function getDispInfo($mid, $uid)
     $userInfo = $this->where("uid={$uid}")->find();
     $no = array("id", "uid");
     foreach ($userInfo as $k => $v) {
         if (!in_array($k, $no)) {
             if (getPrivacy($v, $mid, $uid)) {
                 $k = getFieldName($k);
                 $userInfo_out[$k] = getValue($v);
     return $userInfo_out;
 function getDispInfo($mid, $uid)
     $userInfo_o = $this->find($uid);
     $no = array("id", "email", "passwd", "handle", "baseinfoprivacy", "admin_level", "active", "current_city", "current_area", "company", "school", "name");
     foreach ($userInfo_o as $k => $v) {
         if (!in_array($k, $no)) {
             if ($v && $v != "null") {
                 if ($k == "current_province") {
                     $province_arr = explode("-", $v);
                     $privacy = getPrivNum($province_arr);
                     $v = $province_arr[0] . " " . $userInfo_o["current_city"] . " " . $userInfo_o["current_area"] . $privacy;
                     $k = "current";
                 if ($k == "sex") {
                     $sex_arr = explode("-", $v);
                     $privacy = getPrivnum($sex_arr);
                     $v = $sex_arr[0] == "1" ? "男" : "女";
                     $v .= $privacy;
                 if ($k == "status") {
                     $status_arr = explode("-", $v);
                     $privacy = getPrivNum($status_arr);
                     switch ($status_arr[0]) {
                         case "0":
                             $v = "其他" . $privacy;
                         case "1":
                             $v = $userInfo_o["school"] . $privacy;
                             $k = "school";
                         case "2":
                             $v = $userInfo_o["company"] . $privacy;
                             $k = "company";
                 $userInfo[$k] = $v;
     foreach ($userInfo as $k => $v) {
         if (getPrivacy($v, $mid, $uid)) {
             $k = getFieldName($k);
             $userInfo_out[$k] = getValue($v);
     return $userInfo_out;
Exemple #3

//	mb_http_output ( 'UTF-8' );
require_once "_common.php";
$sTableName = $_GET['sTableName'];
$iFieldCnt = 0;
if (!empty($sTableName)) {
    $arsFieldName = getFieldName($sDbHostName, $sDbUserName, $sDbPassword, $sDbName, $sTableName);
    $iFieldCnt = count($arsFieldName);
if ($iFieldCnt > 0) {
    print "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\">\n";
    print "<tr>\n";
    print "<td valign=\"bottom\" nowrap>\n";
    if (isAdminAct($sActCd)) {
        print "<span class=\"style1\">SELECT&<br>INSERT&<br>UPDATE項目</span></td>\n";
    } else {
        print "<span class=\"style1\">SELECT項目</span></td>\n";
    print "<td valign=\"bottom\" nowrap>\n";
    print "<span class=\"style1\">WHERE項目</span></td>";
    print "<td valign=\"bottom\" nowrap>\n";
    print "<span class=\"style1\">GROUP BY項目</span></td>";
    print "<td valign=\"bottom\" nowrap>\n";
    print "<span class=\"style1\">ORDER BY項目</span></td>";
    print "</tr>\n";

require_once 'master_validation.php';
include_once 'lib/nangkoelib.php';
include_once 'lib/zLib.php';
# Get POST
$IDs = $_POST;
$namaKeg = $_POST['namakegiatan'];
$uom = $_POST['satuan'];
# Get Header
$tmpField = getFieldName('setup_kegiatannorma', 'array');
$tmpPrim = getPrimary($dbname, 'setup_kegiatannorma');
$fieldNew = $field = array();
$fieldStr = "";
foreach ($tmpField as $row) {
    if ($row != 'kodeorg' and $row != 'kodekegiatan' and $row != 'kelompok') {
        $fieldNew[] = $field[] = $row;
        $fieldStr .= "##" . $row;
        if ($row == 'kodebarang') {
            $fieldNew[] = 'namabarang';
            $fieldStr .= "##namabarang";
$primaryStr = "";
foreach ($tmpPrim as $row) {
    $primaryStr .= "##" . $row;
#======== Get Data
 function _addInfoFeed($posts)
     return false;
     if (isset($posts['ts_hometown'])) {
         $posts['ts_hometown'] = getAreaInfo($posts['ts_hometown'], $posts['ts_hometown']);
     if (isset($posts['ts_areaval'])) {
         $posts['ts_areaval'] = getAreaInfo($posts['ts_areaval'], $posts['ts_areaval']);
     foreach ($posts as $name => $v) {
         if (strpos($name, "__") !== 0 && strpos($name, "old_") !== 0) {
             $update[$name] = $v;
     if ($update["name"]) {
         $user["id"] = $this->mid;
         $user["name"] = $update["name"];
         $_SESSION["userInfo"] = serialize($user);
     foreach ($update as $name => $v) {
         if ($name == "sex") {
             $v = $v ? "男" : "女";
         if (getFieldName($name)) {
             $feed_title .= "将" . getFieldName($name) . "改为 \"" . $v . "\",";
     $feed_title = rtrim($feed_title, ",");
     if ($feed_title) {
         $title_data["content"] = $feed_title;
         $feedId = $this->api->feed_publish("info", $title_data, $body_data);
Exemple #6
function handleConfig($plugin)
    global $service, $typeSchema, $pluginURL, $pluginPath, $pluginName, $configMappings, $configVal, $adminSkinSetting;
    $context = Model_Context::getInstance();
    $typeSchema = array('text', 'textarea', 'select', 'checkbox', 'radio');
    $manifest = @file_get_contents(ROOT . "/plugins/{$plugin}/index.xml");
    $xmls = new XMLStruct();
    $CDSPval = '';
    $i = 0;
    $dfVal = Setting::fetchConfigVal(getCurrentSetting($plugin));
    $name = '';
    $clientData = '[';
    $title = $plugin;
    if ($manifest && $xmls->open($manifest)) {
        $title = $xmls->getValue('/plugin/title[lang()]');
        //설정 핸들러가 존재시 바꿈
        $config = $xmls->selectNode('/plugin/binding/config[lang()]');
        if (!empty($config['.attributes']['manifestHandler'])) {
            $handler = $config['.attributes']['manifestHandler'];
            $oldconfig = $config;
            $context->setProperty('plugin.uri', $context->getProperty('service.path') . "/plugins/{$plugin}");
            $context->setProperty('plugin.path', ROOT . "/plugins/{$plugin}");
            $context->setProperty('', $plugin);
            $pluginURL = $context->getProperty('plugin.uri');
            // Legacy plugin support.
            $pluginPath = $context->getProperty('plugin.path');
            $pluginName = $context->getProperty('');
            include_once ROOT . "/plugins/{$plugin}/index.php";
            if (function_exists($handler)) {
                if (!empty($configMappings[$plugin]['config'])) {
                    $configVal = getCurrentSetting($plugin);
                    $context->setProperty('plugin.config', Setting::fetchConfigVal($configVal));
                } else {
                    $configVal = '';
                    $context->setProperty('plugin.config', array());
                $manifest = call_user_func($handler, $plugin);
                if (!is_null($languageDomain)) {
                    $locale->domain = $languageDomain;
            $newXmls = new XMLStruct();
            if ($newXmls->open($manifest)) {
                $config = $newXmls->selectNode('/config[lang()]');
        if (is_null($config['fieldset'])) {
            return array('code' => _t('설정 값이 없습니다.'), 'script' => '[]');
        foreach ($config['fieldset'] as $fieldset) {
            $legend = !empty($fieldset['.attributes']['legend']) ? htmlspecialchars($fieldset['.attributes']['legend']) : '';
            $CDSPval .= CRLF . TAB . "<fieldset>" . CRLF . TAB . TAB . "<legend><span class=\"text\">{$legend}</span></legend>" . CRLF;
            if (!empty($fieldset['field'])) {
                foreach ($fieldset['field'] as $field) {
                    if (empty($field['.attributes']['name'])) {
                    $name = $field['.attributes']['name'];
                    $clientData .= getFieldName($field, $name);
                    $CDSPval .= TreatType($field, $dfVal, $name);
            $CDSPval .= TAB . "</fieldset>" . CRLF;
    } else {
        $CDSPval = _t('설정 값이 없습니다.');
    $clientData .= ']';
    return array('code' => $CDSPval, 'script' => $clientData, 'title' => $title);
function printSearchOnTable($TABLENAME, $fieldname, $texttofind, $order = '', $curpage = 0, $MAX_ROW = 1000)
    //$MAX_ROW plese change this if required
    global $dbname;
    global $conn;
    $offset = $curpage * $MAX_ROW;
    $disp_page = $curpage + 1;
    $field = getFieldName($TABLENAME, 'array');
    if ($texttofind != '') {
        $where = " where " . $fieldname . " like '%" . $texttofind . "%'";
    } else {
        $where = '';
    $strXu = "select * from " . $dbname . "." . $TABLENAME . " " . $where . "  order by " . $order . " limit " . $offset . "," . $MAX_ROW;
    $resXu = mysql_query($strXu);
    //get num rows of the query
    //and create page navigator
    $strXur = "select * from " . $dbname . "." . $TABLENAME . " " . $where;
    $resXur = mysql_query($strXur);
    $numrows = mysql_num_rows($resXur);
    if ($numrows > $MAX_ROW) {
        if ($numrows % $MAX_ROW != 0) {
            $page = floor($numrows / $MAX_ROW) + 1;
        } else {
            $page = $numrows / $MAX_ROW;
    } else {
        $page = 1;
    echo $_SESSION['lang']['page'] . " " . $disp_page . " " . $_SESSION['lang']['of'] . " " . $page . " (Max." . $MAX_ROW . "/" . $_SESSION['lang']['page'] . ")";
    echo " [ " . $_SESSION['lang']['gotopage'] . ":<select id=page>";
    for ($y = 0; $y < $page; $y++) {
        echo "<option value=" . $y . ">" . ($y + 1) . "</option>";
    echo "</select> <button onclick=\"navigatepage('" . $TABLENAME . "');\" class=mybutton>Go</button> ]";
    echo "<table class=sortable cellspacing=1 border=0>\n\t     <thead><tr class=rowheader>";
    for ($x = 0; $x < count($field); $x++) {
        echo "<td>" . $field[$x] . "</td>";
    echo "</tr></thead><tbody>";
    $num = 0;
    while ($barXu = mysql_fetch_array($resXu)) {
        echo "<tr class=rowcontent>";
        for ($x = 0; $x < count($field); $x++) {
            echo "<td>" . $barXu[$x] . "</td>";
        echo "</tr>";
    echo "</tbody><tfoot></tfoot></table>";
    //echo "This function no longer available";
Exemple #9
function showPost($res, $page = 0)
    global $PTE;
    $tmp_page = 0;
    $p = 0;
    $pte_vals = array();
    $tree = file(TREEFILE);
    $counttree = count($tree);
    $find = false;
    if ($res) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < $counttree; $i++) {
            list($artno, ) = explode(",", rtrim($tree[$i]));
            if ($artno == $res) {
                $st = $i;
                $find = true;
            // 先搜尋欲回應之原文章
        if (!$find) {
    $line = file(DATAFILE);
    $countline = count($line);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $countline; $i++) {
        list($no, ) = explode(",", $line[$i]);
        $lineindex[$no] = $i + 1;
        // 作成逆轉換標籤
    if (!$res) {
        // php動態生成討論串用
        if ($page < 0 || $counttree && $page * PAGE_AMOUNT >= $counttree) {
        // $page 超過範圍則顯示錯誤畫面,與MySQL版不同 (但預設值0不必擋)
        $tmp_page = $page;
        // 進行跳頁所用
    $dat = '';
    $tmprno = 0;
    $pte_vals += array('{$TITLE}' => TITLE, '{$SELF}' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '{$FORM_NAME_FIELD}' => '<input class="hide" type="text" name="name" value="spammer" /><input type="text" name="' . getFieldName(true) . '" id="fname" size="28" />', '{$FORM_EMAIL_FIELD}' => '<input type="text" name="' . getFieldName() . '" id="femail" size="28" /><input type="text" class="hide" name="email" value="*****@*****.**" />', '{$FORM_TOPIC_FIELD}' => '<input class="hide" value="DO NOT FIX THIS" type="text" name="sub" /><input type="text" name="' . getFieldName() . '" id="fsub" size="28" />', '{$FORM_COMMENT_FIELD}' => '<textarea name="' . getFieldName() . '" id="fcom" cols="48" rows="4" style="width: 400px; height: 80px;"></textarea><textarea name="com" class="hide" cols="48" rows="4">EID OG SMAPS</textarea>');
    $pte_vals['{$POSTS}'] = array();
    if (!$res) {
        $st = $tmp_page * PAGE_AMOUNT;
    if ($res) {
        $pte_vals['{$RESTO}'] = $res;
    for ($i = $st; $i < $st + PAGE_AMOUNT; $i++) {
        $fil = '';
        $alert = '';
        if (empty($tree[$i])) {
        $treeline = explode(",", rtrim($tree[$i]));
        $disptree = $treeline[0];
        $j = $lineindex[$disptree] - 1;
        // 在$j陣列搜尋該本文
        if (empty($line[$j])) {
        // 在$j之範圍外
        list($no, $now, $name, $email, $sub, $com, $url, $host, $pwd, $ext, $w, $h, $time, $chk) = explode(",", $line[$j]);
        if ($email) {
            $name = "<a href=\"mailto:{$email}\">{$name}</a>";
        $com = auto_link(quoteLight($com));
        // 討論串所有回應生成
        if (!$res) {
            $s = count($treeline) - PAGE_AMOUNT;
            if ($s < 1) {
                $s = 1;
            } elseif ($s > 1) {
                $alert .= "<font color=\"#707070\">有回應 " . ($s - 1) . " 篇被省略。要閱讀所有回應請按下回應連結。</font><br>\n";
            $RES_start = $s;
            // 分頁開始回應指標
            $RES_end = count($treeline);
            // 分頁結束回應指標
        } else {
            // 回應模式
            $RES_start = 1;
            // 分頁開始回應指標
            $RES_end = count($treeline);
            // 分頁結束回應指標
            if (PAGE_AMOUNT > 0) {
                // PAGE_AMOUNT有設定 (開啟分頁)
                $countresALL = count($treeline) - 1;
                // 總回應數
                if ($countresALL > 0) {
                    // 有回應才做分頁動作
                    if ($page == "RE_PAGE_MAX" && is_string($page)) {
                        // 特殊值:最末頁
                        $page = intval($countresALL / PAGE_AMOUNT);
                        // 最末頁資料指標位置
                        if (!($countresALL % PAGE_AMOUNT)) {
                        // 如果回應數和一頁顯示取餘數=0,則-1
                        $RES_end = $countresALL + 1;
                        // 分頁結束回應指標
                    } elseif ($page == "all" && is_string($page)) {
                        // 特殊值:全部
                        $page = 0;
                        $RES_end = $countresALL + 1;
                        // 分頁結束回應指標
                    } else {
                        if ($page < 0) {
                            $page = 0;
                        // 負數要求惡搞合理化
                        if ($page * PAGE_AMOUNT >= $countresALL) {
                        // 超過最大筆數,顯示錯誤
                        $RES_end = ($page + 1) * PAGE_AMOUNT + 1;
                        // 分頁結束回應指標
                    $RES_start = $page * PAGE_AMOUNT + 1;
                    // 分頁開始回應指標
                } else {
                    // 沒有回應的情況只允許page = 0 或負數(惡搞合理化)
                    if ($page > 0) {
        $pte_vals['{$POSTS}'][$i] = array('{$NO}' => $no, '{$SUB}' => $sub, '{$NAME}' => $name, '{$NOW}' => $now, '{$COM}' => $com, '{$ALERT}' => $alert);
        if (!$res) {
            $pte_vals['{$POSTS}'][$i] += array('{$REPLYBTN}' => "[<a href=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?res={$no}\">回應</a>]");
        $pte_vals['{$POSTS}'][$i]['{$RES}'] = array();
        for ($k = $RES_start; $k < $RES_end; $k++) {
            if ($k < 0 || $k > count($treeline) - 1) {
            $disptree = $treeline[$k];
            $j = $lineindex[$disptree] - 1;
            if ($line[$j] == "") {
            list($no, $now, $name, $email, $sub, $com, $url, $host, $pwd, $ext, $w, $h, $time, $chk) = explode(",", $line[$j]);
            if ($email) {
                $name = "<a href=\"mailto:{$email}\">{$name}</a>";
            $com = auto_link(quoteLight($com));
            $pte_vals['{$POSTS}'][$i]['{$RES}'][$k] = array('{$NO}' => $no, '{$SUB}' => $sub, '{$NAME}' => $name, '{$NOW}' => $now, '{$COM}' => $com);
        if ($res) {
        // 為回應模式時僅輸出單一討論串
    $prev = $res ? ($page - 1) * PAGE_AMOUNT : $st - PAGE_AMOUNT;
    $next = $res ? ($page + 1) * PAGE_AMOUNT : $st + PAGE_AMOUNT;
    // 換頁判斷
    if ($res) {
        // 回應分頁
        if (PAGE_AMOUNT > 0) {
            // 回應分頁開啟
            $dat .= "<table align='left' class='navi'><tr>";
            if ($prev >= 0) {
                $dat .= "<td><form action=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?res={$res}&amp;page=" . $prev / PAGE_AMOUNT . "\" method=post><input type=submit value=\"上一頁\"></form></td><td>";
            } else {
                $dat .= "<td nowrap>第一頁</td><td>";
            if ($countresALL == 0) {
                // 無回應
                $dat .= "[<b>0</b>] ";
            } else {
                $AllRes = isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] == "all";
                for ($i = 0; $i < $countresALL; $i += PAGE_AMOUNT) {
                    if ($page == $i / PAGE_AMOUNT && !$AllRes) {
                        $dat .= "[<b>" . $i / PAGE_AMOUNT . "</b>] ";
                    } else {
                        $dat .= "[<a href=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?res={$res}&amp;page=" . $i / PAGE_AMOUNT . "\">" . $i / PAGE_AMOUNT . "</a>] ";
                $dat .= $AllRes ? "<span style='white-space: nowrap;'>[<b>全部</b>]</span> " : "<span style='white-space: nowrap;'>[<a href=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?res={$res}&amp;page=all\">全部</a>]</span> ";
            $dat .= "</td>";
            if ($countresALL > $next && !$AllRes) {
                $dat .= "<td><form action=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?res={$res}&amp;page=" . $next / PAGE_AMOUNT . "\" method=post><input type=submit value=\"下一頁\"></form></td><td>";
            } else {
                $dat .= "<td nowrap>最後一頁</td>";
            $dat .= "</tr></table><br clear='all'>\n";
    } else {
        // 一般分頁
        $dat .= "<table align='left' class=\"navi\"><tr>";
        if ($prev >= 0) {
            if ($prev == 0) {
                $dat .= "<td><form action=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}\" method='get'>";
            } else {
                $dat .= "<td><form action=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?page=" . $prev / PAGE_AMOUNT . "\" method=post>";
            // 直接用php生成
            $dat .= "<input type=submit value=\"上一頁\">";
            $dat .= "</form></td>";
        } else {
            $dat .= "<td nowrap>第一頁</td>";
        $dat .= "<td>";
        for ($i = 0; $i < $counttree; $i += PAGE_AMOUNT) {
            if ($st == $i) {
                $dat .= "[<b>" . $i / PAGE_AMOUNT . "</b>] ";
            } else {
                $dat .= "[<a href=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?page=" . $i / PAGE_AMOUNT . "\">" . $i / PAGE_AMOUNT . "</a>] ";
            // 直接用php生成
        $dat .= "</td>";
        if ($p >= PAGE_AMOUNT && $counttree > $next) {
            $dat .= "<td><form action=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?page=" . $next / PAGE_AMOUNT . "\" method=post>";
            $dat .= "<input type=submit value=\"下一頁\">";
            $dat .= "</form></td>";
        } else {
            $dat .= "<td nowrap>最後一頁</td>";
        $dat .= "</tr></table><br clear=all>\n";
    $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] = $dat;
    $pte_vals['{$FOOTER}'] = 'Rev: 1.1.2';
    echo $PTE->ParseBlock('main', $pte_vals);
Exemple #10
if ($conn->connect_error) {
    die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);
$commands = array("create", "alter", "drop", "insert", "update", "delete", "set", "show", "help", "grant", "revoke", "start", "transaction", "savepoint", "commit", "rollback");
$sql = $_POST['query'];
$matches = array();
$match_found = preg_match_all("/\\b(" . implode($commands, "|") . ")\\b/i", $sql, $matches);
if ($match_found) {
    echo "denied";
} else {
    $result = $conn->query($sql);
    if ($result) {
        if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
            $fields = array();
            while ($field_info = mysqli_fetch_field($result)) {
                array_push($fields, getFieldName($field_info->name));
            echo "<div class='col-lg-12 nova_consulta mostrar_todos'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<button type='button' id='nova_consulta' class='btn btn-primary'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span>Realizar Nova Consulta</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t</button>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<table class='table table-striped consulta'>  \n\t\t\t\t<thead>  \n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>";
            for ($index = 0; $index < mysqli_num_fields($result); $index++) {
                echo "<th>" . $fields[$index] . "</th>";
            echo "</tr>\n\t\t\t\t</thead>\n\t\t\t\t<tbody>\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>";
            for ($index = 0; $index < mysqli_num_fields($result); $index++) {
                echo "<td><input class='form-control consulta_search' type='text' placeholder='" . $fields[$index] . "'></td>";
            echo "</tr>";
            // output data of each row
            $index = 0;
            while ($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM)) {
                echo "<tr>";
                for ($index = 0; $index < mysqli_num_fields($result); $index++) {