumber . ' ' . getBadgerTranslation2("importCsv", "successfullyWritten") . '<ul>'; foreach ($targetAccounts as $currentAccount) { echo '<li><a href="' . BADGER_ROOT . '/modules/account/AccountOverview.php?accountID=' . $currentAccount->getId() . '">' . htmlentities($currentAccount->getTitle()) . '</a></li>'; } echo '</ul>';
function getRedirectPage($accountId) { if (isset($_REQUEST['backToId'])) { $accountId = getGPC($_REQUEST, 'backToId', 'integer'); } if (isset($_REQUEST['backTo'])) { if (getGPC($_REQUEST, 'backTo') === 'planned') { return 'AccountOverviewPlanned.php?accountID=' . $accountId; } } return 'AccountOverview.php?accountID=' . $accountId; }
function printInsert() { global $tpl, $us, $badgerDb; $widgets = new WidgetEngine($tpl); $widgets->addNavigationHead(); $insertTitle = getBadgerTranslation2('importExport', 'insertTitle'); $updateInfo = ''; echo $tpl->getHeader($insertTitle); $goToStartPagePreLink = getBadgerTranslation2('importExport', 'goToStartPagePreLink'); $goToStartPageLinkText = getBadgerTranslation2('importExport', 'goToStartPageLinkText'); $goToStartPagePostLink = getBadgerTranslation2('importExport', 'goToStartPagePostLink'); if (!isset($_POST['confirmUpload']) || getGPC($_POST, 'confirmUpload') !== 'yes') { $insertMsg = getBadgerTranslation2('importExport', 'insertNoInsert'); } else { if (!isset($_FILES['sqlDump']) || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES['sqlDump']['tmp_name'])) { $insertMsg = getBadgerTranslation2('importExport', 'insertNoFile'); } else { $insertMsg = getBadgerTranslation2('importExport', 'insertSuccessful'); $newerVersionMsg = getBadgerTranslation2('importExport', 'newerVersion'); if (applySqlDump() === 'newerVersion') { eval(' $updateInfo = "' . $tpl->getTemplate('importExport/newerVersion') . '";'); } } } $us = new UserSettings($badgerDb); $startPageURL = BADGER_ROOT . '/' . $us->getProperty('badgerStartPage'); eval('echo "' . $tpl->getTemplate('importExport/insert') . '";'); eval('echo "' . $tpl->getTemplate('badgerFooter') . '";'); }
/** * 验证rest服务必须的参数 */ protected function validate() { $params =& $_REQUEST; if (!isset($params['sig'], $params['timestamp'], $params['method'], $params['sig_appkey'])) { $this->errorMessage(ELEX_API_CODE_PARAMETER_ERROR, 'request parameters error.'); } $request_time = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']; if (empty($request_time)) { $request_time = time(); } // 验证时间戳 $timestamp = getGPC('timestamp', 'int'); if (abs($timestamp - $request_time) > 30) { $this->errorMessage(ELEX_API_CODE_PARAMETER_ERROR, 'timestamp error'); } // 验证签名 require_once FRAMEWORK . '/rest/Signature.class.php'; $sign = Signature::sign($params, API_SIG_KEY); $sig_request = $params['sig']; if ($sign != $sig_request) { $this->errorMessage(ELEX_API_CODE_SIGNATURE_ERROR, 'signature error.'); } }
<?php /* * ____ _____ _____ ______ _____ *| _ \ /\ | __ \ / ____| ____| __ \ *| |_) | / \ | | | | | __| |__ | |__) | *| _ < / /\ \ | | | | | |_ | __| | _ / *| |_) / ____ \| |__| | |__| | |____| | \ \ *|____/_/ \_\_____/ \_____|______|_| \_\ * Open Source Finance Management * Visit http://www.badger-finance.org * **/ //Retrieve md5´ed password from user settings $readoutpassword = $us->getProperty('badgerPassword'); $passwordcorrect = false; if (isset($_session['password']) && $readoutpassword == $_session['password']) { $passwordcorrect = true; } elseif (isset($_POST['password']) && md5(getGPC($_POST, 'password')) == $readoutpassword) { $passwordcorrect = true; //create session variable set_session_var('password', md5(getGPC($_POST, 'password'))); } if ($passwordcorrect != true) { die(getBadgerTranslation2('badger_login', 'backend_not_login')); }
//print(getBadgerTranslation2('badger_login', 'wrong_password')."<br /><br />"); $Feedback .= getBadgerTranslation2('badger_login', 'wrong_password') . "<br /><br />"; } if (isset($_GET['send_password']) && getGPC($_GET, 'send_password') == "true") { //print(getBadgerTranslation2('badger_login', 'ask_really_send')."<br/>"); $Feedback .= getBadgerTranslation2('badger_login', 'ask_really_send') . "<br/>"; //print("<a href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].$signature."send_password=truetrue\">".getBadgerTranslation2('badger_login', 'ask_really_send_link')."</a><br/>"); $Feedback .= "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . $signature . "send_password=truetrue\">" . getBadgerTranslation2('badger_login', 'ask_really_send_link') . "</a><br/>"; } if (isset($_GET['send_password']) && getGPC($_GET, 'send_password') == "truetrue") { //send an E-Mail with a new password to the email adress read from the user settings object $newpassword = rand(0, 16000); $newpassword = md5($newpassword); $newpassword = substr($newpassword, 0, 12); if (mail($us->getProperty('badgerPassword'), getBadgerTranslation2('badger_login', 'password_sent_mail_subject'), getBadgerTranslation2('badger_login', 'password_sent_mail_part_1') . $newpassword . getBadgerTranslation2('badger_login', 'password_sent_mail_part_2'), 'From: forgottenpassword@donotreply.com')) { //print(getBadgerTranslation2('badger_login', 'sent_password')."<br /><br />"); $Feedback .= getBadgerTranslation2('badger_login', 'sent_password') . "<br /><br />"; } else { //print(getBadgerTranslation2('badger_login', 'sent_password_failed')."<br/>"); $Feedback .= getBadgerTranslation2('badger_login', 'sent_password_failed') . "<br/>"; } } if (isset($_GET['logout']) && getGPC($_GET, 'logout', 'boolean') == true) { //echo getBadgerTranslation2('badger_login', 'you_are_logout'); $Feedback .= getBadgerTranslation2('badger_login', 'you_are_logout'); } eval("echo \"" . $tpl->getTemplate("Login/login2") . "\";"); exit; } else { set_session_var('number_of_login_attempts', 0); }
function getBarcode($barcode) { $data = mysql_fetch_assoc(query("select * from panelie_barcode where value='{$barcode}'")); $res['barcode_qty'] = $data['product_qty']; $res['measure'] = $data['product_measure']; $res['product_name'] = $data['attribute_1']; $res['company_name'] = $data['company_name']; $brands = array('BrandOwner_ID' => array('table' => 'panelie_brand_owners', 'field' => 'brand_owner'), 'Brand_ID' => array('table' => 'panelie_brands', 'field' => 'brand'), 'SubBrand_ID' => array('table' => 'panelie_brand_subunits', 'field' => 'subbrand'), 'ProductGeneralType_ID' => array('table' => 'panelie_brand_generaltype', 'field' => 'generaltype')); foreach ($brands as $k => $v) { if (!$data[$k]) { continue; } $tmp = mysql_fetch_assoc(query('select * from ' . $v['table'] . ' where id=' . $data[$k])); $res[$v['field'] . '_name'] = $tmp['name']; $res[$v['field'] . '_id'] = $data[$k]; } $res = array_merge($res, getGPC($data['GPC_SegmentID'], 'segments', 'segment')); $res = array_merge($res, getGPC($data['GPC_Family_ID'], 'families', 'family')); $res = array_merge($res, getGPC($data['GPC_Class_ID'], 'classes', 'class')); $res = array_merge($res, getGPC($data['GPC_Brick_ID'], 'bricks', 'brick')); for ($i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++) { $res = array_merge($res, getGpcAttrib($data, $i)); } $res = array_merge($res, getCover($data['CoverCode'])); return $res; }
function updateRecord() { global $redirectPageAfterSave; global $cm; if (isset($_POST['expense'])) { if (getGPC($_POST, 'expense') === 'expense') { $expense = true; } else { $expense = false; } } else { $expense = null; } switch (getGPC($_POST, 'hiddenID')) { case 'new': //add new record //check if $_POST['symbol'], $_POST['longName'] is set????? $Cat = $cm->addCategory(getGPC($_POST, 'title'), getGPC($_POST, 'description'), getGPC($_POST, 'outsideCapital', 'checkbox'), getGPC($_POST, 'keywords'), $expense); if (isset($_POST['parent']) && getGPC($_POST, 'parent') != "") { $Cat->setParent($cm->getCategoryById(getGPC($_POST, 'parent', 'integer'))); } break; default: //update record $Cat = $cm->getCategoryById(getGPC($_POST, 'hiddenID', 'integer')); $Cat->setTitle(getGPC($_POST, 'title')); $Cat->setDescription(getGPC($_POST, 'description')); $Cat->setOutsideCapital(getGPC($_POST, 'outsideCapital', 'checkbox')); $Cat->setKeywords(getGPC($_POST, 'keywords')); $Cat->setExpense($expense); if (isset($_POST['parent']) && getGPC($_POST, 'parent') != "") { $Cat->setParent($cm->getCategoryById(getGPC($_POST, 'parent', 'integer'))); } //elseif(isset($_POST['parent']) && getGPC($_POST, 'parent') == ""){ //$Cat->setParent(null); //}; } //REDIRECT header("Location: {$redirectPageAfterSave}"); }
function updateRecord() { global $redirectPageAfterSave; global $am; //Account Manager global $curMan; //Currency Manager global $us; if (isset($_POST['hiddenID'])) { switch (getGPC($_POST, 'hiddenID')) { case 'new': //add new record $ID = $am->addAccount(getGPC($_POST, 'title'), $curMan->getCurrencyById(getGPC($_POST, 'currency', 'integer')), getGPC($_POST, 'description'), getGPC($_POST, 'lowerLimit', 'AmountFormatted'), getGPC($_POST, 'upperLimit', 'AmountFormatted'), getGPC($_POST, 'csvParser'), !getGPC($_POST, 'deleteOldPlannedTransactions', 'checkbox')); $naviId = addToNavi($us->getProperty('accountNaviParent'), $us->getProperty('accountNaviNextPosition'), 'item', 'Account' . $ID->getId(), 'account.gif', '{BADGER_ROOT}/modules/account/AccountOverview.php?accountID=' . $ID->getId()); $us->setProperty('accountNaviId_' . $ID->getId(), $naviId); $us->setProperty('accountNaviNextPosition', $us->getProperty('accountNaviNextPosition') + 1); addTranslation('Navigation', 'Account' . $ID->getId(), getGPC($_POST, 'title'), getGPC($_POST, 'title')); $account = $ID; break; default: //update record $account = $am->getAccountById(getGPC($_POST, 'hiddenID', 'integer')); $account->setTitle(getGPC($_POST, 'title')); $account->setDescription(getGPC($_POST, 'description')); $account->setCurrency($curMan->getCurrencyById(getGPC($_POST, 'currency', 'integer'))); $account->setLowerLimit(getGPC($_POST, 'lowerLimit', 'AmountFormatted')); $account->setUpperLimit(getGPC($_POST, 'upperLimit', 'AmountFormatted')); $account->setDeleteOldPlannedTransactions(!getGPC($_POST, 'deleteOldPlannedTransactions', 'checkbox')); $account->setCsvParser(getGPC($_POST, 'csvParser')); modifyTranslation('Navigation', 'Account' . $account->getId(), getGPC($_POST, 'title'), getGPC($_POST, 'title')); } $account->expandPlannedTransactions(new Date('1000-01-01')); //REDIRECT header("Location: {$redirectPageAfterSave}"); } }
/** * 从get post cookie中取出指定键的数据,并转换成整型 * $method可以|分隔,将从左至右顺序返回存在数据 * @param string $key * @param bool $unsigned 是否 * @param string $method */ function getGPCInt($key, $unsigned = false, $method = 'get|post') { $data = intval(getGPC($key, $method)); return $unsigned ? abs($data) : $data; }